Torrid: $10 off $10 Coupon Code + More!

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Wow! Torrid has an awesome new coupon code available! You can use coupon code BTDM710 to get an additional $10 off any order of $10 or more! To get this promo code to work, first go here and become a DivaStyle Rewards member (don’t worry, it’s free to sign up). After doing so, start shopping and then use the coupon code above at checkout! Please note: shipping is a flat rate of $8.

They have lots of jewelry and hair accessories priced at just $1.99.  …So you could snag 6 items for just $9.94 shipped! Let us know what you score!

*Remember to go through! You’ll get a $5 sign up bonus if you’re a new member and 5% cash back from your Torrid purchase!

(Thanks, Ashley!)

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Comments 27

  1. stacy

    is this joo-ree bigger in size ? just wondering that happened with Women Within items were too big for me

  2. Alacia

    I tried the deal but it says that I don’t have enough dive points to use it.

  3. Tami

    Code didn’t work for me.Boo!

  4. Emanuela

    You have to sign up for the “DivaStyle Rewards” first click on the link up above where Collin says “first, go here…” : )

  5. Brianna

    Got my 6 jewelry items for $9.94 + tax! Thank you Collin!

  6. Paula

    Oooh…..I just order some. My reward for meeting my goal of losing 15lbs.

    • Collin (Mrs. Hip)

      good for you! way to go!

  7. Nicole

    Code didn’t work at first. Kept trying and it accepted it.

  8. Jessica

    Just scored 6 different pieces of jewlery – 3 for a Christmas gift & 3 for a bday gift! Can’t beat only $5 per gift for some great jewlery! I love shopping at Torrid – they have great quality stuff!

  9. Jess Martin

    Just ordered my 6 things…GREAT for gifts!!! I cannot wait, paid $10 fr $50 worth of jewels..thank you!!

  10. Susan

    UGH!! I have everything in my basket and when I enter my credit card info and hit submit order it goes right back to the screen to enter my credit card info. I have no clue what is going on! So sad!

    • kelly

      same thing is happening to me!

      • kelly

        i just called them to place the order over the phone, and after going down the list of my items, it turns out one of them that i had put in my shopping bag {the polkadot bow headband} was now unavailable, which is why it wouldnt send. but, had i not called her i wouldnt have known, because its not coming up as unavailable. best bet–give them a call!

  11. Collin (Mrs. Hip)

    Got some great gifts for my Christmas Shoeboxes for the church project this year! Thanks Collin! You rock girl…keeping all of us within our means and gettin’ bomb-to-the diggity gifts! ♥

  12. Boo Boo

    Does the code work if we’re already enrolled in the Diva Style Rewards?

    • Collin (Mrs. Hip)


  13. Collin (Mrs. Hip)

    I ordered 6 items to make it over $10. Ordered 3 headbands for pre-teen starting school and 3 pieces of jewelry for Xmas.

  14. Tracy

    I got
    Mixed Metal Stud Butterfly Headband
    Silver Rhinestone Accent Rose Ring:
    Silver and Rhinestone Filigree Medallion Stretch Ring:
    Silver Butterfly Chain Necklace
    Black Rose Feather Headband
    Gold Rhinestone Teardrop Dangle Earring

  15. forcryeye

    Every time I try to log on, the website doesn’t work…wonder if we are overloading it?

  16. Joy

    Hmm… not accdepting it… says I have to be logged in… which I am. Ideas?

  17. Elaine

    They have a cute bracelet and earring set that is Alice and Wonderland from Disney and was originally $30 on sale for $1.99. I think my girls will like them. Thanks! It’s fun getting birthday and Christmas shopping done from home at great prices!

  18. ANDREA

    I got 85.00 for 10.69. One thing I have been wanting for a while and I couldn’t have bought that for 10.69 regularly!!

  19. Joy

    OK! Got it! Here’s what I got for $10.54! Qty Item Unit price Total
    1 Silver Butterfly Chain Necklace $14.00 $1.99 $1.99
    1 Silver and Rhinestone 2-Hoop Earring $12.00 $1.99 $1.99
    1 Antique Gold Ivory Cross Layered Necklace $12.00 $1.99 $1.99
    1 Pink Chiffon Flower Mixed Metal Layered Necklace $16.00 $1.99 $1.99
    1 Gold Tasseled Filigree Hoop Necklace $14.00 $1.99 $1.99
    1 Nickel Hammered Bangle Bracelet 24-Pack $10.00 $1.99 $1.99
    subtotal 11.94
    discount -10.00
    shipping 8.00
    tax .60
    total $10.54

    WOOHOO! Thanks for the head-up on this GREAT deal Collin! A little Christmas shopping – check!

  20. shannon

    OH man I wish you had posted this sooner. I put a order in early today for jewelry and had only had a 10% code. Darn! Oh well I got lots of jewelry for $23 still good deal

  21. Tomeeka G.

    Thanks again for another great deal…I snagged some jewely for gifts and my little girl the Alice In Wonderland set! 6 items that cost a little under $100 for only $10.12….I’m over here doing flips (in my head) LOL

  22. Tracy

    I just wanted to come back and say thank you i received my order to day. What a happy Day

  23. Kim

    Just ordered a new top to wear for my engagement photos. Still 30 bucks with shipping but I really liked it.

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