Meijer: *HOT* Deal on Betty Crocker
Currently, Meijer has 2 General Mills/Betty Crocker Catalina promotions that can be used together to give you BIG savings! Through July 14th, when you buy 5 General Mills (Fruit By the Foot, Gushers, Fruit Roll-Ups, Fruit Stikerz) in a single transaction, get a $3.50 custom checkout coupon valid on your next order (or Buy 3, Get $1.50; Buy 4 Get $2.50). Plus, through July 21st, when you buy $15 or more of Yoplait or Betty Crocker Products in a single transaction, you’ll get a $5 Custom Checkout coupon valid on your next order.
Here’s one way to utilize both these promos for BIG savings:
Buy 5 Betty Crocker Fruit Roll-Ups $1.69 each
Buy 4 Betty Crocker Warm Delights $1.50 each
Buy 1 Yoplait Greek Yogurt $0.99
Total $15.44
Use 2 $0.50/2 Fruit Roll-Up coupons found here, here, here, here or here
Use 4 $0.75/1 Warm Delights coupons from the 6/27 SS (if your store doubles, then use 4 $0.50/1 coupons found here, here, or here)
Use the $0.30/1 Yoplait coupon from the 6/13 SS or 7/11 SS or found here, here or here
Pay $11.14 (if your store doubles coupons, you will pay as little as $8.84)
Get back a $3.50 Catalina coupon AND a $5 Catalina coupon
Final Cost $2.64 (if your store doubles, your final cost will be as low as $0.34)!
(Thanks, Wendy!)
Isn’t Meijer a Kroger affiliate? I don’t have a Meijer, but have a Fred Meyer. Does anyone know if it works there? 🙂 Thanks!
Meijer is NOT affiliated with Kroger. sorry!
Aren’t you double dipping, the system? Will this work?
it should work because one promo is a national catalina (should work at other stores) and the other is a Meijer specific catalina (only good at Meijer stores.)
I did it twice this morning and it works.
Did you use 4 $0.50 off the betty crocker warm delights and all 4 doubled? I thought Meijers only doubles 2 of the same coupon
all 4 doubled for me
You know, they have issues with how they code BC coupons. It used to be that only the first two in this FAMILY would double. Now it seems like multiples will double over 2! Crazy.
Thanks. I think I’ll do this transaction.
Do these catalinas roll?
I like to know this as well. Thanks 🙂
No, they do not.
do you know, is the catalinas at all meijer locations? i have noticed that they change their ads up a lot between stores in addition to their pricing, which varies dramatically from store to store. this makes me wonder if the catalinas will too? my store has had pricing that is sometimes double that of another store! Marinelli dried fruit was $2 a bag at other stores, mine had it at $3.98!
If you have the fridge space here is another deal:
18 Yoplait Greek yogurt at $0.99ea
Use 6 $1/3 Meijer MealBox coupons
Use 18 Yoplait $0.30 manu coupons
If your store doubles the first 2 $0.30 Yoplait coupons, here is the math:
18 x $0.99= $17.82
Subtract $6 for the MMB coupons= $11.82
Subtract a total of $6 for the 18 $0.30 manu coupons if first 2 double= $5.82
Get back $5 Catalina= $0.82 for 18 Greek yogurt!
I did this a little bit ago and it worked great it was awesome also if you buy 4 totinos party pizzas you get $1.00 cat and there is a printable $1 off 2. I have heard though that the catalina for just the fruit snacks ends today not sure if that is correct or not!?!
Worked for me. nummy 🙂
Off to Meijer right now! I hope it works!
Just got back from Meijer, spent 93cents on all those products! Thank you so much for telling us about this! I will def be coming back looking for more tips!
Meijer will only double 2 identical coupons, so I would use 2 .50 warm delights and 2 .75 warm delights coupons.
I also found some $1.00/2 peelies on the warm delights when I was there which was awesome since I had 2 $.50 off ones and no $.75 off…lol
How long is this cat going on?
I just got back from Meijer and got 6 boxes of mini fruit roll ups (18ct), 3 warm delights, and 1 greek yogurt- total cost $1.53! The $3.50 catalina ends on the 14th- the $5.00 on a $15 goes until the 21st I believe.
I just did this last night, I printed out all the coupons and my store doubled them. Plus I had a $2 off cat from last week (oscar meyer) I paid 7.64 and got 8.50 back!!! I made money :O)
Bummer…I paid $8 for all of that. Sent my husband to do the deal and the prices were all different than what Collin posted. Got the Cats though. I guess $8 for all of that is still a pretty good deal.