FREE Cloth Feminine Pad + FREE Shipping!
…AND the Earth Day freebies keep rolling out! Head on over to Party in My Pants to snag a FREE cloth feminine pad! Shipping is FREE too!
UPDATE: You can still snag FREE shipping + 10% off with coupon code EARTH10 on all products at Party In My Pants through April 30th!
(Thanks, Frugal Green Family!)
That’s a weird one LOL
cough,cough Saving the environment?
I’m glad someone said it! ick.
Yeah, I think I’ll stick to disposable pads!
I am all for saving the Earth, but that’s too far for me.
Their website says shipping is free through April 31st?!?!?
Too weird!!!!
haha i just love the name though.. party in my pants ummmmmmm not my kind of party
It’s not free it said $2.99 shipping.
The $2.99 is for International shipping
I’m going to be brave & try it!
Only because it’s free. I wouldn’t pay to try it.
I paid quite a bit of money for my cloth pads. If I am using cloth for my kids, why wouldn’t I treat my own body as well as I do theirs? I insist on not putting chemicals into them, why not me too? The chemicals in disposable pads and tampons cause longer, heavier periods and tampons can cause TSS. I think I will stick to my cloth. And the softness of the cloth on your irritated mama bits (after childbirth), practically pure bliss after scratchy, chemical-filled disposable pads.
Seriously, if you haven’t tried it, keep your negative, close-minded comments to yourself.
no words for that one! it made my night! 🙂
ps: hubby thought it would be funny when our crazy mailman (he loves to make comments on our mail) saw the return address from party in my pants.
Haha I was thinking the same thing about my mail-lady.
Too bad it says they are discreetly shipped and the return address is not “Party in my Pants” 🙁
It says the return address is Luci Duam Design, but that would have been a good laugh if it was Party in My Pants!
I’ve always wanted to try these but didn’t want to spend money on something I might not like. Thanks!
I know people who use these and like them. I am going to try one too just because it is free. The site is bogged down though.
Patti, I too am going to try it! I have talked to several people I know who use them and only have good things to say about them! We’ll see!
To counter all the naysayers in here, cloth pads are extremely comfortable. Much more so than the disposable ones.
ha ha ha……ok. ill get it for a white elephant exchange or something, it will make someone laugh, this is to funny!
OK, so I just read this sentence over and over again on their site because I couldn’t figure it out “You’ve got to try a PIMP to believe in the magic of cloth pads.”
I even called my hubby in the room to ask him and he didn’t even have a clue. Anyway, I finally figured out that it meant –Party in my Pants (PIMP)! It’s funny that they choose to shorten it that way! 😉
ha ha ha….Im going to tell my husband I have to try a pimp! ha ha ha. let me see what he says.
This is just hilarious!!! I almost pi in my underwear. My husband is working right now but i’ll make sure to show it to him when he gets back.
the best laugh of the day… thank you for always making us have a wonderful laugh 🙂
site is down for me
I am confused. I put in the coupon code and it says it applied 1.00 off my order???? Has anyone been able to get this yet?
Yuck! Dont want this freebie. Gross!
I wouldn’t mind trying it, but every time I try to add it to my cart nothing happens. 🙁
Finally got it to work
LOL .. My motto has always been..I’ll try anything once! (except for potentially harmful and dangerous things) They don’t seem so bad…right??
Thanks but…..uh, I sooooo don’t think so. LOL! Menstural cups and sea sponges?!?! Really?! I have never in my entire life heard of such things! LOL! Cups and sponges??? Unreal……….
Don’t knock the cups. Best invention ever. Saves a ton of money. And less messy once you get used to it. LOVE them.
LOL that’s what i thought to….a cup? really? no way!!!!!!! those do exists????
They are really awesome. I will never use tampons again.
Ditto – they are awesome and I won’t use tampons again either
Agree about the cups. They are nice!
I won’t knock anyone for taking care of themselves- however they choose.
WAIT…WHAT?!? I love tampons. What am I missing? I was going to laugh at this freebie and say “Uh…no thanks!” ’cause I love being in the 21st Century. But with lots of you saying ‘cups’ are great, it makes me wonder what’s up?
This is s stupid question but where do you even find those cups? and how do they work? i guess i can’t picture a cup, maybe more like a test tube???
I must be too late the site is acting up : ( the funny part is that it comes in cotton and flannel…cant imagine using the flanned one? ha ha idk!
dah, cotton for day and flannel for night ……….I’m having a good laugh and thats one of the many things I like about all the people here.Your so much fun. So to all the serious people What ever floats your boat. Seems like some of us are getting educated.
umm…. thats gross
You’re got to be kidding me!!!! Please tell me this is April’s Fools rather than Earth Day giveaway!!!!!!!
