FREE Folgers Coffee Sample (Now Working!)

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The first 100,000 to head on over here can request a FREE sample of Folgers coffee! Just “Like” Folgers on Facebook, then click on the “Free Sample” tab.

(Thanks, Mojo Savings!)

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  1. Joy

    Their app is down right now… They said should be bAck up shortly.

  2. Jamie

    Technical troubles on the site are keeping people from registering for the free sample.

  3. KellyJ

    called # dont bother with calling. they were no help and told me to check site back in one hour..

  4. reeses_dream

    they stated on their FB page they are aware of the issues and are working hard to fix it!

  5. Collin (Mrs. Hip)

    Thanks for posting this Collin! I love their cofee (drinking a cup right now as a matter of fact). LOL! Can’t wait for them to fix the site so that I can try to get a sample!!!!

  6. Erin

    The app actually says 100,000 samples…even better 🙂

  7. DeeTrig

    I was just able to get my free sample! So it appears that the site is now up and working again =)

  8. Eudora

    It is working now, just got the sample!


    Got my free sample too!!! Thanks Colin!

  10. fran

    Got it, thanks Collin!

  11. Collin (Mrs. Hip)

    Got it! Thanks again!

  12. Andi

    The apps working now, I was able to sign up,but I didnt see any kind of confirmation page that my entry was accepted. It just routed me back to the sign up page…

    • Collin (Mrs. Hip)

      Andi – Folgers said if you are being bounced back to the sign-up form with no “Thank you” confirmation that your request did NOT go through – you will need to resubmit until you get the Thank You page.

  13. Collin (Mrs. Hip)

    Got it – thanks.

  14. marilynn

    Andi..mine attempt did the exact same thing….

  15. Takako

    LIVE NOW!! Thanks!! 🙂

  16. Michelle

    Just tried this for about the 10th time. Still not getting the sample. 🙁 Oh well, I guess you can’t win them all.

  17. gail

    said i will get it 6-8 wks

  18. Collin (Mrs. Hip)

    Just got it

  19. SAHMinCambridge

    Got it, thanks!

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