FREE Webcam for Family of Active Duty Military!

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NEW UPDATE: They are currently out… hopefully they will have some in stock again soon!

If you have a family member currently serving in the U.S. military on active duty, then you’ll definitely want to check out the Oh Say Can You See program offered by Charter Communications. This program allows individuals with family members serving in the U.S. military the opportunity to request a FREE webcam that can be used to engage in video chats with their military family members. To request a webcam, you must be a legal resident of the United States who is of legal age of majority in his/her jurisdiction of residence, must have a valid email address and a valid mailing address in the United States, and must have a family member currently serving the United States military on active duty. If you meet all these criteria, click here to request a webcam. Also note that there is a limit of one webcam per person and per household; upon request, webcams will arrive in approximately 4-6 weeks.

Once you receive the webcam, you will be able to create a video message for your family member who is serving on active duty. Your video will be stored on the Oh Say Can You See website, where it can be accessed by means of an encrypted link that will be sent to your family member in military service by e-mail. Each video can be viewed a maximum of 20 times and will be viewable only for a period of 30 days from the date that the link to the video is first sent to the family member in military service.To view all the terms and conditions of this program, click here.

Keep in mind that to use the webcam, you will need a high speed internet connection AND your system MUST meet the following requirements…
* Available USB 2.0 port
* Intel Pentium 4 with 1.75 GHz or AMD Athlon XP 2000+ 1.67 GHz processor or faster
* 512MB RAM or higher
* Microsoft Windows XP Service Pack, or Windows Vista, or Windows 7, or MAC OSX: 10.4.3 Tiger or higher

(Thanks, Tanya and Kerstin!)

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Comments 12

  1. Sarah F

    This is awesome! I can’t wait to see how it works!!

  2. katg

    thank you for posting this one. It will be good to see my cousin and his family again. We were really close when he was home. Thanks so much

  3. Kristina

    This is awesome! thanks!

    • Heather

      Wow, really I read this and it brought tears to my eyes. Thank you for posting this. Very nice…awesome!

  4. marcia

    We’re so excited to use this, thank you!

  5. Angie

    Great! My husband is going to Korea for a year in a few months and we were talking about getting a webcam. : )

  6. nikki d.

    Is anyone else having a hard time entering a “valid email address?”

    • Mrs. B

      yep, wouldnt take.

  7. Jennifer R

    Thanks for posting this! My husband is active duty army, and I don’t know what we would have done without a webcam during deployments. It is the only reason my kids knew who daddy was when he returned. This is such a nice offer!!

  8. Melissa W

    Thank you my daughter is three and my husband missed the first year in a half of her life so she didnt really know him besides his voice when he came home, this will make it much easier for her to stay connected with him when he deployes again, especially since shes such a daddys girl.

  9. Monica

    Their site says they’re out of webcams. Hopefully they’ll offer this again soon.

  10. Brenda Davis

    Got my free webcam a few weeks ago, but kept forgetting to let you know. It is really nice and it is a Hewlett Packard. My brother is in Navy in Virginia and we live in AZ. My computer has a webcam built in but he doesn’t have one. I am wrapping this one up to send to him as a surprise! It will be nice to have my parents be able to talk to him, his wife and kids and see them online! Can’t wait! Thank you for always posting the great deals!

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