Extreme Couponing… What are Your Thoughts?

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As many of you have emailed, there is a new show airing tonight at 8pm EST on TLC called Extreme Couponing. The show profiles four coupon-obsessed savers (as TLC calls them) trying to get as much as they can for as little as they can. The show sounded pretty interesting, but as I started to read the description… well, I am not sure if interesting is the right word.  Why you ask? Well, here goes…

*Important Note: The statements I make below are just my opinions. You do not have to agree with them and I have no problem with you sharing your points, even if they differ. I do, however, have a problem with disrespectful comments, inappropriate language and just being downright cruel. Those type of comments will be deleted. Thank you for your understanding.

So now my thoughts on this new show… I personally do not like how couponers are portrayed on the show. Now before I go on, I know they are portrayed like this for ratings… I get that. They want people’s jaws to drop and eyes to be wide open.  But, it still stinks.

Meet the shoppers of TLC’s EXTREME COUPONING:

Nathan started clipping coupons four years ago when he and his wife took a closer look at their finances. Now, debt free with more than 10,000 items stockpiled in his garage, Nathan is preparing for the biggest haul of his life. On his latest visit to the supermarket, Nathan is leaving with over 2,000 items – his most massive checkout to date. With 1,100 boxes of cereal, 300 toothbrushes and 60 bottles of hand soap, Nathan is looking forward to topping himself and saving thousands of dollars in the process!
Retail value: $5,743.00 Nathan’s cost after utilizing his coupons: $241.00 – 95% savings!

Amanda is a full-time Storage Facility Manger in Cincinnati, OH who spends up to 70 hours a week researching in-store promotions, clipping coupons and surfing the internet for the latest and greatest deals. She already has a stockpile of products from previous couponing ventures worth up to $15,000. But this extreme saver is most proud of her collection of toilet paper – over 3,000 rolls – enough to last the average couple about 40 years! Now, with the help of her husband, Amanda is preparing for her largest checkout ever consisting of nine baskets of food, beauty and pet products including 218 boxes of pasta, 268 containers of noodles, 100 bottles of sport drink and 150 candy bars.
Retail value: $1,175.33. Amanda’s cost after utilizing her coupons: $51.67.

To me a great show on couponing would be a show that is teaching the average person how to coupon. A person that doesn’t have 70 hours a week to scour ads and clip coupons, a person that doesn’t have access to an entire garage to store all of their “goods”… and really, who needs that many “goods”?!

It’s called reality TV… but in my opinion, it’s definitely not realistic. As a coupon blogger, I hope Hip2Save motivates and inspires all of you. I try to make sure the videos I make ARE realistic and with that I mean, you will be able to go to the store and snatch up the same deals shown in the videos.

Again, I know this show is called Extreme Couponing, but I’m just not getting the point of the show and maybe that’s because I coupon in such a different way.

I don’t coupon so I have a receipt to frame… OK, so that may be a little bit of a fib. In the beginning, when I first started my couponing adventures back in 2007, I was very excited about the savings displayed on all my receipts and I did proudly show them to everyone I could… even people who didn’t want to see them! 😉 Yes, I was annoying like that. And I do think that’s normal, as I would assume most newbie couponers are very excited about their new-found talent! …But I quickly learned that couponing can become all too consuming. From clipping and organizing coupons to going through the weekly ads and then planning your trips… and on top of that, planning your days around when you need to go to the store. Too consuming!

I am still learning how to have balance in my life, but one thing I have learned along the way… well, it’s quite simple. When it comes to couponing, Nothing is a BIG deal!

Example: I let my high value $2/1 Pampers Wipes coupon expire and I would have been able to score FREE wipes at Walmart. Guess what? Not a BIG deal! Do you get what I’m saying? Start thinking like that and all the annoying stress you feel about rushing to the store so you don’t miss that oh so amazing deal will be gone!

