Walgreen's Overlap Deals are Back!
If your new to couponing and Walgreen’s shopping you may be thinking Overlap days, huh?
So here is a short explanation… Every month it seems that for some reason Walgreen’s has about a 2 day period where both Easy Saver catalogs from both months are valid. This month the November EasySaver doesn’t end till November 22 and the December EasySaver starts on November 21st. This means that November 21st and 22nd are the ”Overlapping days”.
On these 2 days you can use both EasySaver instant value coupons for the same product unless the barcode on each coupon is the same. Now a cashier can tell you she wont except both, its the stores discretion. I always print out the following months EasySaver coupons that I will be using mainly because they don’t have the new EasySaver catalog available in most stores and also to mix them in with all my other coupons. That way they usually don’t even realize you are using two EasySaver coupons on the same product.
Another great thing you can do with the Overlapping days is use a coupon from one EasySaver to go with the same rebate for the other EasySaver. This is a great way to make some money on your rebates especially when they are already free after rebate items.
Still confused? Let me know.
I will post Overlapping deals shortly.
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