Extreme Couponing Affecting the Un-Extreme?
So, I received the following email from reader, Rashelle. She is feeling very discouraged about using coupons and even dreads going to the store. Here’s what she had to say:
Hi Collin, I know this may seem odd but I was wondering if you have heard from any readers that they have been feeling down about using coupons lately because I have. Ever since the “Extreme Couponing” show has been airing I feel myself getting looks from other customers. For example, I was at Toys ‘R’ Us the other day with my son and a lady in front of me had items that I had a store coupon for which I wasn’t going to use and I asked if she wanted it, she was very thankful and asked if I was sure I didn’t need it and my son said, don’t worry she has a whole binder of them at home, and her tone changed drastically as she said “Oh, you’re one of Those.”
I was in Publix last night doing my weekly coupon shopping and was flipping thru my binder when a couple of women walked past me, looked me up and down and then one said to the other “she’s loco” (crazy in Spanish) and at checkout a husband and wife came into line behind me at the end of my transaction while my coupons were being scanned and started talking very loudly about how the people on “that show” take advantage of shopping (and I didn’t even have a cart full of stuff).
There have been so many times lately when I feel glaring eyes upon me and I feel I need to justify myself to these people and say I am not a hoarder, I don’t have a small grocery store in my house, I am not clearing shelves, and so on, but of course I just smile and keep my mouth shut. I hate this feeling of being embarrassed and ashamed of my coupons because I use to be so proud and happy of all of my great savings and I don’t want this to ruin couponing for me, but it has left me very discouraged, and instead of being excited to do my weekly trip, I almost dread it. I was just wondering if I am the only one experiencing this behavior. Thanks for your time and for everything you do!
Since I cannot give you a hug (I so love hugs!) or tackle the stores with you, I am hoping that all of you readers can make Rashelle feel inspired to continue being proud to use her coupons! What ways have you motivated yourself in times of discouragement? How have you made your couponing adventures positive and fun?
I was in Fred Meyer the other day with TWO coupons – one for cereal and one for eggs if I purchased the cereal. The cashier had to CALL THE MANAGER over because she said I had too many coupons and she doesn’t want to lose her job if she would deduct the coupons when she wasn’t supposed to. REALLY?????? I couldn’t believe it…I was only purchasing milk, two boxes of cereal and one dozen eggs. That’s it. I couldn’t believe what a huge hassle two coupons turned out to be. I agree that this show has made stores less willing to take coupons. But, if people don’t like it, I really don’t care. I have too many other things in life to worry about then what people think at the store. They are secretly jealous that they aren’t saving as much money as you are. Keep it up and don’t get discouraged.
I ran out of paper last night so i used some paper from my kids tablet that fit perfectly in my printer and I went to my local kroger to buy some $1.99 stayfree products and i was able to use the coupons which allowed me to only pay .99 for a pack of 22 and there was no problem, but today when i went to but two more the cashier had to get the mgr to see if she could take my coupon i told her that it did scan, she was very sweet so i waited and the mgr didnt even take 1 second to tell me that he could not take them, so i told him that i had used 1 the night before and he told me very rudely and sarcasticly ” thats fantastic but i am not going to take them!” I felt really bad and before leaving the store i told him that i at no time disrespected anybody and that i was polite because i am not a mean person and i told him that i did not think it was okay that he took that attitued towards me. I feel very bad when all i am trying to do is save some money i am not robbing anyone.
The way I see it is I do what’s best for me and my family. That’s my job, right? I am a mother of 2 boys with a wonderful husband. I’d much rather “ruffle some feathers” in the grocery store knowing I’ve done everything I can to help my family than spend more $$ to make a grumpy person not grumpy! Let’s face it, most of those people would find something else to gripe about anyway.
I’ve actually told one lady at the store “You won’t bring my down Mrs. Rainy Day!” Her expression was priceless!!! I say be PROUD of what you’re doing and don’t loose sight in WHY you’re doing it!!! Coupon AWAY!!!
I totally agree!!!! I once told my cousin who said older people were griping at them inline and i told her we will never make them all happy ! If i were on foodstamps they would be complaining that i should stop having kids if i cant afford to feedthem But then when you coupon so you dont have to go that route they still get angry So I shared a deal i knew about along with a coupon to get to a few people that were grumpy with me and they changed !:)
Your are right! Thank you!
You are not alone i feel the same way i have lost interest in couponing i have not gone in cvs going on 3 months now and i hate grocery shopping i dont even buy the papers anymore the stores statring to treat me differently..Its not worth it .I still use coupons if i see them, but i am so much smarter now because i know how to spot a deal and store brand..Just being wiser.. i guess.
I read on another website that the show “extreme couponing” has asked stores to “bend” their double policies to allow the extreme savings and all but one store has agreed to do it. They also show that almost everytime the couponer says this is going to be my biggest shopping trip ever, well yeah because the show is bending the rules for you! It made me even more upset at the show to read that! I’ve been wondering how they manage that since most of the stores around here double up to 20 per day although they’ve been very nice and allowed me to break my transaction into 2 transactions often which i understand is at their discretion and they could always tell me no!
I don’t let the show bother me or anyone else’s looks. My last transaction at Bloom I had a very eager cashier to ring me up since she’d seen me shopping with my coupon binder and she was I think even more excited than I was to see my total and she said multiple times you did aswesome! You did awesome!! Definately choosing the right cashier helps!!
