Rite Aid: Better than Free Glow in the Dark Nail Polish (+ Possibly Free Zicam Cold Relief + More!)
I headed to Rite Aid this afternoon to snag FREE Trident Gum and few other weekly Rite Aid deals and was excited to also snag some moneymakin’ Glow in the Dark Nail Polish as well (super fun for Halloween! ). Here’s how…
Buy 2 Fantasy Makers Glow in the Dark Nail Polish $2.99 each
Total After B1G1 50% Off Sale = $4.49
Get 2 $3 +Up Rewards (these are unadvertised Monthly +Up Rewards that run thru 10/30/12 and are limited to 2 offers)
Final Cost FREE + $1.51 moneymaker!
If you’re not in the mood for Glow in the Dark Nail Polish, you could opt to snag FREE Mascara and/or Hair Spray instead (just keep in mind that there is a limit of 2 $3 Monthly +Up Rewards!). Here’s how…
Buy 2 Fantasy Makers Mascara or Hair Spray $3.99 each
Total After B1G1 50% Off Sale = $5.99
Get 2 $3 +Up Rewards (these are unadvertised Monthly +Up Rewards that run thru 10/30/12 and are limited to 2 offers)
Final Cost FREE!
* Keep in mind that I found these Fantasy Makers items on the very top shelf in the Halloween aisle (not by the other cosmetics/nail polishes).
On another note, keep your eyes peeled for Zicam Cold Relief marked on clearance at 75% off. Although I was not able to find any clearanced Zicam at my local Rite Aid here in Boise :(, you may get lucky and snag the following deal…
Buy 1 Zicam Oral Mist Spray on sale for 75% off (regularly $12.99)
Total = $3.25
Use the $2/1 coupon found here
Pay $1.25
Get a $4 +Up Reward (limit 2 offers)
Final Cost FREE + $2.75 moneymaker!
(Thanks, Jessica, Brenda and For the Mommas!)
Awesome deal! I’ve been wanting those nail polishes.The bottles are just too cute Thanks for the heads up!
What are these Monthly + up rewards. I get the “regular” +up rewards, but don’t seem to get any of the “monthly” rewards people talk about.
didnt work for me in chattanooga, tn. they were not on sale. did not print any rewards. the got 2 be deal did work for me though.
worked for me at Gallatin,TN
Oh, thank you for posting, hoping in works for me in Springfield.
thanks for the heads up! I too go to the one in Chattanooga and was about to head for this, but glad I found out before hand or I would not have been too happy!
Wish we had a rite aid!!
I actually saw this in my ad! I was gonna go test it (I agree the bottles are sooo cute!) but now I know it’ll work! Thanks Collin
And who in the world isn’t in the mood for better than free nail polish? 
I’ve never heard of glow in the dark nail polish. I was going to get nail polish from CVS since they’re on sale but this is even better!
I’m sorry I’m being dumb on this one… Can I buy a total of 2 or 4 nail polishes per card?
Two per card
Collin, which Rite Aid store do you go to?
Help! I have never shopped at Rite Aid before…but I am on vacation visiting family in Arizona and am thinking I would love some free nail polish for the kids (and me too). How do the ups work? Are they like Cvs bucks and I can use them on anything ? Or is it more complicated? I did, of course bring my coupon binder on vacation;-)
May or may not be worth it . You need to get a wellness card which you can get in store and buy items you want. Your UP rewards will be loaded to your card. You ca not use until NEXT day on another purchase and if you want to use coupons on that next purchase you will need to make sure total amount after coupons is more than UP on card OR you will have to have cashier scan your wellness card after coupons ( when I had load 2 card UP some cashiers said no problem and one acted as if I was asking her to commit a crime) . On your next purchase the computer will take off the UP rewards first. You could just go back next day and just buy something you need that will exhaust the UP you earned because if you earn more you will have to again wait until next day. I don’t know if they can now change to print in store for UP at the register. I was in test market and they said they did and they changed but literally took a month to register and calling 1 800 number. They may have worked out bugs in the system. Even if they can change to a printable UP you will still have to wait until next day to use. Good luck. I think there is a post on the system at rite aid on hip2 save.
