Amazon: *HOT* Deals on Diapers & Wipes!
I just wanted to remind you all that Amazon is still offering up some smokin’ HOT deals on diapers and wipes! As you may know from my previous posts, you can save a total of 30% off already reduced diapers and wipes when you choose Subscribe and Save + shipping is FREE! …AND if you have the 20% off coupon found in Parents and Parenting magazines, then you can combine the coupon with the 30% off Subscribe & Save discount to save even more!
Here are some of my favorite finds:
Huggies Pull-Ups Cool Alert Training Pants, Boys 2T-3T 58ct
List price $29.99– after 30% Subscribe & Save discount ONLY $13.98!
Huggies Gentle Care Sensitive Baby Wipes Popup Refill, 184-Count Pack (Pack of 3)
List price $26.97– after 30% off Subscribe & Save discount ONLY $12.27!
These refill packs normally retail for $7 to $8 and that’s just for one. You’re getting 3 refill packages for a little over $12. Plus, they are shipped to your door FREE of charge! I would definitely suggest stocking up while you can!
Huggies Supreme Thick-N-Clean Fragrance Free Baby Wipes Refill, 184-Count Pack (Pack of 3)
List price $26.97– after 30% off Subscribe & Save discount ONLY $13.10!
Huggies Overnites Diapers Size 5 (56 count box)
List price $25.08– after the Subscribe and Save discount ONLY $10.63!
Let us know what deals you score!
**Remember, when you sign up for Subscribe and Save you are under NO obligation whatsoever and can cancel at anytime. To cancel or modify your Subscribe and Save items, just click on “my account” and then “subscriptions” and with the click of a button you can cancel and/or modify anything you want.
I got 52 3T/4T Pull ups for girls for $11.04! I expected it to be $14 or so, so it was a happy surprise! Plus, I used $10 in gift cards from my SwagBucks, so only $1.04 OOP! Whoo hoo!
I have a 20% off coupon from Parents magazine. My babies are both potty trained, so I don’t need it. I will email the code to the first person that posts a repsonse to this with their email address.
thanks in advance!!
I have 2 in diapers so this would help! Thanks!
Which issue of Parents is this coupon in?
It is in the August issue.
August I think.
If anyone else has a code they won’t be using – I’d use it if you want to pass it along 🙂
How did you get the overnight diapers down to $10.63 after the subscribe and save? Mine only goes down to $17.xx from the 25.08… I could really use some of these for my two girls! TIA!
I could also use a code if someone isn’t using theirs! I can’t wait to have only one kid in diapers instead of two! So expensive! Thanks Collin for all the great deals!
oops! TIA!
Darn! It looks like the Overnights have sold out at the price I posted! 🙁
I have been browsing trying to figure out what to do and the price changed again! It is back!!! it makes it the $10.63 or so that you originally posted.
Thanks Collin! I got 100 sz 4 diapers for $16.99! My son is only in sz 2, but this was a bargain I couldn’t pass up!
I got 3 packs of the overnight diapers for $28.86 total. Awesome! Thanks for the heads-up on the 20% off coupon. It only applied to 1 of the packages, but that saved me $3.04 more. Thanks Colin!
I could use the code from parents mag if someone does not need it also.
Thanks, Collin! Great deal! I got two packs of the pull-ups and used the extra 20% off code from Parents magazine (only applied to one) and got them super cheap. Awesome!
I could use the code if anyone has one they don’t need.!! Thanks
The other day I ordered 108 Pampers extra protection diapers and got the 30% with the subscribe and save and and extra $15 off with my Swagbucks Amazon gc so it was only $17!!
Here are the deals I got a few days ago, just to give some more ideas:
Pampers Baby Dry diapers, 204 ct (size 3)
Item Subtotal: $41.99
Shipping and handling: $22.86
Subscription Discount: $-12.60
Free Shipping: $-22.86
Promotion Applied: $-8.40 (Parents magazine 20% off code)
Your Coupon Savings: $-1.50 (Amazon’s virtual coupon book)
Total: $19.49
Jumbo packs of Baby Dry have 36 in them so I figure it worked out to about $3.44/jumbo
Pampers Natural Aloe Unscented Baby Wipes, 720 count (9 refills plus a plastic tub)
Item Subtotal: $18.49
Shipping and handling: $23.21
Subscription Discount: $-5.55
Free Shipping: $-23.21
Your Coupon Savings: $-0.50 (Amazon’s virtual coupon book)
Total: $12.44
$1.24 for a tub of wipes isn’t the greatest price ever but we were getting really low and I already used all my $2/1 wipes coupons.
