My Mailbox Makes Me Smile!

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I know I did a post about my mailbox goodies last week, but I just had to share more mailbox pictures and a couple reader emails that I received in the last few days.

Check out this picture and email I received from reader, Freda…

Hey Collin,
Just wanted to share with you my wonderful mailbox day! I have attached a picture for you to see everything that came in my mailbox today.

Recently, my family and I started switching over to more all-natural/organic products. I have been looking for ways to save money on organic items and have discovered that there are a lot of coupons out there! 🙂 The best way I’ve found is to just write to companies and tell them my story of making the switch to organic products and ask for coupons to try out their products. Most of them are glad to send me coupons (even for free products!) or if they do not have any coupons they send little cute samples. There are other websites out there to print from, too.

In my picture you can see all the coupons I received today just for writing to companies. Also, in the top left corner of the picture, you can see a book. This is for Tennessee residents only, but Dolly Parton has started a program called “Imagination Library.” It is set up with Tennessee libraries and a person’s child from birth can get one free book EVERY MONTH until they reach kindergarten age! That is so many free books!!! Awesome!

In the top middle of the picture is a letter we received from our Amazon credit card. We earned rewards back on our purchases. We can get up to $75 worth of gift cards now! Below the letter is our best thing we got back in the mail—our income tax refund! Yay!  There’s also a $5 rebate check from the Clorox wand that I purchased with coupons and sale at Target awhile back. Oh and I got my free duct tape like you and some recipe brochures from the companies that sent coupons.
Anyways…thought I’d share my deals!

Here’s another great picture and email from reader, Linda…

I just have to share my joy with you! I had an amazing day. I’m convinced that my mail man must hate me, the people at Walgreens think I’m funny, and the people at Bath and Body Works are a little sick of me coming in to wash my hands, put on “Look Ma, New Hands” moisturizer, and then buy a really cheap thing and get a travel size for free. 🙂 Oh well.

Attached is a picture of the freebies that arrived in my mail today. I’m going to save the moisturizing shampoos for my mom who will come and visit me in August (she has dry hair and skin), give the Pampers DVD to a friend with a 2 year old and one on the way (already gave her the potty training DVD I got for free), and I will use the eb5 lotion myself. And the check will go in the bank to fund future shopping sprees.

Thanks so much for showing us how fun it can be to save money, and spend wisely. I’ve always been a coupon queen, but now I think I’ve moved up several levels since I started reading your blog.

And one more picture to share with you from a reader named Tara…

You know what I love about these pictures and the excitement I can feel just by reading emails from so many of you… well, I love that getting samples in the mail can be such a bright spot in each of our days! It’s a simple and completely FREE way to bring a smile to so many faces. I know it may seem a little dorky (or at least my hubby thinks so)… “Yay! Babe! I just got a FREE package of Playtex tampons in the mail… and even a coupon! Wahoo!” His expression after I say this… well, lets just say he has a very confused look on his face.

Anyway, I think it’s so great that with all the obstacles and challenges life has to throw at us, we can still smile when we check our mailboxes. I mean how many people can really say that?! My kiddos love checking the mail too… it’s definitely a family affair!

To all you postal workers that may be reading, we LOVE you!! …AND I’m sure most of us would LOVE to share our free samples with you, so please ask! 🙂

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Comments 71

  1. Holly

    I was just curious, to know where the person with the last picture got the potty training success dvd package? I am in the process of trying to train one of my twins, the other is already potty trained.

    Thank you

    • Chastidy I think… I received this also!!

    • Chastidy

      yes go to and you should see on the home page where you can request the free dvd!!

      • Holly

        thank you! going there now! LOL

  2. Collin (Mrs. Hip)

    To all the wonderful Postal Workers who deliver all our Freebies every day!!! You’re awesome!! Thanks for putting up with all of our FREE STUFF that you bring us every day.

    • Mary Beth

      I agree — the postal workers in the Capital District of upstate NY are the best! (Not trying to start a competition here, just always grateful that they are so friendly & helpful.)

  3. stacy

    everyday there should be a post of “what did you get free today” its great to see what other people got well i find it interesting or im just nosey

    • Christy

      I agree … would love to see weekly pictures/updates on what others are receiving! I had fun reading this post. 🙂

  4. Collin (Mrs. Hip)

    Just curious about how many of you pay bills and submit rebates online instead of by snail mail? I was thinking about this the other day because I love getting my coupons and samples by mail and they talk about the postal service being in trouble because people don’t use it as much now. You guys are thanking the postal workers and I think maybe we should use postal mail more as a way of thanking them. Just a thought.

