New $1/1 Keebler Fudge Shoppe Coupon! Yummy!
Well, after seeing this new coupon, it’s official– I am now craving chocolate and coconut! If you’re having the same craving, then head on over here to print a coupon valid for $1/1 Keebler Fudge Shoppe Coconut Dreams! This will help you satisfy that craving on the cheap! Let us know if you come across any in-store sales.
(Thanks, Money Saving Madness!)
MMmm…these are like those chocolate/coconut Girl Scout’s cookies which are to die for.
Yes and they taste just a little bit better!!!! at such a great price!!!
OMG! I have always dreamed of having a cheaper, year round version of those Samoas!!! So happy today!!
I am so there with you!! I can not wait to try these. I sure hope they are just as good.
Dollar General sells a similar cookie for a less price, they’re pretty good too.
has anyone seen this in-store yet?
I have bought them at Wal-mart a few times!!
Kroger and Meijer have had them available – and they have been on sale for 3/$5. Great deal with coupon.
They’re at my Walmart on sale for 2/3 🙂 sweet deal!
I’m not sure where in the country Food4Less stores are but they’re in CA and these cookies were only $1.50 last week. I bought some then thinking that was a good deal.
they are at my local lowes food store in N.C. I bought them today for 2.50 less the 1.00 coupon……..i could eat the whole container.
They were unadvertised on sale at kroger last week (maybe this week too I’m heading there tonight anyway so I’ll check) 3/$5. I’m hoping they are still on sale because my kroger doubles up to a dollar so yay free cookies!
Just bought these at Kroger this week; and they are 3/$5. My Kroger also doubles to $1.00. Looks like I’ll be heading back to Kroger to stock up on some cookies. YUMM!
ok yeah, those look like Samoas.. if they taste anything like it, i’m a taker!!!
Buy two of these cookies with the $1/1 coupons, then use the $2/1 off a gallon of milk when you buy two Keebler cookies coupon from the Fuel for School booklet. Cheap cookies AND milk!!!
Last month, I did this same scenario but also combined with the nabisco free cookies when you buy milk and a cookie (oreos were on megasaver)…made for a lot of cheap cookies:-)
😎 OMG *drool*
If any of you have a HyVee nearby, they have Keebler on sale for 50% off this week. I haven’t verified that they have this variety though.
I’ve seen them at the Hy-Vee at Jordan Creek in Des Moines
I’m going to Hyvee for something else after work, so I’ll see if this variety is included.
Sweet, thanks for the heads up! I never seem to get the HyVee ad any more in my paper, so I tend to miss out on their sales…
I just get their ad online (right side has a link to Weekly Ad)…
I just got back from HyVee…they’re included in the 50% sale.
$3.68-50%=$1.84 – $1 coupon = .84
I got mine for .74 after coupon 😀
Does anyone remember the old Keebler Fudgetown?
I loved those!
Well crap…there goes my gluten free diet!!! 🙂 Count me in on the coconut craving coupon club!!!!!!!! WHEEEE!!!!!!
OMGOSH OMGOSH OMGOSH!! these are the things i hide in the back of the refrigerator so my husband/kids don’t find them!!
Lol, i was thinking the same thing! My husband will have these gone in no time if he can find them the GS cookie one’s are an addiction for him.
I think these might be part of the promotion I saw on our Cinnabon Cereal Bars for a free movie ticket deal with 5 tokens so be on the lookout if you like the ticket deals like I do 🙂
I LOVE these cookies – even better than Samoas – and WAY cheaper!
Off Topic – why haven’t there been any twitter updates for Hip2Save today?
Oh dear, looks like my GS is going to be in trouble this year. That’s her #1 seller 😐
$1.98 at Fareway
Albertsons has a catalina deal this week that includes Keebler… buy 10 items, get a $10 catalina! Not sure if they have these cookies or not, but worth a shot!
King Soopers in Colorado has them 3/$5 or $1.67 each – pretty cheap and they are really good! Same price is likely at Kroger stores.
Hy-Vee has them for $1.74 this week. After coupon only $.74 cents !!
OMGosh! I love these, and I have been craving them like mad and didn’t know Kebbler had them already. I am soooo happy, guess my baby weight will be going up faster now and I still have 3 months to go!
My Kroger has these 3 for $5! Woo Hoo!!!!
These cookies are awesome. They totally remind me of the Samoas sold by the Girl Scouts.
I’ve bought these at Walmart recently. Too bad no one in my family likes coconut…lol..means more yummy cookies for me…
I can’t wait to try these! The Keebler cookie I miss most is the holiday fudge grahams they were sooooo good!
I love these cookies on sale at kroger and fry’s for 3for5 so only .67 ea after coupons way cheaper than the girl scouts and taste identical.
On sale at Kroger for $1.67 -$1q = $0.67e!!!!
Shame on you Keebler. Ripping off little girls is just deplorable! Those few cents consumers might save could have helped send a girl to camp.
I hope folks of integrity will wait for the REAL THING and order enough from a local Girl Scout (find the council in your area- to last until the next year’s sale.
My daughter is a Girl Scout and I have bought these cookies (yum) and will buy them again. I have been waiting for Keebler to do this for years. I am a GS cookie manager and have no problem with buying these or other people who fuel their craving for GS cookies until they can have the real deal. Because as good as they are, GS Samoas are still better. Just like Grasshoppers aren’t quite as good as Thin Mints, but will do in a pinch. Because even when you think you are buying enough GS cookies for a year–you always run out!
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