*HOT* Babies R Us Brand Value Boxes Of Diapers as Low as FREE (After $20 Gift Card)
Wow! If you need to stock up on diapers and aren’t too picky about brands, you’ll definitely want to check out this *HOT* deal you can score at Babies R Us! Through February 10th, when you buy 2 participating Babies R Us brand value boxes of diapers (72 ct or higher), you’ll score a FREE $20 Babies R Us/Toys R Us Gift Card! Even sweeter, you may be able to find these select Special Value Packs of diapers (as pictured above) on sale for just $10! Yes, just $10! If you can find these $10 value packs, check out the *HOT* deal you can score…
Buy 2 Babies R Us brand Special value Packs, 76 ct+ priced at $10 each
Pay $20
Get back a $20 Babies R Us/Toys R Us gift card
Final cost 2 FREE Value Packs of diapers (after taking into account the gift card!)[/h2s_box]
Let us know if you are able to score this crazy good deal on diapers! I am guessing most stores will probably have very low stock on these $10 packs (if they have any at all).
If your store doesn’t have those $10 value packs in-stock, you can still score a great deal on diapers! The Babies R Us Baby Blue value boxes of diapers (available in various sizes) are priced at $19.99 each and also qualify for the $20 gift card offer with the purchase of 2. So you could do this scenario, if you spot these at your local store…
Buy 2 Babies R Us Baby Blue Diapers value packs $19.99 each
Pay $39.98
Get back a $20 Babies R Us/Toys R Us gift card
Final cost $19.98 for 2 value boxes of diapers (after you take into account the $20 gift card)[/h2s_box]
* If you purchase 2 value boxes of the size 2 diapers (which have 96 in each box), you’ll have scored 192 diapers for only $19.98! That makes each diaper only $0.10 which is a fantastic price!
Note that the $20 Babies R Us/Toys R Us gift card will be handed to you during checkout. You can also use it on practically anything in either store!
(Thanks so much for the heads up on this *HOT* diaper deal, Laura!)
has anyone used these diapers? i’m thinking this would be a good deal but i’m buying for a newborn. my first baby never had problems with diaper rash, but i still want something soft and gentle for a newborn. Opinions?
I used them. I could tell they weren’t super high quality – the tabs were different and things like that. I never had any issues with them though. But my kids never really had “blowouts.”
I’m not super picky about diapers, but these are AWFUL diapers – leak like crazy, tabs rip when you go to use them, etc – I received them as a gift and only used about 10 of them. The rest I gave to a friend for her daughter to use for her baby dolls.
I second Alea. I stocked up when I got a deal last year, and I couldn’t wait till my last diaper was gone. Mine never leaked, but they were super thin and very rough feeling. Don’t mean to be a downer…but I would probably pass on these, even if they were free.
The supreme version of these diapers are great. They are more absorbent and can easily be compared to the more expensive brand. They are in the purple boxes and packaging.
I used them for my newborn and on and off again as she grew. They’re not high quality, but I never had any leaks.
I’ve been to two stores near me and they don’t carry them
Since they have them online, does anyone know if I could buy them online and have them shipped to my store and pick up the $20 gift card when I pick up the diapers?
I’m wondering the same thing! They have the size I need online….
BEST ONES EVER for my baby were Pampers Natural for newborn….
I used my $5 Toys R Us Wrapp gift card when the jean diapers were $10 and got them for $5 a box! They are decent diapers. We haven’t had any leaks
I have just started using the Baby Blue ones from a previous deal for my 9 mth old twins. They are similar to some other store brands that I have used. They seem flimsy, but so far are holding up well at night. My babies are about to go up to 4s and I have been putting them in the Baby Blue 4s at night with no leaks!
Is this at Toys R Us too?
I also got the jean diapers when they were half
Off. The ones without the back pocket design seemed more absorbent than the ones with back pocket designs. In fact I just sold the last 3 boxes of babies r us brand jean style diapers that I had and snagged the pampers deal because I really didnt care for them.
Could you turn around and use the gift card for another set of diapers?? So basically getting 4 boxes for $20 oop?
yup unless you got more than 4 boxes you could actually get like 20 boxes for $20oop if you kept rolling your gift cards
Actually last time you couldn’t roll them. You had to wait 24hours before they worked…
I did this deal earlier today and they say there is a 6 hour activation period for the giftcard. I don’t know if that is accurate or they are just trying to get people to not roll the giftcards over right away. Just wanted to warn you.
I’ve got giftcard deals from BRU/TRU before and it’s atleast 6 hours, but they’ll tell you when they activate it.
Free or not…bad for the environment. Try using cloth. You save over 3k over 3 years of diapering. Plus do not hurt earth. It takes 500 years for one disposable diaper to breakdown. Go to cottonbabies.com
Oh please….this post is about how to get a good deal on diapers. Not a forum for Nicole to make people feel bad about not having the time or desire to wash and have smelly nasty cloth diapers laying around!
