Hourglass Cosmetics: Free Samples for a Friend!
Hourglass cosmetics is offering up a “Sample a Friend” promotion. Just go here and select up to 3 samples of your choice. Enter your contact information as well as your friend’s. Plus, you’ll be able to write them a short note! …And viola, your friend will receive cosmetic samples in the mail shortly!
(Thanks, Good Deal Mama!)
Thanks for posting this. I’m sending them to my sister. It will be a nice surprise for her 🙂
Yay! They look like great samples too! Love the tinted moisturizer.
how come you cant click on a link on the left side and llook for actual sized makeup products?
I sent them to my mom!! Thanks Collin!
when i click on the link its says error forbidden page….what am i doing wrong?
I think its expired or something.. I did this offer on sunday and got through fine.. sent them to about 5 friends but now its saying forbidden?? Anyone else getting that also?
I got this msg:
You don’t have permission to access /sampleafriend/ on this server.
Apache/2.2 Server at http://www.hourglasscosmetics.com Port 80: