Babies R Us: $0.33 Aveeno Diaper Rash Cream!

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Wanna score some seriously inexpensive Aveeno Diaper Rash cream? Well, you may be able to by heading on over to Babies R Us or Toys R Us!

Here’s How:
All Aveeno Baby Care products are on a buy 2, get 1 FREE sale through 1/21
Buy 3 Aveeno Diaper rash creams $3.99 (Online price– hopefully the same in-stores)
Use 3 $2/1 Aveeno coupons from
Plus, use the $1/1 all diaper rash items store coupon from here (on page 3 of the Babies R Us 1/1 ad)
The store coupon states one per guest, so I’m assuming you can only use one coupon per transaction.
Final cost– $0.98 for all 3 Aveeno Diaper Rash Creams! That equals out to just $0.33 per item! What a sweet deal… especially for Aveeno products!

**Remember, these Aveeno products also qualify towards the Johnson & Johnson $10 Rebate! I also found out from a few sources that you can submit more than one receipt and you’ll still qualify for the $10 rebate!

(Thanks, Julie!)

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Comments 44

  1. Jess

    You cannot use a coupon for a free product. I’ve never understood why you can do this.

    • Melissa

      I used 2 coupons at Wags yesterday on Spot Shot, which was on sale buy 1 get one free.

      • nicole

        Also, if you purchase an item that’s bogo, (i.e.) say aveeno facewash was BOGO free. You can use two $2/1 coupons to get a larger discount. When you do that the manufacturer gives the store $2 for the product you are buying and $2 for the product that is free plus .08 handling for each coupon. In the end the store is making $2 on the product you were originally going to pay nothing for. It works to the store’s advantage and it’s why they do BOGO free sales. I work in marketing and this is one of the little tricks of the trade we use for our smaller mom and pop stores. It’s all in the marketing 🙂

    • collin

      HI Jess,

      Stores should actually allow you to use a Manufacturer coupon for the free item on these types of sales. The reason I feel this way is because a stores sale has nothing to do with a manufacturer coupon. These are 2 separate ways to get a discount and when combined you can save quite a bit. As couponers, that’s what we do. We wait for a store sale and combine it with a manufacturers coupon to snag a sweet deal! With that being said using 2 coupons on a buy one get one free sale (in my opinion) is the same as using coupons with any other in-store sale.

      Some stores will also try to stop you from using a coupon on each item when their offering a buy one get one free sale. Most store coupon policies state that you CAN use a coupon on each item, so in my opinion them not allowing you to use both coupons is ridiculous. What some cashiers don’t realize is that either way you pay for the 2 products (cash or coupons) they’ll be getting the same amount back. They will be getting the cash right then or the coupons once they mail them in for redemption, plus by sending in the 2 coupons they will also be making an .08 handling fee on each one…hmmm… I think I’d rather choose the manufacturer coupons!

      When a store is having a buy one get one free sale, it’s really more of a great advertising tool. People think, WOW! I am getting something free. Really, though, a buy one get one free sale is a 50% off sale, but actually it’s not as great. With a 50% off sale you ONLY have to purchase one product, with a bogo sale, though, you’re forced to purchase two. This brings me to my next point. If two items were 50% you would be able to use a manufacturer coupon on each of them, so why is there such an issue with doing this on a buy one get one free sale?

      A manufacturer coupon states one item per purchase. If you purchase two items you CAN use two coupons and you are purchasing two items in a buy one get one free sale. You are purchasing two at 50% off the retail price. No matter how they show up on your receipt that is exactly what you’re doing.

  2. Lydia

    I use coupons on free products all of the time.

  3. Jenn

    With the Earth’s Best Diaper deal recently, the Babies R Us/Toys R Us coupon took off the amount for each pack. So with one $2 coupon, I saved $6. I would assume this coupon would do the same thing.

  4. Stacy

    I called Johnson and Johnson and they said you could purchase items on more than one reciept; she wasn’t convincing enough…..I’m still not taking my chances. Good Luck!!

    • Shell

      I called and they admitted they did not know, but thought it should be one. I was put on hold for her to check further and she could find no one who knew. I decided to go with one receipt rather than risk being denied the rebate.

      • nicole

        The Rebate itself doesn’t state that all items must be on one receipt. So, if it really came down to it you could argue that fact and they would give it to you. But, again if you don’t want the hassle that’s understandable too. 🙂

  5. Toni

    The coupon pays for the item. If something is on sale (BOGO), and you have a (BOGO) coupon, you give the store the coupon, they submit the coupon to the company, who then PAYS them the money. So, when all is said and done, they have honored their buy one get one free sale as they company gives them the money for the first product. Basically, the coupon is as good as cash. Hope that made sense!

  6. Collin (Mrs. Hip)

    If you haven’t used this product before, I would try it before stocking up. I am usually a huge fan of Aveeno products, but this is the worst diaper cream I have used! Balmex, Boudreauxs, A&D all work waaaaay better, in my opinion. I have a few friends who say the same thing.

  7. Collin (Mrs. Hip)

    I personally like Calmoseptine Ointment! It clears up any diaper rash within like days or a day!

