Sobe Lifewater Coupon Reset AGAIN!
As you probably know by now, Sobe has a fun instant win game you can play called Heads or Tails. If you have SoBe Lifewater on hand (I’m guessing lots of you do because of all the SoBe deals lately), go here and enter the code found underneath the black bottle cap. You can also play without a code by clicking on one of the characters sitting on the couch. After clicking on them, you’ll twist the bottle cap on the SoBe they’re holding and it will reveal if you’re a winner or not.
Most of you will win buy one get one FREE SoBe coupons! …AND if you’ve already won these previously and reached your print limit, I have great news! It appears the coupon has reset, so you should be able to print another 2 coupons. You can use these coupons to score FREE Sobe Lifewater at CVS and Target thru 7/10! Here’s how…
Sobe Lifewater 20 oz. Buy 1 Get 1 Free
Use the Buy 1 Sobe, Get 1 Free coupon found here
Final Cost 2 for FREE!
Sobe Lifewater 10/$10
Buy 2 and use the buy one get one free coupon found here
Plus, use 2 $0.50/1 Target store coupons from here
Final cost– 2 for FREE!
(Thanks for the reminder, Hooked on Bargains!)
Stay tuned for the sweepstakes and giveaways round-up post…
Safeway also has these 10/10
My daughter loves the Lizard Lava Strawberry Daquiri so for the past two days, I’ve been stocking up on them at Safeway. GREAT price!
it looks like i cant even play today. ive been trying off and on since 7am and it will only load to 75%…. darn… i do love Sobe tho. strawberry and dragon fruit.
Won a free Sobe coupon will be mailed. Woohoo.
I am having a really hard time with these coupons at my CVS stores
I was afraid I would have problems too, (but luckily I didnt) so I went to the CVS website before hand and under “contact us” I submitted an email asking for a copy of their coupon policy. A few days later I received a letter back, with the CVS logo on the letterhead, explaining how coupons are to work. It even gave the example of a BOGO sale with a BOGO coupon. The letter stated that I was to receive two items FREE. I printed this out and it is now in my coupon binder so if I ever do get a cashier that gives me trouble, I can just refer to the letter from Corporate. HTH
I had trouble at my store (talked w/ cashier, assist. manager, and store manager) so I emailed CVS and they emailed me back today that I was correct–they allow BOGO coupons with BOGO sales. Don’t feel bad about standing up to the store–CVS policy allows couponers to get good deals like this one!
I went to 3 different stores and at two stores all I had to pay was tax on 6. One store though didn’t have them marked as BOGO, instead the marked them down to $0.77 for each, which is basically BOGO. Therefore you would have to pay a couple bucks on 6.
I don’t know about the coupon “resetting”, I have been able to play the game every day and win a bogo coupon. And as far as the CVS stores giving you trouble. Call CORPORATE! I did that yesterday because my store was also refusing to accept the BOGO coupon on their BOGO sale. The nice lady said we should only be paying tax only with both products free and if anyone anywhere had further trouble, call the corporate number from the store and she would be glad to talk to the individual store manager.
So when you say the couon has reset how exactly do you get them to print again? Do you but the code in again? That doesn’t work. How are you getting them to reprint? I’m sorry I’m sort of new to this whole thing please help!
Just click on “Play now”, pick the character (person) with the highest win percentage, and BAM-it says you’re a winner! No code required…..
Each character is a winner. Doesn’t matter who you pick.
I’ve played everyday and have been able to print 2 coupons per day!!! Woo hoo!
Abby I dunno if you know or not… but the limit is MORE than 2 for these. You can probably print closer to 25 everytime you win!
I’ve tried and I can only print 2 each time I win
Anyway with the way CVS is treating us like criminals around here I’d rather wait untill target has their sale again. I think it’s ridiculous that Sobe will let this many coupons out and then noone will take them.
I did that one day 2 but it doesnt let u anymore
I think one day there was a high print limit….sorta like a glitch in their system. since then I’ve only been able to print 2…which is fine by me.
Yall can keep these coupons…the regular Sobe has an insane amount of calories in it, and the light version is disgusting! Just IMO!!
100 calories a bottle is an insane amount? There are more in a Coke and it’s smaller!
you can get the 0 calories sobes too.
So my friends and I have an insane amount of B1G1 coupons so we have been taking trips to the CVS’s here in Jacksonville Fl all week. Well after 4 days of no problems getting multiple Sobes, they have a 6 limit we just do more then one transaction, they have posted signs at the registers for the cashier to not accept more then 4 coupons from each customer. We’ve already gotten like 100 Sobes each so we’r not sad about it. But after calling the store mamager he told me that “Sobe corporate” emailed all the cvs’s and said to not accept more then 4 per customer because they would not pay them if they accepted too many coupons. SOOOO, I called Sobe and told them this and they were upset and wanted to know everything about this because they never sent out any email saying that. I’m going to call cvs corporate today and talk to them. One cashier actually accused me of making illegal copies of my coupons! So sorry CVS you just lost alot of money.
I certainly wouldn’t be bragging about this because in my eyes and I’m sure in others you just come off as greedy!! 100 for you and 100 for each of your friends!!!!!!!!
And you and others wonder why retailers want to set limits……..isn’t it obvious…..
And your statement “sorry CVS you just lost alot of money” Yea right you didn’t pay a cent and I’m sure you will be right back when you can get 100 more freebies!!!
Grow up and learn how to be a responsible shopper and couponer!
