FREE Character Calls from Woody & Tiana!

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You can score FREE Character Calls from Woody or Princess Tiana courtesy of Pull-Ups! You’ll even get to choose the message topic and the time you’d like them to call. Each one of my kiddos talked to Woody and Tiana this morning… it was pretty cute and they thought they were pretty special! 🙂

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Comments 54

  1. Annmarie

    Thanks – my boys will love to get their “good night” calls tonight!

    • Holly Pate

      🙁 Calls not available to Georgia!

      • teresa longstreet


  2. Louise

    Strange…when I tried it said “must be older than 18”. I don’t know to many 18 year olds that would be excitied 🙂

    • Collin (Mrs. Hip)

      The parent has to be older than 18 (legal adult) to set up the call. 🙂

    • Katie

      I did the same thing thinking it was the the childs date. Now everytime I click on the link it has the pop up saying I wmust be 18.. not working 🙁

  3. laura

    Not available in TN either. *sigh*

  4. teresa longstreet

    my girls loved their calls from tiana, and i got to do two, one for each of them individually.

  5. Kira

    Not available in TN..luckily I have a MA cell#!! Thanks Collin!!

  6. Angie

    I did it! Can’t wait to see my boys faces when ‘Woody’ calls!!

  7. Amanda

    No calls to KY 🙁

  8. MommyPants

    Very cute! My little girl was quite surprised by Woody!



  10. Margie

    The call will definitely go through in GA. My daughter just received a call from Princess Tiana. Her face lit when she realized who it was. Thanks Disney!

    • Margie

      Oops! Thanks Pull-Ups.

  11. Susan

    My daughter’s birthday is Monday. Both characters, whom she has met before, are going to give her a call. Thanks!

  12. Abbie

    I live in TN and the calls worked!!! My daughter went nuts! There’s nothing like the look on her face when she so excited. It worked for me in TN. thanks Disney!

  13. Denise

    it said no in KY 🙁

  14. Mama Bear

    Not available in ID, WA, GA, KY, MS, NE, TN and LA. 🙁

  15. Amy

    I accidentally entered my daughter’s birthdate instead of my own and it said that the calls are for age 18 and up only. Now it won’t let me enter my birthdate at all. Any suggestions? There is another place I can request a phone call, but it makes me enter a code.

    • Gina

      Me too! BOOOOOOOO I guess that’s why they say read first.

  16. LaToya


    I tried to beat the system. It says my state is not available, but I kept typing in the number and hitting OK. We’ll see if the calls come through….says they went through…crossing fingers…

    • Cally

      Thanks for this link!

    • Karen

      Thank you for the additional link! Scheduled this one for tomorrow. I did a congratulations on sharing. Hope he shares tomorrow.

    • Karin

      Thanx! 🙂

  17. laura

    Will this program leave a voicemail?

    • Alicia

      it asks you to press 1 to hear the message.


    I am having trouble getting the security code correct. Anyone else having trouble with the code?

    • Cally

      I had that problem as well I used caps and then it took.

  19. Cally

    I live in Idaho (where it says you can’t get the call) I put my number in even though it kept saying I couldn’t have the call. Then it took a few times to get it to send but it went through. My daughter did get the phone call! So thank you so much! It was also great because her name is Jeri I just put in Jerry and she was so excited that the princess said her name! Thanks Collin!!

    • LaToya

      In Idaho and got the call too – – even though it said I couldn’t 😉

      AND – as for the voicemail…we did miss the first one…there is a voicemail with the child’s name…but you don’t get the entire message.

  20. Melanie

    Delete the cookies on your computer and then go back in. It should let you retype the correct birthdate and continue

    • Collin (Mrs. Hip)

      That didn’t work for me 🙁

  21. Amber S.

    I live in KY and ignored the “calls can’t be placed in” banners that popped up as I entered my phone number. The call worked!!!

  22. Karen

    I scheduled a goodnight call for my son tonight. He will love this! Thanks!

  23. Haley

    I just had Woody call my 3 yr old and he loved it!! He thinks Woody is coming over now though:)

  24. Jenny Lynn

    Woody is caling bf who is out of town to tell him goodnight 🙂 He will get such a kick out of it!

  25. sarah mcmillin

    yeah we are going to have a Toy Story birthday party in a couple of weeks i will have to remeber to order one then 🙂

  26. Angela

    gahhh, it will not let me put in my daughter’s name. Her name is Haven and when I put it in it does not recognize it I guess and then when I get to the e, makes that the first letter of the name

  27. Mindy

    OMG this is so cute! My son is going to be so excited to get a call from Woody! I’m going to check the Mickey one too. Thank you!!

  28. Collin (Mrs. Hip)

    My son LOVED getting a surprise bedtime call from Woody. Thanks!

  29. marisa

    My son thought this was great but wanted to talk to Buzz lol He kept saying “Hey Woody.. Can I talk to Buzz? Where’s Buzz? “lol

    • Laurie

      That’s so funny! Sounds like something my son would do. 🙂

  30. julie

    Cute! But did anyone read through the disclaimer to see if you’ll end up getting marketing/sales calls?

  31. Jennifer

    I did this for my daughter but forgot to change the pacific time to EST and the call came in while she was in bed! I clicked to not accept it and went back on the site today to ‘reschedule’ but my number has been blocked. I have emailed customer service and hope that they can unblock it. I was so excited for her to get this call!

  32. jat54979

    I set one up for my daughter to receive a goodnight call from Woody, her favorite. It never came. I also set one up for my other daughter for the next day from the princess. That one also never came. Very disappointed. Did anyone else have this problem?

    • Nova K

      Mine didn’t come through either.

      • Jennifer

        Did you change the time zone to yours? I know that sounds obvious but see the above comment (from me). I forgot to change pacific time to EST and she was in bed when the call came. I contacted customer service b/c my number was blocked (apparently put on a do not call list–unbeknownst to me) and I was told that once it’s on that list they can’t take it off!!!???? I am very disappointed…..

        • christelle

          this call is so cute

  33. hoovla78

    OMG I can’t wait! I’m 23 and all of my friends are about the same age and I set up like 10 different calls to go to my friends. I especially love the fact I can send some calls to my friends that have moved across the country. This is so fun! I even sent one to my cell so I can hear what it sounds like!

  34. B.B.

    I’m 14 and I set up some calls for my older sister. Even though she knows they’re not real, she’s going to get a kick out of them!!! Whoop-de-doo, I’m so excited!! I’m also going to set up a call for my birthday; usually, no one remembers it, so if Mickey Mouse does, I’ll be psyched because by then, I’ll forget I even made the call!! =) YAAYY!!

    P.S. I love hoovla78’s comment! You don’t have to be 12 or under to enjoy this sort of stuff!!

  35. Serena

    We got the Call and we live in WA i had to keep saying “okay” when it said Opps calls not sent to WA” 🙂
    Thanks for posting!!!!

  36. Andrea

    Hi there. How do I request a call from Tiana?

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