Walmart: Better than FREE Purex Laundry Sheets

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If your Walmart is following their new corporate coupon policy, you should be able to score some nice overage to go towards other items by purchasing the travel size Purex Complete 3-in-1 Laundry Sheets! Here’s how…

*Buy 1 package of travel size Purex Complete 3-in-1 Laundry Sheets (2 loads) $0.98
Use the $3/1 coupon found in the 2/20 RP
Final cost FREE + $2+ in overage to go towards other items!

Come back and let us know if this works for you!

(Thanks, I Heart the Mart & Frieta!)

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Comments 212

  1. Collin (Mrs. Hip)

    I went to Walmart today and the cashier told me that they didn’t have a Walmart policy he told me that I couldn’t use the shout coupon on a travel size and he told me that I he knew more than me and he ask me if I worked at Walmart

    • Tracee

      I recently went to Wal-mart to buy the Bambi movie. My coupons never scan there. I always get the cashier to put in the numbers. My coupons work every where else! This time they told me that they couldn’t take it if it did not scan. I know the coupon policy states that it has to be a coupon that can be scanned but it also says that as long as the manufacturer numbers and everything appear clearly they can take it! Well long story short I took my business to Target and will not shop at Wal-mart any more.

    • Kim

      I hope you got his name and plan to talk to the manager! Rude!!!!

    • Jessica

      I had an issue with the Maalox coupons a few weeks ago. I went thru the line, the Maalox were priced at $4.38 and of course we had the $5 off any q. Well, the cashier wouldn’t let me get the overage on the Maalox so I just left them there. A few days later I called corporate and explained the situation. They apologized about my issue (I really was just calling to find out exactly what their coupon policy was, not to complain about the Maalox). They asked me which Wal-mart it was, got my name, phone# and they said someone from that Wal-mart would be giving me a call. About two hours later the manager from that Wal-mart called me and also apologized about my situation. She asked me about the details of the trip that didn’t turn out the way I wanted it to. She said she was embarrased that their cashiers aren’t trained as well as they should be and that they would be re-trained. She then asked me if I would take a $10 gift card in exchange for the trouble I had! I was like, sure thing! So I came in and got it! I know it’s a long post but if you have any problem with anything at Wal-mart, call corporate! They will definately fix it. Thank you for letting me share with you all!

    • Christine H.

      How ugly! Did you ask for a manager?

  2. cass

    This is a similar topic, but someone mentioned that they donate a ton of stuff because they get so much free stuff and then someone commented that it would be a tax write off. How does that work since you actually didn’t pay anything for the stuff….I’m curious because I have a ton of stuff set aside that I’m deciding on where to donate it at and am curious about the tax write off…Thanks for the help in advanced!

    • Corrine

      When I donate stuff to our homeless shelter they give me a slip stating what I brought in (like 2 bags food…). You would then put a value on that receipt and you keep that slip and use it on your taxes. I usually put a small dollar amount since I really did not pay much for the stuff.

    • Sara

      I have donated a box of my excess coupon finds to a women’s shelter–personal care and cleaning products. They gave me a receipt and was asked to fill in the dollar value amount. It’s the same as if you donated clothing or an item to Good Will, you get the fair market value (so like what you would get at a garage sale) as a tax deduction on your schedule A. So even if you paid for an item using coupons with no out of pocket, it’s value is more than what you paid. Don’t overexaggerate of course, be fair.

    • Ginger

      If you got it for free, really, your worried about the write-off? Please just help those in need with the blessings you have been given. Also, unless you itemize your taxes (long form) it’s a hassle. You only average about .25 for every 1.00 you donate. Just give it away, and you will be doubly blessed. Watch and see!

      • samantha

        Plenty of people use charitable donations as tax deductions. You are making it sound like she is somehow taking away from her donation by claiming it on her taxes. The recipients of the donated items will benefit just as much if she claims it on her taxes. Why on earth would she be doubly blessed by not claiming it? That is the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard.

        • Ginger

          It just doesn’t seem very honest to me to claim free items on your taxes. Just my opinion, and I didn’t say the recipients wouldn’t benefit, nor did I say anything about charitable donations, I was talking about claiming her “freebies.” Sorry, you got so upset about that.

    • Mary C

      My mom is an CPA and she told me that they will take the retail value. Because even though you got it for free that does not make the product less valueable. Just keep the receipts from your purchase especially if you donate ALOT!!!