I love my hubby. Random, right?! Well, not really because he is the one who taught me to really understand that most things are “Not a Big Deal”. And as you may know from reading my blog,  I am a neurotic, high energy and very spastic woman… so for me to be able to step back and say, “It’s Not a Big Deal”… well, it’s HUGE and if I can do it, so can you!

Now I know I’ve kind of veered off from the topic at hand, but what I really wanted you to get out of my post is to not let couponing and deal hunting consume you. The same deals always come back over and over again.

Before I finish this post, I have a challenge for you – miss a deal this week and remember, it’s NOT a Big Deal! When you’re missing that deal, do whatever you like… take a bath, read a book, play with your kiddos, laugh, love, smile. Life is wonderful, so take full advantage of it! 🙂

Thanks for listening to me ramble.

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Comments 1216

  1. kay

    I really appreciate all the work and time you put into this site for us. My heart loves to give and when I get lots of stuff, it goes to folks in need. My closet is almost bare. Was a single mom forever and know what struggling is. Folks don’t have jobs now and it cost so much for food items and to give other neccesities like toilet paper, shampoo , etc, can help them to use their money for food. I encourage each of you to look at your surroundings and give to folks in need. You will be blessed

  2. Danielle

    You are such a sweetheart and it is fun when you ramble, I do too. There have been times that I felt like I just had to rush to the store. I now have a stockpile that is big enough for my family. I don’t clear out all the deals because I am sure other people need it for their family. I sometimes get frustrated with people who buy things cause it is such a great deal even if their family won’t use it. I know that items can be donated, but at the same time stores are limited on what they can stock and I know my family lives on an extremely tight budget while my husband goes to school. I try to limit my purchases to what I need. These people are obviously going overboard and I love that you Collin share your love of deals with all of us. Thanks for all that you do, and now it is my turn to stop rambling 😉

  3. bric

    I have learned this year to slow down and have time for life outside of couponing. In the beginning, I got excited and got carried away by all the deals. But two years later, I realized that deals repeat and come around again. Even if I miss a good one, I’m okay with it now. Lately, I’ve missed plenty of great deals b/c I was just too tired to go back out or drive all over town looking for it. I also don’t buy stuff I don’t use b/c it’s free. I used to think I can donate which I did. But it was hard to find places to donate OTC medicine and such. And it took too much of my time and gas to print/plan/drive/purchase only to donate the stuff. My time is better spent on doing the deals that my family will use and let the others go. This has allowed me to still get good deals and time for other things in my life. I’ve learned to put couponing in the right perspective in my life and am much freer. I won’t watch the show b/c I use that time to organize coupons. 🙂

    • Jessica

      This is exactly where I am! I spent the first 6 months or so of my couponing trying to get every deal. I must have been at Wal-greens 5 times a week. I realized after a while that I had to let a little of it go. I work, have a family, have a house to take care of, etc and I was spending so much time couponing that some of the other things were sliding. At this point, I focus my couponing on what I need and on stockpiling groceries when I can. I save an average of 50% on my groceries from what I used to and it makes me quite happy.

  4. Carrie G.

    I’m sure (hoping) this has been said and if so, I’m saying it again! The very first thought that came to mind while reading the show’s description was HOW WASTEFUL! Wow! I mean, this is whats wrong with America! Why in the world would someone ever need to hoard enough toilet paper to last 40 years?!?!?!? What is wrong with these people?!?!?!? It’s kinda sad too because it gives those couponers (such as many of your readers) a bad name! I mean, most of us are just trying to save a buck on the products we use daily so we can save because we’re either on a fixed income, single income, or deeply understand the value of a dollar.
    I don’t think I could watch this show.

