Walgreens: Coke Zero 12 Packs Only $1.33, Starburst $0.25, Splenda with Fiber $0.99 + More
Here are even more Walgreens deals you can score this week…
First, I want to share with all of you (who don’t know yet) the awesome $15 worth of coupons that print out when you purchase $15 worth of participating Coca-cola, Hershey’s, or Planters products. *Note: all the coupons below are Walgreens store coupons except for the Reese’s Pieces coupon.
Here’s a run down of the coupons:
$1/2 Coca-Cola 20 oz. Bottles
$2/1 Coca-Cola 8-pk, 75 oz. mini cans
$2/1 Coca-Cola Zero 12 pk
$3/2 Hershey’s or Reese’s Candy, 19.75 oz
$2/3 Hershey’s or Reese’s Pieces, Minis, or Drops, 8 to 10 oz
$2/2 Planters Deluxe Mixed Nuts 10 oz., Deluxe Whole Cashews 9.75 oz. or NUTrition 9.25- 9.75 oz
$2/2 Ritz 16oz, Wheat Thins 9 – 10 oz, or Triscuit 9.5 oz
$1/2 Planters Flavor Grove Almonds 6 oz or Peanuts 16 oz
I am VERY excited about the $2/1 Coca-Cola Zero 12 pk coupon as that is my hubby’s favorite soda. Plus, a $2/1 Coke coupon… well, that’s awesome! And even sweeter, since these are Walgreens store coupons, you can purchase more than one of these items and it will deduct the correct amount off each item purchased. So if you purchase 5 Coke Zero 12 packs, the $2/1 coupon will deduct a total of $10!!
To get these awesome coupons, you can do the following scenario:
Buy 6 bags of Hershey’s Drops 2/$5
Total = $15
Use 3 $2/2 coupons found in the 1/30 SS
Pay $9
Get back $15 in coupons!
Once you have these coupons, you can score the following deal on Coke Zero:
Buy 5 Coke Zero 12 packs on sale for $3.33 each
Total = $16.65
Use the $2/1 Coke Zero Walgreens coupon (will deduct $10)
Final cost ONLY $1.33 per 12 pack – $0.11 per can!! This is an awesome price!
And here are even more deals…
Buy 2 Starburst Fave Reds 2/$1
Use the $0.50/2 coupon found here
Final cost $0.25 per package!
Splenda with Fiber $2.99 (on sale through 3/26)
Use the $2/1 coupon found here
Final cost $0.99!
Always Liners/Maxi with odor lock $2.99 = $2 RR (March monthly deal)
Use the $1/1 coupon found in the P&G Everyday Savings Book or the $0.50/1 coupon found in the 2/27 PG
Pay as low as $1.99
Get back a $2 RR
Final cost as low as FREE!
**Head on over here to check out the rest of the Walgreens deals.
(Thanks so much for the heads up on most of these deals, Wild for Wags!)
oh how I wish there was a Walgreens close…we don’t even have a CVS *pouting*
where do you live no walgreens or cvs?? i thought it was bad in IN no rite-aid! lol!!
i am just woundering were i wold find the coke zero coupons because i have looked for them and cant find them….could you please help…..thank you……
You have to purchase $15 worth of participating Coca-cola, Hershey’s, or Planters products in order to get the Walgreens store coupons (Including the $2/1 Coke Zero coupon). Check out the weekly ad for all the details.
Hi Collin, is the Coca-Cola Zero is zero sugar and calories? I just wanted to know because my husband is drinking Diet Coke ,his diabetic, and I’m wondering if this is ok for him. He consume soda 6cans a day so we really need a big saving for the soda
My son is a type 1 diabetic. Yes no carbs, no sugar. Just like diet only tastes like regular.
Thanks Tracy. I’m gonna stuck up with this.
6 cans a day?!?
yes 6 can a day. It helps his mouth to be not dry plus he’s drinking at least a liter of water a day.
My family finds Splenda has no side effects such as we experience with Nutrasweet. If your husband suffers with unexplained headaches, switch to diet Coke with Splenda.
Collin, have you researched what’s in the Coca Cola Zero? There were a ton of articles from last year I think, that explained how several countries are banning the Coke Zero due to health concerns!
