Target: Kikkoman Deal & Rebate offer!
Looking for a way to make use of the new buy one get one free Kikkoman coupon? Well, you may want to head on over to Target where you can score the following deal…
Buy 4 Kikkoman Teriykai 10 oz Marinade and Sauce $1.42 each
Total = $5.68
Use 2 buy one get one free coupons found here
(SmartSource coupon– goes straight to printing)
Pay $2.84
…AND then submit for the Kikkoman rebate— buy 3 Kikkoman 8oz products and get a FREE grilling gift! So for $2.84 you will have scored 4 Kikkoman products and a grilling gift… not bad!
Even sweeter, if your store allows money off coupons with the buy one get one free coupons, then you can use 2 $1/1 Teriykai Sauce coupons found here— which will make your final cost, for everything, ONLY $0.84!
(Thanks, Totally Target!)
I wasn’t going to print that coupon off but since it comes with a nice rebate aka Xmas gift. HAHA i will have to do it.
This was my deal at target this am. I bought 4 bottles of kikkoman $1.42 each. I used 2 bogo free coupons and 2 $1/1 coupons. which made it .84 cents for 4 bottles. then my cashier took it upon her self to scan the peelie that was on 1 bottle for .55 cents off. so I got 4 bottles for .29 cents total. not a bad deal at all. and I am mailing in for my free gift. 🙂
I did this a few weeks ago when they had the same coupons available and I just received my grilling gift a few days ago…I was hoping for the grilling brush, but I got a bag. It’s a reusable market tote, but not a very good one 🙁
I love to cover an oven stuffer with this marinade and then bake for 3 hours. It comes out delicious!
I got the reusable tote too ~ everyone I know who did it also got the same tote.
I got the basting brush ages ago when they had a game on their site (as well as tongs and a spoon rest). It’s a pretty decent one. I’d like to get the apron this time. We’ll see…
I was hoping for the apron too!
Have any of you publix shoppers every seen kikkoman on BOGO?? I can’t remember 🙁
I have a Mac and for some reason, I can not print SS coupons. When I try, it directs me to upgrade my Java program, then when I try to do so, the installation guide tells me my computer does not need the upgrade. Just curious if anyone else has experienced this problem and maybe can share some tips or a solution. Thank you!
I can never figure that out either. I can print SS just fine on my computer, but don’t understand why others can’t.
I can’t help but “tinker” with my computer if I really want the answer. I keep coming back to the SS website where it says you must have their coupon printer installed to print their coupons (upper screen in blue). I did download it a long time ago, but don’t know if it has anything to do with it. When I click on it to read up on it, there is a question and answers listed that says something like “why do I need to install this Java Print Control?”
If you haven’t already, it sure wouldn’t hurt to check out this list. Maybe SS has their own Java installed when you download their coupon printer. Or at least may find some answers. I hope you find the answer! I know how aggravating it is when you want a coupon and it says no…I know nothing about computers so I’m lost when I see these darn messages 🙁 lol Good Luck!!
I had a similar problem with target. I went to and download firefox browser. now I do all my target printing thru there. See if that works.
With the smartsource coupons, I will sometimes get a message about a Java error, but then I just hit the back button and it will go ahead and to print. It is an odd phenomenon because usually the back button doesn’t work with smartsource, when a coupon prints properly and I hit back, it will give me an illegal attempt message, but when I get the Java message, the back button will send it to print. I have no idea why, but you could see if it works for you…
Krogers has a 75 cent coupon you receive for your next purchase when you buy these also. I am in Denton, Tx. I purchased 2 big sauces and 2 regular size glazes for a little over 3 bucks today. Plus have 2 75 cent coupons to use next time. Basically 1.50 for all 4.
The rebate expires August 31, so make sure to go soon!
Sweet deal. I’ll be heading to Target this morning! Thanks for the heads up.
If you have access to 4 prints of the $1/1, you could lower your OOP to $1.68. Cheaper than using the BOGO coupons, especially if your store won’t let you use a BOGO and $1/1 coupon together.
Just did this at Kroger. They double up to $1. Bought 4 at 2.39 each. Used 2 $1 off coupons, and one bogo free. When my receipt printed, I also got 2 catalinas for .75 off my next shopping order. So including the Catalinas, it will be $1.67 for 4 kikoman glazes and I can submit for the mail in rebate! yay! This glaze is GREAT!
Not a very good grilling gift. Just got mine in the mail. It;s an orange reusable tote……..:(
I just got the same thing today. But it DID say on the Kikkoman site that if they ran out of “grilling tools” they would substitute with a reusable shopping bag. It’s free, I’m happy either way!