Extreme Couponing… What are Your Thoughts?

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As many of you have emailed, there is a new show airing tonight at 8pm EST on TLC called Extreme Couponing. The show profiles four coupon-obsessed savers (as TLC calls them) trying to get as much as they can for as little as they can. The show sounded pretty interesting, but as I started to read the description… well, I am not sure if interesting is the right word.  Why you ask? Well, here goes…

*Important Note: The statements I make below are just my opinions. You do not have to agree with them and I have no problem with you sharing your points, even if they differ. I do, however, have a problem with disrespectful comments, inappropriate language and just being downright cruel. Those type of comments will be deleted. Thank you for your understanding.

So now my thoughts on this new show… I personally do not like how couponers are portrayed on the show. Now before I go on, I know they are portrayed like this for ratings… I get that. They want people’s jaws to drop and eyes to be wide open.  But, it still stinks.

Meet the shoppers of TLC’s EXTREME COUPONING:

Nathan started clipping coupons four years ago when he and his wife took a closer look at their finances. Now, debt free with more than 10,000 items stockpiled in his garage, Nathan is preparing for the biggest haul of his life. On his latest visit to the supermarket, Nathan is leaving with over 2,000 items – his most massive checkout to date. With 1,100 boxes of cereal, 300 toothbrushes and 60 bottles of hand soap, Nathan is looking forward to topping himself and saving thousands of dollars in the process!
Retail value: $5,743.00 Nathan’s cost after utilizing his coupons: $241.00 – 95% savings!

Amanda is a full-time Storage Facility Manger in Cincinnati, OH who spends up to 70 hours a week researching in-store promotions, clipping coupons and surfing the internet for the latest and greatest deals. She already has a stockpile of products from previous couponing ventures worth up to $15,000. But this extreme saver is most proud of her collection of toilet paper – over 3,000 rolls – enough to last the average couple about 40 years! Now, with the help of her husband, Amanda is preparing for her largest checkout ever consisting of nine baskets of food, beauty and pet products including 218 boxes of pasta, 268 containers of noodles, 100 bottles of sport drink and 150 candy bars.
Retail value: $1,175.33. Amanda’s cost after utilizing her coupons: $51.67.

To me a great show on couponing would be a show that is teaching the average person how to coupon. A person that doesn’t have 70 hours a week to scour ads and clip coupons, a person that doesn’t have access to an entire garage to store all of their “goods”… and really, who needs that many “goods”?!

It’s called reality TV… but in my opinion, it’s definitely not realistic. As a coupon blogger, I hope Hip2Save motivates and inspires all of you. I try to make sure the videos I make ARE realistic and with that I mean, you will be able to go to the store and snatch up the same deals shown in the videos.

Again, I know this show is called Extreme Couponing, but I’m just not getting the point of the show and maybe that’s because I coupon in such a different way.

I don’t coupon so I have a receipt to frame… OK, so that may be a little bit of a fib. In the beginning, when I first started my couponing adventures back in 2007, I was very excited about the savings displayed on all my receipts and I did proudly show them to everyone I could… even people who didn’t want to see them! 😉 Yes, I was annoying like that. And I do think that’s normal, as I would assume most newbie couponers are very excited about their new-found talent! …But I quickly learned that couponing can become all too consuming. From clipping and organizing coupons to going through the weekly ads and then planning your trips… and on top of that, planning your days around when you need to go to the store. Too consuming!

I am still learning how to have balance in my life, but one thing I have learned along the way… well, it’s quite simple. When it comes to couponing, Nothing is a BIG deal!

Example: I let my high value $2/1 Pampers Wipes coupon expire and I would have been able to score FREE wipes at Walmart. Guess what? Not a BIG deal! Do you get what I’m saying? Start thinking like that and all the annoying stress you feel about rushing to the store so you don’t miss that oh so amazing deal will be gone!

I love my hubby. Random, right?! Well, not really because he is the one who taught me to really understand that most things are “Not a Big Deal”. And as you may know from reading my blog,  I am a neurotic, high energy and very spastic woman… so for me to be able to step back and say, “It’s Not a Big Deal”… well, it’s HUGE and if I can do it, so can you!

Now I know I’ve kind of veered off from the topic at hand, but what I really wanted you to get out of my post is to not let couponing and deal hunting consume you. The same deals always come back over and over again.

Before I finish this post, I have a challenge for you – miss a deal this week and remember, it’s NOT a Big Deal! When you’re missing that deal, do whatever you like… take a bath, read a book, play with your kiddos, laugh, love, smile. Life is wonderful, so take full advantage of it! 🙂

Thanks for listening to me ramble.

