Rare $0.55/1 ANY Odwalla Juice, Juice Drink, or Smoothie Coupon
Here’s a rare coupon if you are a fan of Odwalla products! Just head on over to Coupons.com (use zip code 12345 if needed) to print a high value $0.55/1 Odwalla Juice, Juice Drink or Smoothie (any size or flavor) coupon! This should make the smaller beverages really inexpensive as they often go on sale for $1.25 each at various stores, so only $0.70 each during a sale!
(Thanks, Clip and Follow!)
My local Target had one flavor temporarily marked down to 99 cents yesterday (strawberry something or other)… wish I’d have had this coupon along!
This coupon came out in CO on the 12th and now this link doesn’t work!