FREE Beneful Dog Toy (1st 10,000)!
Head on over here to vote for your favorite finalist in the Beneful WagWorld Dream Dog Park Contest. The first 10,000 voters will be able to score a FREE dog toy. After choosing one of the 10 finalists, you’ll need to login or register on and then fill in your mailing info to receive your FREE dog toy! Allow 10-12 weeks for delivery.
(Thanks, Julie!)
Just voted…getting a dog toy! Woohoo!
Thanks so much for posting! Just voted, and must say that I would LOVE to play at those parks with my golden retriever!
This is great because I hate spending money on dog toys that are just going to get destroyed in a week. 🙂 Thanks for posting!
Roscoe loves his toys. Thanks!
it want let me register…. no dog toy for fatboy…..My niece named him that
I wouldn’t let me register either. I even went to purina,com to verify my account info…and it wouldn’t send me my password. The systems must be overrun…same problems with the Nescafe site—all of which are Nestle companies.
thanks! Free dog toy in 6-8 weeks!
V8 sample is available, but I don’t know for how long:
thanks fran–i got my sample!
Same here! Boy am I glad I stayed up late tonight – Tidus needs a new toy BAD! 🙂
Izzy will love her new toy 🙂 Thanks Collin!
I got to the last page for my free toy and it won’t let me submit. It’s getting hung up. 🙁 Baby Belle needs new toys!
same here
I finally got it…it says it only allows one request per second so I just kept hitting the finish button REALLY quickly A LOT and it finally went through.
There is a problem loading the site. Ugh!
Mine went through.Took a minute or 2 after I hit submit, but it said it will be sent in 8-10 weeks
Not sure if it worked for me. Took a long time to process after I clicked submit. Guess we’ll see if a toy arrives in a few weeks!
I can’t even get onto the home page. It just keeps loading and loading and loading. We may have crashed it LOL.
I never could get it to go through, the server is overwhelmed.
it wont go through. i’m stuck on the confirmation page. the submit button doesn’t work.
Wow the site will let me input all my info but when I get to the final screen and hit the finish button I just get an error. 🙁
I got mine this past weekend! Thanks!
Maybe the server went down, I had no trouble, til the last page and then I got this in red lettering, “The request failed with HTTP status 503: Service Unavailable.”
I have a recommendation for a great ball that can be chewed is by Planet Dog, The Orbe Tuff the adoption ball or the Glow ball. We have a lab and this is a good size. Found on Amazon. If you have a small dog, check out the other chew things made by Planet Dog. This brand was recommended in a dog training book.
Also note: the free ball offered by Purina is NOT a chew toy but an interactive toy, example to use when playing fetch
stuck on the confirmation page…. errors are all over the place
it is awesome
It was stuck on same page for a long time, then when it finally went through, it said my time had expired. UGH!
BUT…I did win the Chili’s gift card today, Yay!
Wow I already got mine in the mail today!
The dog and I were thrilled to have gotten his new ball in the mail on Friday!!!
I’d had so much trouble with the site being overwhelmed, I never dreamed that my info had actually gone thru! 😀