Target Cartwheel: 50% Off Frozen Pull Apart & Talkin’ Olaf Today Only = Only $9.99
Attention Target Shoppers! Today only, save 50% off Frozen Pull Apart & Talkin’ Olaf with the new Cartwheel Offer available here – note that you may need to log into your Target Cartwheel account first in order to view the offer! Keep in mind that this offer has a limit of one and is only valid on item# 086-07-0490 – item availability varies by store.
This toy should be priced at $19.99 in-store so your final cost after the 50% off Cartwheel will be $9.99.
(Thanks, Free Stuff Finder!)
I did see this is also on a temp price cut for 16.99, so may sweeten the deal a bit more
Oh awesome! So you spotted it on price cut in the store?
The price cut of 16.99 is only available at so YMMV
That is what I was thinking! If anyone spots it in-store for less than $19.99, please comment!
Price match to Toysrus for $14.99.
My store will not pricematch and let you use cartwheel. It is actually in there coupon policy.
Thank you so much for all that you do!! Really appreciate all your posts!
You are welcome, Renee!
We have this and my two year old absolutely loves it. He laughs and giggles it is just perfect for him.
Bought this toy for my daughter when it first come out. Honestly not the best toys it doesn’t have an on/off button sometimes it just comes on “hi I am Olaf and I like warm hugs”! But for this sale price not bad.
I was at my local target in Houston at opening and it’s sold out in surrounding cities. Nearest availability in Pearland, Texas and that’s just too far for me.
Thanks for the heads up! You saved me a trip on my lunch break.
I really wanted this for for grand daughter until I seen the reviews Great price but going to pass on this one and buy the one that doesn’t pull apart better reviews !!
Thanks. I just ordered with in store pick up since I can’t get to target right away and I’m sure it will be gone quick. Great deal!
Got on early this AM. Was priced at $19.99 before discount. Daughter will love!
I cannot order online. I’m new to this cartwheel thing and have no idea how to get it over to the HELP !
The cartwheel is only good in store, so you can’t use it online.
I wonder if this is the same Olaf Pull-Apart Plush that Disney Movie Rewards has for 1075 points? I ordered it for my god-daughter and had it direct shipped. There’s also a cute Olaf ornament for 500 points… but I’m down to just 73 points right now so that will wait, lol
I don’t think it is because this one talks and I don’t believe that one does. The plush part of it looks nicer than the one in stores. I almost ordered it but went with the Santa Mickey hat :).
I’ve got the plush pull-apart one from Disney. It’s a little smaller & doesn’t talk, but the material is much nicer & I think it looks better than the one in the stores.
I price matched to Toysrus for $14.99 and got it for $7.50!
I did the same thing in Springfield, Mo but boy oh mighty was it a pain to ad match at Target. Not sure I want to go through all that again.
Bummer that these seem to be sold out already in most stores. Hope some out there can snag this awesome deal!
I hauled my three boys out to Target at 8am, the doors open and I ran. 8:03 they were sold out, I got the last one!
I would have loved to have gotten this offer, but sold out in my store before it even opened!
Any way to find out if it is sold out in one’s store ?
You may call your local store.
So you can price match to the toys r us and use the cart wheel?
No, you go to Target and price match to Toysrus, and then use the Cartwheel. Toysrus also price matches I believe for future reference, but for this deal you want to go to Target.
Target never has more than one of the items on their target cartwheel. Why do they do these offers when they dont even have any in some stores?
Hey guys!! So Collin posted about that “Experts Creating Experts” contest a while back and I am one of 5 finalists to win $25,000 to help me fulfill my dream of becoming and expert chef!! I would really appreciate anyone who could take 1 min to click this link and vote for “Katherine”
I need all of the support I can get.
Thanks so much for your support!
I just picked up the last one in my local store! They price match to the online price of 16.00 after using my cartwheel it came out to 8.49.
I saw people at target getting them yesterday. But I saw the cartwheel last night, so I knew this would be gone.
Be careful, just got this and the scan didnt take the money off. I added it to the app and it showed as added so the cashier had to manually fix it.