    • pamela

      I AGREE! This show is basically a different version of “Hoarders”..only instead of hoarding trash, they hoard grocery items..it is sad really…no way could these families use these items before they spoil or rot….that is not a frugal use of money…it is actually WASTEFUL!..do they think they are going to leave canned goods to their grandchildren in their wills? I would only be inspired by this show if these people formed a group and used their skills to feed the hungry in America…instead they all need INTERVENTION! *And yes, it gives “normal” shoppers bad names by presenting this as an example of the people who use coupons…wow! after this show airs, we will REALLY get hassled trying to save $1 off toothpaste at stores!!!!

  5. Karen

    That lady with decades supply of toilet paper may be frugal, but she is not being a good steward of the resources. However, I do like the “krazy coupon lady,” Joanie. It will be interesting if they portray her accurately. Her book was a great help to me, as is HIP2SAVE!

    Also, if you are able to pick up a modest amount to donate, it really does help people. The company printed the coupons so that people will try their product, thus, they are still getting what they want. Another thing is that sometimes I buy things I don’t need to save on what I do need -BUT I only do this if I know that I can give to someone that really needs it. Couponing lets me be generous at a time that I am otherwise financially unable. All it cost me is my time, and sometimes I even get paid. Of course in moderation, as in all things 🙂 Anything can be addicting. We don’t want to be wasteful either of time or materials. If you are not a good stewart, than you are not a good couponer:-)

  6. Rainey

    I get the deals that I can get when I am going to be at the store, usually I look at the ad the day before and try and match it up. If I miss a great deal, no biggie I know that another deal is sure to be coming soon

  7. Michele

    Interesting article. And I gotta tell you, I did purposely miss a deal this week – actually several of them. I chose to stay home and not go out. That was my reason. You know what? I survived, and yep, it’s not a big deal. Last week I was sick in bed with the flu. When I was feeling better 2 days later, I noticed that I let a Walgreens Jingle Cash for $5 expire. I was flustered and guess what my husband said? You guessed it, “Hon, it’s not a big deal!”. Aaaahhhh, that’s how we should be – keeping things in the right perspective.

  8. whackywheelers

    My nine year old would just brag about my couponing and the money we save. Then over the holidays we were standing in a long line at Kohl’s trying to get a great deal on some things. We were all kind of grouchy and tired and my son looked up at me and said: “You care more about your coupons than me!” What a wake-up call . . . I had to change my focus . . . and it’s okay to miss the deals!

  9. Mayra

    Oh how true this is….. and I learned my lesson today starting at walgreens I was overcharged and while the manager was fixing it I left the $18 RR I just earned on the other counter and well when I went back to get them they were gone and nobody saw them (my fault after all).

    Then I went to CVS got a call left my husband alone (don’t do this, please :P) doing the transaction and he ended up paying $4 more of what I supposed to paid and when I went back he handed me the receipts and he was all smiley and kind of proud that he just paid $4.98 for all the merchandise (I was going to pay .98 only), and yes I got all mad and told him you were supposed to pay only .98 and told him I needed to get back to the store and fix it. He hold and said no IT’S NOT A BIG DEAL!!!! yeah not a big deal…… he said you save so much money if you can splurge $4 then I guess you have a problem and we need to talk about it… and right there I said you are right and need to slow down.

    Now that was my lesson, regarding the show I don’t like it because this might cause more coupon fraud and right now people look at you like your are from another planet when you save so much I really think it is necessary to keep a straight honest way of couponing I really don’t think it is necessary to have that many of one thing but just enough to get you going for a few weeks and then do it again.

  10. Susan J. Reinhardt

    Hi Collin –

    My philosophy is if you don’t have a dog, don’t buy dog food. If Kohl’s has a dynamite deal but you don’t really need anything, it ceases to be a bargain. And, what is the point of buying 200 men’s razors if you’re not married, you don’t have children, and your father’s been dead over 25 years?

    I love couponing, and have saved a bundle – on things I NEED and will actually USE.

    Susan 🙂

    • Chip

      Well said Susan!

    • Jill

      I totally agree! Stock up on what you need to, and what is good for your family.

