Extreme Couponing Affecting the Un-Extreme?
So, I received the following email from reader, Rashelle. She is feeling very discouraged about using coupons and even dreads going to the store. Here’s what she had to say:
Hi Collin, I know this may seem odd but I was wondering if you have heard from any readers that they have been feeling down about using coupons lately because I have. Ever since the “Extreme Couponing” show has been airing I feel myself getting looks from other customers. For example, I was at Toys ‘R’ Us the other day with my son and a lady in front of me had items that I had a store coupon for which I wasn’t going to use and I asked if she wanted it, she was very thankful and asked if I was sure I didn’t need it and my son said, don’t worry she has a whole binder of them at home, and her tone changed drastically as she said “Oh, you’re one of Those.”
I was in Publix last night doing my weekly coupon shopping and was flipping thru my binder when a couple of women walked past me, looked me up and down and then one said to the other “she’s loco” (crazy in Spanish) and at checkout a husband and wife came into line behind me at the end of my transaction while my coupons were being scanned and started talking very loudly about how the people on “that show” take advantage of shopping (and I didn’t even have a cart full of stuff).
There have been so many times lately when I feel glaring eyes upon me and I feel I need to justify myself to these people and say I am not a hoarder, I don’t have a small grocery store in my house, I am not clearing shelves, and so on, but of course I just smile and keep my mouth shut. I hate this feeling of being embarrassed and ashamed of my coupons because I use to be so proud and happy of all of my great savings and I don’t want this to ruin couponing for me, but it has left me very discouraged, and instead of being excited to do my weekly trip, I almost dread it. I was just wondering if I am the only one experiencing this behavior. Thanks for your time and for everything you do!
Since I cannot give you a hug (I so love hugs!) or tackle the stores with you, I am hoping that all of you readers can make Rashelle feel inspired to continue being proud to use her coupons! What ways have you motivated yourself in times of discouragement? How have you made your couponing adventures positive and fun?
I can relate. I got asked yesterday if I had copied my coupons. I showed the cashier how they all have unique codes on them, but I was still a little offended.
I too am starting to see the stares and hear the “whispered” comments. TLC made my couponing feel dirty and cheap (not in a good way cheap either!)
But I continue on knowing that I can feed my family of four and five pets for $120 per month. That is worth the stares in my opinion. It is hard but I do my best to feel the pride through the gawking, knowing that my husband is super proud and brags to his friends and co-workers about his crazy smart wife. ^_^
really? 120 a month? milk, bread, produce and meat cost way more than this per week in my house. please, share your secrets!
I know the feeling, I am sorry – just think that all those people are paying way way too much for whatever they buy!
Thank you for sharing this email! I’ve been feeling the same way lately! I’ve gotten some crazy looks from other customers and encountered a lot of coupon unfriendly workers! I think there’s just a lot of bad couponers out there right now, who are clearing the shelves and misusing coupons! It’s sad, but hopefully this craziness will slow done soon!! I would just say stick with it and find support from fellow couponers!
I’m very thankful for this site and Collin who tries to keep things in perspective! 🙂
You’ll probably here this a hundred times on this post, but just ignore them. I’ve had people in line behind me yelling at me that they are late to go somewhere. I just pretend I didn’t hear them. If it makes you really anxious, try going at more ‘off’ times, so there is less of a crowd. Or you can just make smaller transactions. There are other times that people behind me say “wow, I should use coupons” after they see how much I save. Remember that couponing is an art. It is not easy! No one in my extended family uses coupons. It is time consuming, and you have to be somewhat smart to work out the best deals and matchups. Keep your chin up. Just ignore them, or smile so big at those people who try to put you down. They will be so confused, and will feel so small. Remember that the money you save helps not only you, your family, friends, charities, etc, but also keeps the economy going, because w/o some coupons, you wouldn’t be buying some of the products.
Good luck 🙂
To all those who are experiencing odd looks, negative comments or downright rudeness, please remember why you started couponing to begin with. I started a few months ago because my husband was laid off of work and my income was barely sufficient to cover expenses. This was one way we could cut back on how much we spent on feeding our three teenage boys (who eat A LOT) and still be able to pay the bills. I don’t feel at all guilty for taking extra time at the checkout or taking the last mustard on the shelf. If I didn’t take it, someone else would. And they’d probably pay retail for it! We all do what we need to do in order to create the best lives for our families. In my opinion, people who don’t take advantage of the opportunities that couponing offers are the crazy ones!