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Comments 1216

  1. Summer

    In the short time that I’ve been couponing, I’ve come to realize that if I miss a deal or it didn’t work out like I’d hoped, I’m going to let it go (immediately). I’ve decided to focus on the WONDERFUL deals that I have been able to get and be grateful for those.

    I’d like to see the show just to see the methods that these people use, but from the previews, It looks like these people have a major obsession and let couponing rule their lives. I’d NEVER go to the extent of digging through a dumpster for coupons, as I’m sure none of us would!!! I don’t think others will put us in the same category as the people on this show. I say, watch the show to remind us that we need to keep a healthy balance with our couponing!

  2. Jessica

    I am looking forward to seeing the show, but I think it is far from reality. I think these people are the most extreme of the extreme couponers and don’t really reflect the true couponer who can’t or (doesn’t want to) devote 70 hours per week to it. That’s like 2 full time jobs! Of course they want ratings, so they will show the most “out there” stuff.

    I totally agree with not making it a big deal. You can easily burn yourself out if you do. I too have let the past couple of weeks pass by without doing my usual weekly deal hunting. I didn’t even buy a paper to get the extra coupons last week (*gasp*) :). I had other things (like holiday and family obligations) that were a bigger priority… If you miss out on a deal or even a week or two of couponing, it’s not the end of the world. Another deal WILL come along at another time. Don’t sweat the small stuff.

    I used to let it be a big deal if I missed out on a great deal. Guess what? I got really burned out with couponing because it became more stressful than fun trying to balance couponing and deal hunting with my daily life of kids, family, work, and everything else I had to do. I finally just got burned out trying to juggle everything, and of course couponing was the thing to go. It wasn’t fun anymore because I made it too stressful trying to get to each store, plan out the deal scenarios, etc. I didn’t coupon for about 2 years because of it. After I learned we were going to have another baby, I got back into it out of necessity and because I missed it. Since that time, however I made a promise to myself to not worry about it if I miss a week at Walgreens or miss out on printing a great coupon online, that’s OK. It won’t break us and another one will come along. In the big scheme of life, it really doesn’t matter.

  3. Shari Youngman-Reiss

    I love to save money where I can. I also miss deals or just don’t feel like stopping at another store to grab one or two more deals. I appreciate the sites and all of the work that Colin and others put into them, so I can save some of the time it takes to organize my errands. I also give away some items to friends who have had misfortunes, like when a friends house burned down, etc. I am a veteran and give items to another friend who puts together supplies for our deployed military members. I have an ample stockpile, not to the extreme that the show is highlighting, but enough to get us through. I like to get some of the great online deals as gifts and have a small stash set aside for birthdays or housewarming gifts. Thanx Colin! I agree, it’s not a big deal to miss out on an item but it is a big deal to lose time with family or friends.

  4. Amy

    My issue with the show is how untrue it is. Yes I will be watching tonight to see how it unfolds but I would bet that most coupon-ers know that you can’t go into a store and purchase that many of anything. Some coupons limit you to so many “like” coupons in a transactions and I would bet that many stores have some kind of a limit on how many coupons you could use. Clearly this is set up ahead of time and I hate that they protray how false it is. 300 toothbrushes? Please – your lucky if you can find 5 when they are one sale and match up to a coupon – again set up ahead of time. 1000 boxes of cereal? Really ? Don’t most coupons for cereal go for $1/2 or $1/3 sometimes $1/1 but that would be at least 333 of the same coupon to make that happen. How ? Did he buy all those coupons or did he happen to find 333 of the same type / value coupons to use at once? Like one person mentioned they work with the managers and get extra stock in and all that ahead of time more false info to someone who doesn’t coupon and would want to start.

    I agree it will give a negitive light to coupon-ers for sure. And that is a bummer.

    • Andrea

      I completely agree with you. The best store I coupon at regularly has a 4 item limit in regards to the number of similar items and coupons it will accept in a single transaction. How do those people supposedly purchase even 15 of something at once? I have trouble finding good deals because of the items running out of stock from other couponers. Many times I am lucky to get just one of a great deal using coupons (especially at my local CVS).

    • Angela

      ok. I am near the Cincinnati area. I am thinking I know who this Nathan is. And YES he does do this if it is him. He has the store mainly KROGER order for him and is able to get 100’s of an item. I have actually seen him in the store getting them. So they may not be twisting this for ratings. He does yard sales and sells his stuff. That is why he has so much. Now while I do not have a problem with people selling thier stuff. I do think it is wrong to wipe out stores where others can not get items to turn around and sell them. He buys the coupons off ebay. And regularly brags about it on a deals board.. Now if he would say I went to 10 kroger’s and got 20 toilet papers at each.. ok. But he gets 200 or more from 1 kroger. While they do order for him… the shelves will be empty for other shoppers.