Thanks but no thanks!!! Doesn’t sound like a party to me!!!
“Liners can be used in combination with a menstrual cup or sea sponge for added protection.”
a cup?????? seriously?
very slow….even more slow during checkout….
Wow, there are some closed minded people here. Lots of people I know use these, including me. They’re very comfortable and wash up easily. And the cup they’re referring to is like the Diva Cup.
Yeah, I never would have thought all these negative comments would be possible. Do any of you use cloth diapers on your children?
Have you ever had to clean the “skid marks” off your hubby’s underwear?
Please, grow up.
I am laughing so hard right now at the “skid mark” comment! That is too funny! 🙂
I completely agree!
There are other cups as well – Instead makes a disposable version.
I know, I can’t believe all the immature comments. Yuck.
I am SO getting one for a white elephant!!!!!!!!!!!! I MUST TRY A PIMP!!!!!!
I remember when the cup came out in the ’90s. I loved it! Then they stopped selling them at the store so it was harder and harder to find. Then by chance I was at the dollar store and there they were! Then we moved and long story short, I miss the cups! This sounds interesting, but if it’s legit, I might give it a try. 😀
I have found them at CVS! hth
they sell “instead” at walgreens too.
Thanks, I have never looked there. (and I am there ALL the time)
Best price I found is to order through
I just saw some insteads at Target on clearance…wasn’t really sure if I should try them or not.
Wow! I will have to go to either WAGs or Target, the cups I used were called Instead. It’s been so long since I’ve used them. Thanks to everyone who responded to my post. 😀
Why would it not be legit??? Many women use cloth. What do you think women used before disposables were invented? How about the women in countries where those are not an option?
My comment was more about the company itself, some companies offer “freebies” with attached fees which no longer make them freebies. That tends to be frustrating, but on the plus side, I was able to contact them by phone and my pad is on it’s way. 😀
Me too! Honestly I loved the cups (I used Instead)! It took some time to get used to, but after I did, I thought they were so much better than pads (I hate tampons). I was really bummed when they went off the market, but recently saw them again at Target, so may have to get them once again!
I have been wanting to try these! I am ordering a diva cup soon. I have heard nothing but good about both the liners and the diva cup.
I have used the Instead cups for years( disposable cup). I LOVE them. (fyi They can be used for 12 hours so u only have to change them out 2 times a day. almost 0% chance of tss and helps keep yeast infections down. hth someone.)
how does that cup thing work? I’ve never heard of it…
You insert it as far back as you can (e.g., up against your cervix). Within the next 12 hours you empty it into the toilet as you’re sitting down. It’s suprising that there is not a lot in there. It’s really easy, and I agree with a PP- I used them in the 90s and sort of had trouble getting them again. I’ve seen them in stores lately, but I’m so stocked up on free tampons and pads that I haven’t had a need yet.
What I liked with the cup is that it allowed me to keep my sex life active with my then boyfriend, now my husband.
wait….you can have sex with the cup inside you??? I’ve never even heard of these cups..learning a lot tonight!
My husband (boyfriend back then) loved that aspect of them too. ;0)
I believe it is somewhat like a diaphragm in how it fits… basically catching the blood flow. I remember the Instead coming out in the 90’s too and thought about giving it a try but never did.
Yup, exactly like that. I used them a few years ago and thought they were pretty cool. Don’t understand some of the reactions here, lol. Are we all in 7th grade still?
I don’t think I’m brave enough to try it….and leave the house. How much can it hold? What do you do if you’re out in public and need a change???? Stick it in your bag and bring it home to clean it???? I’m leaning toward the eweee people, but I can’t even get on the site to form my own opinion.
I was wondering the same thing, do you just put the used one in your purse? This was my laugh for the day. I’ll pass!!!
I want to try one but this was my question. However on the Diva Cup site they say to just take it out and wipe it clean with toilet paper and then clean it more thoroughly later when you can. They also say that since it lasts for 12 hours most people don’t have to change it in public but if they do they give you the suggestions! 🙂
There’s a gross tube thingy for women to go #1 in too out there, and you’re supposed to put THAT in your purse in a baggy after you use it. G-R-O-S-S!! Guess they could go right next to each other? How embarassing would THAT be?? Two year old in the middle of the store, dumps your purse and out pops your earth friendly used pad and pee pee bottle? NO THANK YOU!! Love you earth, but no.
It holds more then you bleed your entire period. You can leave it in 12 hours, you should NEVER have to take it out and clean it in public, if you have any planning skills at all.
You’re hilarious, Tiffany!