I don’t think she was trying to make peoplefeel bad. Cloth is just another option. They have cleaning services if you think it’s grose, but I used cloth & thought it was easy.
my front loader even has a sanitation cycle and they came out really clean. A lot of our parents all did it, so why couldn’t I. 
Go cloth!!
But hey, I’m all for a deal on free diapers if that’s your style too.
happy hunting!!
Thank you! Agreed! A good deal especially for those who can really use em! No need for a cloth vs disposable duscussion!
Cloth diapers take more time, more money, and are not any “safer,” than regular diapers anyway. You have to clean them with chemicals. If you wash them yourself you are putting extra poop in your washing machine, and if you pay someone else to wash them, you are adding gasoline emissions to the o-zone layer because they are undoubtedly not in your front yard hand-washing them with a washboard and Dreft.
Disposable diapers can be really cheap with coupons and sales. They have all-natural versions. If you want to use cloth diapers that is wonderful for you, but why would you search out a diaper deal thread and disgruntle parents trying to save money on diapers? Everyone wants the best for their own baby, so there is no need to suggest that any of us are making inferior choices because they are different from your own. I buy Huggies and Pampers for my 2 babies, and they are happy, rash-free, and I have not spent anywhere close to 3k over 2 years for 2 of them, because I read sites like this one to find great match-ups.
More work, but much cheaper. I actually felt good about laundering the diapers and felt it was absolutely worth it.
Wow so mean! I didn’t realize people were so against cloth, sure they require more work, but it really pays off. Who wants all of those chemicals from the diapers absorbing into your child’s delicate skin?
That’s really not what this post is about….
The amount of water, detergent, and energy used for dealing with cloth diapers makes them equal in environmental damage as disposables.
there are pros and cons of everything people just need to be open minded.the site was intended on saving money if you choose to use cloth diapers in there still a deal if you choose to use disposable diapers is a great deal
Has anyone tried to get the gift card with the special $10 boxes? I want to make sure it works because I will be going into work late just so I can stop to get these lol.
Hi Jenine,
The $10 value boxes do work for the $20 gift card offer as my friend tested earlier today (she bought 1 $10 pack and 1 $19.99 pack) and did get the $20 gift card after purchasing!
Awesome! Thanks, it will be worth going into work late lol
My store didn’t let me have this deal. They said the $10 box was excluded. HOWEVER, I bought one anyways since it came out to be $0.12/diaper and that was a good deal. The box had over $50 in coupons inside which helped me buy 536 babiesrus brand wipes (along with my rewards$$) for $5.
I should mention I bought the Size 1 diapers (80 count)
Does this deal include clearance diapers? My Babies R Us has their brand diapers on clearance (select boxes) for $10, so if I buy 2 will I still get the gift card?
Does anyone know about the quality of these? Are they “cheap” diapers?
several people above have stated they seem flimsy but are holding up wtih no leaks at night
They’re actually not that bad. I like them way better than I do Luvs, and those are supposed to be name brand! They’re definitely a grade better than Rite Aid or CVS diapers. My experience comes from the sz 3 baby blues diapers .
The yellow box ones are VERY cheap and I wouldn’t use them ever again for a baby even as “free” – I haven’t used the Baby Blues diapers, and those sound like they are a little bit nicer than the yellow value box ones.
I bought some of these on Black Friday for super cheap. I don’t really like them at all. We are typically a Huggies family and I found the BRU diapers to be quite thin and not durable. I have an active toddler who needs something a little more reliable. HTH
Does it work onlind
These diapers are not as nice as Huggies or Pampers, but for my little one, they did the trick. We did not use them overnight as I have a heavy wetter but for a couple hours during the day, they were just fine. For the price, you can’t be it, in my opinion.
I got Santa diapers at my local Babies R Us for $10 per jumbo box. They were marked down significantly. I also was able to score formula for 50% off because the bottles have a March expiration date. Good luck to all!
Do they have newborn?? I had a preemie in December and didn’t stock up on newborn so I feel like I’m always buying them!
After your 3rd baby you get over the idea that your child can only wear pampers, and you buy whatever is the best deal!
So true! Mine are out of diapers, but to the best of my memory, the babiesrus brand did the trick:).
So true! The more you have the more relaxed you become over brands.
I love the jeans diapers. They are my diaper of choice – just as good as any, in my opinion. I snag up bru diapers whenever they have a good deal!
My babies r us had their santa diapers for 3.98 I grabbed a pack, too bad I had left my coupon at home, but o well it was still a good deal. Only got one pack and left the rest for others to get. I figured I wouldn’t need to stock up on them and have my daughter wearing them outside christmas lol.
If their pull ups value packs are included at all I highly recommend them I took a chance and bought 20 packs when they were on sale for $5 a mega pack and they are great! (This was about 2 years ago lol) they rip apart rather than pull and are more like underware than regular pull ups. No having the peice the sides back together when you LO puts them on!