      • Miriam

        I ran into this thread late but like the CPA said, read the tax code. It explains what fair market value means, not garage sale, not the price you paid, but the price it’s sold in stores for. I will absolutely claim my donations!! Many Americans such as homeowners itemize anyway so it doesnt take any work. You may not have paid retail but that’s the value received, not to mention that the approximate 25% return helps pay for your time and energy researching, gathering coupons, buying, storing and delivering the goods. It’s not like you’re charging the shelter! It’s just tax you don’t pay the government.

  3. Stacey

    So I called my local Walmart today and told them I was just reading there coupon policy and was curious if they follow corp. policy or if it’s based on Managers discretion. I was told they follow policy and then procreeded to read to them the part that says overage is allowed which cash can be given or taken offf the basket total. Then I got big huge No. Was also told I couldnt use RR’s even though I just called corp and they said I could do both. They transfered me to the Manager and he said “well I have ONLY been here 12 years and NEVER handed cash over for a coupon. We adjust it down but we do follow corp coupon policy.” I asked him if I decided to shop there and have overage with policy in hand if they will honor it and I was told he is going to have to ask his manager before he will ever allow that to happen” (im sure he will get right on that….NOT). So I called corp back up and told them that the Manager is unaware about the coupon policy so she said someone will contact him to make him aware and I will recieve a call back. I NEVER coupon at Walmart (its an hour away) But I am starting a part time job there in 2 weeks so I’m hoping to get him knowledged by the time I start working so I can do Walmart runs 🙂 Fingers Crossed ha ha

    • Deb

      Don’t hold your breath, Stacey…this is the MAIN reason so many folks hate WM.
      For some reason I’ve been lucky with the Gain Q’s and overage at my work location WM-might as well give this a shot too.

  4. Amelia

    I used 16 of the Purex coupons yesterday morning and it worked out wonderful. I asked the cashier if I get the whole $3 off each coupon and she said no but then I told her that their coupon policy had recently changed the past week. So she called the manager and I handed her the copy of the coupon policy and she gave the “OK” for the coupon and was extrememly nice about it. She asked to keep the coupon policy I had printed out. Overall it was a great Walmart trip 🙂

  5. Christina

    I decided to try WM last night. Before I even started checking out, I started talking with the cashier, telling her how excited I was about Wal-Mart’s new coupon policy. I proceeded to tell her that my favorite part of the policy was the ability to use Q overage to help pay for the rest of the things you are buying. She told me she hadn’t heard of it, but looked at the printed policy I had brought with me and accepted all my Q’s. I used the $3 off Purex Q’s and the $3 off gain Q’s. The 40 ct Gain dryer sheets are $1.87 at my store.

    • Melinda

      I think you handled that in such a great way by bringing up the coupon policy in a POSITIVE way beforehand instead of coming in expecting an argument.

  6. Collin (Mrs. Hip)

    went to walmart last night with the shout coupons…cashier tried to tell me I could only use 1 because of overage (I had 2) and I said no that’s not how it works. She brought the manager over and the manager said “oh, you didnt read the new paper on coupons, she gets the full amount including overage”….so our walmart is honoring the new policy!

  7. joy

    I HATE Wally World!

  8. Claudia

    BE AWARE!!! Walmart prices at my store are always wrong. One time a friend of mine was in front of the line and she just only had $20 so she ck every price making sure she could pay for it!!! Well 4 of the 10 item that he got were mark wrong!! We told the cashier she had an attitude and start trtreating us like crap. Then my turn onion were 46 cents a pound ring up for 1.98. I told her the she got mad and ugly…She went ck and said the price was 1.78 I saidI did not want them( I did not use any coupons in this trip) paid formy stuff and went back to ck….tatata 46c. The price that she look was for the prepacked onions agrrrrr. Went back and told her and ….she start doing a flag salutation withe her hand overand over when I told her I was to customer service and talk to the manager. The manager wanted to give me the onions for free I did not take them. I just told him I wanted not to happen this again to anybody if you have this kind of cashier they should be sorking in the back but not withcustomers!!! Who knows whathe told her but I so her at the srore working like nothing happend.

  9. Claudia

    Sorry for the mispelling my smart phone thinks is smarter than me

  10. Jessica

    I know it’s a dumb question but where are the travel size laundry detergents located? Are they near the travel section in the health and beauty area, or near the laundry detergents? Sorry, I just haven’t seen them.

    • Mary

      Laundry detergents are on top shelf of travel size area.

  11. Sara Johnson

    Where do you find the actual coupon?
    “Use the $3/1 coupon found in the 2/20 RP”

    I’m new and missing something.

