More Target Deals: LaCroix Water, Ocean Spray…
Here are even more Target deals…
LaCroix Sparkling Water 8 pack 12 oz $2.50
Use the $1.25/1 coupon found here or here (use zip code 82432)
Final cost only $1.25!
Ocean Spray Blueberry $1.98
Use the $1/1 coupon found here
Final cost $0.98!
Ovaltine Chocolate Malt 12 oz $2.99
Use the $1/1 coupon from the 6/27 SS or found here or here
Final cost $1.99!
Skinny Water $1.25
Use the $0.50/1 coupon found here
Final cost $0.75!
(Thanks for these, Totally Target!)
**Check out the rest of the Target weekly deals here!
I love the La Croix! Can’t seem to find the coupon at first link though.
I tried the Lacroix because of the coupons and YUCK!!! There is no flavor at all. And if you don’t drink it within 5 minutes of opening it it only gets nastier.
For some reason the La Croix coupons beep at Target. I’ve done the deal twice and both times they had to push them through.
AVOID the grapefruit flavor at all costs. Flat Fresca would taste better!
To each his own. I love the grapefruit La Croix–in fact, I go out of my way to go to the store that carries it. I think Fresca is disgusting (although I loved Sierra Mist Ruby Splash and Squirt). Does everyone realize that La Croix is selzer water? No sugar or artificial sweetners of any kind? If you don’t like seltzer water, you won’t like La Croix.
By the way, I can’t seem to find it on the first link, either.
I must agree LaCroix is horrible, but I don’t like seltzer water. I was thinking it might be good if mixed with vodka or gin, though.
I have also had problems with LaCroix coupons at Target and was treated like a criminal for having 3 coupons.
Was at Target this morning. I had printed a coupon off their site for $1 off a Dole fruit cup 6 pack. They did not carry a 6 pack of Dole fruit cups. So I asked and they said they would let me use it on the 4 pack. The 4 packs were $2.04. The coupon scanned and didn’t beep. So 4 pack of Dole oranges for $1.04!
I think La Croix is very refreshing! I think most people are used to sugary (i.e. high fructose corn syrup) drinks, so to them, La Croix may take some getting used to.
There’s an even better deal on it at Whole Foods (surprisingly). They should still have the 12 packs (some are even bonus 15 packs) on sale 2/$5. Use 2 $1.25 coupons and get 2 for $2.50!
I think people are mistaking it for soda. And I agree–so refreshing! Thanks for the tip–I’m going to check out Whole Foods!
Thanks for the tip on Whole Foods- going to check that out! We LOVE LOVE LOVE LaCroix in our house- even my 4 year old and 2 year old. I think it’s definitely an acquired taste. Took me years to get into seltzer water… now I prefer it 1,000 times over regular water. It’s more refreshing (but you definitely have to drink it quickly because it will lose its fizz). Anyway- I love deals on this water because we drink it as our primary beverage. Then again, I am not a soda or sugary drink person…. these are perfect!
I also tried the La Croix and I couldn’t get it down it was so nasty!
Love LaCroix. Twenty-five years ago I couldn’t find it around here and would buy it when visiting LaCroix, Wisconcin. . . it would be a joke among my friends when I would come home with a bunch of it.
I didn’t care for LaCroix. We tried it the last time there were coupons & we still have it in our refrigerator. I wish I could learn to like it & NOT Coke! Funny story; one of my sons (11 yr old) had a friend over & he thought it looked good in the refrigerator, so he grabbed a can & took a large drink & spit it out all over (thankfully they were outside). Made a horrible face & looked at the can. He said “now THAT is disgusting w/ no calories & no taste, why bother”. It was hilarious! Guess you had to be there 😛
Can you mix the stuff with kool-aid!! I know that kinda defeats the purpose but boy is that stuff yucky. My six year old spit it out too, I told him we’d try mixing in something to give it a fizz. I bought two cases yesterday at Target, and don’t know what to do with it! Anyone have any ideas???
we got 2 12 pk the unopened 1 i took back the other 1 is sittin in a bag on a shelf yuck i wiah i knew some1 2 give it 2
squeeze a lime in the lime flavor – yum
I wish the first link worked, wondering if it’s a Target web coupon? If so, that would be a steal doubled with a manufacturer coupon!
If you havent used your 5/16 SS buy 1 get 1 stride gum coupon, stack that with the target buy 1 get 1 coupon on their site right now. Gotta love free gum
La Croix coupons are for 12-packs. My mother and two year old love it.
My coupon says : $1.25 off any 8 pack or 12 pack.
I cant find the LaCroix coupon now???? Is is gone?