I so had to reply to your comment #1 because you have my name 🙂 love it #2 becasue I agree with what you said! My husband I were married about 2 years ago and after the very first grocery trip (ya know the very scary one where you have absolutely nothing and you need EVERYTHING) I decided there was no way with us just starting out could we afford that much of an expense each month) so I decided to coupon and am amazed at how much we can save, now almost two years later I still get excited when I can get my husband some name brand deodorant for free! I lost my job in March (well quit would be the better word I could NOT handle the stress that, that particular job gave me so I quit) dumb I know and yes money is WAYYYY beyond tight for us right now so every little thing we can save on is a blessing for us, and I know that when I do find another job I will actually be able to put the money we save with coupons in a savings account and have something for the “just- in cases” in life. If someone tries to make me feel bad about coupons I always say very polietly that “it is our money and we can do with it what we wish and we chose to save more of ours by using coupons!”
I feel the same way. My Kroger has stopped doubling and tripling coupons, and my local Walmart continues to go against the national Walmarts coupon policy with their own. They don’t care if it says one per purchase, but will only let you do one per transaction, and you must have each coupon that you are using ON the item as it is coming down the line so they can scan it at that time. They have created so much hassle. I can imagine the time it will take to unload my cart, add the coupon on each item. Check to make sure it hasn’t fallen off by the time it is ready to be scanned, all while I’m trying to corral my kids. This whole process makes ME look like I’m the one doing something wrong. I’ve given up on Walmart now.
Don’t blame you on giving up at Wal Mart! I once bought ink cartridges for my printer only to get them home and find that they were empty and brought back to the store. I returned immediately and they had the nerve to tell me that It was me!!!! I was completely offended especially watching someone in front of me return over $200 worth of DVD’s and Football Jerseys (of which were duplicates so you can see where my conclusion was made) They finally did give me a refund with 2 store managers overseeing the transaction! I really do not like WalMart for making me that way and I promise you I NEVER buy my ink from there again.
Call Walmart Corporate and tell them your store isn’t following the policy. The stores are required to follow it unless the Store manager has issued a policy change. If he has it should be posted so customers will know. The only way the stores will change is if we make the first move.
You know, I get looks for telling my kid she can’t have something she’s throwing a fit over.no matter what you do their will people who don’t like it. Stand tall and keep walking. Those people have no clue what they are missing. I’ve gotten many looks but I give them a look back of happiness! Because of coupons my life doesn’t rule around the stress of financies anymore! Soon enough it will become apart of the normal world. Whatever normal is?
That extreme coupon show is a disgrace! It is hoarding and has changed people’s perceptions of coupons. Couponing was already a battle as it was and this has only caused more issues. My store now states that the “card” coupons (those you place on your card from their website) can not be used with a manufacturer coupon because they consider the ones on the card manufacturer as well……if that was the case then why did they allow if for so long (combining both card and coupons) and why is it that I can’t take my store card to other places and use them? I even asked for a policy from their store and they couldn’t produce one. Quite frustrating indeed. Cashiers and customers give looks…. but to me, that’s always been the case. I figure at least I give them something to talk about, otherwise what else would they have to discuss? These are the same people calling Dave Ramsey for financial advise and racking up credit card debt so go ahead let them talk…..I’m saving money however I can and making no apologies for it 🙂
I’ve found that being super friendly with the cashier helps. I usually state that I’m using coupons, and if I have more than one transaction, I tell them that up front and also let them know that I’m happy to get out of line and back in if there are customers behind me. I always look for young men or women cashiers as they seem the most likely to get a kick out of the savings I get.
I don’t do multiple transactions at grocery stores. All the grocery stores have a 3 like coupons limit and I stick with that. The drug stores are the best. I’ve gone out of my way to make friends with the staff and managers at Walgreens, Rite Aid and CVS. At Walgreens, I’ve become great friends with the cosmetic counter girls and always cash out there. Thanks to Collin giving me a heads up about Walgreens cosmetic promo items, I always fit one in there for the cosmetic girls and they are very appreciative and always let me know what coupons they have behind the counter and what the best deals are.
If a coupon beeps or there’s any other problem, I let it go. I get so many good deals and savings from coupons it’s just not worth getting bent out of shape over the few times a deal doesn’t work. I think being gracious and friendly goes a long way in using coupons. I cannot tell you how many times a cashier has told me about greedy customers clearing shelves or getting angry because their coupons won’t work.