    • Collin (Mrs. Hip)

      If you didn’t get the coupons from your paper, you can find them on many sites to purchase. I just bought 24 of them off ebay the other day. Hopefully, they’ll be here today or tomorrow! 🙂 Good luck!! But… just a tip… the $3/1 coupons expire 3/19 so if you buy them online, be sure to buy them from someone who states you’ll receive them in just a few days. Otherwise, you risk losing your money. 🙂

  12. Debbie M

    YES!! I have not shopped at my Walmart (Orlando, Fl area) in a LONG time because I was sick of the hassles. I purchased the 40ct Gain dryer sheet for $1.87 and used the $3 off coupon (I actually bought 13 of them) and did not get a hassle. They applied the whole $3 which saved me money on other things. AWESOME!! All of my coupons went through with no problems too. The manager had to come over for the key because my coupons were over $50. I didn’t attempt to use any competor coupons for the fear of being hassled. All and all, I will be going back again for some great deals..finally they have it together (at my store) I am sure not all stores are the same. Good luck.

  13. Melissa

    Well, after much debate, I was able to use the Purex coupons however the managers said they would never allow this again. In addition, a few days ago, they denied the Walgreens catalinas so I decided to call corporate today for first hand information. Corporate confirmed that the store managers would be notified to train their employees AND that everything I attempted(including the Walgreens coupons) were legit. Why do they make you feel as if you are trying to do something illegal??

  14. Carla

    Wal-Mart would NOT take my coupon. Told me I had to buy the bigger size not travel. I told them no where on the coupon did it state that. A CSM even told me they wouldn’t do it. And the CSM took it, supposedly, to the department manager that said I had to buy the larger size. I had two other items to cover my overage. Wasn’t asking for money back! So, I took my coupons and left everything there! Took a trip out to Target, purchased the other 2 items I needed. Paid a little more, but was worth it! I will try another Wal-Mart next week, when I’m by it. I will have the coupon policy in hand and ready to stay till I get what I’m suppose to.

    • Brenda

      same thing happened to me, the ony difference being that I had over a hundred dollars additional purchases. the manager told me no, so I said that s fine, please give me my coupons back, you can keep this, I am going to Target. I left everything right there, hope they had fun putting it all back, I had a cart full. Not worth the hassle to me, walmart wants to play hardball, no problem, they can win, but not with me shopping there again.

  15. scootykatie

    I used the $3 purex coupon today and bought 4 trial sizes. At first the cashier said that I couldn’t use the coupon and called the head cashier, she told me NO. I told her that WM coupon policy has changed, she then called the Assist manager and then the store Manager to ask if they knew anything about the “new policy” Sh was very rude and condesending. I told her “please, Don’t mock me!!” After that she asked the cashier to see if it would ring up an go through. It went through and I got all four for FREE and $2 back! I only ended up paying a total of $9.95 from $40.28 for everything that I had! I was very happy! But plan to give WM a copy of the coupon policy so that they know!!

  16. scootykatie

    I used the $3 purex coupon today and bought 4 trial sizes. At first the cashier said that I couldn’t use the coupon and called the head cashier, she told me NO. I told her that WM coupon policy has changed, she then called the Assist manager and then the store Manager to ask if they knew anything about the “new policy” Sh was very rude and condesending. I told her “please, Don’t mock me!!” After that she asked the cashier to see if it would ring up an go through. It went through and I got all four for FREE and $2 back! I only ended up paying a total of $9.95 from $40.28 for everything that I had! I was very happy! But plan to give WM a copy of the coupon policy so that they know!!

  17. Collin (Mrs. Hip)

    OMG what a waste of an hour of my life at Wallmart today. I had 10 purex trying to use 10 coupons and other items to make the difference. Cashier wasn’t sure got the assist manager. She said I couldn’t use them because it was more than the item. whipped out the policy. then she said it said “One per purchase” OMG I wasn’t expecting to have that argument! then as time went on I had almost EVERY cashier come over and voice their opinion. Everything they said I disputed it with the policy. Anyhoo assist. manager took my coupons dissapeared for 20 minutes came back and said it is not for this item. Left everything called district manager & 1-800 number and the manager will be calling me back tomorrow. If you have a policy FOLLOW IT!!!!!! I felt like I should have made 20 copies of it and taped it to all the registers!

    • Colette

      Please update us on what corporate says…I’m so curious! I’ve called corporate before and they have told me it ultimately is up to the store manager, but I know that they are trying to educate each store on their new corporate coupon policy these days. My fav cashier told me today that she was instructed by her manager this past week about the new rules. Maybe it hasn’t trickled down to your store yet. Hope you get some kind of gift card/money for your waste of time today!! That’s the WORST!