I called this morning to opt out of the Load2Card ups. The person I spoke to said this can be done in the store or by calling customer service. However according to my Dist. store, this could NOT be done. I wasn’t buying her explanation, cause I had heard otherwise from other folks. Bottom line, call customer service if you don’t desire the Load2Card ups program. It only takes 3 seconds for them to change it for you over the phone
Yah, it definitely CAN be done in-store, I had mine changed over last week. Sounds like she probably just didn’t know how to do it.
You found a Rite Aid in AZ! how awesome the last time I was there visiting there werent any.
Thanks for posting this deal! Glow in the dark nail polish will be super good for Halloween crafts!
Please think before using the Zicam – my dad used one of their products and lost his sense of smell – it may not be the same one, but there was info about this online.
Same thing happened to my Mom. I had read warnings about it and told her not to use it, but she did anyway, and now she really wishes she had listened. I can’t believe it is still on the market.
Once again big thanks to you Collin just love the deals you post. Went my Rite aid in CT. got the nail polish,zicam and gum. I had seen the nail polish before and thought it was so cute. I got one for my daughters and one to put in a treat bag for a little girl with cerabal palsy who is not able to have candy.
Zicam reg price here in Atlanta,Ga, did the nail poilsh deal just fine and got back 2 $3 printed UPS no problem…thanks Collin
Just bought 2 of the nail polishes and tried them both out. Hot Pink and orange. Orange was definately more glowy, if you’re looking for the glow in the dark aspect of it. Just though some people might like to know which colors to go for.
I got two nail polishes today in Rochester NYand recieved the UPRs. My 4 year old daughter is so excited to see if they glow when she goes to bed
I was able to buy two of the polishes (they were out of the glow in the dark, but had a blacklight variety – in case I go to a rave?). I also found two of the clearance Zicam. I bought one and left one for the next couponer
The +UPs did not print for me on the nail polish.
My daughters were so excited to have them, though, I can’t return them!
There is no where on the receipt telling me I have reached up rewards limit. I am just wondering if this happens to me, or everybody else. I guess I should buy more nail polish, trident, or other items to find out if there may be some “hidden” up rewards.
Happens to me all the time, and I would think that I could buy more,but then nothing would print except a notice saying I had [already] reached my maximum rewards for that product/promotion. HTH
I was wondering this,…maybe it updates overnight like the rewards?? curious.
I’m a ding-dong, they DID print for me. I was looking at the wrong dang receipt. Duh!! Thanks, Collin!
I received a free ThermaCare 2 pack at my Rite Aid today! I had just $1.00 UP from last week and on a whim, pulled in to grab a couple Arizona Ice Teas ( BOGO). Left with 2 ice teas, ThermaCare 2 pack and a coupon for $2.00 off next ThermaCare purchase and they have a $2.00 SCR for ThermaCare running in October – spent ZERO!
This polish really glows in the dark. Scared myself with it. woke up in the middle of the night and reached for my water and couldn’t figure out what the moving glowing things were….my fingers.lol
please help……what is the got2b deal for $8 in UP rewards……TIA
Buy 4 and get $4 up three times. Per card Gold discount will come of ur shelf price. They’re bogo and there’s a video values Qpon. If you don’t find pairs don’t buy a single- you will lose the “GO”” part of he deal lol
I bought face and body tattoos for the same price as nail paint and got 2 $3 up rewards.
my store had some great clearance upfront. Got Alka Seltzer allergy for 1.99, for a large box. Hope they work!!!
Also got the Riesen, Trident and nail polish deals!!
Got 1 zicam for $1.74 and three for $3.24 each. Didn’t even have one Qpon and still a MM
the sinful nail art polish is clearance to .49 cents bought 4 got back (2) 2 ups its part of the weekly sale and all colors are clearance even if the sign aren’t on them
The glow in the dark nail polish doesn’t glow very good. I got the green. I will try again with more nail polish applied. Cute bottle though.
I found them on clearance but for $6.49:-( not a money maker but to free