FREE Sample of Crest 3D WhiteStrips!
Walmart has a new sample available! Just go here to score a FREE sample of Crest 3D WhiteStrips with Advance Seal! Click on “Skip” to bypass the intro and then you should see the sample tab to click on (the last tab on the right). Allow up to 4 weeks for delivery.
(Thanks, GoodDealMama!)
Yay! Lots of freebies today.
Thanks Collin 🙂
Yeah! Thank you so much … very easy!
I got one!!! I received the 3D whitening kit from daily candy recently & this product works very well & I had no sensitvity at all. The strips stay on very well (a little difficult to remove) Thanks Collin!!!
There are also 2 other free offers available from Walmart – Underjams and shampoo. Fun!
I got the kit from Daily Candy as well and I love all 3 Crest 3D whitening products they sent – strips, toothpaste and mouthwash – my teeth look AWESOME!
Me too, I’m addicted to the rinse now!
Love these ~ thanks ~ can’t have enough!
got mine, thanks!
Thanks Collin. I got my Beechnut coupons as well as the Cooler bag from Sams today. It was nice. Thanks again.
Thank you! 🙂
Thank you. I have wanted to try this but never wanted to splurge the extra money. I Love Freebies.
yeah me too…. they are so expensive and i really wanted to try one before i spend that much money, and what do you know, hip to save saves the day again!
just so everyone knows you can request as many samples as you have emails… so there is no household limit! i love these kind of freebies… Thanks Collin!
More freebies! woo hoo. I just went to the dentist and bought a tube of teeth whitening gel.
22% Hyd. Yeah! that should boost the ole pearly whites!
Wonder how good these “aftermarket” are. Mine goes into my personal custom tray.
These sit ontop of your teeth correct? Not getting in-between like a real tray and gel would do.
Any every use this compared to a real deal type??
More freebies! woo hoo. I just went to the dentist and bought a tube of teeth whitening gel.
22% Hyd. Yeah! that should boost the ole pearly whites!
Wonder how good these “aftermarket” are. Mine goes into my personal custom tray.
These sit ontop of your teeth correct? Not getting in-between like a real tray and gel would do.
Anybody every use this compared to a real deal type??
Thanks again!!
I saw some toothpastes have these on top of them too if you are needing toothpaste & want an additional sample!! 🙂