A HUGE help to me has been to personally write the store via their website comments section and compliment cashiers that have been kind/ helpful to me by name. I then tell them I wrote and/or provide a copy of the letter. Those cashiers have been amazing every time afterwards. They often get that put in their performance record so it means a lot to them. It’s worth a shot….
I’ve had that ‘funny look’ experience and it is a bit discouraging, but at the end of the day, they’re the ones who should be getting the funny looks because they’re throwing so much money away. I also have several people ask me about my couponing and i’m more than happy to help them get started ( i usually point them in the direction of hip2save and show them how to get organized 🙂 ) These experiences make me feel better about the discouraging moments.
Shoot, I don’t really get the whole coupon thing and how you get the free things. and I live in Florida so theres no double coupons, But I do know I love to walk in the store with the little coupons I have. I do a monthly shop in my house so every penny I save helps. Last month I saved $30.00 I was so proud of myself, my husband even told me way togo. so I could just Imagen what he would do if I could buy $1000.00 worth of grocery’s for $30.00. so all I can say is KEEP UP WITH THEM COUPONS!!! Your doing it for your FAMILY!!!!!! :0 )
For the first time I asked a store manager for help finding some of the items that were a really good deal and he admitted that they didn’t have them to start with. I told him that I shop there weekly and can never get the items on my list because they are always out. I asked if there was a better time to shop after they are stocked and he said “those people” were always cleaning him out for the entire week on the first day of the ad (as I clutched my coupons). He said he tried to offer subtitute products to keep customers happy but “those people” had coupons and would not accept the substitutions.
We don’t have any stores in our area that double coupons which is so disappointing but I try my best to still get good deals but rarely do I find the products in stock. It’s so frustrating and I’m embarrassed every time I go because of rude and mean cashiers and customers. Doesn’t seem worth the trouble although I love getting great deals. Should I start a support group? LOL
I think that if people who don’t even know you are willing to talk behind your back about the couponing, I wouldn’t take it personally. They are just referring to a stereotype that they see on TV. They have never met you or know anything about you so let them talk how they want. Don’t ever take it personal and realize that many of us couponers will stand behind you no matter what.
You have to look at it this way….people like that are just jealous!!! I’ve ran into a few people like this, including cashiers. It takes a lot of time to coupon, A Lot and they just don’t have the skills or patience to save money… So Be Proud and remember, they DO NOT pay your bills so they can kiss your butt…keep smiling and saving 🙂
Listen, do not let complete strangers make you feel bad, let alone ashamed! What we are doing is legit, is right and we would be fools if once having this knowledge or the “truth” 🙂 haha, we dont use it!
For one thing, dont watch the TLC program, is like being pregnant and watching all those programs about emergencies at the delivery room! Soon the fuzz about Extreme Couponing is going to die and in the mean time, we will continue saving money!
I enjoy finding deals, I like being frugal and I also do it for my family. Every cent I save is a cent that allows me to continue staying at home with my children, what better reason!?
Try not to even think about it, or you will think that even people who look at you for other reasons (like your gorgeous hair for all those amazing products you have snatched for free!) are staring at you because of your coupons and maybe its not even the case! Good luck and cheer up!
I have boycotted that show!! In my opinion most of the people on the show are just making the rest of us look bad. It makes me sick to see how little they give back! I think one thing you can do is NOT watch the show and maybe for lack of support they will take it off the air and things will settle down! 🙂 Hang in there…Try to remember those people are ignorant of couponing and what you are doing. Kill em with a “Bless your heart” and with kindness! It always works in the South!! 😉
where’s my “like” button 🙂
Same here I watched it once and tried to watch it again but it made me sick to my stomach when I saw that lady who said that God gives her the inserts! She had over a 180 coupon inserts for that week alone. In one trip she bought 150 advils or something like that. I changed the channel after about 10 minutes and never watched that nonsense again. Some of these people shoud be investigated.
I’ve been very lucky in terms of not getting any looks from other shoppers (I live in Houston, TX) and I’ve only run into a couple of instances where products were all sold out in the stores (it happens mostly in Walgreens) but I have noticed some of the cashiers are frustrated when you hand them a bunch of coupons. The worst is Walgreens here in my area with that, but it’s not too bad in general…
I live in Houston too! Walgreens is the worst place for me. CVS is awesome. Wags won’t let me use a MFR coupon with the monthly coupon book. I’ve asked Corporate, but they defer to the store manager to decide. What is your experience on this?
