High Value Air Wick Aqua Mist Coupon = FREE at Target & Elsewhere!
As you may have noticed, some areas received a high value $2/1 (and some regions even a $2.50/1) Air Wick Aqua Mist coupon in yesterday’s, 6/20, SmartSource coupon insert! This coupon should easily make for FREE Air Wick Aqua Mist at various stores.
Here’s one deal you can score at Target:
Air Wick Aqua Mist Assorted Varieties on a price cut for $1.99
Use the $2/1 coupon from the 6/20 SS
Final cost FREE!
Or if you only received the $1/1 coupon, you could do this:
Buy 2 Air Wick Aqua Mist products on a price cut for $1.99
Total = $3.98
Use the $1/1 coupon from the 6/20 SS or from here
Plus, use the buy one get one free coupon from the 5/16 SS
Final cost ONLY $0.50 each!
(Thanks for the picture and deal scenarios, Totally Target!)
Let us know if you come across any other in-store deals!
does anyone know if north east texas got this coupon?
I got 2 of the $2.50 airwick coupons I also got the $1 off ones too. I went to target today they had that in stock no aveeno bw in stock or clean & clear. When she scanned the coupon today it took $1.99 off no beeping or anything.
Don’t have this one either! (OH) 🙁
Not in the South Metro of MN either!
They are only $1 off here in Az.
only the $1 here in houston
I scored the 2.50 but was curious if I could use the bogo coupon and a 2.50 to get both free?
I didnt get this coupon either! Ugh. It seems that I never get any of the good coupons. I’m in Kentucky, but dang!
I did this today and even got lucky and got overage at Target! That never happens!!!
we got $1 off in SS in Illinois…
Aww no air mist coupons for me. (Columbus OH)
I can’t find these Aqua mist coupons ANYWHERE online for any value other than $1.00!
Chicago Tribune has the $2.50 q.
Did the BOGO and the $1 off last ngiht and got 4 of them total for $2. I wish the smell was stronger but they will be fine for that price.