Taco Bell: Rare FREE Frutista Freeze Coupon!
Coupons.com just released a sweet coupon for all you Taco Bell fans! Head on over here and use zip code 80002 (if needed) to print a coupon valid for a FREE Frutista Freeze drink when you buy ANY product! Remember, ANY could mean a small drink, taco or any other item priced at $1 or less. I’m guessing this coupon won’t last long, so print it while you can!
I kept looking under food and could not find it So HINT it’s under the local coupons selection not food or beverages like you might assume.
Thanks Collin for posting this. Thanks Pinky for letting me know where to find it.
Yes, thanks for letting me know where to find it. I sometimes give up and assume they’ve printed their limit when I can’t find the coupon!
There was a few of these coupons in the SF Chronicle over the wknd, too.
They were in the 8-8-10 RP insert that came in my local paper. Greensboro, NC
Ive looked and looked no luck here.
they are under ‘local” coupons on the side.
I freakin love these things!
I’ve never had one of these. This may be a silly question, but it says “Margarita Frutista Freeze.” Is this flavoring or an alcoholic frozen treat?
It’s flavoring, I had the margarita one…I thought it was really good. Much better than I expected.
I LOVE Taco Bell! I will definitely use both coupons. I try to limit myself to one visit/week… but it’s hard. These and the coupons in last Sunday’s inserts are gonna make it hard to stay away. Gracias!
hey girls look in the red plum 08/08/10 in the 1st page is a coupon for a free LIMEADE at taco bell no purchase required . these drinks cost 2.29+tax
I didn’t like the Limeade but the Frutista was great with real strawberries in it! Thanks for posting this!
Anyone else have it print without a bar code?
Mine printed without the bar code.
MIne printed without a barcode too…….waste of ink! I didn’t see it was for margaritas until after I printed it… I don’t drink alcohol…
It’s funny that this is a “local” coupon because we’ve had SO MANY in our local sunday paper………..but I’ve gone to use them… and our LOCAL Taco Bell doesn’t make them!!! They said it was because they’re connected with KFC and it’s for the stand along Taco Bells only…. So for those of you who have Taco Bells that actually have these…. I’ve got coupons coming out my “ying yang”!
i go to the one that has kfc included and they have them…weird
May I have them?
I just tried to use this coupon last night and the girl gave me grief about using it, because I printed it in black and white.
Just a warning, the coupon is only good for the Margarita Frutistas, not the regular ones.
I’ll drink their drinks, but Taco Bell puts sand in their products like the rice and beef!!!! It keeps the food from clumping…
“Is it unusual to add silica to food? Yes. Is it dangerous? Probably not. The mineral actually occurs naturally in all sorts of foods like vegetables and milk.” -just fyi.
Used it yesterday for the Strawberry Margarita one, super intense. I’ve never had an alcoholic margarita so I don’t know if its similar, but if you like lime — these are hardcore lime.