I guess I have been lucky because people have ooed and ahed at my binder. I am so sorry that you are going through this! I know how hard it can be to feel judged for whatever reason. Hang in there and don’t forget they are the ones missing out! They are paying full price for what you are getting great deals on and in the end, they are the ones taking the hit for not “taking advantage of shopping”. ((Hugs)) <3
I think we’ve all had those people who give the looks or actually say something when you’re couponing (or the frazzled, un-coupon educated checkers). I take my binder with me; I have my list and pre-pulled coupons for every store I go to, but if there’s a sale on something my family uses or needs, I want to still be able to take advantage of it. I have been stopped by the store managers at safeway and walmart to show my binder and how I can shop in one of the country’s 5 most competitive grocery markets (8 food stores, not to mention Wags and CVS) and still save money. They loved it and told me to keep up the hard work.
My pat answer to people who give me the rolling of the eyes, etc. is this – I went from $1200 a month in groceries/hygiene items to $400 a month by changing my shopping habits. It’s not just using coupons, it’s watching sales, buying produce that is in season, and using what we have. $800 a month I have to invest in whatever I want to – almost $10,000 a year I save. I don’t know anyone who wouldn’t love to have an extra $10K in their bank accounts.
One woman joked about how couponing is such a “welfare” thing to do. So I smiled, said that’s really an interesting comment, however, I have a master’s degree and being frugal is how the millionaire next door made the millions. She had a Louis Vuitton handbag, and I had to casually mention that from what I have saved so far this year ($5200), I could purchase 3 of her bags.
It’s all in your mentality…you have to get over the small people and focus on what YOUR goals are. Don’t be discouraged – focus on WHY you have committed to a frugal life and then let the people who are dumbing themselves with ridiculous television crap just go right by you.
Fantastic response! Thank you for your encouragement. 🙂
When people talk loudly about the Extreme Couponers and their excess, say “I know right?! I use coupons to buy food and things we actually NEED. Those people ARE nuts!” And either they’ll be embarassed that they were lumping you into that group, or they’ll shut up because they know you aren’t in that group. All the news about the extreme couponing has encouraged me to try (in moderation) to be a better couponer. I’m sorry it’s had the opposite effect on you. 🙁
I don’t understand people! Yesterday I was in a store buying a couple deoderants (they were BOGO) and the girls behind me saw me whip out my couple of coupons and just walked off. I’ve encountered the occasional frustrated cashier as well but I try to remember that standing on your feet all day for what Wal-Mart pays you is hard work and give them a little grace. I’m probably not the first person with trouble coupons and the others probably came in trying to pull one over or use six coupons on one item.
I did have a fun experience in Bi-Lo the other day though. I had my binder out and was doing the math on cereal when a gentleman walked past and said “You save a bunch of money using those, don’t you!” And I responded that I did and he said (very proudly) that he and his wife use the coupons and they don’t have a binder but they like the savings. His daughter, he said, had a big system like mine and she saved tons of money.
A few minutes later a woman noticed that I had two Worchestershire sauces in my cart (I don’t care how many coupons I have for something, I don’t shelf clear. The stuff is good forever on the shelf and I don’t use that much!) and she asked me where it was located. When I told her, her son saw my binder and said “Uh-oh mom! You’ve got competition!” then I noticed she had a box of coupons on her cart too. She said “Yep! Better get my shopping done before she swoops my deals!” and we both laughed.
I think the key is to just remember that when people understand what you’re doing they appreciate it. Cashiers deal with lots of grumpy customers every day and it doesn’t hurt to give them a smile and thank them for their time. Mostly, just keep your head up. The bottom line is that couponing saves money. I think in these economic times EVERYONE should appreciate that fact.
I was also feeling the same way especially when I was going to Albertsons on double day and my least favorite cashier was working, who always questions every coupon and makes rude comments like “you know this isn’t going to last much longer, it was not meant to be like this”. and I am doing 2 sets of 3 transactions each.(usually this means 18 items) or you must have a big garage. Or the cashier at Fred Meyer last week that told me my transaction was fradulent because I was buying a product on sale for $1.99 and my coupon was for $2.00 off. The Manager told her to adjust the coupon down to $1.99 she told me and everyone behind me that this was fradulent. I was horrified, felt like a criminal. Went home thought about it and remembered that I am a rules girl, I do not break the law, why should I be embaressed because I spend hours researching deals for my shopping trips in order to save money to give my family a better life. Why is this any different then shopping for the best insurance deal, running your debit card as a credit to get those points, etc. which I am sure alot of the people looking down on us do. I no longer care what they think. I will no longer be embarresed doing what every other red blooded American does when purchasing a product. Look for the best deal, keep shopping and keep stimulating this country’s economy.
well said!!!!
The cashiers at Fred Meyer are the WORST, unless it’s a Fred Meyer coupon. I don’t know why they are so allergic to manufacturer’s coupons, but I’ve pretty much had it with their obnoxious attitudes, and I’m going to start asking to speak to a manager every time I get treated like garbage for using a coupon out of the newspaper.
It was recenly brought to my attention, from a person behind me in a line, that when a store adjusts down a coupon (to $1.99 for a $2 coupon), the store is then submitting that coupon for the full value of the coupon. So, the next time you get a fraudulent comment like that, you can actually explain that their store will be receiving the full amount, even though it was adjusted down. The store actually made out. This should make them feel bad for their comment instead of you. Below is an explaination I found….