I wanted to go browse these crazy items to see them for myself, but it looks like all the H2S readers have crashed another site. (me included)
My order finally went through! I just had to keep refreshing the page.. No cost and it will be shipped in 1-2 business days.
Some of these “earth-saving” things are absolutely crazy!!! This whole “green” movement makes me ill! No offense to Collin, though, your site is great!! 🙂
Why is it “crazy”? Some women have found that their periods are much lighter, shorter, and less painful after switching from chemical-laden disposable pads to cloth ones. I’ve never used one, but I definitely don’t think it sounds like a “crazy” idea. I’m getting one – thanks Collin!
I don’t use these because they are “green” or environmentally friendly. I use the cup because they are better for your body. No irritation, no tss risk, and helps decrease yeast infections. I used to get yeast infections every month until I starting using Instead cups. Now I don’t get them at all. They really are no “nastier” or gross to use than tampons. Actually considering you only have to change the cups 2 x a day it’s less.
Agreed. The whole “green” movement has gone too far.
I agree! It has become a marketing scam!
Hey, disposable feminine products haven’t always been around. Think about what people had to do before indoor plumbing! This free offer doesn’t seem so bad when you think about it. We have it so much easier these days in our disposable society!
I am really shocked by what I have been reading here. I thought all you young girls were really with it. You’ve all gone back to breastfeeding and such….remember that was not vogue until some thirty years ago. It had faded away for many years. From all the reading I have done on the Internet, I thought the cloth pads and cups were really popular, how wrong I was, LOL! But, haven’t you ever wondered what women did before they had disposable pads, tampons??? If you want to get educated about the “old days” and the history of menstruation and how it was dealt with, go to a very, very interesting website. A little hard to read, but the information is great.
I used cloth diapers on my kids and have used a menstrual cup (mooncup made by keeper) and cloth (flannel is lovely, btw) liners for many years. Don’t knock it till you try it, ladies. What’s gross is how many tampons and pads are in our landfills and how long they take to decompose, not to mention the sanitation workers who have to come into contact with them.
AGREED!! ..not to mention the health risks associated with tampons..I personally believe that there are probably more risks than we know of..(i.e. cancers, ect) tampons and pads aren’t made of very natural things. I’m sure they are made of plastic and chemicals…and we are putting them in our body?!?!?!
I made it through checkout! This statement was on their page:
“All shipments are discreetly shipped in plain boxes or envelopes. The return address is listed as Luci Daum Design, not Party In My Pants.”
Ummm, thank goodness!!!!
I think I’ll pass on that one!
No matter how great these things are, I find it doubtful that they are SO good that they will make me “look forward to my period and have me view it as a restful cleansing process.” Yeah, not happening. I suppose I will also want to mountain bike and downhill ski?
Beth…did you have to put in a code or coupon code ???
I have never personally tried the cup but I have several friends who swear by them. I have thought about trying them and after reading the comments from the ones who do use them I think it is time to try.. 🙂 If I made it through cloth diapers I am sure I can do this. thanks everyone for the info on which ones are great
I use the disposable Instead brand. I am going to use my swagbucks at the end of the month to get the diva cup off of amazon.
Nope! I left that part blank and clicked on “free order” and after refreshing the page a few times it finally went through.
Hey I was thinking I should have used this as my pledge on the Jones soda site. Darn. What an eye-opening way to go green. Still, it’s my favorite price… FREE! Thanks Collin.
I can’t make it go through, I keep getting the message
“You must select a shipping option before continuing.”
what am I missing? where do I select it?
use the calculate shipping button.
and select “free item” under the payment options.
I did order this freebie a couple weeks ago. This is for a panty liner. It has a nylon lining to make it leak proof. (I prefer a more breathable material personally) I use Go with the Flo cloth pads. They are covered with organic cotton or bamboo velour, and are backed with either high-quality fleece or wool. No leaks! For those who are a bit squeamish, keep doing what you’re doing. But don’t knock me and my shorter, lighter period with fewer cramps and no contact with chemicals or bleached paper products, and don’t forget less chance for TSS. IMO, disposable pads feel like a diaper, and cloth pads..well they feel like wearing underwear.
said I made an illegal choice???? huh
Thanks so much for passing this along!! I just got my wetbag in the mail today…I’m gong to cloth TP for #1 as well 🙂 Cloth pads/liners and a cup are my next big project! 🙂
When I mentioned going this way on facebook I pretty much got just as many “ewwwww gross” responses as well. I think many people have just never been exposed to this line of thinking.
Cloth TP? I’m interested in how that would work out, although it raises too many questions in my head.
I do wash my DD’s wipes (only for #1) to use for cleaning. They are so durable.