Extreme Couponing Affecting the Un-Extreme?

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So, I received the following email from reader, Rashelle. She is feeling very discouraged about using coupons and even dreads going to the store. Here’s what she had to say:

Hi Collin, I know this may seem odd but I was wondering if you have heard from any readers that they have been feeling down about using coupons lately because I have. Ever since the “Extreme Couponing” show has been airing I feel myself getting looks from other customers. For example, I was at Toys ‘R’ Us the other day with my son and a lady in front of me had items that I had a store coupon for which I wasn’t going to use and I asked if she wanted it, she was very thankful and asked if I was sure I didn’t need it and my son said, don’t worry she has a whole binder of them at home, and her tone changed drastically as she said “Oh, you’re one of Those.”

I was in Publix last night doing my weekly coupon shopping and was flipping thru my binder when a couple of women walked past me, looked me up and down and then one said to the other “she’s loco” (crazy in Spanish) and at checkout a husband and wife came into line behind me at the end of my transaction while my coupons were being scanned and started talking very loudly about how the people on “that show” take advantage of shopping (and I didn’t even have a cart full of stuff).

There have been so many times lately when I feel glaring eyes upon me and I feel I need to justify myself to these people and say I am not a hoarder, I don’t have a small grocery store in my house, I am not clearing shelves, and so on, but of course I just smile and keep my mouth shut. I hate this feeling of being embarrassed and ashamed of my coupons because I use to be so proud and happy of all of my great savings and I don’t want this to ruin couponing for me, but it has left me very discouraged, and instead of being excited to do my weekly trip, I almost dread it. I was just wondering if I am the only one experiencing this behavior. Thanks for your time and for everything you do!

Since I cannot give you a hug (I so love hugs!) or tackle the stores with you, I am hoping that all of you readers can make Rashelle feel inspired to continue being proud to use her coupons! What ways have you motivated yourself in times of discouragement? How have you made your couponing adventures positive and fun?

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Comments 1072

  1. Shannon

    Rashelle- just what remember why we’re all doing this- to save money for our families. Just like all other decisions with my family, I could give a flying fig what other people think. In my opinion, people who look down our “our kind” of couponing are ignorant. Smile- because you’re smarter than they are!

    • Collin (Mrs. Hip)

      AMEN! I completly agree…. I could care less what people think about me. I understand it’s easy to get embarrassed, but you’ll probably never see these people again in your life…and if you do oh well. Your doing this to provide for your family, like everyone else and if we can save money on stuff we need to provide for our family, then that means we have more money to enjoy other places, and the real fools are the ones that are mocking you for it. Joke’s on them!

  2. Miranda

    I have gotten discouraged but for different reasons. People (especially the cashiers) were already looking at me weird… maybe I look weird?? 🙂 But I am discouraged because it seems now when I go into a store they are wiped OUT. I just feel like i’m fighting a battle now. I love saving and I love that I can do this for my family but I’m on the verge of just going back to my old ways. If I can’t use my coupons in the first place why am I wasting $2 a paper just to wind up throwing out all the coupons because the store didn’t have those items?? And they wind up expiring??

    • Bluemomrose

      I totally agree with you. Even when rite aid gave me a rain check they didn’t have the item for 35 days and when they had it the manager said the rain check is expired. Stores don’t have the stock and then cashiers are giving so hard time.

    • Michelle

      maybe you can help military families with those coupons? even if they are expired you can mail them to people at military bases and it can help them.

    • Collin (Mrs. Hip)

      I feel this way too! If seem like everything I have a coupon for is always out of stock! I only have 1-2 coupons per item, but can never find the item! I hear from the cashier “oh some lady bought all 100 we had in stock” uh!

