I Received My Medco Shipment Confirmation!!

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Yay! I just received my shipment confirmation from the Medco Health Store deal I posted yesterday!! …AND from the almost 500 comments, I’m assuming lots of you have received your shipment confirmations as well. Are you guys as excited as me?! 🙂

I will definitely be using Medco for future purchases! I LOVE that they offer $0.99 shipping on ANY order!

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Comments 230

  1. Candice

    This was an EXCELLENT Deal!

  2. Alyson

    I’m stoked! I got 3 bottles of Purell hand sanitizer and a bottle of nail polish remover for $0.99! What a great deal! I got my confirmation too!

  3. RENEE

    ohhh yes 🙂 i am happy about mines as well .

  4. Renee

    Collin, you are right! That’s exactly why deals like this work – if they just made 500 people happy, guess where those same people are going to go next time they need to buy?
    Nice work, Medco!!! And thanks again Collin for the deal!

  5. Boo Boo

    I feel a little dirty after the hotness of that deal! I got my email confirmation immediately yesterday.

  6. Rebecca

    15 orders later and SO excited!!!!

    • Dawn

      15 orders??

    • Julie

      really 15 kinda much dont you think? my my I didnt even do that many!!!

      • megan♥


    • Luckygirl

      Rebecca how many shipping confirmations have you gotten so far? 15 orders – you must be stoked!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

      • kelly

        between me and my husband we have 7 email accounts…so I did seven orders. all free toliet paper and baby wipes and paid the 99 cent shipping–I was grateful it worked even if your order was under ten dollars. this is helping us out on essentials BIG TIME!
        thanks so much collin for posting such a great deal!!

    • Karen

      I did 4 orders for 34 items= $10.82!

    • Susan

      Greed is such a sad thing!

      • Erica

        I agree.

      • Tilla

        i don’t know this families situation, so i wouldn’t judge them and their needs. Maybe it’s an opportunity for them to get something they absolutely cannot afford, and have needed for some time. I placed four orders, and I didn’t only get free things, my orders ranged from 5 – 8 dollars, because that was what I needed and was able to afford. All of our situations are different.

      • toph

        yes indeed.. bad apples ruin us all. good promotion from medco being abused. I hope they wont cancel orders esp the real first timers who only used the code once or twice..

    • Collin (Mrs. Hip)

      Glad your so proud. Do you also clear shelves on products you don’t need or use?

      • Collin (Mrs. Hip)


        • Collin (Mrs. Hip)

          Thanks Captain Obvious.

      • Leyla

        You know, I used to get upset when I first started couponing because I thought people were being greedy. I placed 2 orders but I would have placed more if I really needed too. You can’t judge anyone because you don’t know what their situation is. If I find a coupon for something that I use often, I do whatever I can (legal of course lol) to print as many coupons as I can. Do I sometimes clear out the shelf at a store, you betcha. You buy what you need whether you have a coupon or not. It is the stores responsibility to stock up on their merchandise not the customer. So 15 is a lot yes but we don’t know nor is it any of our business why she placed 15 orders.

    • Karen

      People can’t seem to keep negative comments to themselves. You don’t gain anything from being rude. So sad!

      • Collin (Mrs. Hip)

        . . . and you gained what from your post?

        • Collin (Mrs. Hip)

          woo! this is so exciting! being a stay at home mom has sheltered me from the world of drama! keep it comin girls!

          • Alicia

            lol I know how you feel… i’m “sheltered” too

        • Kay

          bitter much?

        • Alexandera

          Biatchs……Please like you never have taken advantage of a deal before…Way to judge someone!

    • Collin (Mrs. Hip)

      Medco needs to send the same email that was sent to comment #53 to this person. This is trying to beat the system and seems unethical. Some one from Medco only has to get on this website and see these comments about making multiple orders and then begin scrutinizing all of the orders and then canceling all the orders. I don’t blame them if they do. If one’s financial affairs are so bad then go apply for public assistance, go to a food bank, or something. Don’t try to beat the system, it will just come back to haunt you.

      • Collin (Mrs. Hip)

        OMG.. what a rude, judgemental BIOTCH you are!!!!! Get over it. You do what you gotta do, let others do what they gotta do. Are they committing a crime??? Absolutely not! Is it somewhat greedy? Yes ok. But whatever. Is it your right to judge and carry on? Who made you God?

        • Collin (Mrs. Hip)

          This comment struck a chord in you but there is no need to call people unladylike names even disguised. Who care what another thinks.

  7. Julie

    all of the comments are not showing up and yes I love the 99 cents shipping better than going to walmart with 3 children this summer lol, how long is shipping?

  8. Tenessa

    Still waiting on my shipment confirmation. Excited to actually see others getting theirs though!

  9. Linda

    I received mine, too, It’s the btrendie confirmation I have not gotten. My account still shows an order, so I’m guardedly optomistic.