    • Melinda

      So true! My brother-in-law says that saving 50% on something sounds like a good deal but if it is something you don’t need and you don’t buy it, saving 100% is a better deal. You can go broke saving money! I just think it is wasteful to buy so much food that is going to go bad before you can eat it than let someone else benefit from the discounts. Hopefully they donate some of their 9 baskets of food!!

    • Collin (Mrs. Hip)

      I agree with everything except the dog food. Shelters can always use dog food 🙂

    • Sarah

      I buy men’s razors. Sometimes I give them to family members or donate them but I use them sometimes too. Razors are razors. Actually, men’s razors seem to work better anyway. I don’t buy 200 of them, though 🙂 I think I’ve gotten less than five in the 1.5 yrs I’ve been couponing. But I agree, if you’re not going to use it or donate it, there’s no need to buy it.

  11. Stephanie

    The first thing that came to mind when reading about these people is “Are the going to donate it?” And sadly the second thought was. “And the all new Hoarders will feature last week’s Extreme Couponing couples.”

    i totally agree. I coupon to help us save money, afford the things we prefer, and pay off debit but it is competely ok to miss some of hte deals. I’d personally rather have a very oraginzed house than a stockpile jsut so I can say I saved money.

    • Stephanie

      LOL!! I was thinking the same thing about the Hoarder thing! You just beat me to it! 🙂 Must be the name.

  12. Stephanie

    I agree with you Collin! I have let many a deal pass and I just tell myself there will be another one, and there usually is. My family is more important to me than snatching every deal out there. In regards to the Extreme Couponing show, it would be nice to see those that are scoring thousands of boxes of cereal, and more product than they need in a lifetime donate it to a local food pantry or give out gift baskets to needy neighbors. I would be more interested in watching a show where they save and donate the excess. Maybe this should be an Extreme Coupon Show / Horder Show.

  13. Dawn

    I love to coupon, if I have a coupon someone else could use, I will give it to them. I want to “pay it forward” I feel so blessed to be able to acquire these good deals, that I should share & donate some of it. Seriously, nine baskets of food??? How about feeding some hungry people? How about teaching others ( as Collin is doing ) to help others, we cant take all these “things” with us when we pass, so why not make someone elses day/life a little better or easier. Thank you Collin, for a wonderful site, a level headed approach, & just being awesome 🙂

  14. Jen

    I think most reality tv is just a way for people to make money without doing much. I don’t think they really think they are doing it to “educate” people about their lifestyle. I think they just see how much money they will make and company product placement. I don’t think they consider how it effects a family to be in the public eye that much.

  15. Janette

    Oh my gosh I could not believe my eyes when I began to read your extreme couponing post. As I was driving just last night I thought oh I better check my email when I get home. I could not help but think ooh maybe I’ll have a hip 2 save email when I get home. I wondered what deals would be there. I just started following this blog a little over a month ago and have been so excited about all the deals I’ve learned about. But then I started to think can I get too excited about coupons. I thought yes it’s fun to get a deal but I shouldn’t be thinking what I could get/have/buy all the time even if it was free or a really great deal. Everything in moderation right. 🙂

  16. Kara

    I’m probably going to tick some people off, just as a warning.
    To me couponing has saved my family. In the beginning I started just leisurely and really started getting into couponing after our son was born a year ago. With the help of Collin and 6 other sites, I have been able to save my family on average about $250 a month, for us that is a car and credit card payment. I have been able to buy diapers, food and a few personal and cleaning items on $300 a month!!!
    I will admit that I spend on average about 6hrs at my computer, but not all for couponing, I am still in school as well. When I get close to finals for my classes, I know I can stop and pick back up again after finals. This is my second 4 job (mom, student,couponer, and volunteer). Yes it does consume my life sometimes, but my family is more important.
    If I miss a deal or discount (and I have), I’m not worried about it, because there will always be another one. I do plan my shopping trips, usually on Tuesdays. Sometimes I will do it during the day and take Ds with me or wait until my husband comes home and go. After seeing what we paid for a trip, my husband actually brags to some of the guys he works with about a CVS shop in April.
    I do what I can as I can, I can’t expect to do more than that.
    I know some of the people on this show donate some of their stockpile to local food pantries. If I find an item that is free, but I know I won’t use it; I get it and put it in my donation pile. I just sent a box home to my sister who is going through a rough patch right now. Many couponers not only shop for their families but extended family as well.
    Thanks to couponing, we have been able to start pulling ourselves out of the whole we dug ourselves and are working to be COMPLETELY DEBT FREE!!!!