“Stores allow overage because they will be reimbursed for the full value of the coupon when they go to redeem it with a manufacturer. So while your item cost 99 cents, when the coupon (for $2.50) goes to the clearinghouse, a machine will calculate the total redemption that the store will receive. Your coupon will deliver the store $2.50 in value. It’s important to remember that when stores allow customers to use overage, they’re not losing money – they’re simply passing that savings onto the shopper. They will be reimbursed for the full amount of the coupon. If a store chooses to adjust a coupon’s value down to the point where the item you’re purchasing is free, but the store doesn’t “pay you” the remaining value of the coupon, the store keeps that overage difference for itself instead of passing it onto you. Again, it’s important to understand that they’re well within their rights to do so.”
I am new to couponing and have experienced some good shopping trips and some that have been very discouraging. The people at CVS have always been very nice, but the grocery store I have been shopping at for many years has often been rude and has made me rethink if I want to spend my money there. I will keep trying because I am saving money and have been able to get things for my family that I wasn’t able to before and that’s what is important.
That is exactly it! I try to stay close to home when shopping, to boost my neighborhood. But when you run into negative people at your favorite store….you have to let management know, even if it’s in an annanomoys phone call or by email. The managers want our business. If we come in with coupons ( and they get reimburssed for them) there’s a chance we will buy something without a coupon….which is what they are in business for. Don’t let grumpy employees ruin your day. If you run into one, ask for the manager to supervise your transaction. That will change the tune of your grumpy cashier!
Rashelle – I know what you are saying, I too have been verbally acosted in stores. I would not be able to live the way I do without coupons. I don’t run a blog, but post my weekly freebie results on facebook for my friends to see. They are always having fun seeing what is possible, even if they don’t want to take on the hobby themselves.
Some people live their lives in a fog of self-created entitlement. They believe the prime parking spot should have been theirs, they don’t like to wait for a table on Friday night for dinner out, they think a lane should be opened at the checkout lanes if they have to wait 30 seconds, and these same people are the ones who ARE ignorant in every aspect of their lives, and they suffer for it most typically through their pocketbook. (I sell cars…I love to see ignorant people walk in the door. They believe they know the ‘best’ car for them, and they usually judge it by the price tag. I like them coming back every 2 years because it did not quite measure up to their expectations!)
You are responsible for you and yours. The difference you make to your annual budget will pay for whatever…a vacation, a college fund, some debt paydown, the utility bills, keeping a roof overhead?
Just smile and know you choose to NOT be ignorant, but to be saavy and smart!
I would love to “friend” you on facebook and see what deals you think are worthy!
Anyone can friend me and spread great deals.
Couponjunkie2010 join me on FaceBook
Well, all I can say is that I have not let it bother me. I get the same looks. But most times people will just ask me if I’ve seen that show. I say no, cuz quite frankly I don’t have any desire to, plus we don’t have t.v., so it doesn’t matter anyway. But I be sure to tell them that I do not hoard stuff and I give stuff away and give out coupons as well. That’s really all you can do. Keep a smile on your face and keep saving money, the way you know you should! 🙂 Just know you are not the only one out there that feels that way!
First of all, it doesn’t matter what other people think PERIOD! I have been through cancer treatment for the last year. People STARE at the bald, boobless woman they see. I wave “Hey hello!” like the Queen of England (scares the beegeebees out of them!). I also learned from cancer that not only do you need NOT to worry what others think but you need and can be assertive in all situations. I had a monstrous transaction at Target last month. People eyeing me, hughing and puffing as I pulled out my coupons. The cashier was horrid to me and even took out a giant handbook of “Coupon Rules” and started reciting them to me as if it were the Bible. She took all my coupons and didn’t use half of them! I got home and called Target, I talked to a manager and assertively explained what had happened. I went back to meet him and he gave me $15.00 worth of Target coupon “money” and apologized stating he had “a talk” with that cashier! I am not advocating complaining in hopes of “scoring” free coupons, but I was proud of myself for sticking up for my coupons and for myself. BE BRAVE!
We all can learn from this post. I am glad you posted and I read!!! Thankfully you are still with us.
You DO Rock!
You go girl!!
bemedee1962, you have hit the nail right on the head about politely but firmly complaining to corporate headquarters about rude clerks, managers, employees. I really recommend that all of you lovely coupon angels add the telephone numbers of the corporate customer relations number of the retail stores that you use. If you get any grief from an employee, just quietly complete your transaction, pay and then before leaving the store, call the corporate headquarters on your cell and inform them of the employee’s behavior, icluding the location of the store, name of the specific clerk and the name of the manager on duty who may have been involved in the transaction. If you feel uneasy about doing this inside the store, do it promptly upon leaving. Hang in there ladies and gentleman, you are shining lights.
You give me inspiration. Not just for couponing, but for life. I did the same thing at Fred Myer when the clerk several times told me and everyone behind me in line that my transaction was fraudulent because you can’t use a $2.00 off coupon on a $1.99 sales item(even though the manager told her to adjust the coupon down to $1.99. I was pleasant but went back to the store a couple of hours later and talked to store director. He was horrified and gave me a $10.00 gift card.(which I used to get more products with my coupons). I work at a national retailer and I try to educate not only the other cashiers but the Managers about how coupons are stimuating our economy. Keep shouting this out.