  10. Kerri

    I got mine too!!

  11. Linda Wms.

    Yes, I got my confirmation, too. I called Customer Service last night as well. I had made an error on my order when I failed to put 2 items on my BOGO free order. It was taken care of in a jiffy. I wish all customer service was as nice and easy to navigate as Medco. Thanks Collin for all you do to post the variety of opportunites for saving!!!!!!

  12. sam

    i got my huby 2 nature made vitamins today (on sale bogo%50 off)both for around 10 bucks ,used the coupon so both for $,99 yayyyyyyyyyyy.

  13. shoplessjess

    i got a shipping confo on my first order. now waiting on the second… thanks!

  14. stephanie

    Just got mine too! The great thing about this deal is that I was able to score stuff I never have coupons for. My husband loves the Mach 3 razors but the coupons and sales on it are always meager compared to the fusions, bic, schick, etc. I was able to score 2 orders of refills for $2.98 each with the shipping. That’s about $25 worth of razor for under $6. Yay!

  15. Cara

    I think I got my confirmation too, but I accidentally deleted it 🙁 Booo… Oh well, I believe it will come! 🙂 Thanks again

  16. What to Expect When You're Losing Your Mind

    Got confirmations for both of mine. Yay!

  17. Angie

    No shipping confirmation for me yet, but no cancellation yet either, so I am hopeful it will go through. : )

  18. Laurel

    Just curious – did anyone notice that when asking for credit card information, it was not a secure site? (https)… I’m a little concerned about placing an order – or maybe it was just my computer.

    • Collin (Mrs. Hip)

      I thought it was weird they didn’t ask for the security code.

    • Anonymous

      It was all secure on my computer. I checked out using Firefox…

    • Marci

      I noticed that too and I think that might be a good thing to talk with them about. We ordered on Thursday and on Friday my credit card company called me and told me that someone in Israel tried to charge $2,500 worth of stuff on my credit card. It was my first online payment (besides Paypal) in a while so I’m guessing they got my credit card from this order. Not that it was Medco’s fault per say, just that it wasn’t a secure site to block the hackers.

  19. Nicole

    I got my shipping confirmation today with UPS tracking number. 😉

    • AC

      I got mine too…woo hoo…great deal, great site, thanks Collin!

  20. Eve

    I missed this deal yesterday. Does the deal still work today?

  21. Latasha J.

    I missed the deal too , however you can get the same deal by using code FIRST10. It worked for me.

    • Joanie

      Thanks for sharing the new code. I didn’t get a chance to order yesterday, but it worked today with the code you shared!

  22. Coco

    Oh no, the MHS10 code didn’t work for me, so I searched for another…. FIRST10 worked for me!

    • rhonda

      Thanks for the code!!! MHS!) didn’t work for me either:(

  23. Heather G

    I ordered $20 worth of products for a total of $3. Awesome! Thanks!

  24. Becky

    I just placed an order and the coupon code still works! If you get something that is buy one get one free, don’t make the same mistake I did and put in 2 for quanity because it will change you for free. Luckily I called them before placing the order. To order it right, click on the product so it opens up and then to the right of the picture it says “Buy one and get the second one free” click on that link and then find your product and put 2 in the quanity box and then check the select item box next to that and then enter so it will put in a quanity of 2 in your cart for the price of one.

  25. Jamie

    I have my first order from yesterday shipped already. This morning I used the TENOFF code and got a 36 pack of Huggies Newborn diapers for $1.68 shipped. I have shared the Medco site and code with friends and family too. Thanks Collin. I would never have found that kinda deal on diapers in the store.

    • Julie


  26. Sandy

    I am so excited and grateful!

  27. Collin (Mrs. Hip)

    Some of the earlier comments…if you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all. Judging is a also sad thing.

    • Collin (Mrs. Hip)

      I don’t think people are judging. I think there is merit in someone noting that 15 orders is excessive. When people abuse the offers offered by companies then it affects everyone–those who did not abuse the offer and the ones who abused the offer. Poor financial means is not a good reason for being unethical–these commenters are responsible for their own financial affairs not the company that provides the offers. When someone clears the shelf of an item unless stated other wise for example limit of two, then the person has the right to buy what they want–I don’t like it but that is how it goes. If a company says the offer is for first time buyers only then the person should respect the offer. It’s the same with rebates–only one per household (most of the time). These guidelines should be respected. We all have to go by the rules imposed on us–that is just life. That is what I teach my kids–they have to follow the rules at school, at home, follow the laws. No one is exempt from rules and usually there is no excuse acceoted for breaking rules or the law..

      • Collin (Mrs. Hip)

        Very well said!

  28. Collin (Mrs. Hip)

    I also made multiple orders because I am in a sad and difficult financial situation right now. This is a huge help and I’ll admit it. Bless Collin for all the things she helps all of us with on her site.

