Free Equate Pad and Liner Sample Kit
Hop on over here, click on the Get Free Sample button and complete the form to score a FREE Equate Options Pad and Liner Sample Kit that includes a very light long liner, moderate long bladder control pad and a maximum long bladder control pad.
(Thanks, Free Stuff Times!)
Thanks so much!
You are so welcome
Not available for my zipcode
Directed me to a purchase page.
Oh well
It did this to me also the first time and the second time the third time I went in the page came up to fill out so you might want to try again
Thanks so much. I’m due to have my baby on Christmas, I’ll take all the free sample pads I can get:)
You are so welcome
Love these!!!
I received a 4 piece sample from them last week. There were 2 long super ultra thins and 2 overnight ultra thins in the box.
On second look, the ones I got last week were monthly “pads”.
This new sample is for Pee Pee pads. I’m in.