High Value $2/1 Girard's Salad Dressing Coupon!
Yay! There is a new high value Girard’s salad dressing coupon available! Just go here to print a $2/1 Girard’s Salad Dressing coupon. Hit your browser back button to print an additional coupon. Girard’s Salad Dressing is regularly priced around $4 AND I’ve seen it go on sale for as low as $2, so this coupon should make for a very sweet deal… possibly a FREE deal! 😀
(Thanks, Printable Coupons and Deals!)
albertsons has more of a variety of flavors than wal-mart
I don’t think I’ve ever seen this brand, is this only sold in certain parts of the country? I’m in Wisconsin.
Not wasting ink on this one, This product has HCFS in it. BAD!
What’s that?
I think she means high fructose corn syrup.
Oh ok, that makes sense. I didn’t think that HFCS is that bad.
HFCS- High-fructose corn syrup.
Love the Champagne dressing. 🙂
Everything in moderation 🙂
Marina, I hate to sound uncivilized but you’re really ignorant if you’re that worried about high fructose corn syrup. This dressing is fantastic and how much of it could you possible consume in a day? If you’re going to worry about something, worry about something legitimately bad for you like trans fat!
I agree…
So true! Little bits of HFCS are the same as regular sugar. People over-react to it.
However, little bits of trans fats are not very safe…worse than saturated fat. And you get trace amounts in many foods, so I totally agree that trans fat is the one to watch for! Even if the grams of trans fats is zero on the label, look for a partially hydrogenated oil in the ingredients to show that small amounts are present (less than 1 g per serving, rounded to zero). Try to limit it.
I’m a nutritionist 🙂
Yes, I goofed it’s HFCS. I was trying to hurry as I was getting ready to jump in the pool. Bobby, I hate to tell you but it’s time for you to educate yourself and go through the “wake up” process. What is it to you anyhow whether I buy it or not? Why are you getting so angry because I chose not to buy it? LOL. Sure it might be good. But there’s also a TON of other GREAT salad dressings that don’t have that crap in it. Briana’s is one and Annies is another. This is why companies continue to poison us because of people like you who don’t care. Of course it’s not humanly possible to go the rest of my life w/o HCFS is something here and there. But the choices of a dessert with that in it is normally what I pick. My moderation intake will be used when I go out to dinner or go somewhere special for dessert. Not when I have TOTAL control of it. That’s enough moderation. Go ahead continue poisoning yourself w/ your poisoned dressing.
Barbara I don’t think you have done enough research on HCFS. I am not here telling people what to do. I don’t need all your approvals to not intake this crap in my body. Geez. Barbara is right about the trans fats and saturated fats.
I’ve “woken up” and learned a lot. =)
LOL Yep wrote HCFS just to piss you all off again. Nah actually my C isn’t marked it rubbed off my key for some reason. I know it’s HFCS!
I feel the same way about HFCS, especially for my kids. I have pulled HFCS and dyes from my kiddos diets and it is amazing how well they feel and how well they sleep. There are so many alternatives now, so you don’t need to buy foods with nasty additives. I am not health food nut, just don’t feel like putting all the “extras” in our diets. Some people don’t care, and that is their right, but it is nasty stuff. Just do a little research. It is eye-opening:)
Watch the documentary Food Inc.
Marina says:
“I was trying to hurry as I was getting ready to jump in the pool.” STOP, don’t get in that pool. There are bad chemicals in the water. It could cause problems like growing another head! If you had an extra head I wander where you would put that one.
That was really rude and uncalled for. She has the right to speak her opinion about all the crap that is in our foods these days. Hmmmmmm, let’s look at some of the things that have risen over the past 30 years:
Obesity in adults and especially in children
Hyperactivity in children
Weird. These things were all much more rare back when HFCS, dyes, addidtives, preservatives, and chemicals to make them pretty were not in our food. Makes you wonder…………..
Good for you Marina. Keep up the good work and keep the crap out of your diet!!
Thanks so much Anonymous. I really appreciate your support. It’s sad there’s so much stupidity in this world. If there wasn’t then all these companies would lose money and find ways to make their products healthier. But since they continue to support the garbage food companies aren’t losing money or caring about our health. Thank God for stores like Whole Foods and Trader Joes who care for those who care.
They sell this at my Target for $2.84…..so only $0.84 after coupon! 😉
Looooove their Champagne dressing!!! Thank you so much!
I love their Italian and Champagne dressings.
I’ve never seen this brand before?
That’s for the best!
ooooh this is the best dressing ever! It is so tasty and we just love it- can’t get enough of it!
This Saturday and Sunday it is $2 at the Nugget! So FREE!!!!
If you live near a Nugget Grocery Store (i live in Northern California) they have this stuff on sale for 2/$4!! ONLY Saturday and Sunday (9/4-9/5). FREE! YAY!