Dish Network Channel 99 = FREE Coupons?!
Do you currently have Dish Network?! If so, head on over to Channel 99 and you may be able to snag a FREE coupon! Check out the email below that I received from reader, Kelly…
Just a few minutes ago on Dish Network, I realized channel 99 said coupon channel . So I clicked on it and was able to score a $1 off Special K low-fat granola cereal coupon. They take your info from Dish Network and send it within 8 weeks.
How cool is that?! If you snag a coupon, be sure to let us know in the comment section below. 😀
Yes! Awesome. I would never have seen that. Worked perfectly.
No 99 for me 🙁
Thanks! I watch very little TV and only 4 or 5 channels, so I would have never found this.
i tried to get the coupon…but could’nt get it…i think it need a home phone …i do’nt have one…
Tivo does the same thing. When you clicked on the advertisement it sends you a coupon in the mail. I have gotten $1 coupons for Charmin and other items.
worked for me too!! Sweet!
My husband just rolled his eyes and smiled
You have to have your Dish Network hooked up to a phone line to be able to get the coupon. I tried it and I guess we are not hooked up to a phone line because it would not work. 🙁 But that is really cool they do that.
They have this on DirecTV also. It showed up on ch 116 for me, but you do need a home phone line or it won’t connect.
if you dont have your dish hooked up to a phone line than it says to go to and you can print the same coupon from there!
Worked for me! So excited about this one! New ways to get coupons…gotta love it!!!
Direct TV has a similar thing. Your phone line has to be hooked to your TV (like when ordering movies). Then they mail you the coupon. I saw one for Suave just the other day.
How do you know if it worked? I tried it and it did not say anything. It took me back to the main menu to select the coupon button again and again.
I have dish network, and was able to score a free sample of suave shampoo with the remote during a suave commercial on a regular channel. I was soooo excited. It said it would arrive in 4-6 weeks.
It’s just another way to get you to print their coupons. I have Verizon Fios, so I couldn’t do this, but had no problem just going to their company website and printing the same coupon. It’s a bricks coupon so you can print it twice. There was also one for a drink as well. 🙂
I am over at my ex’s house and he has DISH! I got the coupon… thanks! I love the Special K granola cereal.
Ta heee :o)
I couldn’t get mine. Do not have a landline. Oh well..
I have direct tv and the other day they were giving away a dollar off coupon for dove body wash that will be mailed to your house.
I have 99 but you need to have the receiver hooked to the home phone line for it to work! Thanks anyway!
Oh Yea! Just got my coupon… the granola!