Walgreens: Earn a $5 Gift Card for Taking Survey!
Have any of you received a Catalina coupon from Walgreens that looks similar to the one above?! Well, don’t throw it away because it’s definitely NOT trash! Here’s what reader, Kitty, emailed:
Hi Collin,
After making my recent purchase at Walgreens, I received my usual Register Rewards and what I thought was an Advertisement, however it was a short survey request! I entered the website into my browser and answered a 10 min. multiple choice survey – in the end, I will receive a $5.00 gift card to Walgreens!! (Customers must log on within 48hrs of getting the survey, and it states you will never be asked to buy anything, & no one will contact you as a result of your participation) – $5.00 for my opinion sounds good to me!
How cool is that?! Have any of you received one of these? Let us know!
i used my last register reward at walgreens yesterday, and i dont plan on shopping there anymore. the customer service sucks. every time i go to my local walgreens they make me feel uncomfortable, and unwated in the store. i assume it is because of my coupon use, i always feel that the staff (certain staff, not all of them though) are giving me looks, and yesterday when i was checking out, one of the ones who seems to have a problem with me came over to the cashier and whispered something to her. i assume it was about me, which i could be wrong, but she could have waited until i was gone and then told her whatever it was that was so important. i am a very non-confrontational person, and while i have had some problems with them not wanting to take some coupons which were greater than the price of the item, i always question it, but i am never rude or even insistant. if they would have said no after my arguement, i would have left quietly with no trouble. i dont understand what the problem is, but i wont be shopping there anymore. :/
I was just planning the same thing for today. Have a few RR’s that need to be used, then Walgreens is no longer on my shopping list. I plan on telling them that I won’t be in to shop there anymore, and the reason, and that I plan on telling all my other friends the same.
i didnt say anything to them at the store but i did email the customer service on their web site.
The problem is individual employees and/or management at YOUR Walgreen’s. We’ve had a few problems at a few stores but our closest one seems to like our business. Asst. mgr. once told us if we had enough coupons to buy out the whole store he would ring it up AND help us load our truck! Recently overheard the store mgr. telling someone from the pharmacy that we don’t spend a lot of money in there but we sure help increase their sales volumn with all of our coupon purchases which are the same as cash. Several employees have talked about learning how to do ‘extreme couponing’. Most people that tell us that never follow through. One 19 year old guy at our Wags chased us down an isle to tell us of his first couponing trip to Walmart. (Not always the first place a novice should start). He told us he got almost $100 worth of stuff and paid about $40. Damned good for a first-timer, 19 year old, GUY.
I suggest you not give up on Walgreen’s as they seem to have too many of the free/almost-free deals. You should call the number we refer to as 1-800-I HATE WALGREEN’S. (Similar to 1-800-I HATE RITEAID, 1-800-I HATE WALMART etc). Also, try one or two other Wag’s in your area to see how different you are treated. Remember to also call the Walgreen’s number to report when you had a good experience and mention the employee’s name. This will go in their file and the may get a letter regarding your comment.
there arent any other walgreens in my area or i would try that. i am not saying that ALL walgreens are bad, i just think ours would rather not have business than have to scan a couple of coupons.
awww. i have had problems with walgreens also. I had a problem with a store manager being mean to me and not letting me use my coupons! I didn’t give up and have found 2 walgreens close to me who are really nice, I only go into the other one if i absolutely have to. And now that store manager tracks me down and chats with me which makes me uncomfortable because i think she just wants to know what i’m up to. Or maybe she has to be nice to me because I called and complained about her! Anyway, don’t give up! I hope you can find one where they are nice to you, it really is worth it!
one of my Walgreens cosmetic ladies always says “let me see if I have a coupon in here (HER OWN coupon binder) for you to use on that product” I normally have my own coupon to use tho. She’s really sweet, unfortunately that is the farthest Wags I will travel to.
I went to the walgreen store close to me and to my dismay, according to the cashier that Walgreens is no longer accepting the online printed coupon. The guy stated that somehow the manufacturer is not reimbursing them due to the fraudulency that customers are just copying them. I dont know if this is true. Had anyone encountered same problem?
Where is the link to register your code from your receipt to get the $5.00. I cannot find it. Suppose to be shoppers survey but what else. Can anyone post the correct link.
I have not received this but I did notice on the credit card/debit card machine by cosmetics and photo it says give us your email and we will give you $5.
I received one of these a few months back and got the giftcard.
HUmmm, by my math that is $30.00 per hour. Where do I sign up? lol
I got one in March. Used it already.
I got one of those survey things last year. I ended up not doing it because there were some strings attached . . . can’t remember exactly what — but I do remember I was really mad at being decieved. So check it out carefully before proceeding. Walgreens is getting harder and harder to shop — you really have to make freinds with the sales associates and even then its hard.
I have had no problems with Walgreens. In fact, nearly all of the cashiers are super friendly and go out of their way to help you. I still think 2 weeks to use your RR’s is too short and it should be a month, but I usually find a way to roll them. Also, don’t let the cashiers intimidate you! If you are right, stand up for yourself. Don’t let them prevent you from going in there and getting a good deal. 🙂
I did this a few months back and did receive my gift card!
I got one this morning! In Bellevue, WA. I figured I would give it a shot and see if I qualified and I did! It was a very easy survey. It was going along and only said 35% done and I was thinking, oh geez, this is going to be a long one and then all of a sudden it shot from 35% to 88% and was done in a few questions after that. It took MAYBE 5 minutes to complete and at the end it asks for your name and address to send you your $5 Walgreens gift card to. 🙂
I got one when I first started couponing! I had forgotten all about it till a few months later I recieved the gift card in the mail!! It was so cool!!
I did one once and did receive the $5 Gift Card. Easy to do!
As far as Walgreens goes, I’m in the Portland area where they’ve gotten rid of a lot of the Register Rewards and are giving points which don’t equal what every one else is getting for register rewards – and it is only on what you pay after manufacturer’s coupons and register rewards -which doesn’t add up to anything at all! I just emailed corporate this morning to let them know I’ve stopped shopping there because I can’t get deals that everyone else everywhere else gets. Bummer… I hope they don’t switch everyone to rewards cards or they’ll lose a TON of business! Portland and a few other cities are “trial areas.” It sucks!
I’m also in Portland. It’s especially stupid that the points you get are AFTER all coupons and discounts. I barely earn anything at all! I hope RRs aren’t going away. I just finally got the hang of it : (
And thanks for emailing corporate about this. I’ll do the same. If enough people in the trial areas are unhappy with this new system, maybe they won’t roll it out to the rest of the country.
They did a “Test Market” here in East Idaho back in the first quarter of the year. We only had an 8 page ad, compared to the 20 page ad the rest of the country had. It really sucked because I’d see these great deals on the blogs, and they weren’t available in my “Test Market” area. I hated it. Everytime I got a receipt, I’d take the survey and tell them how horrible it was. Fortunately, in April we started getting the full ad again. If you let them know what you think when you are in a “Test Market”, then it helps them make their decisions. Good Luck! I hope they don’t switch the program.