    • happyone327

      I am just starting to really get into the couponing and saving. Would you mind sending me the sites you use and perhaps some tips? I have two little girls and my husband is always telling me I need to bring more money in so maybe this is a way I can have less going out. I really don’t want to work more and miss out on time with my kids. Thanks! 🙂

  17. Chip

    I’m a couponer and I have to say that the examples listed on your synopsis for the show don’t impress me a lick. Any of us can find a good deal and multiply it X100 if we have the coupons. I agree with you, I wish they would have shown people how (as I did a few month ago) to go to the store and buy 80 different products with a retail value of $450 for $20-something dollars. When I coupon, it is so I can feed my family…I’m not doing it so I can have a receipt I can frame.

  18. ANDREA

    I am personally working on having a year supply in my house. (People used to do this, asked my great grandma) We will be growing most of our own food from now on so this will be a bit “easier” if you can use that word for canning and growing your own food. I think the show is for the WOW factor but that is show business!!! I DO hope it will educate some stores and store personnel on coupons. I HOPE it does not give us couponers a bad name. I calmed down on my deal hunting after taking 3 months off this summer. I had burnt myself out trying to do it all. I work at it about 1/10 less than I used to but my savings are still enough that I save more couponing than my part time job paid!!!!! If I worked I couldn’t coupon because of a back injury. I do want to say a BIG THANK YOU!!!!! to Collin for working so hard to keep this site clean, respectful and in balance.

  19. Kimberly

    It’s one thing to buy what you need, and another to be out right greedy. And it’s ashame to waste. I think two of them were in need of some professional help. What is he going to do with all of those toothbrushes with one mouth?

    I enjoy couponing and saving money, we should think of others when we shop, and not take all that’s on the shelves.

  20. Cynthia

    I’ll be watching the show tonight. I believe there’s a huge difference between stockpiling and hoarding! I stockpile what my family will use and then donate or give away the rest. No one leaves here without a “goodie bag”. I love giving to others!! When I first starting couponing earlier this year, I too was sometimes determined to get every great deal. I then learned to always be happy with the deals I did get, and not try to get “every single one”.
    I hope these people on the show are going to pay it forward. Who needs ALL that stuff?? I refuse to let ANYTHING expire! If it’s too good a deal to pass up, I can find SOMEONE who can use whatever it is and give it to them!
    I consider couponing a hobby now and enjoy doing it with my sissy!

  21. Collin (Mrs. Hip)

    Working in an establishment that accepts coupons I really wish everyone would take “It’s not a big deal” to heart. I got cussed out for a good 15 minutes about some stupid jingle cash last week, are you kidding me?

    I coupon, and I don’t mind people that do – but there are extremes of everything and extreme coupon’ers are something entirely of their own.

    I purposely have let quite a few deals go by this week, and it doesn’t bother me the least bit.

    • kris

      I watched the show tonight and just kept thinking, God Bless the cashiers!! All of you checkers that smile at our deals, Thank you!!!

    • anonymous

      LOL I think I know who you are. But you are one of the nicest I have ever met at your chain (and store)!

  22. Jen

    My thoughts exactly. When I discovered the freedom of actually missing a deal, I felt just that…. Free!!!!!