I’ve never run into that problem but I live in Katy and the Wags in Katy lets me use the MFG and the Wags coupon, but they do give sometimes give me a “look” for using coupons. I’ve even brought in their coupon policy printed out to show them and that helps, if you haven’t tried that it might work. There are only so many Wags in Katy, and I do my shopping on Sundays, so I find that I have to rotate my Wags out, I’ll go to one location one weekend, another the next weekend, etc. That seems to help, too. All the CVS in my area are awesome! I have the best luck there, and usually get the most savings from CVS. I am hardly ever hagled by the cashier when I go to CVS.
I say the Hell with all of them!!! I Love couponing and I to at times get the looks and comments but I just think of the accomplishment that I do for my family and myself. That is enough for me to keep doing what I do best. So I say keep doing what you do and I also would give you a hug.
All right girls…like Shannon said, “we are doing this for our families”. If it were for any other reasons we would not waste so much time and energy! There are also positive people out there…I have had several elderly people say that they are proud to see that a younger person would be so organized and smart with their money, because not many people are. Think about that for a moment… When there are people who stare or who are rude I will just smile, make a very nice comment, and walk away. I want to be the better person but I can’t make them smart, I can’t help it if they don’t want to save the money that they have worked so hard for. As for the shelves being cleared…that is frustrating but also exciting because that means that they are other people who care about their families as much as we do!
I went to the commissary a few weeks ago and had a stack of coupons, I’ve always taken a stack of coupons, years before it was cool to coupon, I did it. I regularly save 30%, which might not be a big deal to most, but it is to us. Anyways, I was doing my ‘my coupons are expiring and I need to use them’ trip. Had checked that everything was valid and knew nothing was expired and the cashier questioned me on everything, seriously, you would have thought I was robbing the store. I was so disgusted with the way she treated me… I would never treat a customer like that! I mentioned to the person in line behind me that ‘you would think I’m stealing or something’…. good grief!
You can always call over a manager or use the I.C.E. survey system to let them know how you were treated. I have found they really don’t like getting bad reviews on the I.C.E. It can effect whether or not their contract is renewed and if they get their raises…
I have been getting discouraged too! But not because of the people, when I check out people usually say wow I wish I could do that/have the time to do it. Lately every store I go to is out of everything! I wish that show didnt come out because now everyone is trying to get everything that is on the shelf. Bad news is, only one or two people get the great deals.
i dont get discouragaed at all- because at the end i have more money left and can put that money i saved towards other things i want to do- dont let them looks get to u- just hold your head up high and coupon away! Thats what I do- I actually had a employee at a walmart laugh because I used all my coupons on trial size products on which was allowed- I asked her what was so funny? – she said u bought everything trial now we have to give u money back. I called walmart cust serivce #- they appologized and had the manager of that store call me- they had a $20 gc waiting for me- so stand up for whats right-Thats what I teach my kids- THERE IS NO NEED TO BE ASHAMED OR DISCOURAGED TO USING COUPONS! especially when u know your are using them right!
You took the words right out of my mouth! I just moved to Washington state (military) and live where they is one Walgreens within a decent drive. Its a 24 hour store. 2 couponers go in at midnight and clear the shelves. There is nothing left the rest of the week. Management claims they cannot limit them but its clearly stated they have no limits on coupons unless the stock is not high enough to give everyone a chance to shop. Their response was, they are working on uping the stock, until then they apologize. Right. My couponing fun has ended when I need it most, moving into a new home and need to buy all those liquids I had to leave behind from the move.
So what I am saying is im not ashamed to use my coupons but ashamed to be associated with those who do clear shelves, as gathered from the awful glares and comments. I am discouraged because I cant even get a deal the same day it comes out…every week.
I am in the same situation in NC. All the fun of going to Walgreens is gone because someone always wipes them out the first day of the sale. It is the onlyl store close enough for me to get to at lunch and I used to enjoy the break it gave me in the middle of my work day, plus scoring the savings. I’ve mentioned it to the cashiers and nothing has changed. It is very discouraging.
