FREE Trial Pack of Nexcare Waterproof Bandages – 1st 50,000 (Facebook)
Hurry on over to the Nexcare Facebook page, “like” them, and click on the “Sample” tab to score a FREE Trial Pack of Nexcare Waterproof Bandages! Be quick, as this is only available to the first 50,000 people to request it.
*OFFER GOOD WHILE SUPPLIES LAST. Limit one free product sample per email address or person/household. Any attempt by any participant to obtain more than one (1) product sample by using multiple/different email addresses, identities or any other methods will void that participant’s entries and that participant will be disqualified. Please allow 6-8 weeks for delivery of your sample by mail.
(Thanks, Free Stuff Times!)
Thanks! Love the texts!
Yay! Got one!!! Thanks
Got one! Thanks!!
YAY!!! Got one too!!! Thanks so much!!!
Got one, thanks!!
Got mine. Thank you!
Yeah! Got one!
Finally figured out how to get samples off Facebook from my iPhone !! O
Hi Jen..would you mind sharing?
Thank you!
Thanks got one. With 2 under 4 need them!!!
It’s throwing an error now.
Watched the video 5 times and every time I submit my info I get a “We’re sorry, an error has occurred.” message
Me too
Me too
Me, too! :-/ I’m bummed!
Me too!
First time, it worked for me, but when I tried to do it for my husband, I got the error message too
Strange—-it would not allow me to watch the video, but let me fill out the info and said my sample will arrive shortly.
I’d like to “UNLIKE” them ….what a waste of time! I need to read these comments before filling in blanks twice to no avail!
Got them, had to re-watch the video and answered the questions at the end differently
Thanks Collin, got one!
It’s 11:05 Central time and I was able to get one on the first try. I liked the page, watched the video and filled out the form. Got a message, ” Sucess! Your free sample will be shipped to you shortly.”
Its about 1:30 eastern time and I just got one!! Also, my phone blipped and said the video couldn’t be played…but still took me to the form and I still got the success message? Not sure how that worked but I’ll take it
Thanks, Collin.
1:52am EST. Samples are all gone.