I had a racist comment made at me at a Walgreens last summer. I am caucasian, and because, according the the asst mgr, the store was in one of “those” areas (I told him my neighborhood store down the street- ritzy area- didnt do what he was doing), he could take coupons from those he wanted to and deny those he didnt like. When he made a reference to race, I looked him straight in the face and told him what he was doing was discrimination and it was illegal! I was using a coupon from Walgreens’ own corporate website, by the way, and he called it fraudulent! Well, I called corporate office and said word for word what was said to me, that a photolab tech witnessed the conversation and to question her, and that thank you, I have two masters degrees and worked for Eckerd Drugs for 11 years prior to getting national certification in my current profession! I told them bluntly that my father-in-law was an attorney of 41 years and I would pursue legal action if not for me, for all others who this man seems to want to discriminate against. I suggested he be put in one of the “worst” store/areas in our county according to his beliefs, or lose his job. Guess what? Corporate Walgreens listened. Do not tolerate any rudeness/discrimination from ANY store and definitely report it!
i get the same thing whenever i go into target, and rite aid. locally though cvs and walmart are great to work with. at target i get accosted alot being like those on the show because of coming in with notebook and coupons. i just point out that i 2 maybe 3 of the same item which is different than hoarding. if i have a lot of stuff and the lady behind me is huffing i start talking to the cashier about how unfortunate it is that a few bad people (huffers and “that” show) make it hard for the rest of us to save a little money on what our family needs. typically if the cashier is the one being nasty then that seems to calm them down and the person behind me either stops or goes to another line. i know that i shouldnt have to explain myself but sometimes it just makes things simpler to take a few minutes.
I got into couponing to help save money for my family. My husband and I were looking toward retirement in a few years when our (now) 12 year old would be on her own… and found out we were pregnant! Baby stuff is SO much more expensive than it was 13 years ago… and it takes from what we had planned for our older daughter… so EVERY penny counts! I now have a printout of any coupon policy I can get. I have told several people, I’m not out to steal… just to get a good deal!
Two days ago I found Tidy Cat Litter on sale for $1.39 a 10lb bag, thanks to Hip2Save I had $2 off coupons – I did a “Happy Dance” in the middle of the aisle! (Then bought cat food with the overage!
There’s a saying… “…. ’em if they can’t take a joke”…. well, couponing is NO JOKE, but the sentiment is there…. YOUR JOB is to provide for your family…. Remember gtade school? The bully was the one who was most jealous…. just like these people… Be proud of what you do!
That is how I got into “couponing”. The addition of a child, with all the specialized stuff that they need and the companies knowing you have to have them (ie; pregnancy clothes) is what prompted me to use coupons. When you notice the savings adding up, it then dribbles into your other expenses too. I don’t hoard items, but I do stockpile items I know I frequently use…if the deal is good.
I had 2 coupons in my hand (two!) and had a lady ask if I was an extreme couponer. I said “No. I am a realistic couponer.” There is a huge difference. I try to go to the same cashier every time or go when there aren’t many people around (very early in the morning.) Just like anything else in life, I think the hype of all this will die down at some point. Meanwhile, I make sure my husband gives me a pat on the back after I tell him how much I saved.
I love that title! Realistic Couponer. I’m going to put that on my binder.
I have definitely experienced less coupon-friendly cashiers since TLC started airing this bad-joke-of-a-show. I just stand there and smile, and apologize for having so many coupons. I have my favorite cashiers at Meijer that never let me down, but I do start to panic if they aren’t there…
I just smile at other customers if they give me any flak about my binder or how many I’m using. I give people who get in line behind me a heads up that it may take a while, and usually they’re appreciative. But if I get dirty looks or comments from other people in the aisles, I try to make light of it by smiling and saying something stupid like “Would you like a coupon, too?” Please, like your 37 kids screaming and flailing all over the store aren’t more annoying than my lil ol’ coupon binder. Pfft!
hahhahahaha this made me laugh.. thank you..
LOVE your comment!
I feel the same way when people drag their bazillion kids to the store and then act like MY COUPONS are a horrible thing.
I so loved your remark about the wailing kids. How can my quiet coupons compete against wild children? Coupon on ladies!
She certainly is not the only one.
It has had more than one effect though, as an employee of Walgreens I see new people trying it everyday. They aren’t usually very good at them and I generally refer them here for tips, but every last one of them says “Have you been getting a lot more couponers since that show started?”
So for all the people who take it as a negative thing, there are just as many wanting to give it a shot.
I love my Walgreens cashier. Because I use so many coupons, I usually checkout at the cosmetics counter. She (now) knows me and has always been great and supportive to me.
I have had a lot of the “oh crap we are in the wrong line” looks when people behind me see my stack of coupons, but I DONT CARE!!! I am saving my family $1000’s of dollars a year, and I am extremely proud of myself. I DO NOT hoard like those people on that show. They make me sooooo mad because they make the rest of us look bad. I stock up on things we really need and will use with in a year (like shampoo, conditioner etc)
The other day I went to target, and with my large coupon stash, I got $300 worth of essentials for $2.98. I was actually given a round of applause by the cashier and a lady behind me. The lady behind me only had four items, but because I had organized my items quickly and made the sale fast, she didn’t care. I was sooooo happy I called my Husband and all my family!!
