Bath & Body Works: FREE Travel-Size Item
Bath & Body Works released a new coupon. Go here to print a coupon good for a FREE Signature Collection Travel Size Item with ANY purchase (up to a $5 value)! This coupon is valid through February 22nd.
Remember, this coupon states ANY item, so look for an inexpensive product. Think clearance, a small hand sanitizer , nail file or any other product priced around $1-$2! These little travel size lotions and shower gels make great additions to gift baskets!
(Thanks, Audrey!)
Thanks Collin!
Worked great with $1 finger nail file. $1.06 out the door! Thanks.
Actually good thru February 22, 2011
They have their new scent (Carried Away I think?) in trial size lotion for $1 right now.
Plus the body spray for $2. You can purchase either item and get the freebie. The next time a “freebie” comes along I try to buy travel sizes that match and then pair them into a little gift wrapped in cellophane and ribbon. Makes a nice little gift for any occassion and if you do all year will have plenty for teachers, Xmas, little B-day gifts.
i love travel size stuff.
Hey, just to let you know. When I get these coupons the best deal I get is purchasing the little rubber hold for the small anti bac. They are ONLY .50. I received alot of deals like this last year and man my Christmas giving was great. I gave almost all my family and close friends FREE small gift baskets and everyone was just “You spent too much”. LOL. What they don’t know wont hurt them. Good Luck.
The Factory outlet stores may still have the Christmas gift cards that are 90% off – costing you 10 cents! I bought 12 of them. They have to do them in indiviual transactions. They only had 2 choices of scents so I got those and then exchanged them for the scents I wanted at the regular store.. Enjoy!!
Yayy. After the last one said with any $10 purchase, I was worried these “any” purchase Qs would be a thing of the past!
I got 8 small free candles this weekends..I took my husband with me to the 4 b&bw that are near me…on a side note I got 4 free packs of stayfree pads from riteaide today! Thanx Collin!
whoa, now that was greedy!
I agree. I think 8 is a bit much.
At least she went to 4 different stores! You have some people that will go back in line over and over again and some cashiers are too lazy to say anything!
wish I could find a place like that with a lazy cashier lol
The cashiers aren’t lazy. It is unfortunately easier to just do what the customer wants than have the customer call customer service and get the store in trouble. The free with no purchase coupons are are a HUGE pain for associates. The company intends for them to bring people in in hopes they will buy something. With all the couponing sites out there now though, it doesn’t work like they think it should. People come in and only get the free item and are rude to the associates who are trying to do their job and sell to them. The company then punishes stores who are not able to get those customers to buy anything.
Oh I agree with that too! I feel bad for companies when they put out so many free things. Yes, they know how much money they are losing, but they also expect you to return to buy something, and when most of those people don’t, it’s a huge loss for them.
I agree no one should be rude to associates but stores grossly mark up their items so getting free things here and there is nothing to feel bad about
Knock it off.
This wasn’t supposed to go here, sorry Ligia.
I don’t really like candles. Ligia can have the 2 I would have gotten. There are many people who do not use discounts or coupons. My sister spends hundreds of dollars every year at B&BW and never prints the coupons. I got a lot of discounts and free things last year, but I still spent well over a hundred dollars myself. I think B&BW will be okay. just saying….
I have to agree. We may all get a lot of free things, but I will see ladies buys tons of stuff there all the time! Same goes for anywhere, grocery stores, drug stores!
I loved these these size candles–they are so cute! I got more than one for my “freebie bin” I keep. I make little gift bags like B & B makes and sets out at their stories. I usually buy something when I am in there and I reserve my “big” shopping for B & B at Xmas and B-days as a way to “give” back.
I loved these little candles!
could anyone tell me where i can print BOGO stayfree coupon? Thanks
Yes, super greedy.
It’s not greedy it’s smart and fun getting free things!
I Agree! Why is it greedy? They have TONS of inventory! Plenty to go around.
