Bath & Body Works: *HOT* ALL Signature Collection Body Lotions Only $3 (Or Less) – In-Store & Online

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As I posted last night, Bath & Body Works is offering up ALL of their full-size Signature Collection Body Lotions for only $3 (Reg. up to a $12.50 value!) , in-store AND online (today, 11/15 only!). These lotions are the perfect size to throw in gift baskets and stockings! Also, if you shop online, you can use the promo code FA143271 to score $10 off a $30 or more purchase, plus FREE shipping on $50 (expires 12/7). Or you can use the promo code WILDVANILLA to score 20% off your entire order (expires 12/31).

So one deal idea for all you online shoppers – purchase 20 lotions (on sale for $3 each) for a total of $60, then use the promo code FA143271 to score $10 off a $30+ purchase and FREE shipping on $50! That means you’ll pay just $50 (+ tax) to have 20 full-size lotions shipped to your door – making each lotion only $2.50! SWEET!

Oh and if you received the $5 off $10 exclusive promo code, this deal will be that much sweeter! 😀

(Thanks for the heads up, Brandice!)

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Comments 96

  1. Anna

    Can you combine both codes? Thank you!

    • Mary

      They only accept one coupon or coupon code per transaction.

  2. Lisa

    Is there no physical coupon to use in store?

  3. Angela M.

    I did 12 lotions plus one Signature Collection body wash. Used code F143979 to get $10 off $30 plus the body wash free (signature collection item up to $12.50 free). Total with tax and shipping was $33.91 and then I chose to pay with PayPal since I had an additional $10 off $30 bath and body works offer there…so out of pocket it came to $23.91. The PayPal offer came off automatically when I chose to pay with PayPal and logged into my account.

    • Norma

      I chose to pay with paypal and logged in and no offer for me…

      • Angela M.

        You have to have the offer listed in your wallet on PayPal for it to work.

        • Vanessa

          What is the wallet on Paypal and where do I find it? I’ve used Paypal for BBW purchases before, but don’t see a wallet.

    • Sarah B.

      I had the offer loaded and it didn’t come off 🙁 Bummer!

      • Angela M.

        Did you check the PayPal email? The Bath and Body Works email I got shows that my total paid was $33.91 but my PayPal email as well as my credit card pending charge both show $23.91.

        • Sarah B.

          It did work!!! 🙂 I looked at the confirmation just like you said and it did!! YAY!!! 🙂 I didn’t see it say anything about it when I placed my order!

          • Brandi

            My paypal email shows the $10 off, but my BBW email and my paypal account(pending) show the full amount being removed. Is this how it also looks for you?

            • Angela M.

              Yes it’s the same for me but my credit card account shows the correct amount pending.

    • Heather Balliet Lee

      was it showing the 23.91 right away on Paypal Angela? I did same thing and its showing total before that ….

      • Heather Balliet Lee

        I just checked the paypal email and it came off!

        • Sue

          Was the offer in your paypal wallet Heather or did you just do the deal and it came off?

    • Teresa

      you didn’t get $10 off $30. you can only use one code. so if you got the body wash free then you didnt get the $10 off $30

      • Angela M.

        Yeah it’s one code for a free body wash plus 10 off 30. 1 body wash = 12.50 minus 12.50 for free promo,12 lotions X $3.00= $36.00 plus $5.99 shipping + $1.92 tax =$43.91 total. 43.91- $10 off $30 coupon=$33.91- PayPal promo $10 off $30 = $23.91 which was my exact amount paid.

  4. Angela

    My store also had $4.00 body mists! Today only!!!! I live in Michigan.

    • tia

      None in Pembroke Pines, Fl. She said maybe later in the week.

  5. Abigail

    Are there any other shipping deals if you don’t want to get this much product? Thanks!

    • Lisa

      Free shipping on orders of $25 with code BELIEVEIT. You can only use one coupon code online.

      • Abigail


  6. Hilary

    I bought so much soap and lotion, after Christmas last year, that we have enough for the next five years. Or more. 😉

  7. Denise

    If you dont need 20 you can get 10 and use the $10 off &30 code. Even with shipping it’s $2.60 a bottle before tax.

  8. Madelena

    There is a 10 off 30 coupon the store gives out so there is a physical coupon. Meaning if I buy 10 totaling 30, I get 10 off making it 2 each!!

  9. Renae

    Shipping to Alaska was ridiculously high. 🙁

    • Jessica

      Renae, where do you live in Alaska? I have always wanted to live there? Are you able to get the same deals there? Is there a lot of stores there? I have always wanted to know someone from Alaska?

      • Aubrey

        I just moved to Texas after living in Fairbanks Alaska for 4 years. Any store shipping was ridiculous but bath and body works was the worst. That’s why I ordered everything I could off of amazon with Amazon prime. 🙂

  10. Megan

    Bought this morning. Had a code for $10 of $30 and a free signature collection item! Already all shipped too!