  5. Andrea

    I saw the show listed in my guide and scheduled it to DVR tonight. The title alone makes me wonder “what is EXTREME couponing?”

    I would love to see a “reality” show that shows how the average couponer snags average deals. The majority of couponers do not have 3,000 rolls of t.p. stacked in their garages. And I can only imagine how many tubes of toothpaste they have expiring or already expired that could have been donated to so many worthy causes.

    I coupon just enough to assist my family in saving money buying items we always need: razors, soaps, shampoos, cereal, dry goods. At most, we have in our home: 4 bottles of conditioner, 4 bottles shampoo, 4 pkgs. of feminine hygiene products, 10 boxes of cereal, 3 bottles of dish soap, etc. With little storage, my (tiny) pantry is stuffed. I personally do not have time to invest in couponing beyond a few minutes every couple of days. Those who let couponing consume their lives really need to find more worthwhile causes to occupy their time.

    I will be interested to see what the show actually offers.

  6. Laura

    Sounds like the show is going to be similar to Hoarders but with the coupon slant. I probably will watch just to see what the show is about.

    I am pretty sure they wouldn’t make a show about “regular” couponers…Getting the deal on chex mix at Walgreens (yeah!), my 3 month stock pile of cereal and coffee or me getting excited about double coupon days at my local store…is not must see TV.

    • Heather N

      HA! I just wrote the same thing about hoarding!

  7. Lisa m

    I am so sick of these type of shows, please put something on, thats informative about couponing not how to hoard and not share your good endevors……I always donate.

  8. DP

    That is what I need to work on. Balance. For example, I went to Publix last night because I had to get 2 packs of soap because they were .40. However, I wasted my gas to drive to the store to get this single deal, and arrived home 1/2 hour later. Worth it? Maybe not…

    • momwhocares

      DP – I am so on board with you – I pass up a lot of deals these days because I calculate my time and the effort too.
      I used to go shopping every Sunday to rite aid, wags, target and then albertsons and walmart every other week,

      Now, only when I am running low and need to restock and when there is a really good deal that will be worth my time to go and I use and need those items (even for gifting reasons). I recently bought a foodsaver for $55 shipped to my home, reg price around $164. I am going to make my shopping trips less and do what Collin taught us to do – make meals ahead of time and prepare things like spegetti sauce, pesto sauce etc and freeze. So, I will combine my couponing with foodsaving to make things go father to do three things: Shop less, eat out less (includes take home meals), and not be such a “coupon freak” (in the funny manner )- and spend more time with my family because I cook and shop less.

      Plus, I can make meals equal to eating out foods and better than frozen foods – so guess what I do not have to cut coupons for eating out or frozen meals etc…
      I will always make sure to have what we need on stock, but wont confuse my priorities anymore!

      • DP

        That will be our resolution! 🙂

  9. Karen

    I think its great they are able to get so much for free and be able to donate to people and to have a stockpile of items available for them at all times. I would agree they need to let people know not to clear shelves. Whenever I have a huge order like these people I always preorder the items since I do not want others to come in looking for an item and not be able to get it. I do not chase every deal but still get upset sometimes if I cannot get out for a particular deal. That item may not be on sale but once a year and I missed my chance to stock up. In the beginning I would get almost all free deals but as time went on I had most of what I needed and it was not worth it to buy something and have to pay tax. I now mostly buy things that pay me to take them so I can get things I need. There is always someone who wants the MM items you have.

  10. Amber Stickney

    I agree with Collin! I don’t know anything about the show, however from what I just read it would not interest me in the least…I am a completely high strung mother of four that would NEVER purchase something without a coupon combined with a sale….however as time has gone on I too have let a coupon expire or a deal slip away and guess what…it really is NO BIG DEAL…lol….having said that, I definitely stock up on the daily necessities, i.e. toilet paper, laundry soap, etc….but I am not a hoarder. When I find a deal too good to pass up and I accumulate too much I spread it out to family and friends.

  11. Christine

    These people make the rest of us look bad =( . I feel like this is why lots of cashiers think we are pains and freinds think im nuts…

    • momwhocares

      hopefully those cashiers can put two and two together (being cashiers and all) and know we do not buy 300 tubes of toothpaste and 1100 boxes of cereal in one shopping trip and know it is exaggerated. ALso, hopefully our friends also know our stock piles do not look like warehouses either.