Me myself, I don’t drink ANY soda’s period, as they are VERY bad for you anyways, but just wanted to give you a heads up on this particular concern. Scary is entire countries are banning it!
For the most part, the countries are banning it because they said they’ve tested it and it contains sodium cyclamate. The US does not allow the use of sodium cyclamate but other countries do. Problem was they were not claiming it on the ingredients.
Not really wanting to create a discussion, but just for information purposes, 2 things that made stop drinking soda:
1) It has a lot of phosphorous which your body needs the same amount of calcium to be in balance. Since soda has no calcium, guess where your body gets it from? Yep, your bones
2) it eats away the enamel in your teeth, which cannot be replaced.
Sorry for the layman terms, you can get better info if you google water for life usa
people are just looking for coupons not a lecture on soda drinking
WHere do you get these coupons that you are talking about? Do you have to purchase $15 worth of coca cola products and then you get the coupons? Thanks LYNN
You have to purchase $15 worth of certain products. I have yet to find a way to make it worth it for me. I don’t have the candy coupons and even if I did I would essentially be spending $9 to get $15 worth of coupons–something I don’t usually do, especially on candy.
And the advertised soda price here is 3/$13 (4.33 EACH!!!) The day I pay that is the day I check myself into soda drinkers anonymous.
LOL. So true, Bee!!
I agree, Bee. Just reading this makes my insulin level rise!
Does anyone have any trouble with smartsource?? I cannot get any coupons from them. It keeps reloading and loading, once I hit print. Not sure what’s going on. ALso tried printing off the walgreens pedicare coupons and that’s not working either.
Not sure if this is the case, but I was having trouble printing anything that used frontdoor1 – that what it will say at the bottom left of the computer. I had to finally uninstall the “coupon printer” entirely as it always froze up my computer. Well, I tried, after several months of not being able to print coupons, to try and install it again. But it told me, after not working, that I needed to go into my computer main files, and click on the printer that I wanted to use. Even though I only have one printer, I did that. After wards, it started working again. If this is the case with you, if there is a place to get help when they won’t print, I would click on that and it will probably give you better instructions that I just did. Hope this helps, as I know how frustrating it is to miss all of these coupon deals!
For awhile mine was not working (Smartsource coupon that is). I was using Internet Explorer; try Google Chrome or another browser. It worked for me.
It could be your firewall? I couldn’t use two of my computers to print coupons, as I was using Webroot virus protection software. I then, however, tried a third computer that was not protected with this software and found that they printed just fine. I discovered that the problem was that Webroot was not allowing the .exe application to proceed with installation, thus not allowing for printing :-/
Just as a heads up, 2 Liter Coke products are NOT a participating item. Tried this on Sunday and didnt work. They want you to think they are since they are featured on the front page next to the 12 packs on sale for $1.25 making them the obvious choice to get your total closest to $15.
Is this deal going on all week ? I am addicted to Coke Zero !!!
Yes, it is!
I looooove Coke Zero!
Collin–what’s the expiration date on the coupons that print out (the $15 worth)?
I was wondering the same thing. Any one know expiration date on the coupons?
I did this deal yesterday and the expiration date on my store coupon is 5/21/11. So I think this is really worth it.
It seems like a lot of work and several trips.
Good thing shopping is my full time job!
hahaha! me too! besides raising the kids that is.
the coke products are on sale for 3 for $14 at my store… doesnt seem like its 3.33 each… am i missing something?
The coke prices vary by region. Notice that the prices are only listed on the little wrap-around on the outside. They are 3/$10 in so. IL.
Hey I saw you lived in So. Illinois, I live in Fairview Heights!
Wow you live in Fairview heights i live in Troy. Really is a small world.
I live in Mt. Vernon
3 for 10 outside tampa
No, that is $4.66 per 12 pack. I don’t think I have ever seen a store here price them that high. Apparently Wag’s is making up for having to eat the coupon deal.
I do like Wag’s, but it seems like a lackluster deal if you live in an area where the cokes are anything above $3.33.
I really want to do the Coke Zero deal, but I do not have the candy coupons to do the first deal so then the deal is not as good as it could be for me. Is the candy senario the only “good” way to get the Coke coupons?
