The Coupon "Rush"…

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As I walk up to the register, my hands start to tremble and my heart starts to beat. My eyes are moving around quickly… I am trying to catch at least a glimpse of each cashier. The cashiers that look the most promising get yet another glance from me. Oh who should I choose… decisions, decisions. As I walk closer to the cash registers, my breathing picks up speed and the sweating starts to ensue. Yes, I am getting near the point of what I like to call “Coupon Chaos”.

I choose the cashier, the hardest decision of all, a guy in his early 20s who looks as though he just came from the beach. He smiles and I begin to nervously chat… I am not sure what exactly I’m saying, but things are definitely coming out of my mouth. With each item I put on the belt, my talking (if that’s what you want to call it) picks up pace. Soon enough, I have to completely stop as I’m running out of breath! Oh, I am so close to the finish line.

The “surfer dude” (the young cashier who appears to have come from the beach) lets me know my total… my very high total I might add! As my hand shakes, I smile nervously and pull out my coupons. The mountain of coupons I’m pulling out don’t all make it on the counter, so I bend down to pick up the ones that have taken the plunge to the ground. As I bend over, I am so thankful that I chose to wear a long shirt as I am wearing low-rise jeans and well, bending over and low-rise jeans don’t really go together. 😉

As I hand him the coupons, one by one, yes, I am that anal… I notice the person behind me. A lady in her mid 30s with a in-a-hurry look on her face. She glances at my large pile of coupons and has a very confused look on her face. As the coupons keep getting scanned, I can feel the tension build up behind me. Finally, I hear her high heels tapping the ground with force… she wants me to know that I have inconvenienced her day in a big way. I ignore her knowing that I’m almost there… I am at the home stretch.

As the “surfer dude” scans my last coupon, I let out a large exhale. Phew… I feel like I’ve just run a marathon! The ‘Surfer dude” states, “Wow! You saved $91.50 and your grand total is just $2.39.” I smile slowly trying to contain my excitement and pull out my money. I am able to give him the exact change. He hands me the receipt as my smile grows. I stand there with pride as I look up and down that magnificently long piece of paper. Life is good!

As I leave the store, I know beyond any reasonable doubt that every part of getting to the moment of victory is so worth it in the end. And now I can head home with my head held high and brag to anyone who will listen.

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Comments 501

  1. Collin (Mrs. Hip)

    why do we get so anxious about checking out.. your shopping trip sounds so much like mine.. sometimes its crazy sometimes its great.. but all in all at the end of the trip we saved alot of money..

  2. Deanna

    I’m with ya! lol My hubby thinks i’m nuts when i get in a long line, little does he know how good i’ve gotten at picking just the right cashier! 😉

  3. april

    Amen Sister !!!!! 🙂

  4. Melanie

    LOL, Collin your hilliarous! You described it soooo perfectly. Thanks for putting a smile on my face this afternoon.

  5. Ann

    Each store should provide a coupon lane, Having an educated cashier and a lane designed for couponers only. Would make customers less frustrated and couponers to…Everyone wins!!!!

    • Collin (Mrs. Hip)

      great idea that is!

    • Sarah

      Agreed! It would make me feel so much more welcome!

  6. Holly

    Thanks for the share! This is absolutley me!!! I don’t really mind what others think…each to their own, but it sure feels good to save that much money!!! Thanks Collin!!!

  7. Tina

    This is great! I had a young kid like that one time. When I handed my coupons over he was like “wow you have a book of coupons” After he scanned it and saw how much I had saved he was excited and said to me “alright bring me another book of coupons next time” Most of the cashiers are really good about it and never seem annoyed which is nice. Every once in a while though I get one that doesn’t realize that they don’t have to read every single coupon before scanning and they look annoyed that I have a huge stack. Sometimes there are also cashiers who don’t fully read the coupon if it rejects it and just automatically say “you can’t use this” but it’s often rare.

  8. deepndeals

    must be a store that will double Q’s .. i need serious help reducing our grocery bill!

    • Kim

      I live in the same town as Collin and no stores around here double coupons…that I know of!

  9. Carol

    My heart rate was increasing as I read this!
    I’ve been a serious “couponer” for a few years now.
    I still go through this at new stores!