  23. Heidi

    What do these people do with all this food and stuff. You do not need 200 plus boxes of pasta. Things do have use by dates. I think it is a waste to buy things that may never get used. Maybe they should donate it instead of keeping it for themselves in their garage.

  24. amanda

    This is just what us couponers need. This silly TV show to make cashiers and managers think we have a crazy nuclear stockpile when we really just want one bottle of dish detergent for 25 cents.

  25. Jodi

    I have learned that just BECAUSE you can get things cheap or free doesn’t mean you should. I did go a little crazy for the first month after I learned how to coupon but then I realized I have to store all those things until I need them and that creates stress for me. At first I went crazy for all the cheap cereal and chocolate deals but quickly learned I tire of the same cereal over and over and I gained weight! I only do a deal now when I truly NEED something!

    As for a man buying over 1000 boxes of cereal because I doubt he could eat that many boxes in his lifetime!!!! Even if he donated some to charity I am sure some of it is going to waste. Also what about other people out there wanting to pick up two or three boxes for the deal and he has grabbed them all? That would make me frustrated! I have never taken more than my share and have donated LOTS of toothpaste to my local shelter because it’s always free somewhere every week!

    • Rockporter

      I am 100% with you on this. This guy just showed pure greed and I think TLC has done an injustice to all of us who use coupons to provide for our families. I have also donated to troop boxes, the local food pantry, etc. By golly my husband and I live in a tiny RV and have absolutely nowhere to stockpile a bunch of thiings. I have two plastic containers, when they get full I sort through them and decide who gets what…. I also send out care packages to my kids in another state. There is just no excuse to me for this extreme couponing and stockpliling it into your garage. 10 years worth of Tooth Brushes? What the heck?? What about us that want in on the same deal? How can we, when they are all gone? Thanks Colin for posting about this. I have another question on this. How can they be using more than 4 “LIKE” coupons in the same order and why is there not a limit to how many they can buy at one trip anyway? I think this just stinks and we already get dirty looks by a lot of people because they think you are stealing.

  26. Cyndi

    This people are addicts. The purpose that most of us coupon is to be able to provide a better life for our families. She is sacrificing her life for coupons. it is very selfish to get that much stuff and clean out the store, and then just keep it. i stock pile, but end up giving most of the excess to friends, family and food drives. This show is not about couponing, it is about obsessive personalities.

  27. Nona

    Sometimes I think there is a fine line between extreem couponing and hoarding.
    Dont get me wrong, I started couponing almost a year ago and I save my family hundreds of dollars a month, but some people take it to the extreme with hoarding the products that they have gotten for pennies and that is the high. I have been able to collect enough food, personal care, and baby products that I was able to step back away from coupon shopping for the past two months. My stock pile has dwindled, so I will be coupon shopping starting back again in the new year. It has been nice taking a break from shopping and being frantic, but a part of me misses the high of a good deal.
    I think that if you coupon in moderation and pick up what your family needs then that is okay…but who needs 4 years worth of toilet paper for just one family?

  28. Edith

    So I am watching it now and it is OBVIOUS this girl has an obsessive compulsive disorder. She has control issues and hoarding tendencies. I hope this ends with her getting help

  29. Cathy

    I’m watching it now, and this first woman is making me sick. Does she really need all those candy bars and pasta? Even if it’s free, these things expire! I’ve missed deals before. When I don’t need things, I don’t buy them.

  30. Bee

    I’m watching it right now, only because I saw this post. I am curious, so had to tune in. I would really LOVE to see those who buy ungodly amounts of the same item, doing something good with the items, like donating them to food pantries or homeless shelters. Now, THAT would make the savings and the show have more worth.

    And I have to admit, I love a good deal, but wow, this is a bit too much.

  31. Kimberly

    Can anyone tell me, “WHAT STORE ON THIS EARTH WILL ALLOW YOU TO USE THOSE MANY COUPONS”? I’m watching the show now, and I’m about to roll off the couch and shake some common sense into this woman. Her husband asked her, “don’t we have enough pasta”? LOL!!