  8. Liza

    I had an interesting couponing experience the last time I was in Babies R Us which makes me hesitant to go back and use this deal. Have you guys ever heard of anything like this? I printed two coupons (I believe it was the onesies a while back). I printed them the correct way by printing the max amount of coupons allowed (two.) Well, when I took them in to use them with two seperate items she said I couldn’t use them because the numbers were the same on the coupons. I was so confused… if you get two newspapers with the same coupons the numbers are the same on the two coupons that match… it’s the same thing with the online coupons… right? I looked at all my other coupons and it was the same deal- same numbers. She wouldn’t accept them and said she’d get fired if she did (I am guessing they had problems with fraud- maybe people using a copy machine to copy coupons?) Has anyone had experience with this? Is there any way to tell printed coupons are legit and not just copied on the copy machine?

    • Melissa

      I belive the barcode numbers are the same, but the numbers below the dot-scan should be different…

    • Collin (Mrs. Hip)

      Most printable coupons have 3 barcodes on them. Two at the bottom and one right under the expiration date. The numbers on the one under the expiration date are different on each coupon. I have had to explain this to a few cashiers. Most understand and take me at my word. I have only had one still skeptical. I think they just worry about getting into trouble or losing their job like you said.

  9. Julie

    The $1.00 Toys R Us coupon will deduct $1.00 off each cream (except the free one). Works just like a Wags coupon…. one coupon and it will deduct $$$ from each item.

  10. Melissa

    Well, I may not get the diaper rash cream, but I use the Aveeno Healing cream on my baby girl. She has eczema and it works great! Thanks, Collin!

  11. Collin (Mrs. Hip)

    I agree with what Collin said. The store is not losing out on any money. Just the customer is saving money at the time of purchase. If the store has say an instore coupon that you match with a manufacturer, thats their choice. But with a BOGO..they are getting the exact same thing they expected to get before the coupon was handed to them. Coupons are like cash. They see you pay very little and asume you did something wrong because you can’t get something for near free with a piece of paper huh? I think they just don’t understand how coupons work and if you get them to understand the “Its just like money” part they would have less of a problem with it.
    Say this:

    BOGO wipes..$3.99 for 2 – (1) $1.00 coupon = $2.99 OP for customer..$3.99 for store after Q

    BOGO wipes..$3.99 for 2- (2) $1.00 coupons= $1.99 OP for customer..$3.99 for store after Q

    The store is happy and the customer is happier! lol

    Hope my math is correct..I’m working without coffee at the moment 🙂

  12. carol

    I wish johnson and johnson would communicate this rebate more clearly. I am also reading that you must have at least a $30.00 purchase *after* coupons and that J&J are telling people who call they are looking at the total of the receipts….Sighs…I think I will wait.

    • Stacy

      I think people are reading too much into this Johnson rebate. Here’s the exact wording from the newspaper clipping:

      “Buy: You must purchase $30 worth of products from 2 or more of the following brands between Jan. 10, 2010 and Feb. 5, 2010: Ambi, AVeeno, Clean & Clear, Purpose, Lubriderm, and Roc. Purchase excludes tax, trial sizes and cleansing bars.

      Send: 1) This completed official mail-in certificate; 2) The original dated, store-identified cash register receipt dated between January 10, 2010 and FEb. 5, 2010 with each purchase price circled.”

      It doesn’t say anywhere that coupons cannot be used or totals after Q’s have to be $30. I don’t think they would have the rebate offer right next to a bunch of Q’s for the products if they didn’t want you to use the Q’s for it. Plus, if you’re getting such great deals on the stuff, isn’t it worth it to fill it out, pay .44 for postage and give it a shot???

      I got all the stuff at Walgreens this week and mine is in the mail. I have already received all three of my Johnson’s receipts for the glade products and a lot of the totals on those receipts were $1 or less. Just try…you might be surprised.

  13. Amanda

    The diaper rash cream retailed at $5-6 at Walgreens in my area (Central IL). I know that BRU/TRU tends to run about the same, and that their online prices NEVER have matched what was in store unless it was listed in a sale ad somewhere, so YMMV.

    I like this diaper rash cream, but will say that in severe cases you would be better off with triple paste or regular Desitin.

    • robyn

      when the whole Alphabet Pal thing was going on i called TRUS to see what there policy was on price matching and using competitors coupons. they said the ONLY way that they adjust a price is if their online price is cheaper than what is in the store, so call ahead and check??

  14. Collin (Mrs. Hip)

    Darn no coupons left to print! I only have 1

  15. Collin (Mrs. Hip)

    I also used all my coupons earlier this week at wags. BUT go online to couponclippers you can buy the aveeno coupons for a few cents then get this awesome deal! Thanks Collin!

  16. Collin (Mrs. Hip)

    If you have a Brookshires store close you can snag Aveeno 8 oz. Bath, Lotion or Shampoo selected varieties for $2.35. Then use the $2/1 coupons to make it only $.35 a bottle.

    I comped this at Wal-Mart today with no problem. The price at Wal-Mart is $4.68-4.98. Great savings!

