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Clearance Find – Bounty Essentials Paper Towels Possibly Only $2.89 at Target (Regularly $6)

Snag a HOT in-store clearance deal on the quicker picker-upper at Target!
Take a trip to Target where we found Bounty Essentials Paper Towels on clearance, with prices discounted up to 50% off – starting as low as $2.89 (regularly $5.79)!

Plus, if you have the most recent P&G coupon insert, there is a coupon in there for a little extra savings…
Target In-Store Deal Ideas:

Bounty Essentials Select-a-Size Paper Towels 8-Roll Pack $2.89 (regularly $5.79)
Use the 25¢/1 Bounty Paper Towel Product in the 3/27 PG (exp 04/09, limit 2)
Final cost possibly just $2.64!

Bounty Essentials Full Sheet Paper Towels 8-Rolls Pack $4.92 (regularly $5.79)
Use the 25¢/1 Bounty Paper Towel Product in the 3/27 PG (exp 04/09, limit 2)
Final cost possibly just $4.67!

Love clearance shopping? So do we! Here are more deals —>>>