    She need’s help, and quickly…Who is going to eat all of that candy? It’s making my stomach hurt, just by watching it….LOL!! 🙂

    • anonymous

      Maybe they’ll give away the candy at Halloween. I know the kids in our neighborhood go wild over getting full size candy bars and I could easily give away 150 in one night…just sayin.

  32. Erin

    I love the part about your husband. I am high maintenance and OCD, and my husband is also very laid back. He appreciates the value of using coupons–used reasonably–and one of the things that he says in regard to freebies, moneymakers, and couponing in general that puts things in perspective is that “there is *always* a cost.” And it’s absolutely true, whether that cost is time, aggravation, gas, or so on.

  33. Collin (Mrs. Hip)

    OK, I am watching this show now and it is in commercial. WOW! This lady is obsessed and even she says that. For all your couponers out there, including myself, PLEASE DON’T STRESS YOURSELVES TO THIS EXTREME. I love a good deal and I love to stockpile but this is taking time away from her family and also taking up more than one room in her house. Anyone out there going to this extreme every week? Just wondering.

  34. Lorrie

    I love your comments! i too went a little crazy when I first started couponing but have toned it down a bit. I realized that buying too many of something just because it is a good deal is silly and wasteful, especially if it goes out of date before I use it. I do donate some of my surplus or give it to friends or family. That is a blessing to be able to do. Also, now if I miss a deal I don’t stress, I’ve learned there is always another one down the road. Thanks for your wonderful site. You have helped our family save and also be able to bless others along the way. You are a treasure! (I don’t get the channel the show will be airing on but probably would miss it anyways. It sounds too extreme for me!)

  35. Sheila

    I agree with everyone else — I’m sad for and sickened by this first woman’s actions, who basically has an addiction and is hoarding food and other things that people need to survive. When you’re buying out stores and taking away deals from others who may need it more for their family and children, that’s just mean.

    I think everyone can pay it forward in one way or another, so with these great deals Collin shares with us, I’ve been able to help out a local food pantry, and I know others do the same.

  36. Nichole

    Watching right now…I certainly hope she has Prevacid coupons because she is going to end up with an ulcer…I really thought she might have a stroke when they had to re-ring everything.

    • Emily

      I KNOW! I was about to post that! This is CRAZY. And the thing is, I haven’t seen her donate anything! 😮 I mean, when the guy was like “i’ve never seen it go into too many coupons, stop transaction” i was SO SUPRISED. She is EXTREME TO THE MAX.

  37. Donna

    *EXTRME* is right.

    I think it’s out of control… hoarding actually.

    I have missed most deals the past couple of months and my “stock-pile” is down… and it’s OK!

  38. KP

    I agree with just about everyone else posting it seems. The week before Christmas I used up my Wags RR and Rite Aid Ups because I wanted to take a break from those 2 stores. Today I cleaned out my purse and found $13 in UP rewards that I missed and expired on 12/25. I was bummed and a little mad at myself for wasting them, but then felt slightly “free” to not have to go to Rite Aid to roll over my rewards. I am taking a break from most of it this winter, except for Meijer and CVS (since they honor expires ECB’s) and maybe a few Target deals since I shop there all the time anyway. I agree with everyone that Colin does a wonderful job of teaching all of us how to coupon appropriatley, and not get into the greed aspect of it. Instead of “Extreme Couponing”, TLC should create a show called “Classy Couponer Colin”!