  12. Stefanie

    I agree Collin – I think this new show sounds more like a couponing version of Hoarders than about actual, real-world couponers. If its just about stockpiling goods, it really is about hoarding and owning things. What if the first couponer gave all those things in his biggest purchase away to his local women’s and homeless shelters? How much more good would that do than to just add to his collection, which is doing nothing really, other than taking up space. He could still be just as proud of his deals and savings, but be helping others too.

  13. amc

    i totaly agree. i work at home for our business and have a 85 yr old disabled mother to take care of. i miss a lot of deals and have also learned to let them pass if i can not get to the stores. i was looking forward to the show but probably won’t be what i thought.

    • Collin (Mrs. Hip)

      Sorry I ment to put this as a new comment not a reply to 161.

      I just wanted to say, I need to work on “It is not a big deal.” I try not to waste any coupons but sometimes you need to let it go and that is hard for me. Just recently I went to Hallmark and forgot my $10 off coupon, by the time I went back my coupon expired. I was so sad but you know I have gotten lots of other good deals, I need to say, “It is not a big deal.” Thanks Colin, I really needed to read this today.

  14. Judith

    What a great posting! I agree with everything Collin says. And yes, when you start couponing you get really excited and go a little overboard. I do not like those extreme couponers, that is absolutely nonsense. I’m afraid now that we’ll all start getting labeled and looked down after that show, even if we use the coupon in a reasonable manner…

  15. Teresa

    I like your outlook on the topic. I’m glad you are encouraging your followers to not make a big deal of it and to give their stockpiles away and be a blessing. That is awesome! The only thing I’d add is that I find it frusterating when I go to the store to snatch up 1 or 2 of the “great deals” from combining the coupon and the sale price only to find that the person before me felt like they need 20-40 of that exact item and thus leaving me and others with nothing…no deal for us. That is frusterating. So I’d say something to add is to remember proper etiquette (?) and leave some of the fantastic deals for others as well. Share. That’s all. 🙂

  16. bawanab

    Collin, thanks again for the reminder of why we coupon and how it doesn’t have to be the most important thing you do everyday. I have gotten carried away with it and let it consume me to a point. I will and have let deals go and kind of feel bad but then again like you said: it will be back. Now I do like being able to help so many with my extra stuff that I now get but I’m trying to keep in mind that a couple of less boxes of cereal or toothpaste to give away isn’t that bad.
    I may or may not watch the show tonight, we’ll see.

  17. fairydust

    I just want to jump ahead (I’ll go back and read all the comments in a moment) and tell you that I’ve actually been stressing out this week about whether to SPEND money out of pocket at Rite Aid just to hit that special Gold Wellness level before 12/31 so I get 20% off stuff next year instead of the 10% I get now. Today, I finally took a deep breath after perusing the weekly flyer the monthly SCR flyer and iheartriteaid.com about a thousand times for stuff I can maybe sort of justify buying and said, “No, this isn’t *that* important. I don’t “do” Rite Aid enough to justify this.” And I let it go – LOL! It’s great! I’ll go and spend my 12/31 “free” mfr coupons with my last $5/$25 pdf and I’ll be done for the year still at the 10% level for next year, and that’s okay!

    Great post, Collin!!!

  18. Kathy B.

    The show Extreme Couponing must be trying to show how greedy people can be. But alot of couponers donate extra food and deals. That’s one thing you stress, “Share the love.” By leaving extra coupons in the store, donating to the food pantry, donate to toys for tots, you even gave money to the drive-up at Starbucks. I think the way a person feels about getting deals and giving back to the community helps everyone feel good about themselves. You don’t have to be rich to help others out.
    Thank you Collin for really promoting sharing and giving to others.

  19. Collin (Mrs. Hip)

    Never heard of this show, but I must admit I am curious. So, I might watch it tonight just to see. I bet it won’t be as good as Collin’s WalMart trip video. I don’t remember exactly how much she saved but it was a lot. I was sooooo impressed that it started motivating me. I used to be a CVS addict. Those ECB’s were like crack for me. I couldn’t stop. Then I finally had to put myself on a budget for CVS and for food shopping. It has helped me a lot. Getting deals is awesome but you need to draw the line somewhere.

  20. Angela

    Well said, Collin and I completely agree!!

  21. Stephanie

    Great post!

  22. tinahorn

    ok, heres my take on it all.. I love the deals, I have gotten some awesome deals on ceral, tolit tissue and tolitries.. I do not think its smare to have really more thant 10 boxes of ceral in your cubbard casue it will get old and whats the big deal if you end up trashing it? So I think realistic. If I dont think my family can consume the items im getting deals on within a certian legnth of time I pass my coupone on to someone else that can use it.