Unsubscribing was really easy too!
what is “amazon’s virtual coupon book”?
When you’re viewing an item, scroll down (under the price but before the product features section) and there’s a box that says “Check out Your Coupons” with a link to “Your Coupon Book” that has coupons for grocery and health and beauty items. I just checked and it’s not showing anything for me right now but a few days ago there were about 10 coupons, including ones for Pampers. That was the first time I noticed that feature so maybe somebody else has more info on how often they refresh.
You can also get 88 ct pampers easy ups for 12.74 with both coupons and amazon 1.50 off pampers coupon. Size 4
Hi, How do you sign up for subscribe and save? I ordered subscribe and save diapers but it did not take off an additional 30% at checkout. Any help would be appreciated. Thank You!
Instead of clicking the “Add to Cart” button, click the one under it that says “Subscribe Now.” It will still go to your cart and you’ll have the option to add promotional codes after you confirm your shipping and credit card information.
The Overnites ended up being $7.59 with the 20% off code!! Awesome! THANKS!
Hi, If anybody has unused parents or parenting early magazine code, can you please mail me at
I’ve been ordering these all week. I’ve got
Seventh generation diapers= 30% off Sub&Save + Coupon code+ $10 GC from SwBcks= $6.99/case
I’ve got 2 cases Seventh Generation wipes= $9.xx after 30%
Huggies overnites case I got 30% off plus coupon code equaled somewhere around $8-9.00
I had 2 coupon codes because I have Parenting mag AND Parenting the early years. Both had this code. I might go back for more, I love those seventh generation diapers!
Thanks, Collin!
I got three boxes of Size 5 (52 ct) Huggies Overnight’s for my son, at $7.59 each! What a STEAL! Thanks for posting all the info about this deal!
If anyone’s having trouble finding the codes— ask your pediatricians office, if you’re headed there soon, if it would be ok to take the code out of their August issue of Parents mag (also in Parenting the Early Years). I asked when I was there last week with my son and they said sure– that’s how I got my extra codes!
If anyone possibly has a code from the Parents magazine they weren’t using…we would be so grateful!
Just thought I would let you know the Overnight’s are still available in sz 5 count (56) $15.19 before discount
I found it by selecting the “select diapers & wipes” category located in the box with the information for the save an extra 30%.
Hope this helps someone!
Last week, I bought a 720 pack of pampers wipes for only $12.94. That was with the 20% Qcode, 30% Subscribe & Save, and free shipping. Love, Love, Love!!!
If anyone has an extra code I would LOVE it! I’ve got a 5 months old that goes through diapers like crazy.
Thank you in advance! 🙂
Hey Thanks.. I have a little girl still in diapers…
anyboby having an extra 20% coupon code or not using their’s…..plzzzzzzzzzz send the code to….I need it…
can you only order one item at a time?
i can’t figure out how to order multiple items with the subscribe and save and one checkout
I got the coupon code from my parenting magazine, is it only 20% off for diapers?? I wanted just to buy wipes, thanks.
Yup, diapers only. I didn’t read the coupon closely at first and tried to use it on wipes too and it didn’t work.
I would love a code if anyone has an extra. I need some pull-ups for my little guy who thinks he is ready to potty train! Thanks!!!!
I have THREE extra 20%off code, but I’m not too sure if they’re all good ( I got them from the my doctor’s office) So, if anyone still need the code and don’t mind trying one of them, let me know your e-mail address, I’ll send one to you to see if it works. Hopefully they all do.
I would love the code—
If you still have the code, I could really use it. Thank you!
I would love the code
I would love a code!!
Laura: I just got another one from the magazine I got in the mail, leave your email address here so I can send it to you 😉
If you don’t hear back from Laura – would you consider sending it to me? Thank you.
I would love it if anyone has an extra code!!!
I have an extra code, since I received one in both the July and August Parents magazines! I’ll email it to whoever responds to this first. Hope someone can use it!
I emailed you directly. I would love to have your code, if it is still available. Thank you.
I’ve got a 20 percent off code I would like to trade for some Lysol No Touch coupons.
ikl082709 at gmail dot com
Has anyone had trouble using these codes. I hav two brand new codes, NEVER BEEN USED and they will not work. I called Amazon and they stated that they don’t know anything about these codes and that I need to call the magazine company that I got them from.
I just did this deal a few weeks ago and was able to stack two 20% off codes in the same order.
Luckly, I called Amazon ( I was on the phone for over a half hour, but they finally applied two codes for me).
Just curious as to what is going on so I will be prepared when my september codes arrive in the mail.