  10. Gina
  11. Gina

    My local markets always ask for coupons first, so I give them the stack – usually a little crumpled at the begining. To make it easier for them, I do the items that are free at the end of the belt so they can see them on the screen easier. And, those that look like the price might ring up wrong, I put just after I’m all unloaded from cart to belt – so that I see the prices as they come up on the screen. One of my local CVS’s are horrible with the clearance items being in the computer – so I put those first so that I can tell them what they should be and they have time to check/call a second cashier if need be. Luckily, most of my local store cashiers are very nice and supportive. Some look suprised that I saved so much. Though, I still get the anxies when I want to do more then one transaction. And, I never do more then two at once – as that is too stressful for me.

    • patti

      if i have a coupon for a free item, i write in the reg. price of the item on the coupon so the cashier doesnt have to look it up.. i keep those free item coupons grouped together and make a note to get the price of the item on my grocery list so I dont forget… Cashiers are super appreciative that I write it in for them! … Great post Collin, you make my day! Hooray for young “surfer dudes ” :-)!

  12. Joy

    one coupon at a time…good idea in some situations!

  13. Patty r

    This wad totally me at Walmart last night, and surfer dude was really nice… Except there was a middle aged woman standing over him watching what he did as she waited t

  14. monica

    Hurray for young male cashiers!!

  15. Mary Jane Rossi

    Awesome- we have all been there at one time or another- way to help alleviate the tension for the person behind you? Try to come up with a great coupon for something they have in their basket- works like a charm most of the time- most people just won’t take the time to strategize (it is a war game after all!) before they shop- Many thanks to all the tips on your blog- there are so many things I would not have know about had it not been for your many “heads ups”- Blog on!!

  16. Lisa

    Collin, you look so cute in the pic! I can totally relate and I have picked out two specific cashiers at my publix, one being a surfer dude, loves to chat and the other being a coupon lady herself. Such stress but so much reward!!

  17. Gina

    I have tried to explain to my husband what is like to use coupons and he doesn’t get it. I need to get him to read your post. So funny and true! Thanks for sharing 🙂

  18. Rebecca

    I am so relieved to know that I feel the same way as the “pro” (you)! I was thinking it was just ME!!!! I too scan the cashiers – I now stay away from women wearing plastic gloves – there has only been one but she was so anal she examined ever CREASE and wanted to know if I printed them from online (as if this was illegal) — anyway, my favorite criteria is a MAN!

    Thanks for the cute post!

    • Laura

      Plastic gloves?! That’s funny!

    • bali

      OMG that’s hilarious – there’s a lady at my Target who wears plastic gloves and she’s the WORST!

      • Agnes

        WHAT???????! Plastic gloves? a germofobe cashier?

    • Julieanne28

      I am laughing out loud because I have this picture in my head of a coupon being stuck to another like a new printed $1 bill and me licking my fingers to seperate them… I bet she would pass out!! hahaha!

  19. Sylvia

    LOL…I busted out laughing when I read your post…it describes me to a tee especially that non stop chatter…my hubby asks me why I talk so much while waiting for the cashier to scan the coupons. Coupon jitters…I guess.

    Love your blog…


  20. Hannah

    That is exactly how I feel when I check out! I get so incredibly nervous and sometimes I even start sweating profusely 🙂

    Loved reading this story!

  21. autum

    sounds like a novel. when’s your book coming out?

    • Agnes

      YEAH!!!! Collin, you have to write a book! I will buy several copies for Gifts!!!!!!!!!!!ans we have a GREAT picture for the cover!!!!!!!!!!!!(the one you just posted – PERFECTION!)

      • holly

        This was my thought as well. Collin u have a flare for writting as well! BOth talents would make for a good book. You already have the publiciy on here and how awesome would it be for giveaways on here!! =) I heart hip to save!

  22. vanessa

    Gotta love this post, totally describes me.

  23. ramona

    I guess this feeling never goes away no matter how long you’ve been couponing.

  24. bellabimba

    Very Nice picture.. You remind me someone back in Italy. My bestfriend. How I missed her! Anyway, I only see some chocolate in your cart 😀 I want to see the whole grocery :D… LOL! Nice shopping trip! Where did you shop??? Best I’ve done is $0.87 for $52 shopping trip!