I wish I got those Qs. I need to buy and donate cokes for may daughters school fair!!!
I’m gonna do this deal again and if I got a new set of the coupon I’ll send you the Coca-Cola coupon. I might go tomorrow to check out if they have the Coca-cola zero if not .Email me if you like the coupon at elektracruise@yahoo.com and I’ll be happy to send you the coupon.
i just cashed in on the splenda! my mother-in-law will be so happy@
Anyone know if the RR deal on the Always is for the testing regions? Those of us with the Walgreens card don’t get as many RR deals.
Jennifer, (off subject….) how did you get the personalized photo to appear next to your name? (Cute boy, by the way!!) I am linked to my Facebook account, but no photo appears of me…just curious….
Oh thanks! I need to update his pic that was a while back. The personalized photo comes from Gravatar.com. It will appear next to your comments on totally target’s page too.
My local Walgreens (SD) has figured this out. Their computers will only count the total BEFORE coupons to get the $15 needed to print out the coupons. Just a word of caution if you’re going to try and repeat the deal. I could only do it once before the coupons quit printing for me because of the $2 off Coke Zero.
Had the same problem, but mine was b/c of my military discount. I was not happy. I always have these great plans for Walgreens and they never seem to plan out. They were out of so much and it’s only Tuesday. Not getting anothe truck until Sat. Question for Collin, how did you know that you could use your Coke $2/1 Q 5 times? Mine doesn;t say anything about using it for more than one?
she probably knew b/c Wild for Wags did it and let her know about the deal, I always check out wild for wags before I got to walgreens. and walgreens coupons always do that, you use one coupon and it automatically applies as many times as you have items.
does anyone know if there is a limit to how many times to do this deal? I have a lot of the Hershey coupons.
Yesterday I bought $15 of Coke/chocolates and received the $15 in coupons. Today I went back and used the $2/1 Coke Zero (5 – 12/packs) AND received another $15 in coupons. I was quite surprised since I didn’t think I would receive more Register Rewards after using a Register Rewards on the same product. Also, they expire in May 2011.
Also, I must say that so far all the cashiers at Walgreens, CVS, and Target have been super nice and helpful. Nobody has questioned me when the cash machine beeps, the cashier just ‘pushes’ it through.
Just wondering about the maxi pads, what count are these? has anybody tried this deal?
20. At the WAGS in So. IN they were in a freestanding display. The $1 P&G coupon worked fine. On Sunday, the price was ringing up incorrectly so the cashier had to price adjust to $2.99 (which is printed in big numbers on the cardboard display). I can’t speak for the quality of these pads as I personally don’t use them (donation item).
I found a mq @ cvs (by the pop) for $1.50 off a 12 or 8 pack of coke 7.5oz and 1snyders pretzel 8oz or larger can I pair this up with the q’s you get when you spend $15? Also I have a 1.50/3 snyders pretzels can I use that too?
Does anyone want to trade? I need Hersey coupons and I could trade Gain $3/1 Qs. Email me at momofrpb3@gmail.com.
this is only a great deal, if the coke is 3/$10 ….in our area it is 3 for 13$, well, that would make my 12 pack of coke zero 2.33. not bad, but not that great either. on the other hand the ocupon doesn’t expire until may.
Here they are 3/13 and I didnt think to look before I purchased them. But I had the Wags $2 off Q plus a $1/2 Q so it would have made them .60 some cents at 3.33 but here they were 4.34 makeing them almost $2 each. But it did print the Qs after I purchased them with the coupon. oh well I will save the Wags Qs for when they are 3/10 or 3/9.
I bought 6 of the hershey drops on Sunday and used the hershey coupons. I did not get the $15 in coupons and by the time I remembered it, I was already home. I am going to go back and do the coke zero deal and see if it works this time. Where do they print out, the catalina machine where the RR prints? I am going to be ready this time and question the cashier/manager if they don’t print!
It appeared to me as if they printed out of the Catalina machine – albeit, a few moments/seconds after the receipt prints at the register. I have received two sets of these $15 coupons, one today, one yesterday.
Did the 6 Hershey’s drops add up to $15 before coupons? I’ve made silly mathematical errors before and didn’t realize it until I got to the car .. no fun!
