FREE Sample of Muir Glen Diced Tomatoes (Pillsbury Members Only)
If you’re a member and receive their emails, you can score a FREE sample of Muir Glen Fire Roasted Diced Tomatoes! Just go here and fill out the form to request your sample. Hurry, as this is only available to the first 10,000 members!
If you’re not yet a member, be sure to go here and register so you’ll be ready for next month’s offer, as they give away 10,000 new samples every month. In fact, they’ll be offering up 10,000 FREE samples of Cascadian Farm Peanut Butter Chip Chew Granola Bars next month! Yum!
(Thanks, Fran!)
Thanks! By the time they would send me an email the samples would be all gone. Love the step ahead you give us
Thank You
Just an FYI- I wasn’t sure if I was a member or not. I filled out the form and it told me I was not eligible so I guess not! Oh well! Thanks Collin for all that you do.
Same here. Said I am not eligible. Love these tomatoes!
TY! Got it.
I’m a member and it says I’m not eligible
” Free samples are limited so please respond quickly.
This promotion is only for PRE-SELECTED consumers who were the original recipient of the valued subscriber email.
Limit one sample per household. All fields required. You must be 18 years of age or older to receive this sample. Offer limited to the United States and expires 4/30/2012 6:00:00 PM. Please allow 6-8 weeks for delivery.”
Yeah, last month I got that same message, but this month I was eligible, so I guess they really do give everyone a chance!
Filled out form & got it! Thanks!
Thanks, I got one!
Got mine, yay thanks Collin! I love Muir Glen!
got it!!! yay… thanks for the heads up.
Diddo, what Lindsay said! Collin Rocks!
got mine, thanks for the advance heads up!
Got it
Thank you so much!
Thanks! Got it! Last time I got the Old El Paso tortilla stuffers in the mail and was totally surprised it was a full size package! It was free supper! Yahoo!
i love muir glen!! Thank you so much for the info!!
Got one! Thanks, Collin.
Got one. Thanks. Love these!
says gone
I’m a member, but it tells me that it is limited to 1 per household and wouldn’t accept my form. This was my first time filling out the form. Boo!
“We’re sorry, quantities of the FREE* samples of Muir Glen® Fire Roasted Tomatoes are no longer available.”
i got one!
Thanks Collin! I’ve been having really good luck this month. I just received my Birthday gift from “The Club”
Nothing beats free money!