  25. Lucinda

    i tell people that I feel like this, and they all look at me like i am crazy. Glad to know I am not alone! Ha!

  26. melissa@mypricesavings

    Very nicely written! Kudos!

  27. Collin (Mrs. Hip)

    Collin, that sounds GREAT. BUT, how do u manage to get so much for so little. I can never save like that. PLEASE share your method of shopping. Is that Wal-Mart you’re at. Thanks so much for all u do. I have saved ALOT, but nothing like u do. Appreciate the help..

  28. Hilary

    I don’t mind having to deal with the cashiers, but I still do have issues with feeling like I am bothering the ppl behind me in line. Sometimes, I will say, “I have a lot of coupons.” Then give them the chance to move to another line. I am glad you posted this. I get anxious when I go up to the cashier with a bunch of coupons.

  29. Amy F

    This is one of the reasons I coupon. I love the rush! The adrenaline is awesome! I have been known to dance through the parking lot after an awesome run. Weeeeeeee! It’s exhilarating.

  30. Agnes

    I just have to say WHAT A CUTE PICTURE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! seriously! now I will have to go and read your post 🙂

  31. Nc Girl

    That is so me, thanks for sharing! I really enjoy your website. Thanks again.

  32. Marisa C

    EXACTLY!!!!….. Soooo how I feel, Sooo what happens to me! And I cant get enough! Great Post! Loved reading it!

  33. joely

    So perfectly described! This is the adrenaline rush of couponing.

  34. Lisa Marie Gouge-Leaman

    Collin, So funny, I hand over the coupons one at a time too! LOVED your story! I’m SO the one who drops my coupons too! I moved to TN for 3 mo and totally want to drive to NC to see you and go shopping with you! That would be so awesome! You are my favorite!
    PS I went to Publix and spent 34 cents for 2 bags of groceries with pricey items in them! I called Hubby, my best friend and mom after! I also picked the guy and am usually very nervous, but not this time, my kids were with me and at the end I had to sprint to the potty so my daughter wouldn’t pee her pants, I didn’t even get my receipt, I had to go back for it! Then I realized that I forgot to give a 1 dollar off coupon so then went to the customer service station and got my dollar back making the total .34! Add the free balloons to the trip for my kids and no Kid-catastrophies and we had a mother’s TRIUMPH!
    Thanks for your site! Have a ROCKIN

  35. Heather

    Low rise jeans and bending over – Oh that is cracking me up. I can totally relate to that! LOL (and have made the mistake of having on a shorter top sometimes – learned that lesson!)

    • patti

      you said “cracking” heehee….heehee

      • Heather

        Yeah, ain’t that the truth? 😉 That is where those cute freebie Victoria Secret panties come in handy

  36. JO

    That was such a cute post and totally made my day. Thanks Collin!!

  37. Charlene F

    LOVE IT!!!

  38. Jaime

    Collin, sometimes, I think we are the same person!

  39. Heather S

    You are SO my kind of gal…huge thing of coffee, easter candy, and some mac & cheese + a million coupons! Rock on, girl!
    PS-I agree on your cashier criteria. 🙂

  40. Angie

    haha this is too funny! I liked the part about the low rise jeans too!

  41. heather

    That was so awesome! I did have a cashier at Harris Teeter get mad at me because I handed her my coupons one by one. She asked for the entire stack twice and I refused. They are MY coupons, I bought them, clipped them and used them to the highest saving power I could. I’m not letting them go that easily!

  42. Sarah

    You are a great writer! Love it!

  43. Gamecockgirl

    I feel the same way. I have this, sorry to say it, elderly lady, at my CVS. Things never go well and she is always in there when I go. I actually prayed in the parking lot for her to not be there the last time I went in. Guess what? There she was big as day. She didn’t give me credit for my free Herbal Essences coupon. Ran it through and I got no credit for it. Of course, because I am so flustered with her, I don’t catch it until I get home and what is there to do then?? Also, when I scan my card at the magic coupon machine for the second time, it always says coupons printing and they never come out. There are always coupons laying on the top so I guess it prints when the next person scans. Very frustrating!! 🙁

  44. christin

    amen sister! oh i so know that feeling, i even look at miss impatient and tell her she might as well move on…. I have coupons :O). But that feeling of saving so much just whisks away that chaos feeling!