I get so frustrated with people thinking someone “cleared the shelves” at Walgreens…yes, I’m sure it happens. BUT….I can tell you I have talked to some of the cashiers…for the Clean & Clear Body Wash B1G1 free sale, the first person in the store cleared the shelves!! BUT THEY ONLY HAD TWO BODY WASHES ON THE SHELF TO BEGIN WITH! This week Ritz Crackerfuls….the store got NONE IN! Listerine deal, they never got any in. So the Wags around here, if you are the first person in and buy one or two sales items, the manager can officially say that we’ve cleared the shelves! Or else it’s a warehouse problem….well, Walgreens needs to change their supplier/warehouse. Funny that the body wash that was B1G1 free was a supply issue, so was the Ritz Crackerfuls, so was the Advil, so was the….on and on. But then the next week once the sale and RRs are over, the items suddenly are available. Hmmmm….bait and switch…get you in the store for these “great deals” that really don’t exist.
I had a couple of incidents but I sure won’t let it stop me! Don’t give up your power to other people so easily! They are just not educated about the value of couponing. Funny story – the other day a person was interviewed in our office for a job (he happened to work at Walgreens) and out of the blue made a comment about ‘those crazy couponers’. The person interviewing him said “you may not want to say that out loud to certain people in this office!” lol We got a good laugh out of it.
I used to feel weird using coupons to the point of apologizing for the inconvenience but then I realized that if I can save my family money by couponing then I didn’t care what people thought. If someone rude makes comments I tell them some of my huge savings that I have acheived by shopping this way then I also tell them by couponing I can then afford to take nicer vacations and buy my kids things that they want. I explain that in today’s economly it would be silly not to take steps to make life easier financially. It is worth my time and energy to be able to have family time worth bragging about. When I take those vacations I can proudly say it was financed by coupon savings!!!!! Chin up to those that are discouraged and be proud that you are frugal enough to do better for your family.
I look at it like this….THEY’RE JEALOUS because they do not have the savvy to save money! My thoughts…….why spend extra money on things I have a coupon for when I can use that saved money for other things needed or wanted. Here’s a thought…..when people stare at you, walk up to them and ask them “do I have a boogar flying when I breathe?”. Hahaha! That gets them every time!!!! Wink wink!!!
I havent gotten too many mean looks from people… mostly people are just curious.
The problem for me is that shelves are cleared out everywhere I go. I really don’t understand why stores don’t plan better. They just order the same amount of stock even when they know they are having a sale. It is so frustrating.
I have the same problem… ESP AT WALGREENS!!! Thank goodness walmart price matches! 🙂
Walmart won’t price match register rewards and up rewards and such though…
No, I don’t feel discouraged. I am doing everything I can to save money for my family and don’t give a crap about what other people may think. I mean if my transaction takes longer than it should, I always apologize to people behind me or let them know I use coupons so they could move into another line. I usually smile and add, You know, trying to save as much as I can with diapers and all. (I usually have my baby with me when I shop). Everyone is always understanding and I’ve never had a bad experience. And even if I did, oh well. My family is what matters. I am sorry you had to go through this. 🙁
Don’t be discouraged. People will talk no matter what you do. I had someone approach me at kohl’s because my 2 yr old was throwing a fit. She basically told me he felt unloved and was insecure and told me to leave the store. I left all right… in tears.. then went home and cried some more…. You do what is best for your family!! If it’s using coupons then got for it!!! They are just jealous we save so much money!!!
People like this usually don’t even have children. What a shame that they get their kicks from trying to degrade the rest of us. That’s usually more indicative of a problem with them than anything having to do with you. I’m sorry that happened to you.
I agree with all of those who said ‘don’t be ashamed’ or ‘remember you’re saving money for your family’. I, too, am nothing close to an extreme couponist, but I take pride in saving any amount in coupons. If it were illegal to coupon, manufacturers and stores would change or eliminate their coupons so until that happens, keep on keepin’ on!!! Consider yourself smart, frugal, and resourceful. And remember: rejection or a type of no or judgment is just lack of understanding or knowledge on their part. Long live the coupon! 🙂
I hate it too and I am very self conscious to begin with! But since I always have my girls with me, I look at them & remember why I am doing it!
I have experienced the same looks and stares. if I had a nickle for every time someone made the comment,” So your one of those Extreme Couponers!?” I would not need to Coupon! I have also had people follow me out of the store in awe of how much I have just saved. Couponing has been amazing to me and my family as I’m sure it been great for you and your family.
Read this and if you do not PEE your pants, then you know your “Normal” and just like to save money with Coupons.
You might be a couponer..
If you have ever tried to inconspicuously search through the buggy coral for abandoned catalinas, just making it look like you are “wandering” for a minute before you enter the store.