    • Tilla

      i’m glad there are websites like this and opportunities for savings that you are able to take advantage of in your family. I am fortunate to be in a really great financial situation at this point in our lives, but we do what we can to continue saving with 4 kids….I came from 5 dollars an hour so I always appreciate the hard spots! good luck in your deals

    • Debbie

      I’m with you Megan. I am a struggling parent and placed two orders through this site- one for toilet paper and another for paper towels. I would like to place more, but I only have two email accounts. It’s really a shame that some people have such nasty comments to make about others. Yes, 15 orders is a lot, but who are we to judge someone else’s situation. Good luck to you and your family. And Tilla, thanks for you kind comments.

    • megan♥

      You don’t have to justify it. I think it would be a good study to see what motivates people to believe that their perception of reality is valid and everybody else is off.

  29. emily irwin

    I got 12 power bars, a bottle of polyvisol vitamins for my baby
    and some wipes for about 5 bucks shipped!!!!

  30. fairy dust

    Got two order confirmations (both for the same thing – a lot of wipes, lol!), but waiting on another (much heavier item – laundry detergent). This was a great offer!

  31. Julie

    my husband makes10.50 an hour and we are a family of 5 so you do the math… its hard on everyone right now… so i think its a great deal to get what my family with my coupons… i have saved so much money over the last few months… I have about 12 boxes of diapers right now… lol 52 bottles of nivea body wash lol the list goes on ……

  32. Jean

    How is everyone doing multiple orders? I have several email accounts and I am getting an error code. I can’t place more than one order

    • Collin (Mrs. Hip)

      use different name and address:)… the address and name dont matter in the end because when you plug in your shipping and billing info it takes that:) hope this helps

  33. susie

    it’s not letting me register either… i get this message:

    Your registration cannot be completed.

    We cannot complete your registration at this time. Please try again later. We apologize for the inconvenience.

    Reference number 4098

    • Jean

      That is the same reference # I am getting also 🙁

  34. Collin (Mrs. Hip)

    If I purchased a aveeno ageless product, would that qualify for the $20 rebate aveeno has going on?

  35. margaret in seattle

    got the same thing here since noon PST. i wonder if it’s due to overloaded server from nonstopped orders place by hip2save viewers ^_^ will keep trying.

  36. Denise

    AWESOME deal! Got my hubby protein bars and some headbands for me for $1.17!

  37. Collin (Mrs. Hip)


  38. Collin (Mrs. Hip)

    for those of you having trouble registering a new email you have to use different name and address then you used on your first ones:)… the address and name dont matter in the end because when you plug in your shipping and billing info it takes that:) hope this helps

  39. sandra

    first10 no longer works for me 🙁

  40. Anonymous

    I sure hope they don’t cancel all of our orders when they figure out that some people had multiple orders!! I hate when just a few people have to go and ruin a good thing! I don’t mean that bad, honest I am not that kind of person. I just wish people would use common sense with things like this. But to each his own… Anyway, I am so excited because I got two Tresemme hairsprays for $0.99!! WOOHOO!! That is the only kind of hairspray my whole family will use so we go thru ALOT!! This comes on the heels of the awesome $1 off of any Tresemme product Collin posted about yesterday! CAN ANYONE SAY HAIRSPRAY STOCKPILE!!! LOL.

  41. Summer

    Just because you can get away with something doesnt make it right. There is ethics in couponing and saving just like in the rest of life. To me using a ton of email addresses or names or home addresses is just a step away from identity theft. I guess everyone has to decide for themselves what they feel is right, but I dont think the fact that someone is struggling is a valid excuse to do unethical things. This would be a good idea for a post!

    • M

      Agreed. It’s not being judgmental… just want to be able to get in on the deal too and unfortuantely people ruin it for everyone else. I doubt companies hope you’ll make up names and addresses and use a coupon code 20 times.

      • Kay

        Don’t you think the company would have pulled the codes by now if they were losing money on this? I am pretty sure this company is happy making money during these economical times! 🙂

    • Allison KG

      Gotta agree with you, Summer. Being in a tough financial situation is not an excuse to take advantage of a good deal.

      • Collin (Mrs. Hip)

        I disagree. It’s a dog eat dog world. Aside from obvious crimes (e.g. murder, theft, abuse, etc.) – you do what you gotta do to survive. I don’t think taking advantage of an online coupon deal is a sin and I don’t judge anyone for what they gotta do. The early bird gets the worm. If you miss out because someone else got there first, oh well – better luck next time, or move more quickly!

        • Kay

          Totally agree!

