Highly Rated Preschool Prep Collection DVD Set Only $39.99 Shipped (Regularly $129.95!)
Hurry on over to Groupon where they are once again offering up this highly rated Preschool Prep Collection (includes 10 DVDs) for just $39.99 (reg. $129.95!) + Free Shipping. This DVD collection includes: Meet the Blends, Meet the Colors, Meet the Digraphs, Meet the Letter Sounds, Meet the Letters, Meet the Numbers, Meet the Shapes, Meet the Sight Words 1, Meet the Sight Words 2 and Meet the Sight Words 3.
This seems like *HOT* price as this set is currently selling for over $75 on Amazon and has great reviews!
Preschool Prep’s DVDs captivate children with educational material that’s garnered more than 25 awards. By anthropomorphizing numbers, letters, and colors, the DVDs help children aged 9 months to 7 years easily recognize the characters and understand their functions. Advanced lessons in phonics and sight words deepen a budding reader’s understanding and respect for the written word, even when it’s written mockingly on their forehead as they sleep.
(Thanks, Freebies for a Cause!)
This is excellent, I’ve used it for a few years with 5 and 6 yr olds. Highly highly recommend!
We purchased these when posted before Christmas for our two year old and she loves them. When we go to stores she yells out the letters she can recognize on the marque. This also seems to entertain our 10 month old as well. Great deal on a great product!
Would you guys that own suggest this for a Kindergarten early reader too?
YES I am a K teacher.
My sister got these for my boys and my nephews for Christmas and it was been one of the best gifts ever! My nephew is 2 1/2 and doesn’t talk will point at a letter and sound it out. It has been amazing watching him, and before we know it he will be speaking, all because of these videos!
I purchased Meet the phonics for my son (20 months at the time) and he learned phonics for all the letters within 2 weeks! He loves it! I literally looked into buying more yesterday. Awesome deal. Highly recommended!
*meet the letter sounds*
My almost 3 year son whom is in early intervention begs to watch these. Best purchase!!!
You can save money and just put on similar videos from YouTube.
There is an issue of quality. A lot of similar videos on youtube are not of the same educational quality. There are some very short (1-3 minute) mini-videos but none of this length and quality.
YouTube videos just aren’t as practical for me — I don’t want my kids messing with my computer, iPad, etc. This series is worth the $40. This series has been HUGE in helping my daughter learn to read. Repetition, picture words, catchy songs… they’re great! Also, my son is nearly 2 — he barely says any words, but he loves these videos and is learning his letters and letter sounds. That’s priceless to me!
Purchased these last year when posted as a deal. My children (currently both 3 years old) enjoy watching ‘Meet the Letter Sounds’ and ‘Meet the Numbers’ the most out of the sounds. They have learned the letter sounds quickly and well with the help of that DVD, much to my surprise!
We’re working our way up to the blends and digraphs, then the sight words DVDs. Definitely worth the price!
Grabbed one! Thanks for the reviews ladies! My 23 month old daughter is extremely ahead verbally, and I think she will totally love these.
Hi Megan, Or anyone…
Have you received a conformation Email for your order?? I ordered mine yesterday and haven’t seen it yet. I wasn’t originally a member so I had to create an account.
I received confirmation and I was already a member.