  39. cnor

    Hello All,
    I would like to thank Collin for the great job she is doing in helping all of us provide for our families more economically. Good job, young lady. (I can say that as I bet I am the age of your Grandmother.)
    I watched about 2 minutes of “Extreme Couponing” and it appears to me to be a slightly more organized version of “Hoarders”. Both shows spotlight psychological disorders as far as I am concerned.
    This show in no way corresponds to most of us who use coupons to provide necessities and occasional special items for our families and ourselves. By couponing, we are also able to provide items for those who less fortunate by being able to donate to food pantries, shelters and neighbors in need.
    For many of you, couponing is another job. However, like any other job, it should NEVER become more important than your marriage or your children. Remember, at the end of our time on earth, no one is going to say, “Boy, she could really get the deals with coupons!” They will say, “she was a great wife and mother”, and ultimately those are jobs that surpass all others.
    So, take the time to smell the roses, play with the children and smile at your husband. Things and deals come and they go but family is forever.

    • KP

      How true! Very nicely said!

  40. Cortney

    I am watching it right now, and these people seem really crazy. What kind of life is that?

  41. Angelia

    It’s rigged. The first lady used a massive amount of the same coupon. Most stores have a limit of 3-4 like coupons. AND most P&G coupons state limit 4 like coupons per transaction. It was at a Krogers store and at least in my area it’s a limit of 3 like coupons per transaction.

  42. Frances

    i agree with all that said this is very wasteful. The purchases will expire. Also i would like to know how Amanda was able to purchase all those like items. My store have a limit of how many like coupons can be used in one transaction. Does anyone have the answer to this? Collin is correct, the sales cycle over and over. I appreciate the work you do Collin. Keep it up!

  43. Cathy

    I also love the idea donateing, but buying it just because it’s free, knowing you do not want it is crazy. I have kids and a dog and it frustrates me when i do try to get something that I would actually use and someone has wiped out the whole shelf.

  44. Kristi

    I am going to have my husband watch it…he thinks I’m extreme when I get 4 newspapers. I hope people see it as extreme and not what we do.

  45. Holly

    Just watched the first few minutes! Now I know why the shelves are empty when I just want to grab a deal with 2 boxes. Why does she need 142 butterfingers? No thought for the other shoppers who are looking for a deal too. As someone said wasteful.

  46. Kayla

    I think a show like that is shedding a negative light on couponing. Those people sound obsessive but not in a good, productive manner…more of a greedy manner to me. “Look at what I have and I did it just because I can”. Sounds like they could help out some charities with that loot, 3,000 rolls of toilet paper, oh please.

  47. Amy B

    I am a big couponer… many people call me the “coupon queen”, but really I am not as committed as I once was. I too, used to be mad at myself for missing the big deal or letting the high $ coupon expire. I work full time, have 3 teenage boys and a husband… Life is too busy, and a much bigger deal than any I will find in a store…My husband was deathly ill about 3 years ago, which made me realize….life is now! Time is limited and it is best spent with my family and friends, not in the store scouring for the next deal! You can only use so much deodorant, soap, toothbrushes, etc….Love your site, cuz it makes the best use of the time I have!

  48. Tylena

    This sounds more like a show about some type of hoarding disorder, more than couponing…..

  49. Behki

    im thinking there are some major underlying emotional issues at play here with some of these people. Maybe kinda like a gambling addiction…the thrill, the rush the victory. There are SO many people in need in our country and beyond…they are only cheating themselves of the satisfaction of sharing and making a difference…sad really.

  50. richgirljj

    I think that people should coupon so they can save themselves money and try, get, be debt-free. The people described above sound like they should be on “Hoarders.” There is no need to hoard that much stuff, even if it is a good deal. Why not donate it to some shelter or help people in need?
    Recently, I met a woman, who has a site much like this one, and she charges $10/month to subscribe to it. She gave this talk about how to coupon, she didn’t teach me anything new that I hadn’t learned here or on free sites. Additionally, she went on to say that makes sure that she clears out the store of all the super deals. To me, that’s just greedy. Your family doesn’t need 40 boxes of cereal in one week, week after week. But, that’s JMO. Stockpile, save money, and pass the good along. Don’t be greedy, hoard and make couponers look bad.

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