    • Collin (Mrs. Hip)

      I agree 100% and to be honest I would not want any of these people who think it is OK to be unethical servicing me or my family. I hope and expect everyone I deal with in life to be ethical–the cashier, my child’s teacher, my accountant, the police officer. It is never OK to cheat or lie or fabricate or steal even if your financial means are not so good. This is not the kind of example I want to set for my children. It is sad to me that such wonderful deals are being posted on HTS but some people are taking advantage of the situation/deals. HTS will get a “bad name” with companies if customers are not ethical. What goes around comes around.

  42. Nikki

    Bummer I just received an email that basically states I will not receive my order. It said the code I used would not be honored and my order was cancelled. Ugh so frustrating and I only ordered one thing!

    • M

      Which code did you use? I wonder if they cancelled them since people are doing 15 orders each. I think 2 or 3 is fine but too many just ruins it. And I am not being negative, I just think people should think about how it affects others before going crazy. Just placed an order… wonder if it will be cancelled?

    • susie

      did they tell you why? lots of people have been using this code, and you’re the only one so far that’s mentioned it’s been canceled. i wonder if there was something weird with your order, or if we’re going to start seeing a bunch of posts with canceled orders… i still can’t even register!

  43. Andrea

    I got some much needed leave in conditioner for my daughter. I then had my husband order some Desitin Creamy for the boys – much needed during summer months. Paid 4.00 total – awesome deal!

  44. Brenda

    Don’t be surprised if this orders get canceled due to people making 20 such orders,i’m not trying to be rude just honest,be fair and kind ,this may ruin it for the legitimate ones,oh well, i only placed an order and i managed to get 2 body washes,2 soap beauty bars,and 2 face scrubs, for 1.07 shipped so even if they charge me the 11 bucks its stil worth it less than 2 dollars for item shipped to my door;)

  45. Collin (Mrs. Hip)

    I’m not gonna lie, I did three orders but I desperately needed a good deal on TP. We live in the land of no good sales/coupons for TP so I generally pay full price minus maybe a 40c q if I’m lucky.

    ANYWAY, I did 2 under my card with each code. Then I did one under my husband’s card.

    All three transactions are showing on my statement all ready.
    However, only my hubby has received a shipping confirmation.
    Do you think I’m okay because they’ve taken my money? Or could they still cancel it?

    • Sandy

      I found 6-packs of Charmin Extra Strong/Extra Soft on clearance at Walgreen’s for $1.39. I found them at several Walgreen’s actually. I scored 32 6-packs. I am stocked!

      • Tilla

        that is a great price, however, my house is so small, i can’t stockpile tp and papertowels. I am still so upset last time i found papertowels cheap, i was only able to purchase 4 packages due to space problems…blah now i am back to paying full price on my bounty:)

  46. meredith

    I was able to get diapers and wipes for my baby for $1.27 after shipping! That is awesome. Did a second order under my husband’s credit card and had it shipped to his office….got twice the deal!!!

  47. Sandy

    Well, I placed 2 orders yesterday and got order confirmations on both, shipping confirmation on one. When I checked my credit card I found the charges for both orders were on there. I believe they both will come. I’m sure they have been bombarded with orders and things will take time. Thank you Collin for posting. I am grateful for any/everything I receive.

  48. Christina

    Collin, I’ve been following your site since early March and this is by far my favorite deal to date! It will be one of the ones I think back on and think, wow, remember when I was able to get 3 of my financially struggling friends necessities sent straight to their doors for under $2 each? It feels so good to help others (especially anonymously!); thank you for helping me be able to do so. 🙂

    • Lisa

      Now THAT is awesome. I wish I had thought of it, too.
      I’m sure I could have thought of someone to send it to…

    • Tilla

      very sweet….a neighbor down the street just got a gift bag from me of snuggle both liquid and sheets, body wash, bar soap, bag of cat food, and febreeze. She was so happy…she’s a single mom working 2 jobs and the little things make so much of a difference when everyday is a struggle. I’m sure your friends appreciate the gesture so much and it will brighten their day.

    • fran

      Christina, that is really sweet of you 🙂

  49. Deanna

    I made 2 orders – one with the MHS10 code yesterday, and then one with the TENOFF code today – both with my same account. Yesterday’s order was for 3 Suave Kid’s Shampoo’s and it shows it’s being processed. My order from today was for 6 Dove Deodorants (they were $2 off 2) and it wasn’t quite $10 – my total was $9.54 plus the 99 cent shipping – so I only paid $0.99 for the whole order – according to my email and their website that order has already shipped (yippee!!!). This was definately a blessing – thanks so much for posting this deal.

  50. Patricia Huffman

    the codes don’t work for me it says There is no current promotion associated with the code you entered.
    Please check the code and try again

    • MommySpendsLess

      If you copied/pasted the code, check for spaces. I got the same error message but when I checked there was an extra space at the end of the code. I entered it manually and it worked fine…

    • Tilla

      also, if you put the code in the beginning of the transaction, go to the checkout process and enter the code at the end…i had this problem, but once i put tenoff in the last step, it worked

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