Follow Me Wednesday (and Thursday) as I Make a Few More Phone Calls to Walgreens!

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Yesterday, I posted Part 1 of my 3 part video series that highlights phone calls that I made to Walgreens stores across the country. I ended the video yesterday in the middle of a very informative conversation 😉 with a Walgreen’s employee in Missouri. Today’s video will highlight the remainder of this phone call and will also showcase a call to the Lone Star state (my birthplace 🙂 ) and to Walgreens corporate. Enjoy and let me know what you think in the comment section below.

**If you can’t see the video, then go here to watch it.

*Please note that I contacted Walgreens managers in the following 4 states: Idaho, North Carolina, Missouri and Texas; and I called the Walgreens Corporate Customer Service Center in Alabama. Because these states only require one party consent to record a telephone conversation, I was able to record these phone calls legally! 🙂

Stay Tuned for Part 3….

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Comments 261

  1. nperscomp

    That has seriously made my day! Haha. I love how they have no idea what you are talking about. Sad, but funny!

  2. jynga

    I’m dying to see Part 3!!!

  3. Kristin

    I work at Walgreens and am also a fellow couponer and I know that at the store that I work at the coupon policy varies between managers and between the people that work the registers. I try to be as coupon friendly as I possibly can, but I also believe that Corporate needs to put out a specific policy for all the stores to follow. It would make shopping/working at Walgreens a more enjoyable experience!

  4. Rachel

    Don’t you love being spontaneously put on hold!!! 🙂 Too funny! Hey, I was told by a manager just last week that I could NOT use an MC on a product AND get the RR. HUH!?!?! Shouldn’t the RR print whether or not I use a coupon?!?!?!

  5. muser

    Ok, it’s one thing for the cashiers not to be trained properly, but for the corporate customer service phone representative to not understand the coupon policy for the store…what the heck is that? What exactly is her job, other than putting people on hold without telling them when she doesn’t know the answer? I work in public service and I’d get fired over crap like that.

    This really burns me up. How hard is it to train people?

  6. Lynn

    THis is why walgreens is loosing a lot of customers.

  7. Red

    I have a question for everyone that loves CVS. I like them too, but rarely shop there because they have a limit of 1 or 2 items per card.

    Are you only getting 1 sale/ECB item each week at CVS??

    • Rachel

      You can get as many items you want at that sale price. The limit is for the ECBs.

  8. Charmaine

    I can’t wait to see part 3! This is hilarious. Walgreens Corporate should view these videos and learn something from it. Truly amazing that one company can be all over the map on coupons, including corporate!

  9. Lorene

    Thank you for making me laugh – that was hilarious! I can’t wait to see Part 3! Ha Ha Ha

  10. Erin

    OMGGGGGGGGGGGG!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can’t stop laughing!!!!! Colin you crack me up!! I can’t wait to see part 3!

  11. jlgadbois

    There is a Walgreens by me that HELPS you with coupons. They’ll actually get the flyers out and rip the coupon out for you!

  12. LacyinOK

    so funny this lady is so lost

  13. Rachel J

    Thanks for making those calls! It just shows that without a corporate policy every cashier must follow, couponers can never know what to expect from a trip to walgreens.
    Also, I am curious to know what store you called in Texas? The person on the phone sounded very much like a cashier I’ve had some coupon trouble with!

  14. Jessica


  15. Lynzee head

    lol love it. walgreens really needs to get their butt in gear and work on making a solid coupon policy (although if they are anything like some of these crazy answers we may end up even more unhappy with them).

  16. Nicole

    I stopped going to Walgreens a couple of months ago because they stopped accepting internet coupons (Indianapolis). Also, whenever I would get a good deal (one time I got two Palmolive dish soaps and two Soft Scrub Totals for .72 total) the cashiers would act like I was trying to personally rob them. There is one cashier at another Walgreens near me who is very coupon friendly and will search the Sunday paper behind the counter to try and find more coupons for customers to use!

  17. Collin (Mrs. Hip)

    Are you SERIOUS (Walgreens Corp!)?!?! They are the ones that should be professional & know EVERYTHING! I can not believe the lack of knowledge & professionalism! I sure hope that was the ladies 1st day! Can’t wait to watch Part 3 right now!

  18. Sherri

    I live in Missouri and would LOVE to know which store you called. I want to make sure I don’t go to that store! Oh my goodness, what a joke! It’s very clear now why we have so much trouble at Walgreen’s.

  19. Heather J

    The lady was actually really nice. I don’t think it’s entirely her fault. CLEARLY, Walgreens needs to get its act together, make some decisions, and post a clear-cut policy. How hard would that be?! They’d be done with it in a 1-hour meeting and could have it posted that day.
    I have one idiot cashier working at my Walgreens who ALWAYS does dumb stuff when I check out there. One time, he pretended my coupon scanned, kept it, and sent me out the door. Only for me to notice in the car that I’d been overcharged. That’s just lazy. The lady on the phone wasn’t lazy – she was actually telling the truth. Unfortunately, the truth is sad. 😀

  20. Collin (Mrs. Hip)

    There is no corporate policy and it sucks to be a Walgreens employee because we are just told use our judgement!

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