    • Hopegirl66

      I am so right with you. The shelves are usually cleared big time. I sometimes will get the rain-checks, but then I usually forget about them. (I’m a tweener couponer with fibro and a full time job..so I have had to really scale back)
      And I had a really bad experience where these two women were in my local Rite Aid and were screaming and yelling across the isle’s, their kids were running up and down the isle, and they didn’t seem to care, they were only interested in clearing shelves. They were getting looks and the whole 9. They were being just awful and giving couponers bad names. “Brand Spanking” new binders, (maybe they were just upgrading) but they looked like newbies. Nothing against newbies, we all gotta start somewhere, but they were just really acting obnoxious. Seemed like everytime I would go into another isle to try to get one of my deals, there they would come and get me distracted!! I have not really been into it at all like I was before the show started airing either.

    • Laura

      I know what you mean! I get so excited over great deals, but when I get to the stores (especially Walgreens) more than half the things I want to get are gone!!! Wiped clean! And it’s just me and my daughter at home, so it’s not like I’m going to be buying 20 tubes of toothpaste at a time, but geez, it seems like I rarely get the chance to buy two or three of an item because they are gone. And yes, I get the crazy looks from other shoppers, cashiers, etc, but really, I couldn’t care less. I’m saving money for me and my daughter and that matters more to me than what other people think!

    • Becky

      That is exactly how I feel. And we only have a small grocery store, Wal-greens and Wal-mart in my town.. And Wal-Mart has gotten so difficult when it comes to printed coupons that if there isn’t certain cashier’s there to check me out I don’t even bother.. And I’m not an “extreme couponer” I use them for items that I purchase on a regular basis….

    • Cathy

      Good to hear others struggling too. I spend hours clipping and getting organized only to use 1/3 or less of my coupons. I dread shopping now rather than loving it like I used to….I’ve also got to be careful because often my frustration overflows to my husband and daughter which is completely unfair to them and makes them hate the deals too!

    • Barb

      I have the same problem! all the stores in my area have nothing anymore ..I went to walgreens the first day of their 2 day sale and there was not one thing left …..so the checker called other stores for me and they all were out and my coupons were no good the next day so it was a waste…and as I was in another walgreens there was a lady there and she had 6 cases of the right guard bogo free and I played dumb and said wow you must like that and she said ….Oh I have coupons so these are all free! I said WOW your kidding she said no you should watch the new TLC show its great and that is how I learned this …I said no thanks …but I said do you really need that many? she said Oh this is my 6 Walgreens I have been too …so that is the problem I hate that show ..I have been doing coupons for 5 yrs never had a problem until the last 2 months …I do buy some of my coupons on the high dollar ones
      but I can’t even get those anymore because they are sold out within mins! I’m getting really sick of it and I have wrote to walgreens and asked them to limit the items people can buy …I do stock up but I don’t hoard it

      • Miranda

        Well I buy 4 papers, I used to buy 6. I have even a few times only bought 2. We are a family of 5 but reaally I think I was wasting money. And I’m thinking seriously about only buying 2 this Sunday! and people where I live have been stealing papers from the machines so they have put up a sign threatening to take the paper out of our county! I live35 mins 1 way from the stores, so it is super frustrating for me to get there and they are out! I’m going shopping today and probably won’t even use coupons.

  3. shoehoard

    Actually I’ve received the exact opposite treatment here in Connecticut. I’ve only been couponing since April. When women (and men) see my binder, they stop me to ask me questions or comment on my organization. One woman said to me, ‘My husband kept looking at your binder and said I should be as organized as you.” Then she looked at my watch (it’s just a Guess watch) and said, ‘So that’s how you afford such a pretty watch.’ I’ve explained how to get started with couponing to people. The only people that get annoyed and rude with me are the cashiers. When I shop on Sundays, I get stopped at least twice from curious people.


      Hahahaha…Love shopping in Utah on Sundays the stores are empty. Love it I get all the deals too 🙂

    • nicole

      I have been getting alittle of both from others, but for the most part everyones been pretty nice and very curious as to how I do it. Im even having a coupon class in a few weeks because Ive had so many people asking about it here in my small town in Alabama

  4. Ebony Faith Cullars

    I have been feeling the same way lately I have been really down about couponing it use to be fun but now the cashiers are mean and its just really to much . I only do it now because I am a college student with not a lot of money. I use to do it because I love it but people get mad when they are in line behind me and I hate it !

