Walmart: Del Monte Pineapple only $1!
If you have yet to use the $0.50/1 Del Monte pineapple coupon available on, you may want to head over to your local Walmart. Del Monte pineapples are currently on sale for $1.50 so only $1 after coupon! My kiddos absolutely love fresh pineapple…how about you?
(Thanks to Pirates of the Supermarket for the information and picture!)
Cut the pineapple in small slices, add some cinammon and sugar and place into foil. Then place it on the grill, and watch it disappear. My teenage boys just love it!
Thanks for the tip! Will do!
Was priced at $2.50 here in Tampa, FL last week so unless it’s changed don’t waste ur time and gas!
Call ur store and ask the price.
I’ve been waiting for a good sale like this on pineapples! I have two coupons! You’ve seriously changed my life with this coupon stuff! Thanks!!! My husband thinks I’m the world leader for the nerds now but whatever!
Your hubby’s comment is tooo funny…!!!
ha! my hubby thinks so too! must be a man thing… =)
Saw it at my Walmart yesterday for $2.50 also.
Also $2.50 here in Pa…bought it anyway 🙂
$2.88 at my Walmart. Never ceases to amaze me… I live in an area where cost of living is said to be lower than most places yet I pay, on average, 30% more for groceries than my friends who live in high cost of living areas. We do pay less for housing, preschool, etc. but when it comes to food and gasoline we tend to pay more.
It sounds like you live where I live. It’s tough here!
I’m right with you! I rarely have the same lower prices everyone else seems to have. And my pineapples were $2.88 today also.
Was at Wal-Mart yesterday in Upper Michigan and $2.50. $2.00 is still a great price though after the coupon. Just a tip for those that are interested. The way you find a perfectly ripe pineapple is to pull out the center leaves (if they pull out easily the fruit is ripe.) This tip really works. I always pick excellent pineapples:) I never knew how until I heard this about a year ago.
Great tip.I gonna try it. Thank you for sharing.
too loose and they are over ripe also!
Thanks for the tip. We bought our first fresh pineapple a few weeks ago and it wasn’t ripe enough. I had no clue what to look for though so DH just said grab one. LOL
Pinneapple was just 10 for 10 at Kroger a few weeks ago, this would have made for free pinneapple in MI!
My Walmart’s pineapples were Chiquita brand not Del Monte, but they were on sale for 1$ a piece today in Moultrie, Georgia!
heads up if any of u live in kendallville, indiana.. my walmart sells DOLE pineapple,and its 2.50 here. i bought some yesterday and well, walmart just doesnt have very good produce. 🙁
Check your Wal-Mart ad….if it is listed take it to a grocery that price matches AND doubles coupons! I’m going to check our Wal-mart ad and if it’s there take it to Meijer…
I was at my Walmart today and I didn’t see ANY pineapple, let alone sale pineapple. 😉 Maybe they all sold out or they just didn’t have any, I will have to check again soon.
Bummer! I just bought a pineapple at my WalMart today and it was $2.88!
I was at my local walmart the other day and they had this big poster board that somebody in the store had made with pictures cut out of other ad’s saying they have the items already priced at the ad match prices. I wanted to get some strawberries for $0.99 but they were out. The next day I went to the another walmart in my town and they had strawberries for $1.50. I picked up one and asked the cashier about it. She said well they were selling some yesterday for $0.95 because they were bad. That’s nasty that walmart would try to sell bad food to people just to get rid of it!!! I have an allergy to mold on food so if I got some it might have landed me in the hospital!!! I take a chance everytime I eat anything and I never know if something I get at a restaurant or anywhere’s fresh enough. If I had gotten sick you know I would be calling Walmart corporate!!!
Maine has higher grocery prices and to top it off … lower coupon values! 🙁 That’s why I love the internet coupons!
I called ahead to see what our local Walmart priced their pineapples at – $2.50 as well. Although…I agree that is still a pretty darn good price!
I’ve heard the a dozen eggs in some states are only $0.39 – REALLY? WOW!
Went to Walmart last night and their pinapples were $2.88 (St. Louis, MO). I still went ahead and bought one with coupon. Oh and the produce guy told me all I wanted to know and more about pinapples! 🙂 Ha ha!
$1.50 @ Springville, Utah Walmart! Wahoo for $1 Pineapples!!
3.28 at one of my Walmart’s, $2.50 at the other. arg.