    • patti

      I agree. People behind dont wanna wait, move on. I have actually found the people behind me in line are truly amazed. One dude went as far as to ask what my total was before all the coupons and then how much I paid after. And questioned me about my binder and such and how did I do that… made me feel really good to explain everything to him and others in line behind him were listening to me as well…. I felt slightly put on the spot, but felt good at the same time :-)!

  45. jmartcougar

    happens to me all the time!

  46. Agnes

    I have to say I just read the story of MY LIFE! It’s like my words were written here.
    I always sweat like a pig when I go to checkup, especially at TARGET, I don’t remember when was the last time I got a smile for the cashier, always mean angry look as they know I will be paying with coupons mostly …and Im also anal and give them each coupon separatelly, sometimes I think they wanna punch me in the face!
    ALSO I have to mention I hate, hate hate when at TARGET Im being told where to go by a stand by worker who directs people to cash registers!
    Do I always have to pretend Im not done shopping yet so I can go the the cashier I CHOOSE?
    I think I will finnaly be brave enough and SAY out laud that I WILL CHOOSE where to go, OK?
    I think they should start selling Prozac without prescription for couponers.. as shopping wit Q becames a traumatizing experience nowadyas! and as I can see not only for me!
    Kissess to all couponers! Mwah! 🙂

  47. Destiny

    This is so funny! I did this today…. was super nervous yet in a hurry to get out with the 2 kids as they are both not feeling good… but couldn’t let the coupons waste! Got a really good deal at Target… paid @ 15 bucks for 4 packs of diapers and a large count of wipes..! Thanks to the stacking of Target and man coupons! 🙂 🙂 I’m now stocked on diapers our newest addition coming in about 3wks! (hoping sooner!)

    • Destiny

      It almost feels like stealing… it was such a good deal! 🙂

  48. Karrie@HappyMoney

    So funny and TRUE! I laughed and laughed reading this great article. Makes me think of my shopping trip last night…and how fun it is and stressful too. You are so much fun.

  49. Harmony

    LOVE IT!!! You Rock Girl!

  50. Anonymous

    What a great story, especially for anyone who has had a discouraging experience.

    I just want to point out a different perspective on “picking the right cashier.” I know people always suggest going for the “younger” male cashiers because they’re more easy-going. I think that works for Collin because she’s cute and smiley and nice. I have the opposite experience. I’m a younger guy, the last person anyone would expect to be a “couponer” if they took one look at me. I almost always have trouble with other male cashiers, especially the young ones. I get huffs and puffs and looks that say “you’re kidding, right?!”

    I usually go to stores around the same time of day and week, so I know which cashiers work those days. I have a few favorites that I always have conversations with, and who always push my coupons free. It’s almost always the middle-aged women that are most coupon-friendly to me. Partly, I’m sure, because they’re amused that I’m so organized with coupons. But also because they’re more likely to be a manager and able to do an override. When it’s a person who isn’t a manager, and a coupon beeps (even if I’m using every coupon correctly, there’s often beepage at Meijer, for example), they have to call a manager over and they may get frazzled.

    Also, I have a trick that I do if someone is simmering behind me in line. It’s kind of invasive and could be perceived as rude, but it works like a charm and always makes me feel better. The other day there was a man behind me with about 20 items. I had about 100 items and half as many coupons. He huffed and puffed while they were scanning. I smiled at him, and since his groceries were right at the edge, i took one look and picked one that stood out that I knew I had a coupon for–a pack of Mentos that were onsale for .50–and whipped out a $.50/1 coupon. “Hey, I’m not going to use this if you want it. You’ll get those Mentos for free.” The huffing and puffing stops, and I’m met with “oh, uh, ok. thanks.” Like I said, it’s kind of invasive and presumptuous, but it always makes me feel better about holding up the line. I’m sure I’ll have an experience where someone tells me to buzz off, but ah well. 🙂

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