    • Tara

      I mail in all of our bills/rebates, my Dad has been employeed by the USPS for 30 years now and they are really a wonderful company with fantastic benefits.

      • Collin (Mrs. Hip)

        I mail in all my rebates and bills also. Yes it may cost a few cents, but it’s worth it.

    • Stephanie W

      I also send all of my rebates/bills by snail. My dad has been a letter carrier for 30 years as well. If I happen to be home on Saturday when the mailman comes, he always laughs when I get excited. One day I looked at him and said “job security.”. Now I think he gets just as excited when he delivers all of my packages!

    • Sabine

      No way in heck would I ever go back to mailing my bills. It is a waste of resources, and I don’t think people should participate in wasteful behavior just to keep an entity afloat. Many Americans past and present have been affected economically by changing technology and adaptation is what makes America great. The post office must also adapt to these changes and not perpetuate an archaic practice and use valuable paper in order to feel some job security. We should create more forward-thinking jobs and not ignore progress.

      • Collin (Mrs. Hip)

        Don’t you get samples sent to you by mail?

  5. stacy

    btw my boyfriend gets the mail and says yup MORE TAMPONS… so funny…

  6. Chastidy

    Some counties on Georgia get the free book thing too!! My 2 year old has been getting the books since birth

    • jenny

      I live in Arkansas, and my daughter also recieves books from the Imagination LIbrary. I love it! New books for us, and if we get a repeat of one we already had, we donate it to her school.

      • Brandy

        You can go on the website for Imagination Library and find out if your area participates. It’s in more than just Tennessee and isn’t new. It’s been around a while.

        • Gina

          Just wanted to let every body know you can get the Imagination Library books in WI too. My son loves to recieve his new book in the mail!

          • Teresa

            Imagination Library is in South Dakota as well. I know it’s been here t’s been around for over a 10 years

    • Stephanie

      The Imagination Library is funded through most local United Ways, check with them to see if you qualify. My daughter has been getting them in South Dakota since she was born and loves getting new books in the mail. Great program!

    • Heidi H

      Yes, we get the Imagination Library in Iowa, too!

  7. sarah

    I like getting some samples, but feel much of what is sent is so wasteful – tiny little shampoo packets, loads of packaging, etc. The Kandoo DVD was really useless, imo. Travel-size items are just more packaging. Not trying to be smug, but I’m trying to be responsible in my requests.

    • lisa

      I love getting all these free little samples – I use them when we go away for the week-end or if my husband goes out of town for his job. Also, if I run out of something, I might have a sample on hand that I can use until I go to the store. As far as the DVD from Kandoo, my grandson absolutely loves it, so for me it was very useful. Thanks Collin for finding these great samples for us!

  8. stacy

    hahahha! I hear ya about postal people one postman got annoyed with all the free stuff i got from walmart .. I didnt care though… im lucky the girls at my wags are really good and never give me a tude about using coupons or if I have to return something without a receipt .. sometimes my receipt flies out of the bag.. and at Rite Aid one woman loves to see it when I have a bunch of coupons and save money!

  9. Mitchell Wischmann

    I got my FREE Kotex sample today and also got 3 coupons for FREE 20 oz Coke products from My Coke Rewards!

  10. Tiffany

    I’m wondering how people are getting duplicates of free samples?? I have tried using my husbands email address as previously suggested, and I always only get one coupon/sample etc. But in some pics I see multiples…how??

  11. Carla Franklin

    I wanted to say that it’s not just TN for the Imagination Library books for free….go on their website and you can see if your county participates in this or not. When we lived in KY we got them there and then when we moved to GA our county had it here too. It’s great to get those books each month!

    • amanda

      This is right…we got the books when we lived in Ohio, Florida and now Tennessee. It just varies by the county within the state as my sister-in-law’s county in Ohio did not participate but mine did.

      • julie

        I live in Fl…who did you get them? Was it through Dolly Patron…have 3 kiddos and they love to read!

    • Lisa F

      We get the books here in ND also!!! I love the Imagination Library. My son has been getting them since he was first born and they gave us the forms while we were at the hospital in our packet. It is a great program and for us it goes from birth to 5 yrs I think. Check it out if you already haven’t. I had one of those great mail days yesterday!! Renu sample, Suave sample, Pantene sample, Kotex sample and a new book for my munchkin from Dolly Parton. Great week for everyone it seems.