My target in Fort Smith Arkansas did not have any on the shelves, but when I hunted down a worker he told me they had six in the back so he brought me one! I don’t know why they don’t have them on the shelves! Bad news was my target would not let me do the price match and use the 50% cart wheel
but $9.99 is still a great price!
You can use coupons when price matching per Target’s normal coupon policy. When you present a coupon(s), follow these steps:
• Manufacturer coupons: manufacturer coupons will be applied after the price match is made.
• Target and Cartwheel℠ coupons: Target and Cartwheel coupons will be applied before the price match is made. If the competitor price is still lower than the price after the Target and Cartwheel coupon has been deducted, the ad match can be adjusted to match the competitor’s price.
• Combining both Target, Cartwheel and manufacturer coupons: the Target and Cartwheel coupon will be applied before the price match is made. If the competitor price is still lower than the price after the Target and Cartwheel coupon has been deducted, the ad match can be adjusted to match the competitor’s price. Once the price match is made, the manufacturer coupon will be applied.
Reminder: we accept one manufacturer coupon and one Target coupon for the same item unless either coupon prohibits it. Target does not ad match a competitor’s coupon-required offers. For details, view our Store Coupon Policy.
Her store was following the 3rd bullet point about price match and cartwheel. Some stores/employees follow Target’s policy and some don’t. Mine does.
I understand Target will not allow a price match and cartwheel on a “competitors price”… I don’t know if I am missing something, but I dont see anything about price matching and using cartwheel.
I don’t see it at toyrus for 14.99.. help?
I just bought it for $7.49! I price matched with @ $14.99 and the cartwheel took 50% off!! So yes, you can price match with TRU.
It’s actually not their policy. Some stores allow it and some employees don’t know the rules.
My target would not price match and do the cartwheel! Sucks. Still a good deal
Just got mine, thanks Collin!! Passed an associate and she recommended I go to the customer service desk and price match as she said its 16.99 online. They did it no problem, paid $9! Great deal
I was there at 8:05 and 1 person bought the only 3 in our store. Her friend was the cashier and she let her use pictures of other peoples cartwheels on her phone to get all 3 at the 50% off. I asked if ilI could buy just one of them and she laughed at me and said I should have gotten here earlier. This is ridiculous and makes me not want to try. I told the manager but he just said he would investigate later. Christmas brings the worst out in some people.
I sent my husband there at lunch. I knew I wouldn’t be able to get me and my two babies ready and out of the door in time to snatch up this deal! He went straight there and the shelf was empty. Luckily a worker was there and he asked her to scan it to make sure there weren’t any in the store, Showed up sold out, but she did remember seeing one at the guest services counter that was able to be bought. He ran up there and HE GOT IT!! (Sold out in VOA Target in West Chester, OH) My 1.5 year old is going to be soooooo excited to open “Oh-wa” X-mas morning. I told my husband not to worry about price matching and using the cartwheel. It’s only a couple dollars difference and not worth the hassle. $2 isn’t going to break the bank and it’s worth spending to see her smile when she opens it!
Someone somewhere I read had a question where they could buy frozen pajamas for kids, well I just saw the commercial their selling for $9.99 at JC Penney and $12 at Kmart. You can always price match at your local Walmart or Target. Hope that helps in anyway.
My target wouldn’t let me price match and cartwheel
I went to Target and they had three on the shelf. Grabbed on and took it to customer service to price match. While I was there one of the employees helping me said she really wanted one for her daughter. Was about to call back to the department to ask someone to get her one. But, I offered to go and bring one back up for her. She thanked me. When I brought it back for her she said she had left me something at Customer Service. It was three $3 customer service coupons. So now I basically got Olaf for free. I LOVE Target and their awesome customer service.
All the stores in my area have them. I was able to price match Toys R Us and use Cartwheel. It was $8.02 with tax!!
I was able to score the last one at my local target. Price matched with ToysRus, Cartwheel 50% and used Redcard. Total was $7.49 + tax.
This is going to be a donation toy. How do you get the plush Olaf to stop talking? Any bump or movement and he starts talking….and talking…..and talking.
there’s swich on the back, its really hard to get to but it’s there
Got it I priced matched and got the cartwheel!! Thank you all for the comments scored this for 7.49