Please DO NOT be discouraged about using coupons. It is a way of life for many of us, and it actually does help the economy!!! Keep your chin up, and feel proud that you are smart enough to save your family money, when other people are just too lazy!!!
P.s. I am off to four different stores right now with over $400 in coupons!!! I can’t wait!!!
Kudos to you! (0:
I went into Wallmart yesterday and saved $20.00 and everyone was as excited about the saving’s as I was. I have gone into Target and the cashier was not so friendly so I just think that most likely she is not a happy person no matter what and I walked out with a good saving….. Just smile at them and know that you will have a little extra cash in you pocket !!
I posted a comment a while back about the effect that the Extreme Couponing was having on the reputation of couponers. I did not think it was a very positive effect. I have seen more couponers in my area than ever before and I have seen some couponers be very unhappy with cashiers and store managers. I think both the “fad” of couponing and the new show have not been the best impact on real couponing. There is also a local person with a blog about couponing that has become somewhat of a celebrity and I am sure that has impacted couponing in our area. I have not really watched Extreme Couponing except a little bit once. For some reason it bothers me to see that much excess especially right now when so many areas are devastated by tornadoes. I think some people see coupoing as a “fad” which in a way it is for some people who think it is easy to coupon. Coupoining is hard work. I think once some of the “fad” has passed the couponing for those who use it religiously will settle down.
I have 2 binders for my coupons! I buy 2-5 newspapers a week. I keep everything in my binders related to shopping, rebates, news ads, shopping lists and coupons. I usually do not take my binders into the store. Instead I keep a little coupon holder in my purse and stash coupons I want to use in there. I try to shop at times when there are fewer people and less of a crowd. I only shop once a week most of the time but sometimes there are good deals going on that I want to stock up on.I always let people who have just a few items go ahead of me if I plan on using a lot of coupons. I also share coupons with customers and cashiers. I also do not clear the shelf. I also do not complain or try to commit coupon road rage. I just say I don’t want the product if the coupon does not work.
Finally, I just decided it is OK not to use coupons on everything. I go to the store and buy lots of items because it is a good sale without coupons. I also think about what I want my family to have particularly when it comes to food. I spent $20 on Farmer’s Market items today because they are fresh and last much longer. I want my family to have lots of veggies and fruits and there are no coupons for those products at a farmer’s market that I am aware of.
Be confident in how you provide for your family and people will respond to your confidence,
Everyone has opinions about everything but that should not let deter you from taking care of your family. Be respectful of others while couponing and believe me that respect will come back to you.
Sunday mornings I buy a paper at CVS. Since the TLC show started they need to keep the papers behind the counter because someone was stealing the inserts and dumping the papers in the back of the store. I have been getting attitude from some cashiers. I try to stick with my favorites. I like to tell them where I got the IP’s. If there are peelies on products that make for freebies I share the info with the cashiers. Cashiers like to save money too. They have gotten to know me and my 3 kids which I feel makes them kinder to us.
***))(((***Where does everyone get ALL those coupons for such a large transaction? Do you really purchase 50 of each newspaper? Dumpster dive? Buy them online? Or have a hook-up at the local newspaper Company? No one ever really says, is it that top secret?! lol I think the show has ruined it for the couponers who coupon to keep their families heads above water. We have a local guy here who hoards the shelves, then posts pictures and brags about it on his FB. When you try to ask him a question he gives a very vauge answer and just puts a smiley face. So RUDE! Love your blog!
I am fairly new to the couponing and I love it. I myself have had a couple situations where people behind me have made comments about my coupons. I calmly and with a smile turned and said ” if you would like to give me the 40-50 dollars I am about to save I would gladly put them back in my binder”. Its amazing how people shut up. I have had great interactions with people at the check out as well who support the effort I make in reducing my grocery bill. Don’t be discouraged you are saving money for your family. I will not let anyone make me feel bad for using my coupons!!!
I read of another great response to the grouches behind you in line. The lady said; “unless you’re willing to pay for my order, I’d appreciate you keeping your comments to yourself.”
Who cares if they give you looks? If they wanna spend money on something they don’t have to, let them. They aren’t paying your bills. They don’t feed your family.
If it makes you feel better give out extra coupons. I do. If they give you the stink eye after hearing about a binder, ask them if they have ever used a gift card, or a coupon that comes in a flyer for a store.
Or tell someone where they can find something cheaper without a coupon.
I used to think those who got excess was loco, until I started seeing all the money I could save. My hub and I are stocked with deodarant for months thanks Walgreens.
Keep your head up, and don’t worry so much about others. They don’t take care of you and yours!
I think whichever way a person decides to checkout at the grocery store is their business. We’ve all been behind someone using food stamps or EBT cards before. It may take a little longer, but I would never complain about that. Who am I to judge someone trying to feed their family? What happened to people at the grocery store minding their own business? If you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say it at all, right?
As far as that rude cashier who told you your $2 coupon for a $1.99 item was fraudulent, and then continuing to tell other people in the store that you are doing a fraudulent transaction, I would be having a talk with her manager and corporate. I’m no lawyer, but isn’t that slander?