  12. KellyJ

    Yeah. I sometimes wish my hubby would get more excited when I tell him what freebies I got or The savings. I feel sometimes Like he is looking at me like I am talking like the teacher from peanuts. I find myself sharing my coupon receipts,savings, and ecb’s and r.r.’s with friends and people at work. None of them understand. They just think I am a savin fool. But no one is as excited. People keep tellin me I need to start up A website.. I say no sillys. I go to COLLINS! Thats where I have got all my teachings from. She is my yoda… haha.
    I love my mail. Its amazing how before I dreaded it. Getting bills. Now I just throw the bills aside for my hubby like they don’t even exist and go straight to my freebies.
    Thanks again Collin and all your helpers for all you do. This is the #1 best coupon/freebie/funny/caring and down right original site I have ever been to.

    • Lecia


      My bf didn’t understand what I was doing when I started couponing and why I was buying stuff we didn’t need, just so I could get ECB and RR. I convinced him to go with me a few times and now he gets it; he actually brags to people about how I can walk out of CVS with two bags of stuff and pay less than a buck! Maybe your DH should go couponing with you sometime 🙂

      • Jodi

        There are a couple of people who get it when I get very excited about couponing..I also took my DH shopping with and now he gets it. He even has the gall to say ‘you only saved xx amount!?’ if it’s in the 50%’ish! lol

        I love getting freebies in the mail, so much fun! Thanks for sharing!

      • KellyJ

        Oh I so wish…. He Kinda gets it. I have explained the whole ecb, rr thing to him…As long as I am not spending lots of money and saving it he is fine. As Far as taking him to the store… I wish He could be as understanding! He makes me wanna choke him. I hate shoppin with him. He is always in a rush and doesn’t get the fact that I need to find the best offer and check and see if a coupon on one product would be better then store brand ect…..But when We get the receipt and he sees what we saved he is happy. I think unless u are truly a coupon person people just don’t get it. I do think he is happy that I save so much. He just doesn’t show enough enthusiasm as I would like.. lol

    • Mary Beth

      Last night my husband came home from a road trip with his boss, and it turns out that — as a topic of conversation — he was telling his boss how much money I save shopping, what kind of freebies I bring home, and money I’ve made mystery shopping. (It was a VERY long road trip.) It was so great to hear that he was bragging about all the money we save on groceries and other things, and how much we’ve been able to give away . . . but when I listened to how he described it, it sounded so crazy & unbelievable. Especially when he got to the part about all the P&G promotions where you buy their products, use coupons to keep the price down, and then get rewarded with gift cards. Or the deals that Collin sends us when we can buy nice clothes for only a few dollars. I’d love to know what his boss thinks . . . probably that I’m shoplifting!!!

  13. Renee

    Going to the mailbox, It is always Chritmas!! My two boys love going to see what we get. I know when mommy things in the mail are fun surprizes to open to see what is there. They happen to open them for me. It is mother and son affair. We recieved yesterday lots of stuff. Anywhere from coupons for writing to companies, samples from Pull Ups, New Gillette Razor,Kandoo dvd, Sauve shampoo, Eucerin lotion, rebate check from clorax, and smashbox order. Thanks Collin!!

  14. Angie

    Yea for free samples! I got my free Kraft kit from liking them on Facebook today. It had two coupons for free products and 6 samples and a rebate form. Awesome!!

    • Sarah O

      I can’t wait to get this one! What free product q’s?? I opted for the Hot Dog one so I am hoping for free hot dogs!! Wait for a Publix BOGO and get double the amount for FREE!!

      • Angie

        I got the hot dog one too! I got a FREE coupon for bulls eye bbq sauce, FREE coupon for oscar mayer hotdogs, 3 Vanilla caramel latte coffee packets, Kraft rebate form, and 3 small bags of Wheat thins. Awesome freebie!!

        • Christy

          I received my sample pack today too … also the hotdog one. 🙂 I already cashed in my free hotdog & bbq sauce coupon too. Yay! Love it!!

    • fairydust

      Oh neat – I picked the hot dog one, too, and can’t wait to receive the goodies and coupons!!

  15. Lori

    Got all three Kotex U samples today. That was nice and the boxes were cute. Also the rouge magazine.

  16. Heather W

    I got my Dove Ambassador kit in the mail today, free kraft mac & cheese, $1/2 Lindsay olives, and my decor done right coupon book.

    • Collin (Mrs. Hip)

      toothpaste* I cant spell lately.. tired mom of 2 🙂

  17. stacy

    My mail man loves all the samples & coupons that he brings me. He tells me to keep doing it b/c it’s job security for him….love him!!