If you have ever circled the checkout lanes a few times like a vulture waiting to spot the “perfect” cashier.
If you have ever picked that cashier, and been so totally wrong and it buzzkilled your trip.
If in addition to your coupon binder, you have a coupon clutch, filing cabinet, coupon visor, coupon wallet, and coupon dashboard in your car….and so on lol
If anyone has ever stopped you in the store and said something along the lines of ” Hey……are you one of those extreme couponers??”
If you giggled to yourself when they did because you couldnt imagine stopping a random person and asking ” hey…..are you one of those people who pay way too much for everything??”
If you’ve ever had a conversation similar to this:
(in shower) la de de da da dooooo.. uh oh. Out of bodywash.. “Hey babe?” “BAAAAABE” oh for pete’s sake (grabs towel and jumps out with shampoo driping down) :stomp stomp stomp: “Did you not HEAR me? What are you doing anyway, ohhh…(stares at TV) are the braves winning?” I need bodywash can you go get me some??”
Husband: (grumbles..you were just in here.. did you not see last time you took a shower you needed…)
Me: “WHAT?? (shouting) I can’t hear you!!”
Husband: Nothing, babe. Ok.. Nivea, Clean and clear..(orange, blue, AND pink) Nivea, ( OoOooo it has bonus lip balm) Dove, Tone, Nivea, Softsoap… dial…….. nivea…geez. WHAT KIND????? :grabs softsoap:
Me: la deeee doo da dum “Ack, no not this kind!”
Husband: (grumbles.. well why do you have TEN of them..)
or a convo like this:
Daughter noticeably upset flipping through your coupon binder
You: ” Hey sweetie… what, whatcha doin there?”
Daughter: ” Nothing..”
You: “hmm, well… ya looking for something?”
Daughter: “YEAH, I’m looking for a coupon for a bike cause I know if I find a really good one.. you’ll buy it!”
Me: “it’s true”
If your kids/husband like to show off your stockpile as if it were a new car or something. “She’s got like 50 of these and didn’t even pay anything but TAX”
Kid’s friends: “yeah… but why???”
If you dust and rotate your stockpile as regularly scheduled, but forget to dust the mantle.
You have ever asked for newpapers as a birthday/ mother’s day present
If your kids run to the freezer section to see which icecream is on sale then report to you immediately “Mayfield is BOGO mom.”
If you can spot a 75% off sale tag from 2 aisles away.
If you used to have dreams of winning the lottery, but now it’s more like finding a pile of awesome coupons.
If you ever receive a call in the drugstore and the first thing your asked is “What all are you getting THIS time”
If you’ve ever had a conversation like this:
:Ring Ring:
“Hey…. wanna meet for lunch?”
“Sure.. what do you want?”
“I don’t care, what do you want”
“Ugh, seriously.. just, I don’t care”
“Hmm, ok got any coupons for anywhere?”
“Probably not with me.. it doesn’t matter just pick”
‘Oh of course, when I don’t have my coupons”
“Sorry, Johnny’s?”
“ok…well where is that?”
“Off the interstate, make a right…then..Do you know where Autozone is?”
“Jiffy Lube”
“There’s a Publix and RiteAid is right there across the street?”
“Oh of course, why didn’t you say so?”
“Well it’s on the left after you pass Rite Aid”
“Pass….riteaid?? WHY would I do that??”
If you purchase anywhere form 4 to 6 newspapers a week…but can’t remember the last time you read the newspaper.
If your binder is like your american express card “You never leave home without it”
If WUC has the number one spot on “most visited websites” on google chrome or is your homepage.
If your kids are blinkie bandits (only a few per machine of course) in the grocery store and you couldnt be more proud..
If everytime you walk in with an arm full of bags the first question is “How much did you spend” The second is “Whatdya get me?”
If the question “How much did you spend..” No longer makes you nervous, but excited to tell the total!!
If you don’t have the typical “Bread, Milk, Eggs” to buy list… but more like “Razors, Flyswatters, batteries, shampoo,scotch tape…
If while shopping you have ever received this text “Did you forget where you live?”
If even though bodywash or laundry detergent should never have to be on your list, they are almost every single week.
If you are on WUC so much MORE than you ever were Facebook.
If you made a “bull snort” sound at every line you read..because you knew it was true
If you just realized you did that, and it made you laugh even more..
Haha, I can relate to many of those.
What is WUC?
We Use Coupons. It’s a blog/forum.