I was just blogging about this very thing this morning. I haven’t run into it much in the grocery store but I have had a huge issue with it using groupon and other savings vouchers. It is really discouraging but I always look for opportunities to explain my savings and also explain how it works. I am NOT stealing from the store by using a coupon (they are getting reimbursed) and I am not pulling a stunt by using a groupon (the store is the one who made the offer in the 1st place!) I am only trying to be frugal and not live above my means. But I still want to do things and have fun! Here is my rant on my blog! itsmecep.blogspot.com
Who cares what they think? I don’t. You are saving money and it will make you more financially sound for the future. Be proud that you aren’t paying full price!!!
Honestly I have gotten weird looks recently when Im out shopping too. Which has never happened before, I have been couponing for 4 years know. I try not to make big purchases, just so I wont be in the store forever, because I get annoyed really quick, but other than that. I can proudly say that couponing has giving me a career. If it wasn’t for coupons I would have not been able to make it through nursing school, and maintain a household without a job. My huspand is the only one that works, and it was my responsability to helpout. And I did.
It’s jealousy. I’m with most of you, i don’t clear a store, but i have to admit i do watch the show, and i have learned a few things like buying the smallest size allowes for the biggest savings. Ii only buy 4 papers a week, and so even with online coupons I’m only buying 4-6 of an item. My husband said that show will give us a bad name, and will probably cause stores to change their rules like eliminating moneymakers. You should feel bad for yourself, but feel pity on those people because you’ve discovered a secret they haven’t. Ok, so we may never be able to send our kids to college on what I save, but I’m buying name brand products for the same or less then generic. You ladies are right. My husband is the only income in our house so I can stay home with our kids, and if facing a snarling cashier is what I have to do in order to make sure every penny my husband earns while being away from his family is used wisely, then stores beware because here I come!!!!!
The show is actually what got me started on couponing, I had seen the original, the pilot to the actual series I guess. I thought about it and was interested in doing it, but wasn’t sure where to start, so when the show came out I finally dove in and started at the end of March. I am definitely not going to stop couponing, it is fun but is definitely time consuming, but being a SAHM I need to find ways to save us money on the things that cost us a lot, like those darn razor refills. I’ve had some rather good experiences, like a lady behind me who told me what she did with her savings, she put it into an account and I think she said she got like $20K in 7 years! Which was awesome, so she was happy to see me save, another lady was behind me and had a binder so obviously she wasn’t going to have an issue with me using coupons. I don’t take my binder in the store with me. I put my coupons into a small envelope and name which stores they are for (so I have multiple envies). I have had some bad experiences as well, like a GSTA (Guest Service Assistant) at Target who didn’t know that you could type in the mobile coupon code since my screen on my phone won’t allow them to scan. She was kind of rude about it so I just removed the item and went on my way. My local grocery store here, Fry’s, was featured on, not last weeks, but the week befores episode of Extreme Couponing, they basically released a statement that said that they disregarded their coupon policy for promo purposes…which pissed a lot of people off. This lady had 6 fridges and freezers or something, she also has a blog and has been stating that her store allows her to use as many coupons as she wants, and will make them ALL a dollar (limit is 3 per like item) so that was another issue. We are lucky though in my area to have a store that take competitor coupons (grocery store) makes all manufacturer coupons a dollar AND takes competitor store coupons which allows you to stack. They also have a gas incentive. I’ve saved a lot of money, and sometimes I do get a rush, or nervous that something isn’t going to go correctly, or I’m going to be told I can’t do something when I in fact know that’s not the case. I was anticipating issues with the B1G1 Clean and Clear deal at Wags a few weeks ago, so I actually checked out at the cosmetics counter and it wasn’t an issue at all. I actually also donated a cookie to the troops too 🙂 I enjoy couponing, and I am a loud mouth so I do try to keep my cool if someone has an issue with me, but I do enjoy it. My boyfriend is enjoying the endless supply of deodorant that he now doesn’t need to worry about so he is encouraging me to do it. I do say that picking your cashier can make all the difference, and trying to go to the same one each time if possible is even better. I love cashiers who are enthusiastic about couponing and are super interested in your savings, it makes it fun. I always try to be pleasant when I shop and chat up the cashier etc. It makes the trip much better I think. I just need to get better at paying attention to the cash register and coupon scanning.
I wouldn’t be too worried about what other people think. I honestly don’t mention, at the grocery store, if I have coupons or not because the person behind me will usually have to wait anyways because they have more items then the express check out and the lane I’m in is the only one. If there are issues even when I don’t have coupons I always apologize. But I feel like it shouldn’t bother you, even though it can, it shouldn’t. We just need to get better at being more confident at being couponers, because we aren’t doing anything wrong, we are trying to better our families and there is nothing wrong with this.
My coupon skills have saved me from having to apply for food stamps. It’s benefiting me, the economy, the government, and the tax payers.
My boyfriend said he thinks my couponing is very sexy. He loves all the money we save. He even brags to his friends, family, and coworkers about couponing. Don’t get down. People don’t know what they’re missing.
Those people don’t have to pay to put gas in your car, pay your mortgage, or your other expenses and still find money to buy your groceries. So who cares what they think. They are probably jealous because they don’t have the fortitude to manage their grocery bill as well as you do. So I say ignore them and keep doing your thang!