    I do I admit have too much shampoo and have not bought any more in like 3 months even tho there have been other great deals on some.. Why continue to get it when I cant use it.. Also I do not have a dog but had some really great coupons for dog food whenre I got them like for 50 a bag so I got as many as I could and took to the local shelter..

    If its something you can use or donate, then do it, other wise,,, I do not use feminie products so I pass them by.. and other things.. I did at one time feel like if I let a good coupon expire that I had missed out, but not anymore.. how can you SAVE money buying things you dont need? lol
    Thanks Collen, I do get so many deals from you and I dont need any more glade products at this time either… much love out there!

  23. couponlovingmommy

    Sounds like another show about hoarders…except they coupon.

    Your post was excellent, Collin. Thanks for the reminder that we coupon for what’s important–our families. And if we start losing sight of that, we’re not couponing the right way.

  24. Heather N

    The show sounds more like a hoarding show instead… I think thats a little bit TO MUCH TOILET PAPER! I honestly would prefer my stock piles to be at a reasonable amount we dont need a million tooth brushes and I dont always need to go out and score the deal sometimes id rather just chill at home instead of run out and get the sunday paper.

    • judy

      3000 rolls of TP won’t last for 40 years. If your household averages 1 roll per week 3000 ROLLS would last 5.7 yrs. Now if they are talking packages that is another story. I saw a 6 minute video of this show and I’m not impressed. It’s going to give a false impression of true couponers in my opinion!

  25. angelafabian

    I dontate most of my items, always “play fair and by the rules” , and have learned to “let it go” which is hard as I am high strung and neurotic too:) This show must be jsut for the ratings, but hate that it portays us good people as nuts….

  26. Heather

    A friend and I were talking about that show. I was telling her I think (without having seen it) it will give couponing a bad name. IMO, with stockpiles like that, they should really be donating alot of those items, perhaps they are. That’s where I think the fun is, getting things I need but then taking advantage of deals I don’t need and donating those items to people who need them. We can’t afford to donate money to a bunch of charities so this is my way of helping out. I’m sure the “lucky” cashier who gets the 9 baskets full is going to have a coronary.

    • Jessica

      I caught myself laughing about the cashier and the 9 baskets! lol Maybe these people should get in touch with an organization and have boxes of this stuff sent to the troops!

  27. Jessica


    I confess I did not read all the above posts, I scanned the first page. So maybe this has been addressed:

    My question is, what store has that much product in the store at one time. 300 toothbrushes?? 1,100 boxes of cereal??

    Even couponers who clear an item off the shelf maybe gets 20 items…

    What am I missing.

    Agree with most… who has the time or desire to be that extreme.

    Thanks Collin!

    PS I now see I’m thinking along the same lines as Amy in comment #152

  28. katrina

    I am very excited to see this show. I dont agree with it and know its going to make me very upset. I would love for them to do a show on a real couponer. We all love to get deals but when it comes to getting things you arent going to need with in a year, come on! I coupon because it helps our family and we can get things we normally wouldnt be able to purchase. We all like to show off our deals but whos going to ever use that many toothbrushes!! Thanks for all you do Collin. And I have to say when I first started couponing I hated to miss a deal. Now I dont think Ive used a coupon for a week. Lol.

  29. Kim

    Thank you for the post! I’m fairly new to couponing and it was nice to hear you say IT’S NOT A BIG DEAL! Because i’m new, I get ‘excited’ about certain deals and then there are times I get to the store and my local store doesn’t have that item, or that price, or the shelves are empty and I have the BIGGEST let down because I let myself get SO worked up over it! In addition, when I first started, I DID find myself going to one store or another every single day. It got to be too much work…and that’s when I saw a post from you to pick your favorite stores etc. and now I limit my couponing to a select few stores…stores that I like, shop often in and are coupon friendly.
    However, with that said…I’m also a huge reality tv show addict, as much as I wish I wasn’t! So I am curious just to see how these people do what they do and get THAT much. I have to agree, that many ‘goods’ is too much. Plus, I think they’re just shopping addicts, coupons or not, they’d be buying and buying….

  30. akhila

    well said Collin..love ur choice of words!!

  31. Pam Hager

    The people featured are doing nothing but making fools of themselves & making couponers look crazy. All stores have limits. So how does he purchase a 1000 of the same item?I think it’s odd that these featured couponers can’t realize that the viewers are laughing at them & not with them.

    • stephanie

      some stores will order items for customers in advance. If you know something is coming up on sale at your local supermarket and have enough coupons for a case or more, frequently the managers will order more just for you if you ask. It’s worth it to them since they get the money from the manufacturers for the coupons so they aren’t really at a loss.

