Target: Embark Lunch Packs on Clearance for $2.48?! + Coupons & Rebate!
Remember the Embark lunch box deal I posted back in July? Well, if not, here’s a quick recap:
Target sells Embark Arctic Zone insulated lunch packs which contain $15 coupon booklets AND also offer a FREE 6 month subscription to Parents Magazine (be sure to look for the advertisement tag hanging on the side of the lunch box). If you do not wish to receive the Parents magazine, you can write refused on the advertisement and return it with your receipt; in exchange, you will receive a check for $4.96 (note: you will not receive a check for the cost of the lunch box; you will receive a $4.96 check which is the value of the 6 month Parents Magazine subscription)!
Well, I have great news, they may now be on clearance at Target! Reader, Grace, found the Embark lunch pack (pictured above) on clearance for just $2.48, so FREE + a nice little moneymaker after the rebate check!
Also, don’t forget that not ONLY will you make some money purchasing a lunch box, but you’ll also score all of these manufacturer’s coupons below…
Capri Sun 100% Juice – $1/1
Yoplait kids yogurt – $1/2
Minute Ride – $1/1
Purell Product – $1/1 (excludes trial)
Pediasure 6-pack – $1.50/1
Arm and Hammer Kid’s Spinbrush Powered Toothbrush – $1/1
Carnation Instant Breakfast Essentials Multipack – $1/1
Leapster game – $5/1
Horizon Organic Single Serve Milk (8 oz) – $1/3
Yoplait kids yogurts – $1/2
Bumble Bee Premium Albacore or Light Tuna Pouch – $1/2
Dole Fruit bowls, gels or parfaits – $1/2
boycott target
Awesome- I am definitely going to go check this one out!!
I got one for $2.78 at my Target 🙂
Awesome- I’m going to make a trip there, wahoo!
I have to get to Target. re the boycott, our voice was heard VERY loudly.
Stupid people are mad at Target because they donated to a conservative group which in turn supported a person who did not believe in gay marriage. (IOW target had nothing to do with the specific person that people are upset about being supported) People who can’t think for themselves take this as being anti gay.
A few years ago people with the same problem on the opposite side of the political spectrum boycotted Target for supporting gay and lesbian causes.
Target should get smart and stop donating money.
Sounds like I need to get to Target…not only because of the deal on lunchboxes but because they are a great company that donates TONS AND TONS of money to great causes!!! Regardless of what this group is making such a stink about, Target has supported almost every “cause” out there!! Some that I agree with and some that I don’t. If that group would tally up what Target has given to support their causes/candidates I am sure they would actually come up ahead.
AGREED!!! Any company who gives as much as Target definitely deserves to be supported!
I don’t think that you would react/say the same thing if YOUR human rights were restricted by someone that was funded in part by target.
Let’s have some respect.
I do think companies have to be resonsible in knowing whom they are donating too, but sometimes, mistakes happen, or agendas are hidden. Target donates to so many causes, I hate to see them get a bad name for one mistake. I enjoy their product, and I am for gay rights, in fact im’ offended there is even such a thing as “gay rights” because it should just be people’s rights
Isn’t the rebate 1 per household? How do you get around submitting more than one? I bought one for me to take my lunches to work about a month ago. (I got the same kind of lunch bags at Walmart a year ago on clearance for 25 cents each–got 8 and donated them.)
you are so right, i could not have said it better….We are all people…dont matter the color or the way u choose 2 live your life !!
actually, if you want to look at it that way, my rights are being infringed upon. It is my right to have marriage mean the same thing it has meant for thousands of years. This group is trying to CHANGE the meaning to accommodate what they want. I would like to enjoy some of the financial perks of Native Americans. However, I am Irish. Can they just change the requirements? no.
If the shoe doesn’t fit, the shoe doesn’t fit. I am not saying that gays can’t be together, and I definately do not condone violence toward them. However, I do think they could come up with a more creative name for their creative union instead of taking a definition of something we have used for thousands of years and trying to change it. If they change this definition, what else will be changed?
As far as Target donating to a conservitive person, it is their choice, and it shouldn’t be taken personally. Go through the long list of people they have donated to and I’m sure you will find a variety of platforms.
Go Target!
hey, I like you. Maybe because I’m Scottish.
Definitions are not a matter of civil rights.
Your example is flawed.
Just sayin’.
But if you want to use that example, then we all have the right to have religion (Biblical definition of marriage) kept out of our civil lives, just the way it has for hundreds of years in America (per your example). In fact, we should all be allowed civil unions as a civil right with marriage as an additional option for those who opt for a religious union as well.
Can’t believe we’re discussing politics in a coupon forum. Also can’t believe people care what goes on in other people’s bedrooms.
you’re right, marriage should be what it has been for thousands of years, men dominating women. Domestic violence being ignored. Divorce rates above 50 percent (now that pesky divorce is allowed we should go back to less than 100 years ago when you were just stuck). I personally believe my gay friends should have to suffer in marriage like everyone else!
Wow, they donated to a conservative! I’m going to shop at Target tomorrow!
When you say- “If you do not wish to receive the Parents magazine, you can write refused on the advertisement and return it with your receipt” Where do you return it? To the customer service desk? and they’ll give you a check?