The next time someone says anything to you about your coupons simple point behind them and say “Look someone must haved dropped $20.00!” and see how fast there heads spin around to look for it!!!!! Then simple say I guess everyone wants something for FREE!!!! and walk away!!!! I love my coupons and I have been an “Extreme Couponer” for 15 years WHO CARES WHAT PEOPLE THINK everyone is going to have there opinions about you, you simple have to be happy with who YOU are and then nothing else matters! USE your coupons and to H*LL with what people say and think!!!! Dont stop couponing!
The only people that give weird looks are from haters and people that are jealous of what we can do for ourselves. Don’t blink an eye at anything they say.
I have been unemployed for over a year. I must save anywhere I can. I got a deal through Groupon to buy a year of the Sunday subscription for $10! I have more than made my money back with the coupons and with Collin’s postings of Target deals!
I gifted coupons (manufacturer’s and Target’s) to a young guy that was buying deodorant once. Wow, he was so happy…every aisle I ran into him, he’d show me his coupons with pride. Once, a woman hugged me when I gave her coupons for toilet paper. If you gave me a coupon, I might hug you too! Unfortunately, you got the one bad apple that wasn’t as happy as others are about coupons.
TAKE CARE OF NUMBER ONE! That would be you and your family. That’s what matters! Keep couponing.
Well, I guess that after using coupons successfully, you know that you’re crazy not to use them! 🙂
Cheer up – you’re doing the best that you can to help your family save money, and that’s all that matters when it comes to coupons!
I am pretty much a couponing “virgin”, but am figuring it out. Not by watching the show, but by listening to all of you. I do have quite the stock pile of cereals at the moment (85 boxes) but, in my defense, I did NOT buy all 85 at one time – 4 of one kind, 2 of another, here and there. My family of 6 goes through about a box every 2 days, so that 85 boxes will probably only last us the summer (if we are lucky).
Being a stay-at-home-mom, I have come to realize that any dollar I save on groceries is a dollar that can go into my or my husband’s gas tank.
I did a great CVS deal this morning where I only bought things I/we need and will use quickly and then ended up with my second transaction FREE. I had so few items to make it work, that I didn’t even need by my own two hands to get out of the store.
These “extremers” can never use all of their products in their lifetime. And why do I hear so few talk about donating to those who can’t even afford a newspaper to get their own coupons????
Let’s keep our heads held high and shame on anyone who is paying full price for anything!!! The stores get that money back, they should be more than happy to get the business no matter what.
I can VERY MUCH relate to many of the stories here….I am getting very discouraged. Our local Walgreens has been VERY negative toward couponers over the last 4-5 weeks, that I have decided to stop buying there. At least our local one. I even point out the Walgreens coupon policy but management treats me like I’m an uneducated idiot trying to take advantage of the “system”. I AM NOT one of those people, who I dislike greatly, who find a deal and clear the shelf.
My Wags has always been supportive. One cashier even would give you coupons from her own supply. I did not see much shelf clearing and did not do any myself.
This past weekend I was in the store on Sunday morning and overheard a cashier I did not recognize refer to couponers as “some of the nastiest people.” This comment came up as 2 people were looking for the Sunday paper and the newsstand was empty and the cashier had to keep referring people to a more out of the way stack. I could not imagine how couponers came up in this context as there were no inserts in last weeks paper. Left me with a bad taste in my mouth about the store. I would think the stores could train their employees better and also have policies in place to eliminate shelf clearing.
Hi Colin & Rashelle,
I totally understand how you feel. To be Honest with you I have been feeling the same way.
Since this show has been airing, and plus Ive been seeing so many others running in the stores and lining up before the sales has discouraged me. For the last 3 – 4 weeks I have not been doing hardly any of the shopping I use to do. I have also noticed the looks from people when they see my notebook, the cashiers have lost patients with coupons, and I actually had one tell me that next time go to someone else’s line. I hope my mood can pick back up for them, plus I have not seen to many good coupons lately.
thanks for listening
Mary in that case, that cashier crossed the line, and it may be worth confronting her in a polite way. If cashiers get too ugly it would also probably be best to call the manager later and just let them know what happened. When cashiers behave that way, it really can damage the integrity of the store, and the manager should be notified.
Hell- everyone and their mama is couponing now days……..with an economy like ours no one should be looking down at anyone…….we are all hopefully doing this for our familes…….we are not selling products to profit……..we are trying to survive………….
I say give yourself a pep talk before you go in………and be polite to cashiers…….and others…..
the old saying always comes through for me…..
ONLY GOD CAN JUDGE!!!!!!!!!!!!
You shouldn’t feel bad, you are helping your family. I think everyone is looking for ways to save money in this economy. I think of the family members I am able to help because I coupon. Hold your head up high because you have found a way to save money and if they other shoppers don’t like it, they can get in another line!! We are helping those cashiers keep their jobs, you’re purchasing items from their store. The store isn’t losing out on anything.
I remember as a kid, my Mom used to coupon really heavily to feed our family of 7. My dad was injured, and couldn’t bring in much money at all for a very long time, so coupons kept our cabinets, and refrigerator well stocked. I was always so grateful for my Mom and her wisdom when it came to shopping. She did teach my sister and I back then.
Now it’s my turn, and I am so grateful for the amazing coupon deals in our area. I have to say, I have been couponing for 8 years, and I hardly ever get any kind of bad attitude from passers by who see my coupon folder, or from those who get behind me in line. I always kindly let them know that I usually take a while, and that I felt it important to warn them in case they had somewhere they needed to be. Most are happy for the heads up, and choose to watch the transaction out of curiosity, or they get in a different line.