I was iffy about these diapers from reading the reviews but I have been using these diapets from sizes 1-4 for the last year on my 11 month old. No rashes from these diapers and they hold up pretty good! I have used the jeans and bru brand. At .10 a diaper u can’t beat it!!
I agree. I just bought a couple of boxes and I Iike them so far!
If you bought these $10 packs on Black Friday, there were coupons inside each box which will deduct $6 off each pack purchased. Great deal!
While you’re there, they have 768 count Johnson and Johnson baby wipes on sale for $12 : ) the deal is also online with free ship to store, or free with shop runner.
Have you tried these wipes before? I bought a box but my twins are not here yet so I have not had a chance to try them out. If these are good this is not a bad price to buy a few more!
well you get a better deal with babyganics. Right now they are BOGO at BRU
$12.99 a box of 400 wipes
BOGO & use $1/$4.99 baby ganics Q on their website. Not sure if you can use 2 of these coupons so YMMV on that
You get 800 wipes for $11.99!!! If you are able to use 2 coupons then $10.99 for 800 wipes!
I don’t see the cooupon
Scroll down. Good thing is its a PDF coupon
the coupon expired 12/3/12.. is there a new link?.. thank you.
where did you see that the wipes are bogo? it’snot showing on the website. Thanks
Sure it is. Click on the items and look under special offers. Also it’s BOGO in stores as per their ad and when I went on Saturday.
I do see and take advantage of this deal about 4 times a year at Babies R Us…..great natural brand!
They don’t carry those at my ToysRus anymore and they’re
Anyone know if you can order online with in store pickup and receive the gift card?
what store sells the $10 diapers??? i live in ma
The boxes have to have 72 diapers or more to qualify for the gift card. However you can use the $6 off coupon inside the boxes you bought to buy another size 5 for only $4
Does anyone know what coupons are in the box?
Coupons in box:
$5 off any 20 bru single food pouches
$5 off any two bru formula 23.2 0unce or karger
$2 off bru training pants
$6 off bru diaper 72 count or higher
2 for $1 bru gallon purified water
$1 off any 2 bru baby washes lotions shampoo or diaper rash items
$1 bru mealtime items, excludes food snacks and water
$2 off bru medications or vitamins
$5 off kru bed rails
$5 off bru bathtub
Alll expire 3/31/13
We do use Babies R Us supreme diapers and bought the $10 box thinking it would be a great deal. 1-We had many blowouts which hardly ever happens. 2-The coupons were removed as I am assuming they were expired. The $10 diapers are not worth it. The Baby blues do work well though.
Do you have a direct link for the 5.00 off coupon? I didn’t see it on the website? TIA
The $10 diapers are a black Friday deal and a very rare find. Also the gift cards take 6 hours to activate and do have an expiration date of usually about 4 months out.
I have 4 kids and have used these diapers for all of them – they work great for us!! However, the store may argue the free $20 gift card if you are buying any size bigger then size 2 (we need size 3 and 4) becasue the promo says 76 count and larger and the size 3 and up have less diapers then that (the $10 boxes) – just a heads up
The size 3 boxes that I got have 84 diapers in them. Kind of weird since the size 2 boxes have 76 diapers!
I have used the baby blue diapers before on my 1 year old daughter with now issues. Normally she can only wear Pampers and I was very surprised to see the baby blues didn’t cause a rash. However, the yellow pack diapers are terrible, I wouldn’t waste your time in getting.
The Baby Blues are awesome. I used them for my older boy and now also for the younger one. Definitely worth during the day. Sometimes at night I use Huggies or Pampers just to be sure he doesn’t wake up wet.
Stupid question…Do you need a rewards card for this? If so, can you just give them the number at the register? My husband will be picking these up after work. Also, is there a limit to how many you can buy???
No you do not need a rewards card but yes they can look it up.
Did not work for me at BRU in Saginaw, MI. Store associate said $10 packs are a holidays-only special, not stocked year round. Baby Blues not 72 ct so they don’t qualify for gift card. All others tagged at $27.99. Thanks anyways!
Bought two ten dollar boxes in Indiana and got the $20 gift card!
Where in IN? I just called the Lafayette store and she said they don’t have any
Worked great in east TN. I bought two ten dollar boxes and got the $20.00 gift card. Did 2nd transaction and bought two more and and was able to use the gift card on them and get another gift card.
All sizes??
Brought 2 pack of size 5 $10 each, did not get gift card.
because it has to be a certain amount so only the small ones qualify
These diapers are not very good. I purchased them once when they had a similar promotion and the quality was awful! not worth the clean up!
I can’t thank you enough for this tip Collin! I have a 6 week old baby girl, and money is a bit tight right now. With the awesome $6 off coupon inside these plus the gift card, I think I’ll be able to get enough of these to get her through the size twos! I’ve already gotten 2, and I’m going back before work in the morning to get 2 more. Thanks a million!