Kraft First Taste: Possibly New Coupons?!
I have received several emails from readers who discovered that they had the following 6 coupons available to them from Kraft First Taste …
$1/1 Package of Kool-aid Fun Fizz Drink Drops
$1.50/1 Package of Oscar Mayer Deli Fresh Shaved Lunchmeats
$1.50/1 Nabisco Crackerfuls
$1.50/1 Kraft 100 Calorie Packs
$1.50/1 Kraft Homestyle Deluxe Macaroni & Cheese Dinner
$1.50/1 Digiorno Deep Dish Pizza
**If you did not receive the free coupons that I posted about several days ago, then I would encourage you to login to your account and click under “My Offers” to see if you’re offered these great coupons. Come back and let us know in the comment section!
If you have not yet signed up to be a Kraft First Taste member, I would highly recommend doing so! Kraft First Taste members are the first to find out about new products that have hit the market. Not only that, but they may send you FREE product coupons and extra ones to pass out to friends and family. You can also login to your account on a regular basis and check to see of they’ve added new high value printable coupons. I’ve printed lots of great coupons from their site!
(Thanks, Michelle and the other readers who emailed me!)
I got it…YEAH!!!!
still no new offers for me! 🙁
I havent gotten either offer
No offer for me either, boohoo
Thanks, Collin. I couldn’t get to the new offers on Monday. It kept saying I had offers, but nothing appeared afterward. i checked today and was able to request the freebies. I figured I may get lucky since Lynne W. also got the offers.
Thanks, Collin, I signed up for my free coupons that weren’t there yesterday! Also, I got my free bacon coupon last week and free lunch meat coupon today! Yay!
Not for me
No offers for me either and I was really looking forward to getting some crackerfuls this week at Harris Teeter with super doubles! I’ll keep checking.
I got mine this time–yeah, I love free stuff!!!
nothing for me!
Nothing for me. 🙁
Got them all! YIPPEE!
Yeah!!!! I got mine today!
No new offers for me
Wasn’t there when I checked after your first post, but it was today. Score!
I struck out both times! Man, I want my freebie coupons! I keep up to date on all of their polls and feedbacks…….hmmm I guess I’ll just have to keep checking back again.
Yes, I got mine today! 🙂
I didn’t get the offers here but got a package in my mail box today with 4 snack packs of wheat thins,3 packs of caramel latte,a coupon for a free 4 pack phil.minis,and a coupon for free olive oil mayo.
Nope. Nothing for me. Thanks anyway.
Two days ago I check my Kraft First Taste account and there were do offers. But today I checked and the 6 coupons offer was sitting there nice and pretty. So I would encourage people to double check their account. :O)
I received my offer as well. Everyone needs to log in. I also received the Facebook offer in the mail. It was slightly disappointing, 3 smaill Wheat Thins bags(tomato and basil), 2 International Coffee Caramel packets and 1 Oscar Mayer Deli Coupon and 1 Kraft Mac and Cheese. Seems pretty good. I do not know why I am slightly disappointed. Am I coupon greedy, did the picture seem more exciting, I do not know. Happy to get it, really liking the Oscar Mayer deli shaved meats.
We got our Facebook offer in the mail too. It was slightly disappointing, but I think it’s because of the picture. I half expected this big box with lots of free stuff, but the free coupons aren’t as exciting as actual stuff. I was thinking full-size box of Wheat Thins and the box of Mac and Cheese and such. Oh well. It’s still all free!
I’m glad to see this. My little box came yesterday and I got 4 little pkgs of Wheat Thins, 3 International coffee packets and the 2 coupons. I could not remember where I signed up for this. They must put different amounts in different boxes though since alex said she got 3 and 2. I also found the offer for the 6 coupons today in my offer box. Thanks, Collin, for all your hard work!!
No Alex…you’re not coupon greedy. A couple of my friends made the same comment. One thing you’ve got to remember, large companies like Kraft are great at self promotion. Remember how big items on the leading page to the offer were? The box I got had the Deluxe Mac & Cheese coupon and it’s not even at my stores. I’ve got a great relationship with several cashiers at all 3 store I shop at, not one has ever seen it.
I was actually pleasantly surprised at the box of goodies. I got 4 bags of wheat thins, 3 coffees and the 2 coupons. My kids hated the deli pastrami but I was able to find the mac n cheese.
I got the 6 coupons. I just wish I could get some of the free ones rather than just coupons. Oh well, I guess coupons are better than nothing. Hopefully there will be a good sale on soon.
I haven’t received mine. Well, not yet. Hopefully tomorrow. :/
Woohoo I logged into my account,which had no offers yesterday,or the day before,to find that they are mailing me the free coupons! Happy dance! I just wonder if the free coupons would work towards the $10 rebate offer that came with the packages from the facebook promo,anyone know?
No offers for me. Maybe next time…
None for me again. Dang, Kraft!
This was my msg: “Sorry, there are currently no offers available. But please check back again soon!” Bummer!
Still no new offeres for me but got my box yesterday from the last one in the mail
No new offers for me: 🙁
I got my facebook box and not only did it have the others have posted, but a coupon for a free package of OM hotdogs too!
I’m still getting nothing on the new offer.