  11. Stephanie Hirsch

    This one is better, use code:FA143269 to get 20% off total purchase and free shipping!!!! So you’ll get 12 dollars off instead of 10 =)

    • Abigail

      Do you have to spend a certain amount for this for the free shipping? Do you have to spend at least $30? TIA

      • Brindha

        You have to spend 50$ after coupons to get free shipping. HTH.

    • JoAnna

      20% off but not free shipping with that code for me

  12. Stephanie Hirsch

    Also don’t forget to go through to get 3% cash back too!

    • Katie

      It’s not an email; its the online code

    • Katie

      It’s not an email coupon; it’s an online code. I think the code is FA143271.

      • Kristen

        Some people have the email, I have the instore coupon but mine doesn’t start until 11/17

        • bea

          Hey they actually have the q in store for $10/$30 just ask for it:-)

  13. cherie

    Does anyone know if you use the 5 off of 10 in the store can since you can only use it once can you buy 20 and save 10? Basically doubling it.

    • tia

      No, it would just be the $5 off.

  14. Alissa

    Which men’s lotions does everyone like? I’ve never smelled them before, but would like to get one for the hubby.

    • Chelsea

      I like Ocean. It’s clean and not too strong.

    • Brittany

      The blue one! It’s going to be one of the gifts for my hubby!

    • Melissa S.

      I love the Noir, it’s delicious!

    • Terri

      I love twilight woods for my hubby. Smells, great

  15. angelina

    What about in store does the coupon work 10$ off 30 in october they were handing out several coupons

  16. Lesa

    Thanks Collin, was just looking for Christmas presents. Awesome deal!

  17. G

    You can go through shopathome for a 3% cash back too!

  18. Megan

    Just checked my paypal email and got the $10 off too!!! So got 15 lotions and a full size shower gel for $35!

    • Sue

      Was the offer in your paypal wallet before you placed your order?

      • Megan

        I honestly have no idea. It had taken it off when I checked but I didn’t do anything special before hand

  19. Meredith

    Just curious is this suppose to be in select stores only or in all stores ?

  20. Catie

    I had a mailer with a coupon to buy anything and get a signature item free so I got a lotion and shower gel for $3!

  21. Amanda

    What does it look like when you have an offer in your wallet? Every time I see someone post about these offers, I check my wallet and it only ever shows my linked bank account and debit card. That’s it.

    • MiisNoel

      Same here! I don’t use PayPal often … I wonder if that is why?

    • Angela M.

      In my wallet it lists bank accounts, then under that it lists credit cards, and under that section I have a “Saved Offers” section where the current promos I have appear. I had a 7 dollars off at that I used earlier, this bath and body works 10 off 30 offer, and now I have four remaining including a 10 dollar off at Vistaprint that will be valid starting 11/18/14.

      • MiisNoel

        Thank you Angela. 😉

  22. MCouzens

    Thank you, I just got a lot of Christmas shopping done with this one purchase!

  23. Shay

    I did an order last night of 16 lotions, the b3get2/b2get1 applied for mine, plus the 10 off 30 and my
    Total came out to $28.xx! These will
    Be great for co-workers!

  24. Renee

    I got 11 lotions and used the $10/$30 and the free signature up to $12.50 coupon, and paid around $21.50 with tax. YAY!

    • megan

      Is my math totally crazy? how are you getting 11 lotions and paying $21.50? 11X3=$33 then $10 off still =$23 and then there is shipping?

      • Melissa S.

        She got it in store I believe, I got the same deal. 10 lotions for $3 each, 1 for $12.50 (body cream) = 42.50. Coupons: – $10.00, -$12.50 (free body cream)= $20.50 (plus tax).

        I used my email $5 off $10 to purchase 10 travel antibacterial gels for only $5.00, so only $.50 each! Woo hoo!

        My store let me do two separate transactions to do both deals.

      • Tonya

        11×3=33, BUT the code removes $3 because of the Free Signature up to $12.50. Then her total was $20, with free shipping. I did ALMOST the same thing, but added $10 in product and used the PayPal offer. Suh-weet.

        • megan

          how did she get free shipping?

          • Renee

            I didn’t get free shipping. I bought everything in the store.

            • megan

              Ah, that makes me feel WAY better! I thought I was going crazy!

    • Ashley

      Same here!! In store is way better! $21 for 11 items= an awesome deal

  25. Kristen


    • Marcheta


      • Kristen

        Yes, I was pretty disappointed!

      • Kristen

        The saleswoman was super rude and was like “just go online it’s free shipping”.. And I told her “yeah over $50” she just looked at me and said “oh, I didn’t know.”

  26. todd

    thank you Collin so very much. you just made my Christmas. I bought over 80 for less than $150 bought for my coworkers for Christmas presents! YOU rock Collin!!!!!1

  27. Lynn

    I had received my coupon in the mail. So on top of getting 10 lotions for 20 I received a jar candle for free! Thanks Collin.