I haven’t been responding to all of these great posts because there are just so many, but this was so clever and made me laugh!
People look at me crazy as well but I absolutely do NOT let that affect my couponing. Dont let it affect yours either! I have been snickered at and called a “crazy coupon lady” but who cares! I save enough money each month to MAKE MY TRUCK PAYMENT and THEN SOME! I have to admit, it is embarrassing some times because I never have the opportunity to defend myself (and even if I did have the opportunity I probrably wouldnt waste my time doing so) but Im sure not embarrassed when I drive away in my NEW truck! Lol. Let them laugh. Theyre the ones losing out.
I too now feel the heat of couponing, I have been meaning to move my mass of coupons to a binder but have hestitated because i am afraid of the looks of other shoppers and cashiers. I think its crazy in these economic time to look down on couponing and I think people tend to judge what they don’t understand. Sad! Hopefully once the Extreme Couponing show dies down, we can all feel better about our hard work and saving our family money.
I think there are a lot of crazy coupon people. And there are a lot of people with stockpiles (to me, that’s a little much, but I *don’t* have a large family). But you know what? Who care? I think if someone is giving you a hard time because you have 98 bottles of mustard in your cart and they need some damn mustard for a picnic, they are in the right: you are crazy.
However, most people just stick their noses in other people’s business. Who cares what others say? If you do feel a need to respond to them (say, if you’re kids are around!), why not just smile and say “well, every little bit helps.”
I don’t think you’re doing yourself any favors by engaging in a conversation- you’ll probably walk away feeling frustrated. Remember that when people see you check out with 10 coupons and walk away paying $10 for $40 of stuff, they get resentful that they are about to pay $40 for $40 of stuff. Hold your head high, keep your mouth shut, and keep on doing your thing. Enjoy your trip to Disney with your saved money (or breathe a little easier knowing you’re not going to have to skip a doctor’s appt to pay for groceries–we all have our own reasons for couponing).
I don’t think I get discouraged because of the show and people’s reactions. When people comment to me on the show I am VERY QUICK to say “No I am NOT A HOARDER! (they usually laugh at this point) I don’t need 60 bottles of mustard!” Then I might give out more info if they ask. I don’t really notice when people say things though, because I’m too focused on what I’m doing in the store. I will say that like other people have pointed out I get frustrated when the shelves seem to be wiped out (Nivea Body Wash at Walmart, anyone??). But then again I try not to let those things bother me. It’s like driving, working, or going to school there are always going to be the people that abide by the rules. Then there are always going to be the people that break the rules or like to bend them. You can’t control other people. You just have to let it go or you end up being a very angry person. I just don’t like people’s bad energy to get to me.
My mama always (and still says) “You cant make people do the right thing, you just have to make sure your doing the right thing” and I always have to add ” What goes around comes around!” Thought those quotes fit well with what you said 🙂
I’m feeling the backlash too. I was getting a few things at Walgreens. The cashier got all huffy with me. She actually asked me if I was actually going to use the (4) icy hot, or if I was just getting it because it was free? I shouldn’t have to defend my purchase. Yes, my husband will be using them. He’s in deployed and has to hike up to 10 miles a day with a ruck sack since they can’t drive. I shouldn’t have to say that though. Its not like I wiped them out. They had a good 30 of those on the shelf.
It’s NOT in any way, shape, or form harming them. People don’t know what’s going on in your life and it’s human nature to judge without getting to know a person, it’s horrible but true. I’ve felt the same lately and actually had a similar experiance where guy said I was TOO organized after looking at my binder. I thanked him for the compliment and kind of chuckled. He had a very serious face on and told me it was not a compliment. I just smiled and told him I’d take it as a compliment anyway. He does not know that coupon has been my ways for survival for the last few months since both me and my fiance have lost our jobs and have a 1 year old and a baby on the way. He didn’t know that binder has been my way to get food and cleaning items and other necesities. Do NOT let these people get you down! You seem to be kind, esp with sharing savings that you don’t need. If people give you problems, kill ’em with kindness! 🙂 You may never see these people again, or you may even become great friends with them and introduce them to the magic of couponing, since they obviously don’t understand how much help it can truely be. Everytime you get a dirty look, or some comment, give yourself a compliment for looking out for your family. And kudos to you for looking out for your family by saving money so you can get things you wouldn’t normally be able to get. Keep your chin up! 🙂
someone asked when i had handed over my stack of coupons (which now i have have taken Collin’s advice for the crisscross since they missed a coupon one time), “is that the whole Sunday paper?” all i had to say was, i do what i have to do to get by.
