New Buy 1 Get 1 FREE Tic Tac Coupon + Walgreens Deal Scenario!
Wahoo! Red Plum just released a new buy one get one free Tic Tac coupon! Just head on over here to print yours. Use this coupon to score a very sweet deal at Walgreens this week!
Buy 2 “Big Packs” of Tic Tacs $1.49 each (regular price)
Total = $2.98
Use the Buy 1 Get 1 Free coupon from the 5/2 RP or the new coupon from here
Plus, use the Walgreens printable coupon that will make each “Big Pack” of Tic Tacs just $0.99 each
(will deduct $1 total when you purchase 2 packs)
Final Cost ONLY $0.25 each!
(Thanks, Wild for Wags & Chi-Town Cheapskate!)
got it ty
I have been trying all morning to print coupons from Redplum and can only print the sara lee successfully. I have two computers and both aren’t printing this one and many others I have selected. Maybe it’s out of prints?
I can’t print it, either!
I can’t print them either. I always have a hard time printing coupons on Redplum 🙁
Red Plum coupons not printing for me either! Grrr………and I was just headed out the door to Walgreens!
Can’t find that coupon … is it just certain local ads?
for the tic-tac coupon, after you enter your zip code for the local ad, on the right side of the page should be a small box that says something like click here for additional savings. The tic-tac q was on page 2 for me.
Ahh … a second page! HAHA; Didnt even notice that! Thanks!
cant print it either! bummmmmer!
i selected tic tac it printed loreal hair color…. grrr… waste i dont dye my hair.
It won’t print for me either:(
could someone tell me the secret to pairing a BOGO coupon and a $off coupon. Everytime I do this, the cashier tells me I can’t because the BOGO makes the other one free! Am I supposed to give the $off first and then the BOGO? I”m new to this coupon thing and this one keeps getting me hung up! Thanks!
If the store is is having a BOGO, you should be able 2 use manufacturer’s coupons- 1 for each product. Sometimes you can even use 2 store coupons (if they’re available) on top of the sale. Sometimes the cashier doesn’t get it, ask for the manager…the store gets their money back from the coupons, so it should not matter what price they are selling them for.
You can also think of it this way, instead “getting one for free”, you are paying 50% off each item, therefore, use a coupon for each!
Not sure I answered right…if you have 2 manufacturers coupons, one for BOGO and one for $ off, you may not be able to use them both. But if one is a store coupon (or sale) and one is a manufacturers coupon, you should be able to use them both
If you have 2 manufacturer’s coupons, one $ off and one BOGO, ALWAYS give the $ off first. If you are using Walgreens coupons, ALWAYS give them LAST.
I read int he comment section on the blog that it depends upon the order in which you hand over the coupons. If you hand over the $ coupon for the one you’re purchasing and THEN BOGO free Q, it should work. The $ Q attaches to the one you’re purchasing.
I chose the tic tacs and the jimmy dean sausage rolls (48309) and it only printed the sausage rolls. Good coupon though, $2.00 and 2 rolls. I still wanted my tic tac q though…
$2.00 off 2 rolls, I mean…
ugh…I am always finding it hard to print at Red Plum. Frustrating!!!
The machine at our Walgreen wouldn’t take the coupon I printed out for 99 cent tic tac. I printed it off Walgreen website.
Is the coupon gone now, don’t see it?
I couldn’t find it either!
It’s gone now I tried several zip codes and not there.
Put “tic tac” in the search field. I am looking at an ad for zip 75034 and it came up when I did this.
I also tried all the zips. It’s gone.
I found the Tic Tac at local Walmart for 55 cents. Then I used BOGO coupons so it was great deal!! They have special shelf at next to inventory area which is really hard to see (although it’s taller than me, 5’11, ) and I found lots of cool savings from there.
cant find it either I must be blind, lol
🙁 I cant find the Tic Tac coupon either 🙁
didn’t see it
i guess i was not meant to get in on this deal, i keep missing the coupon…lol
I got the online coupon at work this morning, and then had the BOGO still in my coupon wallet. I did the transaction this afternoon with my favorite Wags cashier, and it worked! Yay! Sorry so many of you couldn’t get the coupon.
>:( You guys are dumb…I found it soooo easily, I opened the page and it was right there! All you have to do is go to Google, type in “Tic-Tac” then click on the one with the hip2save link on it, then hit “Tic-Tac”. It’ll take you to RedPlum, then you click on the Tic Tac coupon and…..voila….it’s right there, and it’s printing! If you’re zipcode doesn’t work try 98246-1311.
Good Luck Dumbheads!
-Lynnzee Eesterin
Wow, that’s a bit rude!
You don’t have to be so mean.