  5. jennifer

    Don’t let it get you down. People are jealous that they are not as organized or as smart as we couponers are. I have always used coupons and been a bargain shopper. Just glad that I am not in debt for paying retail like they will be in the end. March on “sister soldier”.

  6. Terri

    Who cares what those dumb people think. I say good for you for holding your tongue. I would have told them that it is none of their business whether I used coupons or not. THEN I would have given them some examples of the amazing deals that you can get with coupons.

    Stay strong, and keep on saving!!

  7. Tastefully Kelly

    I always just start a conversation with those rude or intrusive people and say, “if they are willing to give it away, I am willing to take it. We do everything we can to save money and make smart financial decisions. Couponing saves us tons” and walk away politely. Even though I am kind of defending myself because it’s an awkward situation they create, I think it helps them see I am a person and kind of squelches their poor opinion of me and couponing.

  8. nicole a.

    I too feel your pain! Things have changed for me too. I went to a local store where I always shop and I usually stack and internet coupon with a Sunday paper coupon and all of a sudden somebody made a big stink about it and shut me down. I was getting ready to score a few free mustards and had to put them back. I also had another woman put the local paper that had inserts in it behind the desk at the store because people are going and pulling out all of the coupons. Now, I have to hunt around for those papers. I get weird looks with my binder and people have begun asking me why I am buying certain amounts of things. I continue to do my thing and try to ignore people. Right now when everyone is pinching their pennies you would think that people would not be so judgemental. I like the show but as my husband said it is starting to ruin things for everyone. I am even seeing stores put limits on things and how many coupons that you can use at one time where I never saw that before.

    • MommySpendsLess

      Unless the Internet coupons were STORE coupons, you never should have been able to stack them. You can’t use two manufacturer coupons on the same item, regardless of their source.

    • Aundrea

      I agree with your husband. The show is ruining it for everyone. In the last 2 days, I’ve heard 5 different conversations all surrounding the Extreme Couponing show & how they all want to get started. Which is great, but now, it’s a challenge to find the products & the cashiers get irritated. I’ve learned what stores to go to & what stores not to go to, just to avoid the nasty cashiers. But for someone who has been doing this for a couple of years, it’s frustrating all the hype the show is causing.

  9. Laurie

    I too have noticed a change, but I take a different approach, I do not get mad. I just tell them what I am doing, why I am doing it, and be nice and upfront about. My local cashiers all know me, they know I follow the rules, and I tell them if there is a good sale coming up and I give them coupons, for them and their families.
    No need to be ashamed.

  10. brittany

    As far as the Toys R us lady, she didnt have a problem taking your coupons for her purchase tho. I too get the stares but no one has directly said any thing because if they did I think that i would put them in their place. I would say if my coupon usage is bothering you feel free to go to another line, don’t be jealous that I am saving money. Envy is not cute

  11. Rebecca White

    Hey Rashelle and all my fellow couponers! I have only been doing this awesome project for a few weeks and I love it. Yes, I do get a lot of looks. I also get a lot of people asking me questions. I talk with everyone I can about and share the money I have saved thus far. I am at about a 60%-40% split on saving-spending. I love it!!!!!

    I, too wish I could give you a great big hug and tell you not to give up! I have found those eyes staring and I simply give a very polite great big smile and a quick “hi” and go on about my business. One thing I found myself doing is watching what someone around me is buying and if they are buying something I might have a coupon for I would offer them one. I have also advised some people about price matching values they might could take advantage of, like the gallon of Blue Bell Ice Cream for $3.99 (I hope they take advantage of it when they got to the register).

    Don’t give up! Be happy with what you are doing! And always keep in the front of your mind that you are actually helping your family financially! Your family comes first!

  12. Allison

    Personally I give the people who aren’t using coupons funny looks! Why would you not take.advantage of coupons and store sales, it’s like throwing away money! Keep it up!

