RecycleBank: 2 New 10 Point Codes
Yay! I have an easy way to score 20 more points on Recycle Bank— which could mean another high value coupon for ya! Just login to your Recycle Bank account and take the MillerCoors Water Conservation Quiz and the MillerCoors Zero Waste to Landfill quiz. This will score you another 20 points total (10 points per quiz)!
If you’re new around here, you are probably wondering what the heck RecycleBank is. RecycleBank partners with cities and haulers to reward households for recycling; households earn RecycleBank Points that can be used to shop at over 1,500 local and national businesses. Currently, you can earn 20 RecycleBank points just for signing up to join (this offer is good for NEW registrants only). Once you have signed up you can use your points to purchase high value coupons for groceries and/or discounts at online stores. After signing in, click on the Get Rewards tab and you’ll be able to start scrolling through the rewards they have available on the left hand side.
(Thanks, Swathi and Who Said Nothing In Life is Free!)
Watched the videos but not seeing where to take the quiz..
i dont see where to even watch the video?
Do they mail the the ‘high value’ coupons, or email?
You sort of “buy” the coupons with your points, and then you print them straight from there.
I think it may depend on the coupon. I have only had them mailed to me but maybe there are some that you can print too. 🙂
Thank you for letting me know about this awesome site. I signed up and somehow started out with 75 points. I also took a small quiz (a P&G quiz listed on the right side of the screen) and earned another 25 points which totals 100 pts. And, there is a LeapFrog coupon worth 100 pts for $10.00 off. Awesome deal!!!
My question is: I can not find the 2 quizzes you mentioned above. I looked under the “Earn Points” tab and several of the other ones. And ideas where to find the quizzes? Help is VERY MUCH appreciated!! Thanks!
Follow her link (where it says login to your “Recycle Bank account”) and then watch the videos. You get the points when you answer a question when the video is finished.
I watched both videos, nothing. I clicked on the first link “…Sustainable Initiatives” and it took me to their site with a box that said answer 3 questions and earn points, but when I clicked it nothing happened. When I clicked “Rewards”, it takes me to the 2nd video which I already watched and got no options for survey or points. Help!
I’m having the same problem. I don’t have any where to click to get to the quiz. I watched both videos and nothing new appeared. I am using Firefox so I wonder if that is the problem.
YAY! Got my 20 pts. Thanks!
Where do you go to take the quizzes? Would someone mind posting a direct link? I’d very much appreciate it. 🙂
Love this site, and what it stands for! I was emailed a survey the other day and got 50 points :). Ive already received in the mail 3x 5.00 off any purchase, cards for Modells 🙂 I finally got my sticker for my recycling can, but for some reason the points were not added after pickup 🙁
Yes, thanks for the heads up! I too was able to find the P&G Home quiz and got 25 points but can’t find the “beer” quizes or videos… Any one that can guide me? Thanks!
OKay, I figured it out… If you are having trouble use the SECOND link above (not the first) to get to the “beer” quizes. After that if you head to your My Profile page, you should see the box to earn another 25 points for the Future Home… Thanks!
Awesome, earned 120 points and scored a free magazine subscription. Cool new site to add to my bookmarks.Thanks Collin!!!
And if you were already a member, be sure to check your mail for the chance to take a survey by November 28th for Recycle Bank worth FIFTY points! 🙂 (points will show up in your account after the two week survey period is finished)
I have used my points for 2 $3.00 off a box Kashi Cereal coupons. I bought two for $3.00 a box (so free after coupons) and those boxes had rewards codes on them so I earned 30 more points!
Where do we find the quiz?
I had to read the comments to figure it out, but I was able to score 20 points each for my 2 accounts.
Enter this code for 10 points from Natures Made Vitamins
You can use this same code 5 times for a total of 50 points.
Thank you so much for the code, worked great!
i did sign up just now, but i guess i missed those 2 beer quiz…. oops… but thanks for the code, now has 150 points in my account. Just wanna know how to recycle locally and earn points… do i call my local waste collector or what?
Thanks Collin, I got my points for the video/quiz Also, I noticed now that the 75 point Kashi coupon for $3 off is now a print at home bricks coupon. I was able to print 2 of these for just 75 points.
How did you get them for 75? Lucky! All I’m seeing is the $3 off any product for 90 points!
Sorry you are right it was 90 points, not 75. I had one mail to me last month. This month it allowed me to print 2 of these $3 coupons. I think I should be able to score some free or cheap Kashi products
I found the quizzes by clicking on this link after being logged into my acct. –
Hope that helps!
I linked directly to the 2 quizzes in the post, but in case you can’t find it, here it is for you.
Thanks for the direct link, I couldn’t find it. That got me enough points to get the Popular Mechanics subscription, just got my last issue from last years freebie.
Thanks for the quiz points, Collin. I got a coupon for 2 free cans of cat food a little while ago, and am building up my points for another one. My kitties (Jacques and Madeleine) say “Thanks Collin!”
For those still having trouble try using a different browser. When I was using Firefox I only saw 2 videos at the bottom of the page. I switched to Internet Explorer and there were 2 different (and shorter) videos directly under each of the spots where it said take the quiz. I watched those and got my points!
I just earned 30 points for only taking one Coors quiz. Wee hoo!
I took this quiz a few days ago and earned 20 points. Now they are offering 30 points so I took the quiz again and earned another 30 points today. Just click on the link above where it says Just login to your Recycle Bank account and take the MillerCoors Water Conservation Quiz.