    • Collin (Mrs. Hip)

      Forgot to mention, this is a sale price at Brookshires – good thru Tuesday 1/19/10.

  17. Tara

    Under the ad of the $1 of all diaper rash items it has a price range starting at 5.29. I’m heading up there tomorrow so we’ll see what the store price on aveeno is…dun dun dun.

  18. Collin (Mrs. Hip)

    I didn’t buy the diaper cream yet, but I am going to on Monday. I got the creamy baby wash. Bought 3 for $3.60. What a steal!!

  19. Alaina

    Just went to Babies R Us. The price was $3.99 in the store for a 1.8 ounce tube. Had (2) $2 off Aveeno and the $1 off one from babies r us. It took the $1 of the two, not the free one. I paid $1.98 for all three. Thanks for the tip!!! I also got (2) 30.8 ounce cans of Nestle Good Start for $18.50 each. They are on sale for $19.99 then there is a coupon for $3 off 2 on the Babies R Us website. It would have been even a sweeter deal if I had any Goodstart coupons/checks left, but I didn’t 🙁

  20. Collin (Mrs. Hip)

    My current town Toys r us and toys r us in my hometown will not accept ip coupons. 🙁 plus i always have bad experiences there so i refuse to go back. Good deal if you can grab it.

  21. amy

    there was a $2/1 aveeno body or baby q in the 1/10 SS.

    Anyhow i tried to do this deal… but they only let me use 2 $2 coupons 🙁

    3 @ $3.99 each = 11.97
    – 1 free = 7.98
    – 2 $2 manu. coupon = 3.98
    – $1 diaper rash store coupon = $1.98 (took it off each item)
    = $0.66 each

    not bad… but eh.. would have been better if i could have used the other coupon. with tax my total was $2.48

    i did e-mail corporate and ask if you can use a coupon the free item.

  22. Collin (Mrs. Hip)

    I am very unsure about whether this rebate will work with more than one transaction and use of coupons. I’ve heard so many things from so many people!

    I read this from

    “Many of you have emailed and called Johnson & Johnson about the $10 Mail in Rebate. Long story short Johnson & Johnson is telling everyone who calls that the $10 rebate when you buy $30 is only being honored for those that spend $30 AFTER coupons!

    There are lots of great coupons out to use on this rebate, but please make sure that you are buying enough to still end up with a $30 purchase.

    Tip: They are stating that they are only looking at the total purchase of the receipt being over $30, so if you buy these as part of a grocery shopping trip with other items you will be good.”

  23. Collin (Mrs. Hip)

    I just got back from TRU and got 3 Aveeno baby diaper rash ointments for 0.68 cents. I went back and got 3 more for .68 cents. I don’t know why it came out cheaper. I did the deal exactly as described by Collin. I had coupons from the internet and newspaper. I still have 3 more coupons. I don’t know where I got all the coupons from. There was lots of diaper rash creme in stock too!

    • Collin (Mrs. Hip)

      After I looked at my receipt, I realized that I got the Aveeno Diaper rash for free. The .68 cents was for tax. I am not sure why it rang up that way. One creme was $3.99 and the other $2.01 and the last free and with coupons off all 3 were free.

  24. Lynne W

    Target has quite a few Aveeno products under $3. I used the $2/1 off any baby or body product from the 1/10 SS and got body lotion 2.5 oz for .89, or you can get the oatmeal bath for .99, anti-ich cream, etc..

  25. Amanda G.

    I just did the deal a few hours ago at BRU and it worked like a charm. Ended up making all 3 free plus a whopping 2cent overage since after the $1 BRU coupon was $5.98 for 3 and they took the (3) $2 off coupons!!! We normally use Bordeux butt paste, but nothing better then trying something that was free! Thank you!

  26. Shannon J

    Hey everybody. Just got back from BRU and they would NOT take more than 1 Aveeno MC. They insisted that is was one per transaction. Tried to explain the difference between a purchase and transaction and they would NOT budge! So frustrating. Anyway, anyone know if there is a BRU coupon policy?

    • Jenna

      I just commented below you no issues and no coupon beeping, I’d call- take recipt and coupons in and get $$$ back.

  27. Jenna

    I printed the BRU coupon while reading all this 15 minutes ago. Just ran to BRU and my total way $0.48…no problems. In and out under 5.

  28. LiLi


    Anyone have J&J customer service contact with regards to rebates question.Thks

  29. nicole

    The BRU coupon works like walgreen’s store coupons. It will take off $1 off each item that is not free (buy 2 get one free)! COOL! I did this and paid $.58 total which was all tax.

  30. Melissa G

    I did it last night at BRU in DFW area and it was one of the best couponing experiences I have had! I know so much of it totally depends on the cashier. I bought 3 Aveeno Diaper Rash Creams @ $3.99ea. (they rang up buy 2 get the third free). I handed over 3 $2off Aveeno Baby coupons and 1 $1 BRU Diaper Cream Coupon and the reciept immediately started priniting and she handed me the reciept and said congrats it was free! So cool! Thanks Collin!

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