  28. bea

    I like the mahogany

  29. Brittany

    I have so many free lotions they paying anything for them automatically seems like a bad deal…even if it’s a good deal. 🙂

  30. Ruthanne

    Ordered 6 handsoaps, and 2 lotions for $35.99, used free shipping code – $5.99 = $30, and paid through Paypal and received another $10 off, totaling $20!

  31. cheapcheapgoesthemommy

    Thanks Collin! My receipt said I saved 43.00 on 4 lotions, but I was just tickled to score them for 1.75 with my 5 off 10 emails. I had two and the lady let me go twice, my store had cellophaned christmas wrapped lotions tied with Satin BBW ribbon. I plan to attach my .75 cent Christmas cards (igot the ornament cards) to them (from your deal last week) and give as teacher gifts. Thank you! Teacher Gifts DONE! 🙂

  32. Freddy from Massachusetts

    O….M….G!!!! I just spent an hour on the phone with my wifey (I’m at work) comparing all the different scents and reviews of the body lotions and shower gels, GIGGLING LIKE A LITTLE SCHOOLGIRL at the thought of the deal!! Then I went ahead and put through 12 body lotions and one free signature shower gel reg. price at 12.50 and with all the codes and paypal deal (THANKS ANGELA M.!) I scored it all $23.34 shipped with tax!!!

    (Checking for an Adam’s apple)…yep, it’s there, I’m a man…….I just love a great deal!! And it gives me an sweetie something more to do, even when I’m at work! 🙂

    Thanks so much Collin! We also snagged the BJ’s deal today that just filled its membership stock and I went to Subway with a co-worker tonight to scarf down three 6″ subs to get my manhood back! You are the queen of deals!!!


    • Denise

      If you dont need 20 you can get 10 and use the $10 off &30 code. Even with shipping it’s $2.60 a bottle before tax.

    • Angela M.

      Yay!! Glad I could help!

    • MiisNoel

      GREAT JOB FREDDY!!! I seriously got SUCH a kick out of reading this! ;]

  33. Kelly

    The fall scents in the refills for the touchless soap dispenser are $3 as well. With the coupons they give out, it made for a wonderful shopping trip today!

  34. Bethany

    Earlier in the day it was charging $5.99 shipping…now $11.99 🙁

  35. Vivian

    Happy lady here!!! just got back from the mall and I had a free full size signature item coupon with any purchase (got it in the mail), so I bought one lotion for $3 and crossed my fingers that it would be combinable with the coupon and it worked!! got two lotions for $3!!! Yay

  36. Ashley

    I got 10 lotions and 1 body wash for $21 including tax! In store! Sweet deal! $3 lotions x 10= $30-$10 coupon= $20 with free item coupon!

  37. allison

    is anyone else having problems getting the free shipping to work??

  38. Canada mom

    Ok, I think I just placed my last BBW order online! Had 14 lotions in my cart and had applied the $10 of $30 code. Checked out via Paypal only to find out AFTER the order was pending that 6 items were no longer available and weren’t charged. Well that’s great! Now the order is below $30 so my $10 coupon code wasn’t even applied. This isn’t the first time something like this has happened to me on their site. If a product is unavailable (and in your cart) it should notify you BEFORE you place your order!!! I have been on hold for 25 minutes just trying to cancel the transaction. Furious! Even $3 lotions aren’t worth this hassle!

    • MiisNoel

      I saw a couple Facebook posts of people experiencing the same exact problem … And having to wait on hold for an extended period of time trying to get the issue fixed or their order cancelled. So, I was really worried about placing an order! I had been trying to decide ALL day if I wanted to partake in this deal or wait. (There are a lot of rumors about some GREAT upcoming deals.) I finally bit the bullet and ordered about an hour ago. It seems as if all is okay … My total remained the same. Although more than a few scents were no longer available I figure I can exchange them in store.

  39. Brenda

    I got 6 2-pack fragrance refills for $28.83. My paypal account says total was $38.83. But I got an email from paypal saying it was $28.83. Did that happen to any one else?

    • Angela M.

      Yes it’s displaying correctly. The PayPal total is showing the total that was paid to bath and body works including their $10 dollar promo they paid.

  40. Brnea

    I had the $5 off $10. I bought 3 lotions and 2 hand sanitizer holders 50 cents each. All for $5 + tax. In store

    • Elizabeth

      Can you send me your 5 off 10 so I can see if it will work for me? I greatly appreciate it

      • MiisNoel

        Elizabeth … A Hipster posted a link to a coupon in Collin’s BBW post from the 14th. Check it out.

  41. Sonya

    I’m mad!!!! I keep receiving thees emails at “zero dark thirty.” I’m not checking emails late at night and I keep missing these deals!!!

    Anyone else?????

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