    • Beth C

      Preach it sister! ^_^

    • Rhonda A.

      WOOHOO ALLISON! Good for YOU! I don’t know who all here are Bible thumpers…lol, I am…but even the Bible teaches us to be wise and good stewards with our money. So if I am pleasing to Him then I don’t have to worry if I am pleasing to them. I am not a hoarder by a loooong shot, but I love a good deal and if I can snag an extra or two to donate I’M IN! =)

      • Laura

        Amen! I’ve been able to give to those in need because of the great deals I get with coupons. I feel that this is part of my ministry! I wouldn’t be able to do it with coupons so I know God opened me to the coupon world so I can bless others. God loves a cheerful giver 🙂

        • Laura

          I meant to write I wouldn’t be able to do it WITHOUT coupons!

  13. Dorie

    I experienced this a few weeks ago. I was shopping in Target and two ladies walked by staring at me. I ended up having to turn around and go back to another area and passed them at the end of an aisle talking about me with some other people. I was very embarassed and wanted to run out and throw my binder in my car actually. But then two days later, I was doing my one weekly trip at Kroger and these two women behind me (who didn’t even know each other) were both watching the register and were so impressed by my savings and said that made them think it might be worth it for them to start couponing. I wasn’t hoarding (Kroger doesn’t even allow you to do that because they will only double 3 like coupons) so I couldn’t even if I wanted to! But that second experience did make me feel better about it–I impress my husband almost every time I go shopping, but he isn’t the one who is out there with me shopping and seeing me so I couldn’t help but feel a little embarassed when someone points or talks about me in the store!

  14. Tatyana

    I’ve been kinda down about coupons because of that. Haven’t used a single coupon in over 3 weeks…

  15. mbarrette0322

    I agree with Rashelle, and I would like to say that you will get those people who are rude but you will always get rude people that are upset about something and for you it seems to be that you are using coupons. They will always be upset about something so keep on doing great things for your family. I can also say that I am discouraged by the extreme couponing show for another reason! I leave the store with always saving more than what I spent but I never get the amount of savings that are seen on the show! I have called all of the newspaper companies and asked if I could have the extra inserts but they said no because they have them picked up by a recycling company! So we should all be proud of every bit that saves our families money in the end! I hope things get better for you.

  16. Rachel

    Hey Rashelle! I totally agree with Shannon. I do this to provide for my family. They have no idea what our lives or finances are. We chose to do this because we know what the outcome is. Be bold, be strong, and keep your head up. You know in your heart you are doing the right thing! What’s that saying… something to the affect of the right way not always being the easiest way? Do what’s right for your family girl… 🙂

  17. Michelle

    I’m so sorry that you’re feeling that way.
    I’m a Coup-bie (my word for a newbie couponer, lol), and I have to say what a rush it is when I’m in line and i save anywhere from $5 to $40. i’ve only made it up to $45 so far and only spent $35 but it’s such a rush. I get such a kick out of the people who are shocked, amazed or even disgruntled. Because I rave about it, and I feel that they wish they could get the savings but are too self conscious.

    My family has had the roughest year ever and this is one of my saving graces. It’s the only thing that’s really helping us to pay our bills.

    I hope you can look them in the eye, and with your look say “you are just jealous” and i’m amazing.

    I hope you can find the rush again from watching money just “beep” away on the register with your coupons again. People can be so mean, but if you can overcome that hurdle… maybe you can help other people (like me) who need the help and will look at you with admiration!

    You are doing a great thing for youself. Hopefully you can find the joy in it again.

    Wanna barrow my eyes for a sec and see what I see? (that would be cool)
    Just know there’s peeps out there that do have admiration for what you do!

  18. Sara

    I feel the same as Miranda. It’s like I can’t get to the store early enough anymore to get the deals. I really am just about to the point where it’s not worth putting the time into cutting the coupons if everytime I go to the store, the shelves are empty.