NO it is a postcard for the rebate that you return
There is a postcard with instructions on it for how to return it – you basically fill it out but write refund on it and send it to a different address (than the one the postcard is originally addressed to). I did this a couple weeks ago on the same lunch bag from Wal-mart that $3.
What is that hanging between the coupons and the lunchbox??
I wondered the same…looks cute!
it’s a bird with the serenity prayer on it- i needed somewhere to hang the coupons and the lunch bag, maybe should have taken it down…? 😉
Oh lol! I thought it was a little ornament that came with it. Very cute, too bad it isn’t included.
The ones I purchased didn’t have the $1/1 Capri Sun or the $1/1 Purrell…. I think the coupons are different in different boxes.
Yea I was kind of let down when I saw the coupons I got because they weren’t the ones Collin posted. I got my daughter one and she’s not even 2 yet! LOL I figured she could put snacks in it when she goes to Nana’s house. I paid $3 at Walmart for it earlier in the summer but I was at Target this weekend with my Dad and he got one on sale. I was kind of shocked to see that they also had all the school supplies on clearance. Maybe I should stock up for next year.
there are always great sales on school supplies before school starts, not stock up time unless you have plenty of room, ha ha
I don’t have much room left! LOL The great deal that I saw were the sleep mats. They had them for around $4. That’s a good deal if your going to have a kid starting school next year. We had to buy another one this year and it was like $7 which was cheaper than the $9 we spent on one last year but that’s still kinda high.
those actually were not the coupons i emailed to her that were included with the deal-
i think she may have re-posted the coupons from the deal in july… i didn’t get all of those either. AND my card to fill out for the parents magazine subscription wasn’t in there 🙁 so i’m going to call. don’t really wanna drag all my kids back into to target for that today, but if i have to, i will!
I also looked back in July and it wasn’t the same coupons. I walked away pretty dissapointed!
I managed to snag mine for $2.79 today. My coupons were different. This is what I got:
$1/1 Flintstones vitamins
$5/1 Leapster 2 game system or game
$1/3 single serve Horizon Organic milk
$1/2 Yoplait kids yogurt (GoGurt, Kids Cups, Kids Yogurt drink or Trix multipack)
$1/1 Bumble Bee Premium Albacore Tune Pouch- any size
$1/2 Dole Fruit Bowls, Gel or Parfait.
Plus the post card for the Parents magazine 6 month trial or refund!!
Thanks for sharing!!!!
Awesome. I need to go shopping soon.
I did the rebate at the beginning of the summer – got the lunchbox for around $3 then. Still haven’t got the rebate check 🙁
i havent gotten my check either
I submitted mine in the beginning of the summer too and just received the check yesterday. They should arrive soon for you guys, I’m sure!
I will be going to hunt out this deal tommorow! I agree with the comment on them donating lots of money. That being said I have worked for Target and although they are an ok company to work for they need to pay better wages. They also should not spend 100,000 on christmas deco for their headquarters every year. Thank you for the great deals and your hard work and time Collin!
I normally disagree on better wages, it’s not a job that you need any sort of schooling for, and I have worked retail for years, I know it’s not a difficult job (this is sounding rude and i don’t mean it that way) minimum wage is nearly 9.00 an hour in my state which seems like fair money to me for fast food/retail…however my friend has worked at Target for 3 years, and her last raise was 9 cents…that is laughably ridiculous. .25 cents would be understandable even, but 9 cents????
I would love to live where you live minimum wage is like 7 or 7.50 here. My husband is making 10 dollars an hour busting his butt, and we still cant get by, but there is no better paying jobs available that he qualifies for so oh well.
but remember it’s all relative. Because of the higher wages our prices are higher. (and our coupon values are lower). Taxes are also at almost 10% now so…trust me…that higher wage is not so great when you factor in all the rest. 🙁
I know it doesn’t seem like it know, but you will get there someday, with some hard work and goals….when my husband and i got married 14 years ago, we made 5.75 and 6.25 an hour. Each year it increased, and after college, (online and at night) …. we now own a modest home and can do things for our four children…we still don’t have a huge savings ( i like to shop too much) but we can pay the bills wtihout that knot in the gut. Don’t let it get you down, it will get better!!!
I got a couple of these. The Leapster coupon is actually for a game OR a game SYSTEM. I know there are game coupons on the Leap Frog site, but I haven’t seen a coupon for the Leapster handhelds in a while.
I got my rebate check in the mail yesterday from Parents!
What’s the exp date on the coupons that come in the lunchbox?
December 31,2011.
I mean 2010
Just made my run to Target for the lunchbox. They had tons. Thanks for the heads up on this deal. Great coupons too.
My Target only had 3 and they weren’t marked with a clearance tag but they rang up at $2.78.
I got mine for $2.78!! Thanks Collin!!
I browsed through and didn’t see if anyone mentioned the limit on this rebate. I’ve already done it once. Can I get it again? Thanks!
Saw the same ones with coupons at Walmart today for $3.00 if your Target does not have any more.
Mine didn’t have a postcard in it! Man!!! I’ll have to go back!
I know this may not get seen since the post is months old… I found a ton of these lunchbags at Walmart today for $1 each!!!
any contact info? no rebate received