The coupon for the Splenda says “granulated” so they did not take it on my Super Beep Walgreens.
They were out of the baby lotion and body wash, out of the motrin, and out of the nasal spray.
Also I was all happy about the coke zero…and they only had one pack, grrrrrrrrrrrrrr. Will have to go back.
cant you use the buy one get one free with these buy one hersheys milk choclate king sizeror reeses and get one free can you do that or the 2/2/ that was in the paper
My paper has the coke 3/10 but a limit 3. Anyone run into a problem with this? I’m not interested in the candy, I may get some planters stuff, is it only the cans of nuts in the ad or does it include nut-trition stuff? My wags r so poorly marked, u never know what is participating and what isnt
Anyone get the Always Odor-Lock Dri-Liners 34ct? I tried today and it rang up $4.29 so I passed.
just tried … and worked …
on other note … i dont mind if i go to store and someone has emptied the self (well ok i do a little) …
… but with understanding … so yah generally i dont mind it …
what i DO mind is … when someone goes through the store … pics up all the sticker coupons from on top and inside the boxes … that, in my opinion, is plain wrong …
anyway … thats my opinion …
have wonderful day ya all …
I bought 5 Coke Zeros today with one coupon and the $2 came off each of them. I am wondering if they will work on another Coke product besides Coke Zero. I received my first set of $15 coupons buying Sprite and Diet Coke, but since the $2 off says Coke Zero I don’t know if it’ll work on these others.
nope just coke zero. I tried!
Thank you so much for this information. I managed to get the 5 cases of soda and the lady was so nice and totally surprised and plus ended up getting more soda coupons.. thanks for all your hard work.
Loved this hershey/coke zero deal! I had never tried the reese’s minis and OMG I could eat the whole bag. I got the 5 coke zero and more coupons printed. Going to do this again tomorrow! Would Cherry Coke Zero work?
why does someone not post the coupon code? If it is a Wags Q then if you have a nice cashier like I do, ( I can just give her the code and get the deal without having to buy a bunch of other stuff that i do not want/need first) then they will enter it manually for you. Besides I would only want 2 coke products at most anyway so not really worth spending all that other money.
I found out in the store there is no limit of 3 on the Coke. I think I’ll try to get one more round in. My mom wanted all Zero’s- I should’ve picked up something else for the initial purchase and gotten the rest in Zero. I thought this ad was very ambiguous with the “participating items” when it seems they should’ve said “items shown here”. I was hoping the NUT-trition was included since I had MQ and it was also printing more out, but alas, they are $7.00/can YIKES!!! I feel like I’m splurging on the $3/can ones!!!
Also, I found some NasoGel’s that the thieves hadn’t removed the $1 Q.
I would not choose to post the coupon code because using the coupon hinges on the appropriate products being purchased prior to getting the coupon. When it gets abused, it screws it up for everyone in the future. Personally, I try to do everything above-board so my actions cannot be questioned.You can always go in halfsies with someone else if you don’t want to purchase the quanitity required to do the deal.
Not a sermon, just a thought
I tried the coke 0 deal and the $2 did NOT come off each one, only took $2 off total. This happened yesterday also with the 2 ltrs AND no $15 worth came out after using them this time ;o(
Is the Coke deal still going on, the one where you buy $15 worth of specific items and you get a coupon for $2 of a 12-pack of Coke Zero? Also, what is the cost of a 12-pack of Coke products? I don’t really need any of the candy so I was wondering if there is another deal scenario I can do to get the coupons? One more question, can I use RR I already have to pay for my items and still get the Coke coupons? Thanks for any feedback.
Still wondering if I purchase $15 worth of specific items if the coupons, including the Coke Zero one, will print? I have some RRs that I was considering using to buy some cases of pop, but only want to do that if it’ll end up printing out the coupons for Coke Zero and the other items.
Still wondering if I purchase $15 worth of specific items if the coupons, including the Coke Zero one, will print? I have some RRs that I was considering using to buy some cases of pop, but only want to do that if it’ll end up printing out the coupons for Coke Zero and the other items.
hi plz someone help me i purchased 2 zero coke 2 reg coke and 1 spril /15 but where do i get2/1 coupon to take $10 off plz help