    • Susan

      I’ve been having the same experience. All of the best sale+coupon deals have empty shelves unless I run to the store the minute the sale week changes. It’s not worth the hassle to me. I’ll keep saving money by stocking up during sales, and using coupons for items that never/rarely go on sale. it’s just not worth it for me to compete for the matching deals.

  19. Pamela

    Rashelle — I totally feel you on this one! I consider myself pretty un-extreme for a couponer. I do not carry a binder stacked with coupons. I take advantage of deals, but the most coupons that you’ll see me use in a store at any given time is *MAYBE* 5-6 coupons. Still, I receive comments from cashiers about Extreme Couponing and if I am trying to mimic that. It’s ridiculous. I am far from a hoarder, and only use a few coupons at a time. I don’t watch the show (heck, I don’t even have cable, dish, or satellite) and I don’t like being affiliated with something that I have heard so much about, and not necessarily in a good light. Keep your head up!

  20. Annette

    Rashelle…I’m fairly new to ‘serious couponing’ and have only been doing this for about 6 months and have felt a great accomplishment in making the most with my coupons and sales. I encourage you to remember all that you’re able to do for your family…. save money.. buy some things that you probably wouldn’t buy before because it was ‘too expensive’.. maybe you’re able to donate some items or provide items to family/friends that have needs. Those are some of the things that keep me going… ability to help my family and others. Thankfully I’ve had positive interactions lately and its funny how people get excited for me about how much I’m able to ‘not spend’ and ‘get so much’… Hang in there!! Remember…this is about you and your family!!!

  21. Nicole

    People are just plain mean and rude.
    Everyone says kids are mean…well adults can be even more mean, judgmental and vocal.
    Let it roll off your shoulders.
    That first lady should’ve been appreciative…I don’t care how many coupons you have…you DIDNT have to share ONE with her.
    As for the couple…they were probably tipped off by seeing your coupons and picked up on a conversation they were having previously…it probably had nothing to do with you.
    Besides…what does it really matter?
    And those ladies need a little lesson in manners.
    I actually get a little bit of sheer joy by making someone that’s being rude behind me wait a little longer…karma will catch up to them.
    Smile, and know you’re saving money.

  22. liz

    Don’t ever feel ashamed of doing whats right for your family! I live in a small town, and got “the eyeball” from people even *before* that show came on, but I’ve never apologized for being able to keep my grocery budget down so we can save for our daughter’s education, take nice vacations and STILL have a little extra for savings.

    I’m pretty sure the coupon hype will die down soon enough… It takes real dedication (as you know) and honestly, I just don’t think that a lot of people have it in them to keep up with it. 🙂

  23. Lauren

    If other people want to pay full price for items, I say they are the ones who are loco and quite frankly not being a good steward of their resources.
    You just keep right on couponing and smiling the whole way!

  24. Penny Nickledime

    I get a lot of “do you watch that show?” questions when I’m out with my binder. I’ve yet to receive negative feedback but I do get a lot of questions like, “do you have 800 cans of corn?” (I don’t). I think its mostly innocent but I explain to them that most couponers aren’t extremists.

    I’m sorry you’re getting negative comments. Just keep in mind that their ignorance is costing them both in personal interaction and money. Don’t let those few discourage what 90% of the rest of the other people would celebrate. Their comments are probably 50% jealousy and 50% poor manners.

    I say speak up and say hello to the next person who stares. See how quickly they stop shaking their heads when they realize they, too, are being looked at.

  25. Nicole

    Sadly, I gave up my coupon binder since there are some extreme couponers here that wipe out all the products before anyone else can get a good deal.

  26. Beth C

    I have felt the exact same way you have! I have also been fortunate to have some ask me HOW I do it and tips for them. These people have helped me look past all those who glare and grumble. Also remember that you will have money to have more fun, enjoying being more debt free and taking vacations you wouldn’t have if you paid retail like they are.

    But all in all know you are not alone! The show has given me mixed feeling as the producers push them to make those “Biggest hauls”.

    Anyways, like Shannon said, they are just ignorant. “Smile-because you’re smarter then they are!”

