YOU in Bloom Final Winner Announcement!
Remember the You in Bloom post entitled “Are you Really Getting the Best Deal Available”?! We received such an overwhelming response from Hip2Save readers (over 300 emails) that we thought it only appropriate to reward several of the participants with a special surprise. From the 300+ emails that we received, we have randomly selected 3 readers to win an Ipod Shuffle 2 GB (a $59 value)!
Congratulations to the 3 winners below…
* Amanda C. from the Northeast
* Sheri C. from the South
* Sherri T. from the Midwest
Thanks to all of your amazingly thorough emails, we have put together an awesome compilation called “Reader Picks and Tips.” It will be posted shortly, so stay tuned! 🙂
how great…thank you for such an informative series ..very interesting
Congratulations to all winners.
Thanks so much, Collin! I was so excited to get the email today. I’m off to read survey results and see what I can learn from my fellow couponers and bargain hunters! 🙂
Congratulations to Sherri, Sheri, and Amanda…what a nice prize…I bet you were surprised!