  18. Laury

    I went to my local Walmart today armed with the new coupon policy. I purchased 8 Purex 3in1 trial sizes for 97 cents each. When I went to use 8 $3 off coupons, the cashier read them before she would scan them. Then she said she had to clear it with her customer service woman. I was patient and waited for the CS lady to come over. She said she couldn’t take it as it the coupon was worth more than the item. I showed her the policy. She went to talk to another person who said he didn’t know what to do so they called over the Assistant manager. She said they could take the coupon but adjust it down to 97 cents. I pointed out (3 times) that the policy clearly states that the coupon could exceed the price of the item. She finally said that I am right, that is what it says so she told the other 3 people that it could go thru. When the cashier rang it thru, it didn’t beep at all and I walked out with $15.50 in cash back. The CS lady asked me if she could keep the copy of the policy and I gave it to her and then the manager walked over and asked me if she could keep it at the service counter. (lol) I gave it to them and was very nice the whole time, assuring them that I understood it was a new policy and it would take time. They were all very nice about it.

    • Collin (Mrs. Hip)

      see being nice goes a long way:)

  19. pfarley

    I just tried using the Purex $3/1 for the 3in1 complete sheets, the one on Hwy 153 in Chattanooga would not let me use them.:(

    • Mandi

      Where are you finding the 2 pack Purex? I have looked in the travel items/toothpaste section and laundry section and have yet to stop them in 2 Walmarts…

      • Mary

        The laundry detegent 2 packs are on the top shelf of the travel area.

  20. Sue P

    It took me 2 Walmarts, but I got it to work. The first one kept insisting that the trial size wasn’t for that coupon even though the coupon said ANY.– this Walmart is NOTORIOUS for not following policy (price matching even). The cashier refused to even try. I asked for the Manager, and the cashier kept telling him that it wasn’t the right item. I left my 12 items on the conveyor belt, came home and called corporate then called the Walmart I preferred to ask if they were following corporate policy on the coupons. She looked into it, said absolutely, and it was a piece of cake when I got there. Thanks Hip2Save for all the great savings ideas!.

  21. Tina

    I went to Walmart in Rancho Cucamonga. Ca. today I bought (5) Purex 3 in 1 travel sheets used (5) $3.00 coupons, (2) Gain dryer sheets 40 count at $1.87 used (2) $3.00 coupons, (1) Reach floss .97 used (1) $1.00 coupon, (1) Gain dishwashing liquid, (1) $1.00 coupon, (1) Dove body wash 24oz $5.47, no coupon, (1)Equate Feminine wash, no coupon, (1) Home Pride bread $1.98 no coupon. The cashier was very nice but the register keep on asking for coupon amount on the $3.00 coupons only. The cashier just put in the $3.00 amount subtotal was $20.72 plus 8.750% sales tax = $1.72 I was at a negative .61 cent. I picked up another Gain dishwashing liquid at .97, I paid .41 cent total, The cashier was excited and I was shocked that it worked with no problems

  22. danielle

    I was able to buy 10 packs of them and they accepted all 10 of my coupons!! I got $20 in overage to go toward the rest of my items!!! I love the new coupon policy!!

  23. Catalina

    I went to WalMart in Waxahachie, Texas and it was not a pleasant experience. The cashier rang up all of my items and coupons with no beeps so i thought good, no problem….WRONG. My total came to $.16, she said that can’t be right because you have a big bag of dog food. I explained to her that the overage from the coupons covered what i owed on the other items, including the dog food. She called a CSM over who said nope, u can’t do that. She then called a manager over who agreed with them. I told him to look up the policy (I forgot my printed copy). He went and looked it up and we he came back he asked to look at the coupon in question which was the $3/Purex. He then told me i could only use one of them. I argued for a few minutes but was so fusturated by this point i just left. Corporate was already closed so i called first thing this morning and the person i spoke to was very nice and apologetic. He took my story and said someone would be contacting the store manager and then would be contacting me within a few business days. Since it is Friday he told me i should hear from someone by Wednesday.


      Just out of curiosity, did you ever hear from Walmart Corporate? I have the gain coupons and I am debating whether or not to try it. I stopped shopping at Walmart a couple of years ago because of the way I was being treated by the associates. Anyhow, I would really like to use the $3 Gain coupons, but not if it is going to be a battle.

  24. Collin (Mrs. Hip)

    My Walmart pulled all the travel size Purex. Iam going back tommorrow to see if restocked yesterday they had approximately 100 or more today none. We shall see.

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