  27. Dark Star

    I am glad you blogged this because I have an extremely bad taste in my mouth about the show and about the “ripple effects” the show has caused. I do coupon when I need to. I am not down on coupons. I have noticed an uprise in dumpster divers looking for coupons and I now dread going to any major store. In fact, I just realize I don’t go to “major” stores anymore. I shop at Aldi and the dollar stores and that’s about it. It seems like since that show, everyone and their brother are trying to emulate those kind of savings.
    I’m putting it out there, delete my post if you must, but it seems to me that the majority of people who are “hoarding” the goods don’t have monetary reasons to do so.
    I have couponed for years, out of necessity not for the sole reason to hoard up a one month, three month, six month or even a years supply of grocery items. I was frugal when frugal wasn’t cool… LOL. I still use the occasional coupon, but I agree with this poster, I am now embarrassed to do so. I don’t have a binder, but I do have an envelope.
    Embarrassing or not we do what we need to do for our families, but, yes, it is ridiculous the store shelves are empty before legit shoppers get to them. Rainchecks are fine, but I find rarely used unless someone is so extreme they actually remember to use them.

  28. sonia

    You rock those coupons and if they give you heck I say in their neck. And enjoy your savings with your family I,E, a movie or a snowcone you enjoy your savings and I will too:)

  29. JennyLynn

    You are not alone. I am a nurse, working in DC metro-since I’m a nurse, I work some “off shifts” and I have to admit that thanks to the very looks you are talking about I have started planning my shopping for the days when I get off of night shift at 0730-then get in the grocery stores when there are few people there. When someone says something negative to (or about) me I just smile, and say I hope that my saving money isn’t inconveniencing you, but last year it allowed me to donate items to toys for tots, the food pantry, the SPCA, and the savings paid for me to go on a trip to Hawaii to run a marathon for charity, so for me, it’s worth my time & effort to plan my shopping trips. I don’t imagine I’ll convert the world to loving coupons-but I have to believe that I’ve made at least one person stop and think about their negative comments.

  30. Monica

    I know how ya feel, but I honestly think, like everything else, it’s just a phase. People wont even care after awhile, and it’s all about providing for your family.

  31. Jessica

    I have felt the same way in some circumstances, but as others have said above, I just remind myself that as a stay-at-home mom this is MY WAY of contributing income to my family. And I feel bad for the people who don’t use coupons and pay retail price.
    I think it’s just a fad right now for a lot of people and it should slow down some after a few months when people realize it takes work and effort to keep up with it.

  32. coastone

    I have had a hard time finding papers lately, or find them with the coupons taken out. People sometimes look at my strangely, but most stores around me don’t let you use 20 coupons for something, so I never get more than 5 of an item usually. If I heard someone talking about me, I would just smile, and let them know that I do what I can to save for my family, but I don’t go overboard. I won’t even watch that show. People think I’m weird as it is ! 🙂

  33. patti

    I have had both negative and positive comments. I try and conduct myself in a way that I hope will inspire other people in their couponing. I don’t buy more than what I will use (or will donate) in the next few months or so , I don’t strip the shelves, steal coupons off pkgs that I am not purchasing etc. I try and hold my head high. I must admit that Extreme couponing show in itself, makes me feel bad. You are doing the right thing for yourself and family. Be proud of you efforts!

  34. sallie0710

    I play a game with the cashier! I put three one dollar bills on the counter and tell them to guess how much (dollar amount) I am going to save today in coupons. If they guess within one dollar (like they say $34 and I save between $33 and $35 then they get all three dollars) If it’s within five dollars they get $2 and within $10 they get $1. Amazing how quickly the attitude of scanning all those coupons changes! I’ve been asked about my couponing and I tell people “I’m not a freak or fame hound like on TV, I just cut coupons as it fits in my lifestyle so that when life gives us a financial curveball, I have enough money to cover it.”

    • Babs


  35. Jenna

    Don’t be discouraged, think of all the money you are saving your family! That is all that matters. I know it is hard when others are judging your every move at the store, but hold your head up high and know that others are just jealous that they are not able to save money like you can!