    • Collin (Mrs. Hip)

      good mail man you have 🙂

  18. Teresa H.

    Oiy! I’ve been on the low lately. I’ve been hitting every coupon snail-mail, free samples..etc I can come across, and I get very few of them in the mail. I did get my free training Pampers pull ups the other day..but then most all days I open the mail to just bills and junk. 🙁 Anyone else wondering where the love went in their mailbox? Or is it just me?

    • Karrie

      Nope not just you me too I haven’t gotten anything good in over a week!!

  19. Sara

    My daughter gets the books from the Imagination Library too and we’re in North Georgia, definitely go on the website to see if your area can get them! They’re good books! I signed up several months ago and she’s received some of her favorite books from there- Goodnight Gorilla, and The Little Engine that Could. They also do different books, depending on the age of the child.

  20. Aim

    I use gert books from the Imagination Library and I live in MN. (It is by county)

    • Aim

      I meant…I get books from the imagination library too. 🙂

  21. kimberly p

    Love the mail box! this week I got Ok magazine, 2 samples of Ukotex (2 tampons, 1 pad and 1 liner) and both came with a 1.00 off coupon. I also got carefree liner sample with 1.00 off coupon, a target toy ad with coupons in it, the kandoo kids cd with 1.00 off of any product, my 10.00 check for the pampers test product and survey, a 5.00 rebate for Princess and the frog movie, my 10.00 for doing surveys online and a coupon (4.00 off) Pace salsa. And thats just from what i can remember for this week!

  22. Collin (Mrs. Hip)

    Did any one heard about digital coupons?

  23. Amy

    I would love to email companies to try to get samples and coupons, but i honestly have no clue on where to start. I havent been doing the whole freebie thing too long, but i did receive my sample of dove men care and kotex in the mail the other day… it is exciting when you get something for you – that isnt a bill – of something you havent tried before.if anyone has suggestions on how to get more sample/coupons from venders, please email me…. alm83182 at ymail dot com

    • CeeCee

      I started by getting mad at the companies who used Smart Source or e-Centives coupon printers instead of Bricks coupons. I told them that I was unable to download their coupons because they aren’t compatible with my computer/ISP. I asked them to reconsider using these companies…and told them to get on blogs to see how many online couponers can’t download the mentioned coupons. That’s how I started.

      But now if I can’t find a coupon, I email the company and ask them to mail them to me, or email me a link to an online coupon. You’d be surprised how many will direct you to a coupon they have online. Almost all companies will send you a coupon–only a few have refused. Some, like Farmland, only send out coupons a couple of times a year, but they send about 10 coupons that are good unti 12/11.

    • Mary Beth

      One site that I know I’ve seen Collin refer to (and I think she may have even done a post about it) is Couponing to Disney . If you search through that site, the blogger developed a list of most of the major companies with their e-mails, & set a goal for her readers to all e-mail 5 companies a day & track the results. I think she even has a spreadsheet of her progress & what coupons/freebies she’s received. You’ve reminded me of my good intentions to do this, too!

    • Jodi

      Look on the back of the packages of the items your family uses. There are websites and phone numbers. Sometimes I call, sometimes I email. I called Lays to tell them how much we like Rold Gold pretzels and they sent me a q for a free item and a $1 off q. Thomas (eng. muffins) will only send out qs once a year, but they sent me I think one free and 2 $1 qs. Some companies won’t send anything and tell me to check the Sunday paper.

  24. CeeCee

    Here is what I got last week…it was a very, very good week, just like Christmas!!!

    PG Sampler with Pantene shampoo/conditioner (travel size) w/coupon, 1 coupon for Iams dry dog food & 1 coupon for BOGO on Iams canned dog food, Metamucil sample w/coupon, Cascade Action Pac sample w/coupon; 2 NeilMed Sinus Wash bottle each w/5 premixed packets (2 of us have asthma); Plackers’ Grind-No-More sample w/coupon; Kotex 3 tampons/2 pads w/coupon; Crest 3D Lightening Strips sample w/coupons; Head & Shoulders for Dry/Damaged hair sample; 1 Orville Redenbacher microwave cheese popcorn w/coupon; 2 sample boxes of Reese’s Cereal w/coupons; 1 Pompeian Olive Oil coupon mailer w/recipe brochure; 1 Pompeian Vinegar coupon mailer w/recipe brochure; Free coupon for Philly Cream Cheese Minis + $1.00 coupon from Kraft First Taste; King Soopers’ (Kroger) Preferred Customer Spring Mailer full of coupons; $15.00 PG rebate for Total Effects Body Wash; $20.00 PG rebate for Olay ProX Moisturizer; Federal Tax Refund.