As I hand my coupons over to the cashier I ask “Have you seen that Extreme Coupon show?” “Aren’t you glad that I’m not one of those?” Normally it gets a laugh from the cashier and strikes up a conversation with the people in line behind me.
I love this answer! I’m going to have to try it out, when I’m not at one of my “regular” stores 😀
Sometimes I just shop late at night right before closing on a weekday. There’s nobody around like the weekends, so nobody to judge. I just shrug it off anyway. I barely coupon, so they are judging me for no reason. It’s obviously THEM who has a problem, not us. 🙂
Don’t let it get to you. I do understand the frustration. Many of our stores here have changed policies due to “extreme couponers”– the hoarders. I do admit, I stock up when I get things on sale…. but never more than what I’m going to use or the small amount I buy to donate. I don’t clear the shelves and I’m certainly not doing anything crooked (even though so many cashiers want to look at you that way).
One store here has also issued a “one like coupon per family policy”. Sadly that is affecting people who shop together that live in two different households. Adults who take their elderly parents shopping at this one store are being told that they both can’t use a like coupon that is being doubled. How sad is that? Policies keep changing so quickly that it’s almost impossible to keep up with them. And sadly, the greatest percentage of couponers are doing it to be able to provide better for their families in a weakened economy. Yet, we are paying the price for the hoarders and those who take advantage of the system. But remember, don’t let it stop you. After all, that’s money in your pocket that you can use for your families needs everytime you save using those coupons!
I LOVE to coupon and LOVE my binder!!! I also don’t mind telling people this is my contribution to the monthly budget. It’s how I stretch my hubby’s paycheck!!
Don’t feel down about couponing! I wish I could be an Extreme Couponer, I’m just getting started and it’s harder then I thought it would be. So be an Inspiration for others like me and hold your head high! Your doing something a lot of wish we could do!! Good Luck!!
I have noticed in some stores, but today I went to Rite Aid and they still had items on their shelves (liking the new policy) and the cashier was so friendly and went out of her way to talk to my daughter. I shop where they are friendly and if a cashier or manager is rude to me I write them a letter and corporate because I do not think they should treat their customers poorly. I then let them know that I will no longer be shopping with them. I had to do this at Vons recently since the cashier said, “we don’t take copied coupons.” I have been shopping there for 16 years and I will not fo back and I wrote a letter to the manager and corporate about how the employees are approaching people using coupons. That is the only way things are going to change. I am polite and use coupons correctly, but do NOT accuse me of copying coupons!
I refuse to give up, at walgreens a guy actually got me laughing and giggling , he was picking on me , I explained how I was not an extreme coupons that I saved money and did not have more toothbrushes then I could use , that show is , well just dumb, I mean really thats not about couponing at all , its about hoarding they do not show us right
I hardly ever get anything said to me by anyone. I’ve been told I’m pretty intimidating and who really wants to mess with someone who looks like they will wait for you outside the store because of something you may have said to them. Don’t worry about what people say to or think of you. And the reason cashiers get upset is because some really don’t want to make their job any “harder” they think it should be. Which is actually funny to me. End of the day you do this for you not them.
I get more heat from my extended family that knows me more than I do strangers and I give my family free stuff all the time. Why not get something free when you can and if its something you dont need then donate it to someone who can. I got my grandfather 7 boxes of denture cleaner a few weeks ago and when he offered to pay me for it I laughed because I got paid .50 cents from the store for everyone I bought. I told him he didnt owe me a thing that the store paid me lol. I do have a small closet full of personal care items and food items but it would only last my family of 5 maybe 3 months and when the closets get to full I always donate to someone that can use it. As far as strangers go, Ive had most people ask me to help them learn how to save and so Im osting a coupon class in a few weeks 🙂
Oh my goodness… my heart breaks to hear this… Listen it is what it is… on occasion I feel like people are staring or judging.. but, in the end I’m doing something that will help not only me but, my family, friends and give tons of donations… how many of those ppl judging do you think donate on a regular basis? We are all judged on many different things if that’s the worst they have to say about me… I say go for it… or like my Mom says if there talking about me, their leaving someone else alone!!!
PS- As far as the cashiers and managers… I dont let them get to me at all… it is there job to make sure the store and the customers are following their policies, so If i’m not doing anything wrong there is nothing to feel bad about..