That is an extremely rude thing to say to someone although she got 100 it hasn’t affected you directly so the adult thing to do is bite your tongue. If she can stock up and help take the cost of beverages out of her monthly budget for a little bit great for her! We don’t know anyones financial situation or why they did it, so we can’t judge nor should harsh words be said to someone you don’t know
Ok – it’s posted on here multiple times – probably from multiple areas of the U.S. that WE are right and CVS corporate has confirmed this!! As the CVS corporate customer service said to me “sometimes individual managers get confused”. Enough already!! Why is everyone STILL having problems?????
Well, I called corporate yesterday after trying to get 6 and told I would only be able to use two coupons, not three as I intended. The woman at corporate knew exactly what coupon I was talking about without me even telling her. She said that yes, bogo coupons can be used with bogo promotions, essentially getting two items for free. HOWEVER, there has been quite a bit of abuse, so managers are allowed to limit coupon usage as they see fit. (That might have been what the cashier was trying to convey, although poorly.) See the comment above regarding someone getting 100 bottles. The woman at corporate said the limits are in place to make it fair for all customers. Makes sense. I figured there would be some sort of issue with such high print limits. Even clerks at the stores that don’t give you trouble are saying people are coming in with wads of coupons every day. They can’t know if the coupons are good–they are taking them in good faith.
There are quite a few “not honest” couponers that end up costing the store money because the man. wont reimburse a copied coupon. When a cashier sees a ton of printables they should be concerned, and we as couponers should be conscious of that and limit the freebie transactions. Thank you for the comment Erin!
I just played hoping to win more coupons but I won a backpack instead!! Yippee!
I won the flipflops once but i want the backpack too!! if u have more than 1 email or are on facebook u can play that many more times a day!!
i was wondering when u won your backpack, did u actually have a code or just played without one? i know when i won the flipflops i didnt have any code.
I played without a code.
I’ve won a shirt and the flip flops so far, but I have my eye on the track jacket. I just love this game!
I won an ipod! I couldn’t believe it!!
I cant find the target coupon what zip code do u use??
I used the Target coupon a while back and don’t see it now so I’m guessing it hasn’t re-set. Oh well, 6 a day for free at CVS so I’ll take that!
I believe that coupon was a limit of two – if you already printed them then it disappears no matter what zip code you used. Target coupons don’t stay forever either you have to check them frequently.
I love the Fuji Apple flavor and zero calories. I need a Target gift card deal again, I am sitting on a lot of coupons from the coupon glitch of 2 weeks ago! CVS in NYC does not have the BOGO Free sale.
OMG! I LOVE your blog! I stumbled across it last week and have been tuning in every day since!
Wonderful blog full of humor, great food, fantastic savings and cute stories about your family!
my popup blocker blocked the coupon…is there anyway to reprint it? How are you printing more than one?
I went to CVS yesterday and scanned my CVS card. It printed a coupon for $5 off $20. I got my12 bottles, 6 of them rang up free, they took the $5. off and after I handed over my 6 coupons, I still had a urplus of $5, so I had to ‘buy’ some free lipstick. And the receipt had a coupon for $ .50 off my next purchase. The site lets you play again every day.
I had to call 1800shopcvs in order for my cvs to accept my coupons.. said they changed there policy a month ago where they cant do that anymore. I was just there last week, w a bogo m&m coupon and a bogo stayfree coupon and they honored them both. so i stood right at the register and called and they placed me on hold and called the store and told them they had to accept my coupons…. SOBE water taste sooo good!!!
WOO HOO!! I love me some FREE SOBE!! I went to CVS today and got 12 for FREE with my BOGO coupons! I am thinking about going to a different CVS tomorrow and get 12 more! The guy that was my cashier asked where I got the coupons and I told him so he wrote it down a piece of paper and put it in his pocket so he could go home and print them! He is always such a friendly cashier and he uses coupons too so he will take any coupons I bring in!!! I LOVE CVS!!
My CVS is truly the best. 1.) They are open 24 hrs, including the pharmacy and 2.) The cashiers are so friendly. They will do everything they can to give to you the lowest price possible when using coupons.
I just went in this evening (morning? it’s 1am, haha!) and finally got around to buying some SoBe’s. They had quite a few left being the last day of their sale and I was armed with my coupons. I had a billion SoBe coupons and I also had 1 $4 off $20 purchase and 1 $2 off any amount coupon. I bought 21 SoBe’s and 1 greeting card (for me and my husband’s wedding anniversary). He rang up all the water’s and the card and it came to $39.62. He scanned my $4 coupon first, then my $2 coupon. I started giving him 7 of my SoBe coupons and he happily took them and changed the amount’s if needed. I think at this point the total was down to $6 or $7. So I asked him, “What if I try giving you more coupons? Will the computer take them?” He said, “Yeah, it’ll let me know if it can’t accept them”. So he scanned 3 more and… TADA…!!!
I bought 21 SoBe lifewater’s and 1 greeting card for $0.51 out of pocket! I saved $39.11!
I was wondering about the winning bottle caps. I got one that says “Heads drink another sobe” does this mean that I won a free sobe? there is no code on it so I dont know? Any body else find this?
no, the winning phrase is ‘TAILS U WIN” then there is a code under that phrase…at least that is how my cap is and once entering the code I got a B1G1 coupon
I just one a gift card, but when I went to login it said my password was incorrect and the screen never changed when I clicked on ( forgot your password link). Does this mean that now I won’t be able to get my gift card because it would never let me complete my information?
I won a coupon, my bottle cap said “Tails, You Win!”. That was a little different opening the bottle cap on your own. Fun!
For the ones that didn’t get what they won I would contact the company and let them know what happened. Maybe they can help you out. Have a nice day all!
link does not seem to have reset for me and some of the links posted here are not working