  32. Jessica

    I miss deals all the time cause I don’t have the time to run right out and get it and I choose not to stress about it! :o) The only concern I would have with this show will be the people will think that all couponers are that way, not to mention will we have more trouble at the registers?!?!

  33. M

    Well I am new to couponing, so I haven’t encountered a lot yet. The ladies at Walgreens don’t seem too friendly though.

    The media makes everything see so horrible. If it is unknown or misunderstood people want to criticize. We homeschool our children and even that is criticized in the media and other places. People care more about making a dollar entertaining people than findng out the truth. I like couponing so far. It is exciting!! Maybe some “normal” couponers should get together and do a documentary on real couponing!!

    • Sue M.

      My local Walgreen ladies are not friendly either. In fact, I’ve not been back in there for about 6 months because of the hard time I was given the last time at the register…one coupon, and the Cashier called the Mgr…who denied my legit online printed coupon.

  34. Jill

    I so appreciate you! Because of you, I don’t have to spend hours on end researching the deals. I just check your website and make a shopping list. As time has gone on, I find that I buy less and less because I have plenty of so much already. I have a new baby coming (hopefully this week), and it’s nice not to feel the pressure to rush out after every great deal. I have diapers and wipes for both kids to last into February, and 2 freezers stocked with food. If it wasn’t for perishables, I wouldn’t have to go to a store at all for the next month!

    • Laura

      Blessings for your new baby to be!

  35. Sue M.

    Collin, first of all that was not a “ramble”, and you summed up I think, how most of us feel. I love checking in here everyday, to see what samples I can get and/or coupons to save me money. I found your website almost a year ago, and it has saved me lots of money!

    I have two little baskets in the spare bedroom that have the free samples I’ve received in them. Long story short, I had strokes twice, and was completely off work for over 4 1/2 months. I just recently went back to work on a very light duty basis (2-3 hours a day at minimum wage). It’s been beyond tough financially. I’m grateful for those Tom’s of Maine samples, as Dog Food won out over buying toothpaste this past week. Lol. Then I got the Purina sample also, so my dog is good to go. The Oatmeal I’ve gotten almost for free has really come in handy. I still have cable only because my roomie pays for it.

    I looked up the TLC show, and the menu describes it as “Profiling four shopping addicts who go to extremes to find great deals”. I’m glad that they called them addicts, as well as going to “extremes”… I’d also like to know though what “Amanda” is going to do with that much toilet paper? Maybe she could send me a roll or two. I actually went to my daughter’s this morning to borrow a roll until payday on Friday! LOL

    I confess that after I found your site, I was spending too much time printing, and trying to get ALL the deals. LOL. Yes, balance is key. I only print out the coupons now that I know that I will be able to buy, and use, before the expiration date (most of the time ;-)). I still miss a deal or two, but I’ve learned also that “it’s no big deal”!

    I think all of us here should email TLC, en masse, and ask them to profile a “normal” Couponer, and suggest Collin!

  36. stephanie

    I couldn’t agree more! someone sent me a clip shown on Good Morning America (sounds like it was based on this show because I remember those first 2 examples exactly) and they brought a relationship expert on. I loved that he compared it to any kind of hobby and the only problem is when it starts creating a problem in your relationships (like spending too much time apart or hoarding behavior). He pointed out the fun Robin Hood-like nature of one guy donating a trailer full of cereal to his church’s food pantry.

    I’ve taken a break for a few weeks to enjoy the holidays. Then I’ll be right back at it. It’s no different than collecting stamps, golfing, going to Renaissance Fairs, etc. It’s what I enjoy doing and if my family benefits then we are all winners.

    I was sad by the woman example they used who spent 70 hours a week at it. They made it seem like that’s what you had to do to really save money. Also she had 30 years worth of toilet paper. At a certain point, I think you should share your savings by donating or finding a good use for it. If you buy more than you could ever use in your lifetime then you haven’t saved so much IMO.

  37. Melinda

    The show itself sounds interesting…but completely unrealistic. First of all, I am not sure I like the premise of “their biggest shopping trip ever.” That is a gimmick for the television show and not something most of us want to repeat. 1100 boxes of cereal? I am all for donating and all, but this was clearly set up ahead of time! I will be interested to see where they get their coupons and how they are working some of the deals (sounds like their OOP is pretty much limited to just the tax, so they are scoring all of the free items that they can) but that’s about it. It’s just not realistic and perpetuates the “coupon crazies” stereotype that might keep people from trying to use coupons! In reality most couponers do things on a much, much smaller scale.