  36. Collin (Mrs. Hip)


    There will always be those who mock. There will always be those who are JEALOUS. To them I say, Let me teach you how. I am so glad that you are keeping your mouth shut and just ignoring them. I know this can be hard to do… people can be so hurtful with out even knowing that they are hurting you. Just keep in mind that you are saving money, they are not. You are acting in the right and they are not. So my friend stay strong. Coupon hard and SAVE SAVE SAVE!!!! You go Girl! 🙂 Chin up, and ask them if they would like to see your receipt. 🙂 Blessings to you and your family!
    Kala B.

  37. MommySpendsLess

    Aw, Rashelle, I know what you mean. I HATE that TLC show and wish they’d never aired it. After a few episodes I stopped watching it. I’m hoping there’s light at the end of the tunnel though. TLC keeps showing the same hoarders over and over again so I’m hoping they aren’t getting many volunteers and they’ll have to stop airing it soon. I’m sure the fuss will die down quickly after that. In the meantime, just be extra careful to use coupons correctly and know your store’s policy and kill your cashiers with kindness and try to ignore the other customers who are paying full price. If it really bothers you, maybe put a cute/funny sign on your coupon binder/tote/box that says something like ‘not qualified for TLC’ or ‘I’m a couponer, not a hoarder’ (I’m sure you can come up with something better, witty sayings are NOT my strong suit) but only if it would make you more comfortable.

  38. Dolly Clinard

    I think those who talk about “our kind” and either bored or jealous. I do agree that since the show aired even the cashiers get irritated when you even just give them 1 coupon. But don’t stop just because of those people. Even saving a few dollars a week at the grocery store equals a little extra cash to do something fun a few times a month.

  39. Kristen

    I find that lately I really don’t care what other people say or think. And this is coming from the girl who used to have a lot of anxiety problems. As my boyfriend pointed out to me (at Disney World, actually), the chances of me seeing any of those people again are nonexistant, so why worry what they think?

    We’re the ones saving money. Poo on them! (not literally, of course LOL)

  40. Princessbooboo

    I am pretty sure this has happened to many of non-extreme couponers like us. Personally, I have never experienced horrible thing like this, but here is what I do. Take my husband with me. You may think “that does not make any difference.” Well, it does. Unfortunately, whenever my husband comes with me, store people treat me nicely. I don’t like it because I feel like I cannot go to shopping by myself, but it is ok. It is actually fun because my husband tells me how good I am doing, and he keeps me from getting unnecessary things.

    I know extreme couponing show has negatively affected us, but guess what? People watched the show because they are interested in it, right? Well, they wanted to know about coupons at least when they watched the show. It is just so unfortunate that they got the wrong idea about couponers. However, that does not mean you should be discouraged, Rashelle. We are doing nothing wrong! We are here for you!!!

  41. Jennifer

    Oh I feel your pain Rashelle! I feel that shows like ‘extreme couponing’ have given couponers such a bad reputation in so many ways, down to our local stores making their coupon policy more strict(due to people abusing the system) which really stinks for those of use practicing practical, honest couponing. I, like Shannon, just keep in mind that I’m investing in my family by saving money on our grocery bill so that we stay out of debt and can possibly use that excess money from all my savings to do an extra family dinner at a nice restaurant or something like that. I don’t understand how people can talk negatively toward you because your being wise, so put your coupon ‘blinders’ on and keep on couponing!

  42. Angela

    Don’t let it get you down. You are being a steward of your money that God has gave you. People will always talk, stare etc. Keep your head high and remember why you do it especially when you look at your son. When you save using your coupons that should make you feel better it does for me. I get stares all the time from people and the comments as well and I just think these people don’t know what they are missing. Keep your head high and keep couponing!!!!!!

