Laughing Cow Cheese: Buy 1 Get 1 Free Coupon!
As you probably know from reading my blog, I love cheese! Just eating it makes me happy… so of course, I was very excited to find out about this new coupon available. Head on over here to print a buy ANY one variety of The Laughing Cow cheese wedges or Mini Babybel cheese and get one FREE coupon! When you click the link a form should pop up– fill it out to access the coupon. Hit your browser back button to print 2 coupons per computer.
Do you know of any great sales on this cheese? Let us know!
**This coupon offer is void in California and Arkansas.
(Thanks so much, Kim!)
WOW.. this is a great coupon. Thank you!
I can’t seem to figure out how to print the coupon
Wooohooo! I LOVE this stuff, and it def. is a great coupon, thanks!
Thanks! I love these, especially the garlic one!
Have you laughed today???
love that cheese
I was so excited about this UNTIL I read it’s void in Arkansas. What is up with that?
We don’t get gift cards with Prescription Transfers either 
awesome Q! thanks so much! Love Love Love this stuff!
So excited about this one. I grew up eating this in Europe! I was so happy when they started selling it here in the US. I have never see it on sale here, so buy it at Walmart, where it’s cheaper than the grocery stores.
I usually buy 2 packets each week.
I love it in a sandwich which raisins.
yep.. I grew up in Europe too and I was so happy to find it here in US too. How much is it at Walmart? My husband also loves loves these. Thanks
Costco has a better deal where I live than Walmart. I think Costco’s works out to about $1.90 a package if my memory serves me correctly. However, you can’t use this Q at Costco!!!
Fred Meyer often has this on sale 2 for 3.00, so only .75 each after the BOGO coupon.
This is an AWESOME coupon! Thanks!
Cool thanks! I haven’t ever tried this cheese but it sounds like it’s yummy!
AWESOME COUPON!!! I got 2 coupons, putting this on my shopping list this week. I have to hide this cheese from my kids just so I can have some, lol!
Thanks so much for the link. I cant eat frozen vegetables without the garlic and herb variety melted on them-YUM!
Does anyone know when the coupon expires? I currently live in CA but am moving to CO in October.
Mine says that it expires on 10/31/10
Awesome, thanks!
Great coupon! I love this cheese. Thank you!
so sad not for CA…the rest of y’all enjoy, what a bomb Q! ♥
We were just eating this yesterday and I was thinking I was getting low!! The garlic is the best!! My boys eat the crackers with it on faster than I can make them..
Thanks, I am excited to try this product and what a great coupon!!
Walmart sells the mini baybel for about $3.75 here in VA-what a great coupon!!!
I’m not seeing the coupon. Please help!
you have to first sign up for the newsletter. HTH
And I live in CA.
This is a fantastic snack. Yea for a great coupon!!
Trader Joes sometimes carry these and they DO accept coupons. Don’t know the current price, but we’re going there today so will check!
My kids love this stuff too and I grew up eating it. It’s good melted in tiny baby dot pasta for little ones too, makes it really creamy. Kind of like a mac n cheese for little ones. Great on crackers….
You state it’s not good in CA but when I print it out nothing on my coupons state that it’s not good in CA. I am using them!
So happy! Since my daughter can really pound those babybels!
Yay! I LOVE laughing cow and will take any coupon I can get for it! And this is a good one! I have found it cheapest at regular price at Walmart also, but I have seen it go on sale for 2/$5 at Fred Meyer.
I live in southern california and just printed these. Nothing about not valid in california..
Wouldn’t print
I finally got it to print. Yay!
Trader Joe’s had these for $2.99 each.
Albertson in Texas ussually have these on sale for $2.50-3.00 each. That’s the best I’ve seen them priced so I usually splurge and buy it at costco in bulk for a better deal since coupons for them don’t come out very often. Love these. Thanks
Where is the coupon located??? Help!
Finally located it! YUM!
where did you find it? I can’t locate it! ;-(
We just used the coupon tonght and the cashier said ” Too bad you didn’t have this yesterday, the store had them GOBO”. Now that’s my kind of cashier!
registered with a new account, validated it through e-mail, but couldn’t find any coupon on their website
Is there some way you know it’s void in California and Arkansas?
Is it some kind of state law?
The coupon doesn’t say anything about being void in any state.
Oh, never mind!
It says it on the pop-up when you subscribe!
“Void in California, Arkansas and where prohibited”
I went to print the coupon, and it said that I had already printed the coupon limit. Huh? I’ve never printed out one of these coupons. Bummer, as I really love these, and so does my grand-daughter.
the same happened to me, and i never printed it…
Me too. Bummer
I can’t even find the coupon. Where are you guys finding it? I signed up for the newsletter, but there’s no coupon on the site.
No coupon!
Albertson’s has Laughing Cow on sale: Buy 1, Get 2 FREE. These coupons netted me 6 FREE packages! The coupons expire 10-31-10.
Think your link for the bogo laughling cow cheese has expired or is full of cheese.
Looked everywhere and found no couponl
I can’t figure out how to get to the coupon