Actually, I usually get comments of admiration from those around me. They say things like, “I wish I knew how to do that”, and ask me how they can get started, so I refer them to my fav blogs and coupon sites. I can’t tell how many times I have done that. Also, if I have a line behind me in the checkout line, many times I end up chatting with the waiting customers, and they have actually clapped when they found out my total at the end. I am very glad for the encouragement I have received in couponing just from random strangers.
Now cashiers on the other hand…..I have received most animosity, and bad attitude from cashiers. I remember my mom having that problem as well, and to me that is unconscionable. I know one of our best couponing stores has a time limit for cashiers to finish checking each person, and I can’t imagine what kind of stress that puts on them. I usually try to scout cashiers, and pick them according to what kind of facial expression they have. If they look kind, and in a good mood I go through them, and it works out really well. If I’m stuck with someone that seems to be having a really bad day, I try to be as cheerful as possible.
Anyway, I would love to see on here how people handle ill treatment from cashiers.
I like to tell people coupons are merely just another form of currency. Cash, check, credit, or coupon: all works out the same in the end. The shareholders do not care how someone paid, so long as the products moved off the shelves.
And to any cashier that tries to tell you that your legitimate coupon or use of a coupon is fraudulent, please ask to see a manager. I guarantee you that stores need to know when cashiers are making such allegations (a felony) and inadvertently driving people over to their competitor’s doorsteps. If it was *my* grocery store and *my* cashier treated someone that way, I’d want to know so I can train them up or show them the door. Someone should hire couponers to be mystery shoppers when they suspect their store has become a coupon-hostile environment.
I’ve grown up using coupons. My grandmother, mother and I have always used coupons. It’s a way of life for me. I get dirty looks, cold shoulders and uncalled for comments, but it’s not going change that way I feel about using coupons. The way I look at it, the people making a scene are just jealous that they can’t save money that us “couponers” can. It’s the rush that I get in seeing how much money I can save in one shopping trip. I’m not a hoarder and I don’t have a grocery store that takes up my whole house. The money I save I use to go on vacations and have the luxuries that I would’ve been able to afford otherwise. So for those of you, questioning your coupon skills..DON’T.. keep doing what your doing and be proud of it!!
The worst part is when the cashier makes you feel like you are stealing by using so many coupons. They act as if you are taking the money out of THEIR pocket!
As a former cashier and an avid coupon shopper, I can see both sides of the issue. I worked at Target for over three years and one of the main issues I ran into was a lack of knowledge from the cashiers pertaining to the coupon policy. I remember during my cashier training there really wasn’t an emphasis on learning proper coupon procedures, so I made it MY personal goal to not only educate myself but also my fellow coworkers. Learning the coupon policy not only made me feel more comfortable using my own coupons but also allowed me to further my coupon knowledge to guests so that they too could take advantage of Target’s “stacking” policy. I have to admit it discouraged me to see that even my own SUPERVISORS were clueless at times. My biggest advice that many have already pointed out is GIVE FEEDBACK TO STORES! Make sure you take those surveys that print on receipts and if necessary call guest relations. When I was working at Target, guest comments from surveys and comment cards were posted in the back where every employee could read. That’s how I learned to better myself so that I could deliver the best service possible. ON THE OTHER HAND, as a cashier I saw coupon fraud happen A LOT.It made me sad that these people were taking advantage of not only the coupon system but also jeapordizing my job and my salary by causing my store to lose money. Stealing from the store was in a way stealing from me. So I can understand why some cashiers may be hesitant; however, that doesn’t justify a cashier being out right RUDE. I don’t take it personal anymore when a cashier double glances at my coupons or even calls over a manager. I understand that they are only doing it because they are uncomfortable. But the more they are exposed to coupons the more comfortable they will become. DON’T GIVE UP HOPE!!
As long as I know I am being ethical, I would never feel bad about saving my family money. If I can save 80% on my grocery bill, I’m going to do so and no one is going to make me feel bad about it. These are tough times and we are all trying to do more with less. You don’t owe anyone an explanation about how you spend (or don’t spend) your money. Please don’t allow the opinions of random strangers (who are probably putting their full-price grocery order on an 18% credit card that they can’t even pay off at the end of the month) negatively affect you.
Those people who have negative things to say about you just because you are using coupons, are not knowledgeable about the couponing process. If they were knowledgeable about the process, they would realize that the scenarios that are shown on TLC’s ‘Extreme Couponing’ are not realistic at all. The show should be called “Extreme Bending Coupon Rules for Television”. Couponing does not work the way it is portrayed on that show. I’m sure all of us are not saving 97% or more, on every shopping trip, and neither do those people on that show.
next time take your husband or anayone thats a male and see if they say something i allways go with my husband
You have found a way to help provide for your family. Be proud of your efforts you are doing it for a good cause. I am sure your family is proud of you and what you contribute. Just keep on clipping.
why would you ever be embarrassed?! i’m only 24 and i started using coupons, i’m so excited and happy to save money lol. don’t worry about those people who look at you, just think of all they money you are saving that you can use for your family. the money i get comes very hard, so why would you mind that you’re not spending hundreds of dollars on things you can get for almost free? it’s just silly, you should’t mind “those” people they’re the ones with problems :]