    I have gotten much better about sitting out on a deal if I have better things to do with my time. I have learned that there is always another deal around the corner and unless you are super-dedicated with a ton of free time on your hands, you’re not going to be able to snag them all. Plus, once you’ve been couponing for a while you get a sense of what a rare, great deal is versus an item that you can frequently get for free with a coupon if you pay attention.

  38. Collin (Mrs. Hip)

    I think that this “reality” show sadly is reality for these people. I have seen small clips of these EXTREME couponers and that is what they are. No one could possibly need the stockpile that they have and you know this has to be a form of ocd. I don’t think it will affect how couponers are looked at…lets face it most of us are not that way. I know I am not buying 300 toothbrushes or thousands of boxes of cereal. I agree that this is just another form of hoarding and we like to watch how other people live so we can look and say I would never do that (ha ha). With all that said I will be watching as I am sure most of you will be. I completely agree with you that it’s not a big deal to miss a deal…haven’t been out since before christmas and that is okay…I have missed after christmas sales and it’s no big deal. Have a happy new year everyone and keep your couponing in check…haha

  39. Karin

    Wow, I know about the show and will DVR it tonight, but after reading about the show on your post, it sounds pretty much disappointed. They are not couponers like us. 🙁 And these days, my family including me, have been sick and go to the doctor’s office often, I miss alot of deals. But yes, that’s not a big deal! I like to shop what we need with sweet deals, but I’m not interested in getting 300 toothbrushes or 150 candy bars!

  40. Sarah

    Well these people on the show are obviously hoarders….it’s a shame they have filled up their garage, house and lives with so much stuff. Just because it’s cheap doesn’t mean you need it. I would rather spend time with my kids then chasing every last deal to be had.

  41. KatieP

    I hadn’t heard about this show. What I was wondering while reading your post is how do these people get 1000 coupons for cereal?? It seems to me that 1000+ of one coupon per person definitely is not realistic!!!

    I totally have had to tell myself to cool down lots of times when I’ve missed or forgetten about deals. For example, I was soooooooooooooo incredibly happy about that $3/1 snuggle fabric softener coupon that came out a while back. I was fairly new to couponing and wasn’t used to how fast an expiration date can creep up on you. I drove over to Family Dollar with my coupons in hand, glanced at the expiration date by chance and saw that it had expired the previous Monday!! I think I probably actually shead a tear or two over that one!!

    Another time (earlier this month or last month…) WinCo sent out a few coupons for free items including free bacon and eggs. I was so excited and was going to make it to Walmart to price match. Somehow things got busy and I remembered at about 1am on Sunday morning after crawling into bed (one hour after the sale had officially ended). What the? I just shook my head, rolled my eyes, and went to sleep…

  42. Jenine

    I absolutely love how you took this controversial subject and turned it into a inspirational challenge! Great job Collin!

    With that said, I feel the GMA clip really shed light on the true issue, obsessive compulsive disorders and hoarding. Both are problems and addictions many people face. Although being obsessive with saving money may seem better than being addicted to drugs, the families can still feel similar effects. Hopefully for those who have problems, seeing these extreme cases will open their eyes. I am afraid, however, that they will be in denial, as all addicts are at the beginning.

    Although I feel GMA and the therapist did a good job of portraying the underlying issues, it seems the reality show will only embarrass the participants. The moral of the story, never trust the media!! For those who did, they should only be upset with themselves for being naive.

    After watching the GMA clip, I really felt disgusted with what I saw. Now, I fear, people will see these shows and think of me in this way. That upsets me! I coupon to survive. It is apparent greed has consumed many couponers; pushing, even breaking, ethical lines. Misusing coupons, breaking policies, excusing themselves from the fraud they are committing because they are giving to charities. Thinking that clearing everything off the shelves is “ok” since they are giving it to charities. Well what about the rest of us who need the item for our families? What about the non-couponers who just want to catch a good deal on the second day of the sale? (Side note: I am not saying this applies to any of the families in the clips. I assume they get approval to preorder and I assume they do not break rules. I am going from experience from blogs and other couponing sites).

    Like any other reality show, the extreme cases are the reason the series makes it to television. But like Collin stated, I would have been nice to see a reality show teaching others how to coupon and save money. We, as viewers of these shows, are the ones who dictate what is on them. We demand extreme, disgusting, outrageous cases in any situation because it is entertaining. Couponing is no different.