  43. Leighann

    I’m also discouraged because of the stuff that is always wiped out on the shelves. It seems like in my area there’s no way to get any sort of stockpile going on because unless you’re there the minute after the store’s truck arrives, you are SOL. It’s especially bad at the drug stores; I’ve talked with the cashiers there and they say that there are some women who come there in a group and will stand outside the store waiting for it to open on truck day! At CVS the cashier told me that the women always wipe them out, there’s 3 of them who come in and do it. It’s very discouraging.

    If someone were to say to me that I was taking advantage or stealing, I’d tell them to mind their own business unless they’re willing to pay for my family’s groceries every week. It isn’t anyone else’s business what you’re doing with your money. If cashiers get snotty with me, I tell them that perhaps they need to take a break for an attitude adjustment; they’re not there to pass judgement on what I’m buying or how I’m paying for it, they’re there to take my money for the store.

  44. Amanda

    I’m not big on couponing. I try but they never have coupons for things I use. I have much respect for those who are able to use coupons. If people wanna talk, just know that they are jealous and spiteful and have dark hearts. Keep doing what you love. And where do you get a coupon binder??

  45. tanyetta

    Haters gonna Hate! <<—LOL! I love saying that!

    Keep on doing what you're doing! You OFFER a coupon to someone and they respond with a negative response? Ummm…yeah, that's SO NOT COOL! Keep your head up and keep on doing YOU!

    This is my all time favorite video and lyrics! Friends give Friends a Hand! So don't STOP 🙂

  46. codysmommy

    Rashelle – feel proud that you’re not being gouged by the inflated prices in the stores these days and have a chuckle to yourself that “they” are!! I save money every where I can, from coupons to trading kids clothes with friends. The coupons are printed for a reason, for people to USE them!! Be happy, because at the end of the day, you will be the one with a few extra bucks to take your kids out for ice cream and they won’t!!

  47. Dawn

    I have to say that I have never had any rude comments. In fact I have had several people ask me how to do it. If there have been rude looks, I haven’t noticed them. It is too bad people feel the need to put others down. I HAVE noticed that more and more often, I cannot find the items I am looking for, even if I go to Walmart to price match, say, a CVS deal. I have all but given up on Walgreens as they NEVER have stock available. Like Miranda said, it does make me wonder if it is worth it to spend the money and effort on collecting the coupons only to have them expire before I can use them. That is the worst!

  48. Lisa m

    don’t give up, i am starting a coupon clippers class, not my idea but when people here of my good deals they want to learn to. I am by far from an extreme couponer I hate that show it makes us regular couponers look bad. So keep on couponing and save your family some money.

  49. Kaelee P.

    Rashelle, you should never feel bad about using coupons! They are out there to be used, and most people don’t use them! My mom saves her paper for me every week because she doesn’t have the patience to use them. I’m not an “extreme” couponer, but I try my best, If I can save a few dollars a week by using coupons, I do. I wish they would take the show off the air because some people are now looking at people who use coupons as freaks, or people who have nothing better to do with their lives than rip off stores. I am a stay at home mom, and I use my son’s nap time as my “coupon time” and all the money I save, can go into a savings account for my little man’s college fund. Don’t ever feel bad, those people are just ignorant, and need to just mind their own business.

  50. Jennifer

    I’ve had a hard time using coupons too… but it’s not the glaring or people saying mean things. I just can’t seem to get to the deals on time. I don’t shop on Sunday’s and if I go Monday mornings/evenings everything is gone!! It’s so frustrating. We make just enough not to have help and I would prefer not to get help but our family is struggling more than ever because of the coupon/product hoarding. I get one paper and my mother-in-law let’s me have the coupons from her paper (so ordering from the store isn’t really an option for me) I rely on the shelves that always seemed to be cleared out…. and I’m not sure what to do either.

    • Autumn

      FYI You can get coupons for really cheap on Ebay. They’re already clipped and ready to go, so you’re just bidding on the time and effort someone else put into. Also, talk to your local gas stations and ask them what they do with the Sunday papers they haven’t sold at the end of the day. If you can develop a rapport with them, they may allow you to take the extras as long as you recyle the paper you don’t need. Good luck and keep your head up! This is so worth it!

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