These coupons are meant to be for the people on their email lists and to bring new customers in. Not to be posted randomly……….no offense Collin…….I love your site!
I just think it’s a real shame that people take advantage and get more than 2 freebies at the most.
People wonder why the cashiers give dirty looks……well it’s because they know the same people come in time after time and get the very least expensive items and then expect them to do 12 transactions…come on think you are entitled to 12 free lotions…….that is just plain greedy!!!!
I have several friends that work at Bath and Body Works and believe me corporate is going to figure out a way to stop this nonsense.
They have tons of inventory because they are trying to SELL it, not hand it out for free. It is a business after all.
dont forget,thursday is free product for those that have the card.
I cant wait to see what this months free gift is with the card. I was pretty pleased with last months gifts.
Thanks. I forgot. I can always use free. LOL
I am getting an error code of 400 Bad request – site must be down.
just my opininon to those free candles – don’t worry store wont be loosing much even if she got 10 of them.Their prices are shockingly high for candles at least for me. AND I have to say that those candles are NOT smelling that strong as they say – to compare I always have my GLADE candles on my desk and I can smell them, when I got those B&BW free candles (2) I could NOT smell them at all. Seriously I had those in front of me! I will NEVER pay for candle in there. I prefer to get GLADE with coupons and actually have a scent around me than pay over $10 B&BW candle and nothing.
their items are seriously overpriced!
Come on, tiny lotion for $5? when we get almost free full bottle of Vaseline Lotion at TARGET!
DON’T FORGET to use your CARD this Thoursday for free monthly GIFT!
right on!
Every time I go into use my FREE with purchase coupons at BBW, I get ‘the look’ from the employees. Hey, if the coupons are there, to get free items, then I’m going to use them. But I get attitude from the snotty empoyees at BBW.
I do too! And I only use 1 free coupon when I stop by, and I usually spend plenty of money to justify it. Last time I went in and used the free candle coupon, I also purchased 7 antibacterial handsoaps (full sized). I handed the cashier the free coupon for the candle and got the nastiest look! Maybe she was jealous that she wasn’t using it–I’m sure that’s not actually the case, but I can’t think why else she would be so upset!
I used to work at BBW, and in the store I worked at, no freebie coupons were ever looked down on. BBW is a good company to work for, and I think they put out these freebies as a thank you. It’s just that some of us know how to get the freebies and freebies with purchase cheaper than others. Don’t feel bad about using these Q’s. If the cashier is rude to you, report them to corporate. That is NOT how they are supposed to be, at all. However… if you use more than 1 freebie Q per visit, you are not supposed to do that.
Agreed! Great way of saying it!
I am wondering if I can use this “free travel size” coupon with a “20% of your entire purchase” coupon, and also use a coupon for “free signature collection body care if you spend $10” as well as the coupon for the monthly gift on Thursday? That’s 4 promotions. I would spend around $15 on other items, but I don’t know if you can use that many promotions in one visit.
I don’t think you can, not 100% sure though, but usually when I go into B&BW I take my 8yo with me so I am able to get 2 “freebies” . That’s my limit (note all the greediness up in previous posts!). I would probably split the transactions up and use each coupon (if you can, depending on the fine print) with each different transaction. HTH
thank you!
coupon states for canadian store use below the upc…unless my eyes are failing.
Barcode is for Canadian store use only; read the fine print where it states that US stores use a register code @ checkout.
thanks for the clarification. the text is not crisp on my monitor…it was hard to read the part below the bar code as well!
This may sound like a stupid question, but on the bottom of the coupon I think it said in Canadian stores only… is that true or am i misreading (I’m new to all this!) so could someone let me know if it wuold work in the US?
I believe you can pair a free item Q with a percent off coupon.
My store won’t let me but that is just my store.
I love these coupons! I buy a small item and get a small body spray for free- I have quite a few in my gift stock- great for gift baskets. The cashiers are always really nice when I use my free coupon.