    And a goodie bag from my dermatologist with 4 oz in samples of Eucerin Calming body wash & 4 oz in samples of Dove Sensitive Skin Moisturizing body wash, plus a bunch of coupons.

  25. Nicole

    I want to thank all of you, especially Collin, for ordering the freebies. My mother works for the post office, is 5 years away from retirement and this keeps them in business. They get paid based on the quantity of things they deliver…and they get more credit for boxes and packages than they do for just a letter. Although we are in Central Michigan, I suspect this is throughout the US.

    Keep ordering the freebies, it is keeping people employed!!


  26. Tina in VA

    I kept reading about these freebies y’all were getting in the mail and I have been faithfully signing up… now it has finally started happening to me! Yesterday I got samples of pantyliners and lotion, the day before, shampoo and conditioner, the day before that a free magazine, and on it goes! I see what everyone means about being excited to check the mailbox! Whoo-hoo! And, thank you, Collin!

  27. BamaVicki

    I agree, my mailbox makes me smile too. 🙂 I often wonder what my postman/woman think about me, but they just deliver w/a smile! Maybe they get freebies too? Anyway, I got the same sample pictured above, that last one..and got excited b/c for me, it means so many things like putting the sample pampers in a basket for that friend who is having a baby, or someone that truly needs them, just dropping off a bundle of goodies to someone that is having a hard time. Just recently, I was so excited to help fill my Mom’s Mother’s Day basket w/some of the deals I have been able to get…and the samples help too! Who doesn’t love a bath and body works hand sanitizer? Or an Off clip on insect repellent?! lol, summer is coming, right?! 😉 Of course, I put some other goodies in there like a gift certificate to one of our local upscale spas~ ahhhhh~ What it is, is it frees up money for other things. If you don’t have to go and get fillers, then you can have money leftover or not spend as much in the first place. THAT is what the smile is about at the mailbox. 🙂 I was also able to make my niece a basket for her graduation. She LOVED LOVED LOVED the Nivea body wash stuff! I also put some razors/shaving cream and deodorant in there from previous ‘freebie’ shopping deals, or almost free! Hey, when you are getting three items for a dollar! It’s easy to say it is free! What I love the most about all of this since discovering it about 8 months ago, it just keeps coming! Love it! Thanks Collin, and I STILL NEED A LEMON TSHIRT! 🙂

  28. nicole

    We also got the kandoo cd and my kids are in love .. rocking out in the car to a cd about potty training is so much better than some of the stuff other kids their age are listening to. Thanks ! I just hope they do not figure out that is what it is about 🙂

  29. Karen B.


  30. Christi

    Hi everyone!

    I was wondering after I saw and read the post about the organic/natural products..where or is there a certain link ( or maybe names) of some of the companies that I can contact to get on their list for upcoming coupons or samples of organic/natural products.

    I just need names of the companies to contact since I only know of a couple ( Mambo sprouts and Lakewood).

    Thank you all for your time 🙂

  31. Collin (Mrs. Hip)

    I am an avid hip2save fan and I love to check my mailbox every day.. especially when there are more free samples and coupons than bills. My company is running a contest with three Target gift cards as prizes. I can’t advertise this, but only a handful of people have entered (you can see the submissions). Take a look and see if you have something to submit… looks like the odds of winning are pretty good.
    Thanks Collin for your site. I just love it!

  32. Erin

    Just got Kraft summer foods sample prize today–nice! Three packs of Wheat Thins, three packs vanilla carmel lattes, a coupon for free (beef!) hot dogs, and a free BBQ sauce.

  33. Sarah

    I love this site!! Everything that I have gotten in the mail this week has been samples, coupons, or a rebate!! It has been an absolute joy to check the mail this week. I’m hoping to set a personal record this week of no bills or junk all week. Just 2 more days to go! 🙂

  34. Alaine

    I have had an AWESOME mail week as well… yesterday I got 4 full size CoverGirl/Olay products from BzzAgent, the eucerin lotion and suave sample, the kraft sample pack with free coupons for hotdogs and bbq sauce, coffee and wheat thins samples, a $5 starbucks giftcard from answering a survey, a free coupon for uncle ben’s rice, another book from paperbackswap, and the baby burpee cloth from my free $15 credit at Baby Belle Designs. Two days before that I got my coupons for free Mrs. Budds Shepherds Pie and free Macaroni & Cheese, a rebate check I forgot about, my security deposit check back for the apt we just moved out of, and a voucher to stay at the hotel we had our wedding at good for one nights stay on our anniversary and breakfast and dinner!

  35. Jill Taylor

    I just uploaded and took pictures of my weekly stash of freebies. Where do I send my picture and/or message of thanks?

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