  43. sam

    They re sell it. Some of the people on this show. Run the big coupon web sites. Now to be on this show and make us look bad to make some more money how sad

  44. Dianne

    As I was getting my great deal at Rite Aid today, I was able to share with the cashier about your website. With 4 kids, she was THRILLED to know how those ‘couponers’ do what they do. Let the show portray it as they like, I KNOW that my grown kids and stepkids were thrilled with their goodie bags at Christmas. Yes, I get a real thrill when I save a bundle, but I also get pretty excited when I can reach into my closet and have lots of things to give away. You make it possible for me to do this………Thanks for all your hard work Collin!!

  45. Karen


    I have been cutting coupons for about 6 months, yes it sucks when you forget that coupon that the item has just gone on sale, i am finding i cant do every single bargain, just impossible.

    I will be watching tonight, i can not wait to view this. Maybe learn something, but i think Collin has tough me everything i need to no about couponing, i have saved so so much money, its amazing…..

    I thank everyone on here for your help with me saving so much money X

    Karen 🙂

  46. Katie

    LOVED your post on this and felt it was very timely. All the couponers I know (myself included) DONATE at least half of what we stockpile. It frustrates me that the description of the show makes it sound like these people would also be good candidates for the “Hoarders” TV show. That just doesn’t highlight the generosity of all the couponers I know. Kudos to you, Collin, for encouraging us all to find a little more balance….

  47. Bee

    LOL I had almost forgotten this show airs tonight! I’m not sure most people would even be interested in couponing after watching such an undertaking. Who really wants that much toilet paper, etc? Not even the average grocery store wants to be stuck with that much inventory. The way logistics work these days, all fulfillment is done JIT (just in time) so that stores do not have undue money invested. Now, I realize that couponers do not have “money” really invested in their stockpiles. But the fact is that space is money, plain and simple. I can’t tell you how many people I know who pay a monthly fee to a storage facility to store things they only visit when they bring more stuff to store! Not to mention that every square foot of my house has a real value in real estate dollars and I want to enjoy it, not use it as a glorified grocery store when I have 10 grocery stores within 2 miles of here.

    What is the worst that can happen to me if I run out of toilet paper? That I may have to pay a couple dollars more than I normally would have if I had been stockpiling it. As it stands, I only keep the equivalent of a 12 pack of double rolls in my fairly large house with ample closet space with 5 people using it. Even so, I find a sale when TP is needed again and rarely pay more than $2.99 for a name brand large pack. I can totally live with that rather than opening a closet only to be greeted by loads and loads of paper that only has one use! If I lived in the backwoods 40 miles from retail, I might think differently.

    I do keep more food around and duplicates of items such as laundry detergent, etc., but honestly, I just don’t have the inclination to store up for the end of the World. When I get what I consider an “excess” for one reason or another, I donate it or put it in the next food drive.

    I do get a thrill of sorts when I realize I have gotten something totally FREE but I just incorporate those little highs (free candy bars, soap, etc) into my bi-monthly grocery shopping trips. I don’t really make special trips out. I even stopped printing more than 2 IP coupons because I just don’t see the point.

    I will watch the show, but I’m afraid I will find it somewhat depressing, in that these people have no life. There have always been people who feel the need to hoard stuff beyond comprehension and frankly, coupons are only one factor. They are doing it because they are feeding a fear.

    I am sincere in saying you have one of the most diverse and useful money-saving sites I have seen! Keep doing exactly what you are doing! I think your attitude makes it clear that we don’t need to turn our saving habits into a competition where we see if we can clean out grocery stores and scare manufacturers.

  48. Kyle

    LOL! I love this post! When I first started reading your blog I was not working and I had a good amount of time to keep up with all the deals and keep my coupile (coupon pile) in order. Recently I started working full time again (I work at a job where I have no internet access) and at first I felt like I was getting in way over my head trying to keep up with it all. It took me about a week to realize that I don’t have to get every deal and it is ok to let a good coupon expire. There is always tomorrows deals! Thank you for all that you do. Without your help I would not be able to pick and choose which deals are really worth my time.

  49. Tiffany Nevil

    Thanks for the ramble Colin. I like your site just for these reasons you’ve mentioned. You don’t strike me as a crazy coupon lady. I love how patient and willing you are to teach people how to save some money. I’m finally at the point where I am saving around $13.00 just off the price of my store run with all the coupons I’m finding. And I’m only going at it half hearted. To me, that $13.00 makes me proud. We live on base and I don’t have a ton of room to stock up on things, but the little bit I save with your site makes a difference to me. And I appreciate that. I agree-it’s not fair to make average couponers out to be nutty. But like you said, those guys are extreme.

  50. Tonya

    Heck yeah! I’m making the hubs watch this with me so that he can see how much worse it could be! Haha! If he thinks I’m bad…

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